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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of

constructing this product?From creating this magazine I have learnt how to use the different available technologies in order to product the best magazine possible. I have used blogger throughout the development of my magazine to display and publish the things that I have worked on and to research things that have helped me to reach my finalised product. When I started working on my magazine I had never used blogger before however now I know how to edit my posts, add labels and schedule it to when I want it to be published. Also, I had never used a digital camera to take professional pictures before so I have learnt more about the different procedures I need to follow to ensure this. The thing that I have worked on, and learnt about, the most is Photoshop, this has been the base of my magazine and where I have put all of my pages together. From using Photoshop within my preliminary up until when I have created my final magazine I have learnt to use various tools within the package to edit/enhance my images and change the design of the text/objects within my magazine. When using Photoshop I have learnt the different functions by trial and error and research on the internet in order to complete the appropriate tasks.

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PhotoshopOne of the first features I learnt to use was the quick selection tool which I initially used to cut around my images and select the background so that I didn’t have to manually draw around the shape of the image I wanted to be cut. The quick selection tool meant I could make the outline smoother and the overall image to look more professional. Another option that I have learnt to use within Photoshop is the ‘subtract front shape’ tool which I have used to create a text box of the desired shape to fit within the pages of my magazine. I have used this to fit text around the image on my preliminary magazine and so have created a rectangle and then used the pen tool to draw a rough outline of the image which I will subtract from the shape. This then creates a unique text box that will allow the text to be in line but so it does not overlap the image, it can also be used to select the perfect size within the maximum space allowed. I have also used this on my final double page spread to insert the quote for my artist which is slightly shaped around the artist. Alongside these specific options I have learnt to use the crop, rectangular marquee, and text tools to complete simple tasks within my magazine including moving and resizing images, inserting new images/text and making them all appropriate to my magazine.

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Technology used for imageryFinally, for my images, I used the Nikon D3200 digital camera along with the soft box lighting system and a white backdrop to create the best pictures possible for my magazine. With the soft box lighting and the white background I was able to create a professional effect for my images as well as enhancing the models appearance. This means that my images will be bright and attractive and therefore make readers more likely to pick up my magazine as the image is eye catching. I have learnt that when taking images I should use the best equipment possible as it will save time having to edit the images and will automatically make my magazine look more professional. I have learnt how to position the lights to produce the best effect on my model without adding shadows or dark spots. From this experience I have learnt how important it is to create a good environment to take images in as the image has a huge impact on the whole magazine and, if I had not used this technology then my magazine would not look as effective or professional.

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Technology used for publishing work

Slideshare-I have used this to publish PowerPoint presentations on my blog so they can be easily viewed.

Powtoon-I have used this to create animated slides that will display my information so it is more interactive and exciting for the reader to view.

Infogram-I have used this to display images with small amounts of text so it looks more eye-catching compared to just publishing on my blog.

Prezi-I have used this to create different, styled slides that can be animated in different ways. I can set it out as a newspaper format, variety of circled text boxes or as a growing development.

I have learnt how to use a variety of online programs to publish my work in different formats so they are more eye-catching and attractive.

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