  2. 2. ADOBE PREMIERE PRO I never use adobe Premiere before A2 it was a new experience but after a couple of lesson I got to know it better, even though I didnt do much of the editing I feel like I could use it easily if I tried. We use adobe premiere Pro to create our animatic and our film trailer. Creating the animatic meant we had the experience to know what kind of editing to do for our real trailer and we knew what effects would work well with our trailer. Adobe Premiere Pro is a simple way of creating a film product as its user friendly, we were able to place three layers of audio the monks chanting, the soundtrack and the boom for the intertitles, you could say four if you counted the dialog. We were able to place our shots and our intertitles in without many problems.
  3. 3. ADOBE INDESIGN I used indesign last year in AS and this meant that I knew how to use the software and I knew how to work the layers and other tools within Adobe indesign. Because of my past experiences this meant I could know complete my A2 ancillary tasks faster and In better quality. I created my Film poster and my film Magazine using this software. Within the software I use layers to make sure the text was in front of the images and in some cases to make sure that text was in front of a bar e.g the splash for my magazine. I also used Indesigns different types of fonts to create a type of power unbalance on the page because I want to Masthead and splash to stand out more than the other Sell lines so I made them all different fonts, plus I used the circle tool to make the pug and the special Thriller edition to the page. For my poster most of it was made on Photoshop but putting together was on idesign I used the gird tool to make sure everything was in the centre of the page, again I use some f the fonts to make my tag line match the title.
  4. 4. ADOBE PHOTOSHOP I also used photoshop in AS for my music magazine cover. In A2 I use Photoshop to create the title I used in my magazine as the original was too big for the page so I had to remove the 'O' and put the symbol in it's place, this means I am able to keep the symbol so it still has the scary effect. I also used photoshop to brighten the image as I had audience feedback that said the image was too dark and it needed to be brighter. On my film poster I had to edit the face of the character after my feedback was that he wasnt scary enough and he looked too much like a vampire. Also I had to redo the facebook and twitter things at the bottom. The original title was made on photoshop and so was the Billing block.

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