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In what way does your media product use, develop or

challenge conventions of real media products?

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Narrative Storyline

• Most music videos follow either a narrative structure, a performance structure or are concept based. For mine I have chosen to do a narrative based as this is one of the most common types. I also felt that this would fit with the song type more due to this being Indie Rock.

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• I have chosen to challenge the concept of some music videos by using three characters, through my music video I have used a young girl, her boyfriend and another young male who I have made it appear is stalking my female actor. This challenges concepts as it is not very common to use the character being happy in some clips and then in others she is being followed and appears quite scared.

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• I have challenged usual performances within music videos by my performer standing still, side on singing into the distance. Most performances in music videos would be facing the camera and possibly dancing or have some form of choreography whereas mine is very basic however I feel this works because the song is not very upbeat and he appears to be very sad.

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• I have matched the pace of the song with the pace of my shots by using short snappy shots when the beat is quicker. This follows typical conventions for music videos as it would be difficult to produce a music video that is timed differently to the song. Saying this, it is not completely impossible; Shaun Mendez music video for Stiches is in slow motion and the song is quite upbeat however it fits together very well.

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