Page 1: Evaluation+6 Presentation

We chose to edit our video on iMovie HD as it is quite an advanced piece of software and it allowed us to edit in our free time whenever we felt like we had a bit of inspiration. This prevented us from having the feeling that we had to do it in set times and allowed the editing process to be more natural to us. There was plenty to learn from iMovie from how to get the best quality from clips and how to edit it in the most suitable way. There was many built in sound effects but we used our own as they sounded quite industry standard and typical. As you can see on one of the pictures there is 5 sub categories to edit from and each have lots of ways to carry out their role, for example if you click on the ‘Media’ tab you can choose from a range of sounds to insert in your piece.

Page 2: Evaluation+6 Presentation

This is a screen shot of Moodle, which is an online application where our group uploads all our work and it is how we keep a track of our progress. Moodle is very useful for us as we can all share the same space as a group without anyone else intervening with our work. We all have the ability to change and modify it as a group so we all have equal input. It is easy to access and during the course of this production project there were lots to learn about Moodle as we have had to use it to its full potential. For example we have a simple section in which we insert text, a separate upload page for power points and pictures and then we have an overview page where we can see what it all looks like together.

Page 3: Evaluation+6 Presentation

This is a screen shot of the music for the production. It was produced on Cubase, which is a professional music editing program. Aaron created the music by playing in melodies through a midi keyboard and using several plug-ins to alter the sound and instrument to make it appropriate for the genre. Chords and notes where very selective as they had to set the emotion properly.

Page 4: Evaluation+6 Presentation

This is a picture of Imogen setting up a tripod. We all learnt to do this as a group as using a tripod was necessary for getting those still shots so was a simple skill we all needed to learn. Setting up the tripod is a basic filming skill, which usually takes place in the preparation part prior to filming as you want to have it all setup to the filmers comfort.

This is a picture of Eoin attaching the camera to the tripod before going on to use the camera. Attaching the camera to the tripod is a simple technique but the camera can be used in many ways. We all learnt to attach it to the tripod and we all had our own ways to use it without and as a team we shared our ideas and techniques.

This is a picture of Aaron editing the video. We all had input when editing and our ideas flowed together. With the three of us we were able to come up with fitting sound effects, perfect fonts and smooth transitions. We all learnt to put the video together and shared our skills and techniques.

Even though we all shared out skills most of the tasks were shared equally and one of us dominated that particular task, whether it be editing, filming or directing.

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