
6 – What have you learnt about technology from the process of constructing the product?

• To complete my action-thriller 2 minute opening, I used the following pieces of technology in order to professionalize my film:

• A Canon camera: These camera’s can film clips in full HD, meaning my clips are very clear in terms of picture quality. These camera’s also gave me the access to zoo in and out, this was a vital feature, for example when I zoomed in on the dad giving his threatening phone call, this was effective as my audience were able to see the full emotions of Matthew, which creates a tensioned scenario . The canon’s also have the feature of focusing, this was very fun to play with and professionalize shots with. For example when Amy saw the three intimidating males blocking the road, I focused the camera on Amy, and blurred the three males as I wanted my audience to realize the scary and tensioned situation she was in.

• A memory card: This piece of technology allowed me to save and store my clips, from this I can put the clips on the Mac and edit my clips.

• Final Cut Pro: Final Cut Pro is the editing software I used on the Mac’s, to cut, slow down, blade, position and add sound to my film. I enjoyed this as being able to cut through different clips, allowed me to show my audience different scenes . Also adding the soundtrack of Steel Banglez to it, carried of the action-thriller convention of fast pace.

• A tripod: I used a tripod in order to stabilise my filming, and to make sure my clips were not shaky. Tripods is not a use of technology, but it is essential in order to make sure my clips from the Canon are stable and straight.

• YouTube: YouTube was a guidance in learning how to master some features of Final Cut Pro, as I YouTube’d videos on demonstrations. I also used YouTube’d for influential video, in order to get ideas and inspiration for my film soundtrack. From this I came across Steel Banglez, in which I thought the soundtrack fitted in with the action.

Technical difficulties:A primary technical difficulty I faced was the use of sound, through the soundtrack and vocalists. When Amy was on the phone and was walking away from the camera, it was a struggle to clearly hear what he was saying, this was because I relied too much on the camera microphone, instead of inputting a portable one. I was also a struggle to hear my actors in outside scenes. This is due to background noise such as trains, vehicles and members of the public talking. To help this, I was going to do a Foley of my actors, like I did with the ringtone, but due to the accessibility and timing, I was unable to do this.

Due to studying the factors of the ‘means of production’, I did realise how much work went into creating similar media products. But from comparing my opening to a professional opening from 20th Century Fox such as ‘Taken’, I noticed a great difference from the lighting & sound, to the creative factor of mise-en-scene. Also as I produced and directed this film by myself, I also realized why film companies have numerous different people working within the company, for example Foley artists, sound technician and also the director itself etc.

A shot I am really proud of is the use of cross-cutting on the same screen. An example of this, was when Vikram was tracking Amy on the phone, and I also took a shot of Vikram literally tracking on his phone, and put it on the same screen. I thought this would be effective for my audience, as they can actually see what Vikram was doing on the phone, also it copy's one of the key conventions of technology with in action-thriller films. Another shot I am proud of, I the mid shot of the dad working at home, I am proud of this due to the use of mise-en-scene. I placed lots of books on the table next to a computer and cup, to make it clear to the audience that he is working hard, I also printed out a picture of Amy and stuck it to the computer, to show that he is always thinking of his daughter.

• If I could the key thing I would do to alter my product, would be the use of Foley. I used Foley for the phone ringing, but I think my film was in desperate need for Foley to be used for the actors speech. Another thing I would do to alter my product, would be using a much wider range of cinematography in order to portray to my audience, different levels of power and influence. For example with the shot of the Amy walking, I would like to get a much higher high angle, to make it look like the world is on top of her, when she is getting kidnapped. A last alter I would try and make is the use of CCTV. Primarily, I wanted to get a shot of Amy walking on the street through the use if a CCTV camera, this would portray the image that Amy’s dad is very possessive and worried about his daughter.

• The idea of CCTV was a bit of a limitation to my creativity, as I kind of had no chance of accessing the CCTV camera’s on Whiston Road, even though I did ask, the CCTV was not working during the period I filmed anyway. Other than that I do not feel their was any other limitations.

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