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Evaluation Question 1- in what ways does your media product use, develop

or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A convention is a traditional way of laying out a magazine, for example the mast head is

usually in the top left hand corner, image in the centre with text framed around it. A

change from the normal conventions can look interesting and unique, which is what my

target audience may think of themselves, so this will make them real comfortable with

the magazine.

The title of my music magazine ‘SoundCheck’ connotes that it’s a music magazine and

for a audience that likes music and going to gigs/concerts. I used a font from ‘DaFont’ for

the masthead as they had a variety of fonts. Although the font isn’t typically rocky and

edgy, i do think it looks quite gothic which links to the music in my magazine. I used the

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same font for the masthead on the title page to make it look like a running theme

throughout the magazine. For the word ‘Destroy’ on my double page spread, I used a

font that looks cracked and chiselled to make it look like it’s been destroyed which

connotes to the word its self.

SoundCheck was created to fit into a rock/metal genre so I grew inspiration from already

existing rock magazines such as Kerrang, Rock Sound and AP magazine. I think I was

successful in making sure my magazine fitted into this genre. The images used on all

three finals products are from live rock gigs, the people in the photos look rocky and

alternative which assures the reader that this is a rock magazine. There are very few

magazines of this genre so the already existing magazines do well, so this made me feel

more confident knowing that my magazines would do well. I made sure that there was a

theme for all three of my final products. I didn’t want them to look identical but I wanted

people to know that they are from the same magazine because of the way they look. As

a dedicated reader of Kerrang myself, I know that kerrang doesn’t look all neat and tidy

and they use informal, abusive language. So used this as inspiration for my magazine. I

want the three product’s to looks crowded and busy.

I think the SoundCheck fits the rock/metal genre because of the ways it looks and they

way it caters to my target audience. I make the reader feel comfortable because of the

way the text is worded and the live images make them feel like they’re actually there.

Although there are existing magazine similar to mine I think SoundCheck will survive

because it looks different and alterative.

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