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Evolution of morphology-personality associations 2

Detric Robinson1, Elizabeth M. A. Hassell

1, John Godwin

1, and R. Brian Langerhans

1 3

Department of Biological Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695 4


Author for correspondence: 6

Elizabeth M. A. Hassell 7

email: [email protected] 8



Evolutionary change in one trait can elicit evolutionary changes in other traits due to genetic 11

correlations, constraining the independent evolution of traits and potentially leading to 12

unpredicted ecological and evolutionary consequences. Because many selective agents influence 13

the evolution of both behavioral and morphological-physiological traits, and because of the 14

broad, pleiotropic effects of the physiological mechanisms that underlie personalities, animals 15

might frequently exhibit morphology-personality associations. However, we currently know little 16

about genetic associations between animal personalities and non-behavioral traits. We tested for 17

associations between personality, morphology, and locomotor performance by comparing 18

zebrafish (Danio rerio) selectively bred for either a proactive or reactive stress coping style 19

(“bold” or “shy” phenotypes). We predicted that artificial selection for boldness would produce 20

correlated evolutionary responses of larger caudal regions and higher fast-start escape 21

performance (opposite for shyness). After 4–5 generations, morphology and locomotor 22

performance differed between personality lines, demonstrating genetic linkages among the traits. 23

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Zebrafish from the bold line exhibited a larger caudal region and higher average velocity, as 24

predicted. We suggest these traits might typically experience correlational selection in nature and 25

manifest genetic correlations due to pleiotropy. Thus, evolution of personality can result in 26

concomitant changes in morphology and whole-organism performance, and vice versa. 27


Keywords: 29

behavioral syndromes, pleiotropy, predation, stress coping style, swimming performance, 30

zebrafish 31


1. Introduction 33

Evolutionary response to selection depends not only on the strength and nature of 34

selection, but also on the heritability of the trait in question and its genetic correlations with other 35

traits [1–3]. Because genetic correlations are not uncommon, selection on one trait can often 36

affect the evolution of other, correlated traits [4–6]. Understanding how and why this happens 37

has received considerable attention in the study of animal personalities, where a number of 38

behavioral traits covary to produce somewhat distinct “personalities,” “temperaments,” or 39

“behavioral syndromes” [7–9]. However, we know very little about whether animal personalities 40

exhibit genetic associations with non-behavioral traits, even though such associations might be 41

expected and could have major ecological and evolutionary implications [10]. We suggest that 42

animal personalities might often exhibit genetic correlations with seemingly disparate non-43

behavioral traits for two major reasons: (1) the likelihood of correlational selection on behaviors 44

and non-behavioral traits, and (2) the potentially broad, pleiotropic effects of the physiological 45

mechanisms underlying variation in animal personalities. 46

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First, many selective agents influence the evolution of both behavioral traits and other 47

traits, such as morphology and physiology [11–13]. This can occur through correlational 48

selection that favors particular combinations of these traits [5,14,15]. Correlational selection 49

describes cases where the fitness effect of one trait depends on the value of another trait, 50

resulting in selection for phenotypic integration. For instance, certain behaviors may have to be 51

combined with specific morphologies to produce high-fitness results such as efficient foraging, 52

avoiding predation, attracting mates, or protecting offspring. This frequently generates genetic 53

correlations [16–20]. Brodie [21] demonstrated this phenomenon in garter snakes, where 54

correlational selection on color pattern and predator-escape behavior resulted in genetic 55

correlations among the traits. 56

In the case of animal personalities, correlational selection on personality traits and non-57

behavioral traits may be more common than we know, since suites of behaviors should have 58

different fitness consequences depending on other organismal traits. For instance, risk-prone, 59

aggressive individuals may require great strength, speed, or large body size to achieve high 60

fitness. Correlational selection on traits like these can produce genetic correlations that manifest 61

either through genes with pleiotropic effects on multiple traits, or through linkage disequilibrium 62

among separate genes maintained by persistent correlational selection [2,19]. Regardless of the 63

particular genetic source of trait associations, understanding the existence and strength of these 64

associations is important if we wish to better grasp the process of adaptation from a more holistic 65

perspective. In reality, traits do not independently adapt to their environments—rather, selection 66

acts on whole-organism phenotypes, resulting in organisms with evolved adaptations that reflect 67

integrated suites of traits [6,22–25]. 68

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Second, irrespective of whether correlational selection originally shaped the genetic 69

correlations or not, prior work suggests that pleiotropic effects of genes responsible for animal 70

personalities may be widespread. That is, the physiological mechanisms underlying animal 71

personalities appear to often pleiotropically affect other traits, such as dispersal behaviors, 72

metabolic rate, immune capacities, lifespan, age at reproduction, and growth rate [25–27]. These 73

same underlying factors could also affect other traits like morphology or whole-organism 74

performance abilities [28–32], yet few studies have examined whether animal personalities 75

exhibit genetic associations with such morphological-physiological traits. Considering what we 76

now understand about hormone-mediated suites of traits [33,34], and given the diverse sets of 77

trait correlations involved in pace-of-life syndromes [25,27], we might expect to find a range of 78

associations between animal personalities and morphological-physiological traits owing to their 79

potentially shared genetic/physiological bases. Uncovering these associations will aid in 80

understanding both adaptation of complex phenotypes as well as evolutionary constraints to 81

adaptive evolution (since trait correlations bias the direction of evolution and reduce the ability 82

of traits to independently respond to selection [6,35]). Here we provide one of the first tests of 83

the notion that animal personalities might exhibit genetic associations with morphological-84

physiological traits. 85

Three general types of traits—behavior (animal personality), morphology (body shape), 86

and locomotor ability (fast-start swimming performance)—often respond evolutionarily to 87

predation risk, as has been well documented in various fish species. With regard to personality, 88

greater predation risk correlates with greater boldness (e.g., Brachyrhaphis episcopi [36]), a 89

tighter association between boldness and aggression (e.g., Gasterosteus aculeatus [37]), and 90

greater tenacity/boldness (e.g., Poecilia reticulata and Rivulus harti [38]). One explanation for 91

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this trend is that boldness offers a fitness advantage by permitting effective foraging and mating 92

in chronically risky environments. With regard to morphology and locomotion, predation also 93

drives evolutionary shifts in fish body shape and swimming ability: populations under high 94

predation risk often evolve larger caudal regions. This enhances fast-start escape performance 95

and increases survival in the face of predation [39,40]. 96

While these three types of traits might respond to selection independently, several 97

observations suggest otherwise. First, changes in behavior, metabolism, or hormones might 98

induce changes in morphology [30,32]. Secondly, morphological changes should affect fast-start 99

locomotor performance via trait codependence (sensu [14]), because swimming ability partially 100

derives from the thrust generated by the caudal region of a fish (i.e., the two traits are 101

mechanically linked). Further, correlational selection might favor particular trait combinations 102

such as (1) trait complementation, where boldness only effectively enhances foraging or mating 103

success when combined with high fast-start performance, (2) trait cospecialization, where bold-104

fast individuals and shy-slow individuals have high fitness because the different trait 105

combinations influence different fitness components (e.g., the former may have high mating 106

success but low longevity in high-risk situations, while the latter may have lower mating success 107

but high longevity), or (3) trait compensation, where bold individuals suffer greater frequencies 108

of predatory strikes but compensate for this cost with defensive morphologies or rapid, 109

locomotor escape abilities. Thus, it remains an open empirical question whether these different 110

types of traits evolve independently or in concert. 111

We investigated this question using artificial selection with zebrafish (Danio rerio). We 112

compared two strains selected for bold or shy behavior to determine whether body morphology 113

or locomotor performance exhibited correlated responses to selection. If genetic correlations 114

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exist between animal personalities and these non-behavioral traits, then body morphology and 115

swimming abilities should diverge between selection lines as a correlated response to divergent 116

artificial selection on coping style [41–43]. We specifically predicted that artificial selection for 117

boldness would elicit correlated evolutionary responses of larger caudal regions and higher fast-118

start escape performance (and the reverse for shyness). 119


2. Material and methods 121

Wild zebrafish from Gaighata, India were selectively bred in captivity for either low or 122

high stationary behavior during an open field test (see [44] for a complete description). Briefly, 123

two selection lines were generated by imposing a selective breeding program beginning with F1 124

fish and repeated each generation, where fish that exhibited at most 16.7% stationary behavior 125

during an open field assay were bred together, and fish that exhibited at least 66.7% stationary 126

behavior were bred together. By the third generation, these two behavioral lines differed 127

consistently in six different measures of stress and anxiety-related behaviors [44]. These sets of 128

consistent differences in multiple behavioral stress responses can be termed bold and shy 129

personalities, or proactive and reactive coping styles [44]. We examined body morphology and 130

locomotor escape performance of adult zebrafish from each of these two coping style lines in 131

both the fourth and fifth generations (4th

generation: 13 females, 16 males; 5th

generation: 11 132

females, 19 males). Zebrafish used for morphological and locomotor examination were age-133

matched across bold and shy lines and had not been exposed to an open field assay prior to 134

examination. Fish were reared at North Carolina State University on a 14:10 light:dark cycle at 135

27.4°C and fed dry flakes ad libitum. 136


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Morphology 138

We used geometric morphometrics to measure body morphology. We digitized 10 139

anatomical landmarks on lateral photographs of live individuals (Fig. 1a) using tpsDig [45], and 140

generated shape variables (partial warps and uniform components) using tpsRelw [46]. Prior to 141

Generalized Procrustes Analysis in tpsRelw, we performed the unbend function in tpsUtil [47] 142

(this uses several landmarks placed along the midline of the body to minimize postural effects). 143

We used centroid size (square root of the summed, squared distances of all landmarks from their 144

centroid) as the estimate for body size. 145

We tested for morphological differences between coping style lines using multivariate 146

analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), with the 16 geometric shape variables as dependent 147

variables, coping-style line, sex, and their interaction as independent variables, and centroid size 148

as a covariate (controlling for multivariate allometry). To evaluate how morphology differed 149

between lines, we calculated a divergence vector (d) following Langerhans [48], and visualized 150

this axis using thin-plate spline transformations. This divergence vector represents a canonical 151

analysis of the coping-style line term from the MANCOVA, describing the linear combination of 152

shape variables that exhibits the greatest differences between groups, controlling for other factors 153

in the model, in Euclidean space. 154

In our MANCOVA examining body shape differences between lines, we initially 155

included generation as an additional model term, and tested for all possible interactions, but 156

excluded these terms due to non-significance. Coping-style lines and sexes were similar in body 157

size (mean ± standard error for standard length: bold females 29.46 ± 0.89 mm, shy females 158

27.56 ± 0.82 mm, bold males 27.31 ± 0.67 mm, shy males 27.20 ± 0.68). 159


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Performance 161

Performance trials took place in a square arena (25.4 cm l x 25.4 cm w x 6 cm d) with a 162

transparent bottom and opaque, black sides. Trials were recorded from below using a digital 163

high-speed video camera (Model N4, Integrated Design Tools, Tallahassee, FL, USA) at 600 164

frames s-1

and 1016 x 1016 pixel resolution. Tests were performed after fish were at least 8 165

months old. Testing order was randomized by individual (4th generation) or systematically 166

alternated between bold and shy lines (5th generation). Water temperature was held constant 167

(27.4°C) for all trials. We changed the water between each trial to avoid accumulating any alarm 168

cues. 169

After placing an individual in the arena, we startled each fish by waving a hand over the 170

tank and recorded the fast-start response. A fast-start reflects a rapid, stereotyped Mauthner-cell 171

initiated escape response present in most fish, which enhances survival during predatory 172

encounters [39,40]. We recorded 2–4 trials for each fish and selected one for analysis based on a 173

qualitative score of motivation, as we wished to estimate maximal fast-start capacity and avoid 174

inclusion of trials where individuals obviously performed at less than their maximal capabilities 175

[49]. Trials received a response quality score (poor, fair, good, or excellent) based on a 176

qualitative assessment of the fish’s effort. We only examined responses scored as good or 177

excellent, and included this quality score as a covariate in analyses (see below). 178

We measured fish displacement during the first 80 ms of the escape response by 179

digitizing the center of mass in each video frame using tpsDig. We smoothed displacement data 180

using the mean-squared error quantic spline [50], and used the smoothed data to calculate 181

maximum velocity, average velocity, maximum acceleration, and average acceleration. We 182

measured turning angle and mean angular velocity during stage 1 of the fast-start by digitizing 183

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the center of mass and the tip of the snout during stage 1, the earliest part of an escape response 184

where a fish first bends itself into a tightly curved “C” before propelling itself forward (this was 185

typically accomplished within the first 12 ms of the response). 186

In this way we obtained six performance variables for each video sequence: maximum 187

velocity, average velocity, maximum acceleration, average acceleration, and turning angle and 188

mean angular velocity during stage 1 of the fast-start. We tested for differences in fast-start 189

performance between coping-style lines using MANCOVA, with the six performance variables 190

as dependent variables, coping-style line, sex, and their interaction as independent variables, and 191

centroid size, generation, and the response quality score as covariates. We initially tested for all 192

additional interaction terms, but excluded them from final analysis due to non-significance. We 193

used post hoc univariate analyses to interpret the nature of significant effects. In all cases, we 194

used one-tailed tests when examining a priori predictions of differences between coping-style 195

lines. 196


3. Results 198

We uncovered strong effects of allometry and sexual dimorphism for body shape, and 199

found significant morphological differences between coping-style lines (Table 1). For both 200

sexes, fish from bold lines exhibited a more elongate body, with larger caudal regions and 201

smaller heads (Fig. 1b,c). 202

Sexes did not differ in fast-start escape response, but effects of all other model terms 203

were evident (Table 2). Post hoc analyses indicated that the main effect of coping style reflected 204

that bold-line fish produced higher average velocities during startle responses (Fig. 2a). The 205

significant interaction term indicated that bold females exhibited a greater turning angle than shy 206

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females, but males showed the opposite pattern (Fig. 2b). Other findings included (1) smaller 207

fish tended to produce greater maximum velocity and average angular velocity, and (2) fish from 208

the 4th

generation exhibited higher maximum velocity, maximum acceleration, and average 209

angular velocity than the 5th

generation. 210


4. Discussion 212

Zebrafish lines selectively bred for behavioral differences did not merely evolve a 213

correlated set of coping-style differences (often termed personalities), but also diverged in body 214

morphology and locomotor performance. The correlated responses of body shape and swimming 215

performance to artificial selection on an animal personality trait demonstrates genetic 216

correlations among the traits. This means that these traits cannot evolve independently, as the 217

evolution of any of these traits constrains the evolution of the others. Thus, seemingly unrelated 218

traits like body shape and personality can indeed coevolve. The ultimate and proximate causes of 219

these associations, and the prevalence of such associations in nature, require further study. 220

Nonetheless, we have several promising avenues for exploring their causes, and indications that 221

such correlations may prove widespread. Overall, this study represents one of the earliest 222

documentations of correlations between animal personalities and either whole-body morphology 223

or locomotor performance [51,52]. 224

Based on prior work demonstrating changes either in coping style or in morphology and 225

performance, we speculate that the genetic correlations we observed in zebrafish might have 226

ultimately resulted from correlational selection in the wild via predation. In the face of predation, 227

selection might favor increased fast-start velocity in conjunction with boldness, since exploratory 228

and risk-taking behaviors might offer a host of fitness advantages, but only when combined with 229

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greater speed and maneuverability due to increased encounters with predators (see Introduction). 230

Meanwhile, shy, slow individuals might exhibit greater longevity, remaining more cryptic, and 231

representing an alternative, high-fitness phenotypic strategy. Most fish are subject to predation in 232

their natural environment, and the few data we have on wild zebrafish suggest they are no 233

exception [53]. Studies of high-predation populations in some fish have revealed selection for 234

greater boldness (although this needs further study), and separate studies have demonstrated 235

larger caudal regions and increased fast-start performance in high-predation populations [40]. 236

These changes appear to increase fitness [39,54]. 237

How might artificial selection for boldness have produced a body shape characteristic of 238

high speed and maneuverability? One proximate explanation is that hormonal or genetic 239

mechanisms have pleiotropic effects on both coping style and body shape. For instance, changes 240

in behavior and metabolism can alter morphologies [28,30,32]. However, it is currently unknown 241

precisely how specific changes in activity, growth, or metabolism across coping style lines might 242

produce the particular body-shape differences observed here. 243

Bold zebrafish tended to exhibit greater average velocity than shy zebrafish, consistent 244

with our prediction. As with pleiotropic effects on behaviors and body morphology, the 245

underlying causes of personality differences might affect locomotor ability as well. However, 246

we consider it more likely that morphology directly influences locomotor performance through 247

biomechanics (e.g., larger caudal regions generate greater thrust during unsteady locomotion 248

[39,40]). Thus, changes in behaviors that indirectly affect morphology can also indirectly affect 249

locomotor performance [31,55]. 250

Female bold fish additionally had significantly greater turning angles, a trait generally 251

reflecting more flexible bodies with greater maneuverability; but this trend reversed for males. 252

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What drives this significant interaction is uncertain, but sexual dimorphism in body shape may 253

play a role. 254

The correlated responses of body shape and locomotor performance, observed here in 255

response to artificial selection on an animal personality trait, most likely indicate genetic 256

correlations among the traits, which could arise from pleiotropy, physical linkage or linkage 257

disequilibrium among separate loci [2]. An alternative interpretation is that correlated responses 258

reflect socially-induced phenotypic changes, where bold fish that mostly interact with other bold 259

fish develop different body shapes and locomotor capacities than shy fish that mostly interact 260

with other shy fish. In this scenario, social interactions, and not underlying genes per se, create 261

phenotypic correlations. Because the different selection lines were housed separately in this 262

study, we cannot rule out this explanation. However, to our knowledge, all existing prior 263

information regarding potential causes of these phenotypic differences indicate that this 264

explanation is far less likely than genetic correlations, especially in light of the evidence for 265

pleiotropy and the absence of any previous demonstration of such socially-induced phenotypic 266

consequences. 267

Because correlational selection on animal personalities and non-behavioral traits might be 268

common, and because personalities are underlain by mechanisms with broad phenotypic 269

consequences, we might expect personality to often correlate with non-behavioral traits such as 270

morphology and performance [52,56,57]. However, we currently know very little about 271

morphology-personality associations in nature. If complex behaviors often coevolve with 272

disparate traits like morphology, not only will this alter our understanding of whole-organism 273

adaptation and the role of evolutionary constraints among different types of traits, but we might 274

also apply this knowledge in activities such as livestock improvement, companion-animal 275

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breeding, captive breeding programs, and management of pests and invasive species. Results of 276

this study suggest morphology-personality associations exist; now we need further research to 277

understand their frequency and importance. 278


We thank R. Wong for experimental assistance and the Langerhans Lab for comments on the 280

manuscript. The study was supported by the NCSU Initiative for Maximizing Student Diversity 281

to DR (NIH-GM083242), NIH grant (1R21MH080500) to JG, and NSF grant (DEB-0842364) to 282

RBL. 283


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Page 19: Evolution of morphology-personality associations

Table 1. MANCOVA results examining body shape variation. *one-tailed test. 441

Source F df P

coping style 1.96 16, 39 0.0220*

sex 12.84 16, 39 < 0.0001

sex × coping style 1.38 16, 39 0.2007

centroid size 5.71 16, 39 < 0.0001



Table 2. MANCOVA results examining variation in fast-start locomotor performance. *one-444

tailed test. 445

Source F df P

coping style 2.24 6, 47 0.0278*

sex 0.76 6, 47 0.6085

sex × coping style 2.60 6, 47 0.0296

centroid size 2.84 6, 47 0.0194

generation 9.28 6, 47 < 0.0001

response quality score 2.63 6, 47 0.0280



Page 20: Evolution of morphology-personality associations

Figure Legends 448

Figure 1. Landmarks used for morphological analysis (a), and morphological differences 449

between bold and shy coping-style lines of zebrafish females (b) and males (c). Body shape 450

variation along the divergence vector, d (see text) depicted with thin-plate spline transformation 451

grids (no magnification; solid lines connecting outer landmarks drawn to aid interpretation). 452

Landmark vectors beneath each set of grids convey the direction and relative magnitude of 453

change in the location of each landmark, pointing toward values characteristic of bold lines. 454


Figure 2. Differences in fast-start locomotor performance between coping-style lines in 456

zebrafish (LSM ± SE). 457

Page 21: Evolution of morphology-personality associations

Figure 1

shy bold




Page 22: Evolution of morphology-personality associations

Figure 2

females males


ge v



y (












females males



ge t


ing a










(a) (b)

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