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Q2: How effective is the combination of your main product

and ancillary texts?Hayley Mills

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My main product was a regional fashion magazine and for my ancillary task I produced a billboard and radio advert to fit with the magazine. After looking at fashion billboards which were plain and simple helped to give me some ideas for my own. I  followed the same conventions and decided that less was key and so I kept it simple and limited with colour. However I decided to change the image by duplicated the model Brandon  so that his image was back to back. Above the models head on the right hand size of the billboard I wrote 'Urban Chic’ in big writing and ‘London’ in a much smaller font just below the title. Last but not least I then added a slogan at the bottom on the billboard ‘bringing the urban to London’ as most clothing billboards include a short and simple slogan as it is easier and catchy to remember. My colour scheme only consisted of white and black colours as they didn't distract the audience but rather kept Brandon as the main focus of the billboard. Secondly I had to make sure that the radio advert follows the same codes and conventions of a real advert therefore I created a script to go with the advert. The radio advert was 30 seconds long and consist of a backs track and a voiceover combined to help make it as professional as possible. Normally magazine advert promote competitions and prize to be won therefore I decided to add the same feel to it by adding my own prize and free apps to download to get the latest fashion as well as including the price of regional magazine. My ancillary tasks were able to help promote the main regional magazine successfully.

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I planned my tasks by researching magazine, radio advert and billboards codes and conventions for inspiration. I then decided to make mock pages and models for the four pages task of font covers, interviews pages and content pages to help give me an idea of how to structure my own magazine. I  decided to spend a while looking for music that would suit my advert and magazine cover as I had to make sure the genre suited the style of the regional magazine, therefore by choosing the 'pop' genre which is easily engaging and upbeat therefore I thought Justin Bieber was a great  and instant choice as he will attract my target audience perfectly. My audience will receive my products as I will display my billboard on social network and in front of shopping centres as well as the radio advert playing on selected stations. All in all the colour scheme and font size where left plain and simple so that it would attract my target audience quickly.

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I have decided to make a billiard as we as a group are following the conventions of a fashion distribution publication. The colour pallet scheme in the contents is continuous  to the front cover layout where the title 'Urban London' has  the black and white effect to make the magazine again to appear  more masculine compared with other fashion magazine billboards. also the black and white colour scheme makes the billboard more sophisticated as it is not as brightly coloured , although down the bottom of the billboard  the subheadings appear in white font that contrast nicely with the black and white background and images. the pictures have been neatly been out on the page are lined up  neatly and are straight with a mirror effect of the male model Brandon. Also, the colour help to appear neutral meanings  this could attract a multi-sexual audience which widens the range of possible readers. I may have said that red appears more dramatic but the black helps it to appear simple and classy to our main targeted audience.

 Furthermore The Tag line "bring the urban to London'  makes the readers want know what sort of designs are in the magazine and what makes it so different to the other regional based magazines. Also the tag line appears to be catchy and memorable to our target audience so that it is embedded in to their heads. the catchy feel of the slogan also adds a finishing touch to the regional billboard making it appear professional. the tag line further empathises that the magazine is only regional based in certain parts of London.

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I then took inspiration from Calvin Klein's fashion billboards, this is was a guide to help me achieve the same sophistication and classiness of there posters. In comparison to the fashion label brand we have managed to keep similar  ideas and the simple design element black and white. he font size of this piece is in font 'Lemon and Milk' that reflects the edgy and cool vibe of London's fashion, seeing as we are promoting the fashion in our regional area.

 For my last and final ancillary task was the radio advert where I looked at how it could be resented to my target audience. I began to look at radio adverts that appear on our local radio stations as well as searching radio scripts so that it could give me some inspiration for my own radio advert. This helped me a lot as I was able to see what type of outlook I wants to give to my readers as well as looking at what will work best for my regional magazine cover.

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