Page 1: Evening star. (Washington, D.C.). 1932-01-05 [p B-12]


Kalian Who Advocated Over-

throw of Government Goes

to Russia.

The Labor Department's most fa- mous deportation case in its history has been written off the books, Secre-

tary Doak said today, in announcing that Guido Serio, an Italian, is now in

Russia or "at any rate on the way to that country."

Serio, whose case has appeared fre- quently in the newspapers and was

cited by the Wickersham Crime Com- mission in its criticism of the depart- ment’s methods of keeping deportees in jail and depriving them of their rights, was arrested more than a year ago for advocating overthrow of this Govern- ment in a speech.

Deportation Fought. A spirited campaign to prevent his

deportation to Italy was carried on.

Secretary Doak asserted, by "individ- uals and certain organizations, who said if Serio were deported to the coun-

try of his birth he instantly would be executed because of his anti-Fascist activities" They obtained his release from jail on bond and at the time the Wickersham Commission handed down its report he was at liberty.

His case was taken into the United States courts and recently the Court of Appeals gave Serio 60 days in which to secure permission to go to Russia.

Aided by Organizations. The Lebor Department said yester-

day that Secretary Doak did not w-ant to deport Serio to Italy if there was a chance he would be dealt with sum- marily. The department added that the Secretary gave his permission for the Italian to try to secure means to proceed to Russia. Certain organiza- tions took up the case, the department explained, and Serio was able to take his departure from this country.

The department pointed out that the case of Serio was similar to that of Li Tao Hsaun. a Chinese, who was or- dered deported for activities similar to those of the former.

Recently discovered beds of petroleum Bear Volkenroda, Germany, are being developed.

Hurry! for these



at only—

—Smartly tailored shades of celanese in the popular hexagon shapes and such pret- ty colors as rose, rust, gold and green. Styles for bridge, table and floor lamps—

Others at $1.49



$3.98 and $4.98 Value*

*1.99 —These shades are

also of celanese, with puffed edge or deco- rated with an import- ed leaf design. Hex- agon and bell shapes in rose, rust, gold and green—for table, dav- enport, bridge and floor lamps.

Street and Third Floors.


Communists Arousing Prejudice Caused Attorney to Giv Up

Defense of Eight Men.

By the Associated Press

CHICAGO. January 5.—Clarence Darrow, the attorney, quit his efforts to aid eight colored youths condemned to die at Scottsboro, Ala., because, he said, "If we were going to save those

boys, we had to save them in Alabama, not in Russia or New York."

He objected, he said, to the tactics of the Communists, who have aroused prejudice against the defendants.

‘‘Threatening letters, I was informed, had been sent to Alabama officials in connection with the case. Communists had held mass meetings and prejudice had been aroused," he said.

"That isn’t the way to try a law case. I have no objection to any man’s poli- tics, but you can't mix politics with law.”

While Darrow explained that he would have worked willingly with one of the International Labor Defense's

attorneys, he would not consider work- ing under the designation of the Com- munist organization.

City Unearthed in Persia. MARSEILLE, France UP).—M. Georges

Contenau of the Louvre Museum in Paris returned here with word that a

party headed by him had unearthed an

unnamed city in Central Persia dating from about 2500 B. C. -•-

Mayor Luke Bates of Blackburn, Eng- land, has just returned to the municipal corporation $3,335 which he saved from his mayoral salary in four years.



Part in “The Miracle Man" Will

Be Third Time He Has Succeeded

Friend in Dramatic Part.

By the Associated Press.

HOLLYWOOD, Calif.. January 5.—

The pioneer motion picture actor, Hobart

Bosworth. who induced the late Tyrone

Power, distinguished character actor, to enter pictures in 1915, yesterday as-

sumed the role in a talking picture left vacant by Power's unexpected death here last week.

It is the third time that Bosworth has succeeded his lifelong friend in a dramatice role.

Meeting in 1886. they together joined the historic Augustin Daly Company in New York, where for five years they shared the same dressing room. The first^role in which Bosworth replaced Power w^as in 1901, when the latter became ill. In 1902. Bosworth played the leading role in the second season of a play in which Powder had appeared the first season.

Yesterday Bosworth succeeded Pow-

er as the patriarch faith healer in "The Miracle Man,” being filmed at Paramount Studios. --


Prague, Czechoslovakia, Employs Bathtubs for Storage.

PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia (N A N A.). —The City of Prague was entirely waterless for four days recently on ac-

count of an extensive renewal of pipes. The population had been warned in

good time and every available house- hold vessel, including bath tubs, was filled with water.

(CopyriKht, 1932.)

ROUGH DRY A most satisfactory and economical

laundry service. Flat pieces com- pletely finished, wearing apparel ready to iron—9c a pound.

West End Laundry Phone Metropolitan 0200


■ ■ ■

Achieves New Prestige in this Presentation of •

Distinctive DRESSES and ■*%

White Satin with

beaded sleeves Scintillating Creations for


Appealing Styles for

Five O'Clock

intriguing Models for

Dining and Dancing Exquisite Fashions for

Afternoon and Bridge .—"and to think, you can

buy them for only —

Rough Crepe in

Brown and


Pure Dye

Black Crepe with lace

Actual $25 to $49.50 Dresses! i,

—A comprehensive collection of dresses for almost every

occasion of the fashionable woman's social calendar has been assembled for this eagerly awaited sale! They are

real triumphs of fashioning, exceptional in quality of

material, and striking or subtle in coloring. Angel sleeves, higher waist bodices, and long, undulating skirt lines are

among the new details. Angel-skin laces, rough crepes, rich

velvets, sheer crepes, chiffons, dull satins, pure-dye crepes,

and crepe Romain all have representation. *

In Black, White, and the A etc Jewel Shades!

Misses\ Women's, Lillie Womens and Extra Sizes 1

Eggshell Rough

Crepe for Evening

Wine Colored Velvet Skirt end Metallic


Karin's Second Floor

Sapphire Blue

Pure Dye Crepe with

beaded sleeves.

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