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Evolutionary Designs of African Animals Danielle Lesso College of Engineering Pennsylvania State University [mwanasimba] Slide 2 During the dry season in the African grasslands, fierce competition exists among the animals for water 2 [] Slide 3 On the African savannah, predators of different sizes and strategies compete for large herd animals Slide 4 This talk presents evolutionary designs of the largest, tallest, and fastest land animals on the planet African Elephant Giraffe Cheetah 4 Slide 5 Modern elephants are the only remaining species of a vast order of animals [] 5 [] Slide 6 Elephants have changed size and shape over time 6 [] Slide 7 Using infrasonic sounds, elephants can communicate up to several kilometers apart infrasonic 7 Human hearing range [] Slide 8 Infrasonic communication is made possible by the elephants unique hyoid and trunk time 8 [] [] Slide 9 Elephants can communicate long distances by using seismic vibrations 9 Slide 10 Elephants can also physically generate seismic vibrations [] 10 Slide 11 Seismic signals are picked up in the elephants wide feet 11 [] Fatty Cushion Slide 12 Elephants are masters of communication, thanks to key evolutionary designs [] 12 Slide 13 Arnason, B. 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Retrieved from References Not Projected During Slideshow Slide 14 Reflection on the delivery of this sections speakers Slide 15 Giraffes are truly unique African mammals 15 [][] [] Slide 16 Evolutionary designs help giraffes survive in the dangerous African savannah [Fore, Himes, Thomas; Dr. Eric Chudler] 16 Slide 17 The coat of the giraffe aids in camouflage and parasite protection [] 17 benzene p-cresol [Fore, Himes, Thomas] Slide 18 Giraffes coats also play a role in thermoregulation 18 [] [] Sites of thermoregulation Slide 19 The circulatory system of giraffes overcomes the challenges posed by the animals height 19 [] Slide 20 Valves in the neck arteries keep giraffes from passing out when they have to live their lift heads quickly 20 [] [] Slide 21 Characteristic height and good eyesight are also key to survival 21 [Fore, Himes, Thomas] RightLeft Both Slide 22 The giraffe is very capable of survival, thanks to evolutionary designs 22 [] Slide 23 References Not Projected During Slideshow Badlangana, N. 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Retrieved from Slide 24 Reflection on the delivery of this sections speakers Slide 25 [] 25 Cheetahs have evolved into excellent hunters [] Slide 26 [] [] [] A cheetah is a great hunter because of its speed, keen senses, and clever strategies [] Speed [] Senses [] [luxurytravelblog. net] 26 [] Strategies Slide 27 A cheetah has an extremely flexible spine, powering its long stride [] 27 [] Slide 28 The long tails of cheetahs allow them to make quick turns, while their claws provide traction [] 28 Slide 29 A cheetah relies on both its eyesight and its hearing to locate and stalk prey 29 [] [] Slide 30 The cheetah uses strategy to complement its physical advantages during hunting 30 [] Slide 31 There are drawbacks to being the fastest land animal [] 31 Slide 32 Even with the drawbacks, the cheetah is a unique predator because of its evolutionary design 32 [] Slide 33 In summary, evolutionary designs have allowed elephants, giraffes, and cheetahs to survive in extreme conditions African Elephant Giraffe 33 Cheetah Slide 34 However, man poses challenges to these species that evolutionary change might not be able to overcome 34 [Pringle] [U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service] Slide 35 References Not Projected During Slideshow Bunting, M.R., Hoffman, H., Lewis, M. 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