Page 1: Evaluation [number 1] In what does your media product use, develop or develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products

Evaluation Number 1By Elliot Kinkead

Page 2: Evaluation [number 1] In what does your media product use, develop or develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products

Question: in what does your media product use, develop or develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products

Page 3: Evaluation [number 1] In what does your media product use, develop or develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products

The Main TaskThe task was to make two-minute thriller opening scene within a small group of students. This was made up of me, Baris and Shakil. Also, we needed to research Thrillers, Preliminary tasks and Planning tasks as well to help us to decide on what type thriller openings as well as the content that we would be including the film. All of this planning allowed us to create a thriller opening scene. After completing the research tasks, we had to do a preliminary task which involved us creating a 30 seconds video on a topic. Our preliminary task consisted of spontaneous conversation. Doing this allowed us not only helped us making decisions on what roles my group should take when were making the final task. Because were able to identify both our weakness and strengths when making the preliminary tasks.

Preliminary Task

Page 4: Evaluation [number 1] In what does your media product use, develop or develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products

Did our film follow the conventions of thrillers

The First one is the use of low-key lighting and backlighting within the film we used this on several occasions including highlighting the antagonist towards the end of the film. This was used to create a dark atmosphere around the character and the antagonist creating a shroud of mystery.

Another convention that featured heavily in the final video was the use of sound. We used recorded a variety of sound effects for some scenes this included the Door Knocking and a Glass Shattering. I created most of the background track however there are certain areas we used music that we had permission for or was subject to creative commons.

We also had various iconography featured in the film. This includes notes to show that the antagonist was hunting the victim and a mask. The iconography used was to create tension and suspense within the plot line because Its unlikely this will happen to people however if it did the person would be scared,

Page 5: Evaluation [number 1] In what does your media product use, develop or develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products

Character RepresentationOur characters were based on several films, in the thriller film Scream (1996) the main antagonist hid his true identity by wearing a black cloak and a mask. This also hid his emotions he had about the victims and shows his intent on killing the victims. The antagonist in our thriller appears to be a male, however, is an enigma. He's wearing the traditional and conventional dark clothing to try and protect identity. The character represents the mystery around him and the fact that his willingness to kill the victim.

One of the victim in law abiding citizen (2009) was a male wearing casual clothing white shirt with grey trousers. This is conventional to most victims in thrillers who weren't male this also seen in Halloween and scream who wore casual clothing. The victim within our thriller also wears white-t-shirt and also jogging bottoms. However, his demise happened home and show that he was vulnerable at home. The representation of our victim showed the fear he had and the fact that was that he was in danger.

Page 6: Evaluation [number 1] In what does your media product use, develop or develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products

CinematographyAs with all films, we had used various cinematography techniques when we’re filming. We had used a combination of shots, angles, and movements when producing the thriller opening. This allowed us to capture various shots, angles, and movement and we used conventional elements within the genre.

Closes ups

We had used close-ups in a various amount of scenes, especially during the notes scenes. Using close-ups allowed us to capture the feelings and expressions that the victim. As well as allowing the audience to have a close up on the finer detail of the scene.

Establishing Shot

We used an establishing shot at the beginning. This allowed capturing the environment and the location of the opening of the thriller

Tilt Shot

We used tilt shots to capture the victim picking up the notes which were left on the doormat.

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CinematographyZoom Shot

We had also used an a zoom shot in a few scene to zoom on the notes which were left on the doormat (which was the main iconography) we used it for reaction shots such as the ending were we see the zooming of the camera see the reaction of the victim.

Point of View Shot

We had used the point of view shot in several scenes and this showed the victim perspective on events such as the ending shot of the antagonist which was in front of him at the end.

Hand Held Shot

We also used a Hand Held shot when the antagonist was walking towards the victim’s apartment

Over the shoulder shot

We also use an over the shoulder shot to capture the young kid [the trick or treater] to capture the victims view.

We had used various cinematography which is heavily featured in conventional thrillers. This includes a range of shots, angles, and movements that can be seen in the thriller opening. This has allowed us to create a conventional thriller opening

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SoundOur sound for our thriller consisted of the main background track and we used sound effects as well to enhance some scenes as well. The soundtrack was designed so it was unnerving throughout the opening and also sporadic since this would have an impact on the audience because the audience wouldn’t realize where the film was going.

When I was creating the soundtrack I had used various techniques such as diegetic sound, non-diegetic sound, on and off screen sound, parallel sound, and contrapuntal sounds. I had to enhance some areas with sound effects such as the door knocking and the glass smashing so that the audience can hear it. When I designed the soundtrack it was meant to be quiet first but gradually building up. When researched about I looked at various thrillers for inspiration and I implemented my soundtrack using logic pro for the main soundtrack as well as the main backing track from a website which the music is listed under creative commons

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Editing Another part of research and something that featured heavily in the thriller opening was editing. I researched about various editing techniques and identify conventional editing techniques that featured in thrillers. Also, I researched what some edits can affect the audience.

Straight cuts are when one shot moves into another shot and it doesn't confuse the viewer. This is usually done with most scenes in a film.

Editing Cuts

We used various techniques when editing the thriller there were many straight cuts to make the thriller quite smooth and not jumping from scene to scene and not confused the audience.I also used fast paced clips at the beginning to show the victim was preparing food and sitting down.An example of editing techniques I used was at the end there was a jump cut towards the end when the victim reads the note and it jumps to him slamming the door.

Example of Straight Cuts

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TransitionsTransitions Another part of editing which is also important was the implementation of transitions during the research we identify various transitions and identified their importance. Also, how transitions are used in thrillers. The use of Transitions.

We used a variety of transitions such as dissolves to move footage from one scene to another scene in a short amount of time we also used derivatives of dissolves such as cross dissolve as well. This allowed the scenes to change fluently without confusing the audience. By applying this transition, we also didn't make the audience nervous too early and, therefore, we avoided creating tension too early on the thriller opening. Another transition that we used was called the fade to black. This was used most notably at the trick or treat scene and at the end of the opening. As this creates tension and highlights the fear that creates audience because we don't know what's going to happen next within the scene

Fade to Black

Page 11: Evaluation [number 1] In what does your media product use, develop or develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products

Mise on scene | Setting and iconography

SettingThe opening scene took place within in a flat. The reason why chose this apartment was because it was quite old place also a lot of people lived in the area and we wanted it to look like that home is not an safe place to be.


Their were only two iconography objects that were in used in our film was the notes that suggested that something was about him as well as at the end with the baseball bat.The reason why used the notes was because it signifies that someone was after the victim and that hes was been hunted.

The baseball bat signifies that something was about to happened towards the victim.

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Mise en Scene | Colour and lighting.The colour style we chose was dark to represent the fact that’s its late night and he's trying to watch an late night film on Halloween and that the lights are off but he's being disturbed by other characters and events and every time that happened the colour scheme would change to light tones.

The lighting that we selected to use for our thriller opening includes top lighting and backlighting. And both high and low key lighting. All these lighting techniques helped highlight characters or events that happened in the thriller. For example, we used backlighting to highlight the arrival of the thriller and that he was significant in the plot. The use of low key lighting helped hide the identity of the character moreover confused the audience

Page 13: Evaluation [number 1] In what does your media product use, develop or develop or challenge forms and conventions or real media products

Mise en Scene | Body language, costume hair and make up

Another part of mise en scene was body language costume hair and makeup. Body language can show the feelings of characters reaction and emotions within a scene. The use of costume of hair and make-up depends on the character, however, doing this defines the character and would help the audience have a better understanding of the character

Body Language

The use of body language within our thriller is shown as natural reactions to certain events and there are many examples of body language that has been used such as the reaction at the end of the thriller. With the reaction that the antagonist got in the house as well as the calmness of the trick or treater since it was natural.

Costume Hair and makeup

The costumes which we used are conventional to the thriller genre. For example, the victim is wearing a white t-shirt and grey jogging bottoms which suggest that the he was comfortable at home. The trick or treater wears a typical Halloween costume since it was Halloween and the antagonist wore dark clothing since he was trying to cover hid identity and adds mystery about the character since we weren't able to see the character.

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TheoryThe theory is important within films and there are four known important theorists and they had an impact on how films are made. Propp,

Todorov, Aristotle and Barthes.

• Propps theory was related to folk tales, however, the principal remains the same. The theory states that character portrays the meaning of narrative for the audience

• Todorov they suggested that media would usually follow a structure. This called Equilibrium, Disequilibrium and new equilibrium. Equilibrium is where the story starts and everything going well. Then theirs the disequilibrium when everything starts taken for the turn for the worst and the new equilibrium when has been sorted and/or fixed.

• Aristotle theory was about the characters and the themes and emotions and the structure of the narrative, his theory was split into several parts. The Exposition is the first part, this is where the audience would meet the main character. Then you would have the rising action Protagonist understands what they have to do then there is climax where just a lot of tension and then fall action which is the turning point of the film and denouement where everything is solved

• Barthes theory was also based on narrative structure and semiotics This consisted of the following Connotation, Denotation and cultural understanding

After researching about the main theory around films, we decided that our film would best fit the theory of Aristotle and Barthes. This was because of the cultural understanding that could be applied to our film since I film would be approachable in the western world moreover the use of iconography in the thriller is a connotation which symbolises different meanings in different regions since they may not understand what's happening. The reason why we chose Aristotle narrative structure because the structure applied to our film.

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• The theme of our final product is a mystery and supernatural thriller. This was because our film had elements of a mystery theme such as why the antagonist was after the victim as well as the lack of story. The reason why we also said was because how did the antagonist manage to enter the house moreover the use of Halloween within the thriller opening. This creates suspense within the thriller. There were many elements that were taken from both genres and was conventional to the thriller genre

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Target AudienceOur target audience was young adults and teenagers. The reason why we chose this because when we researched target audience the majority of people who watched and liked thrillers were young adults moreover most thrillers are rated between 15-18 therefore we decided that who was our target audience.

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Credits During our research, we looked at thrillers and the credits and we were able to recognise why thrillers and what fonts they would use for their credits. Also, we learnt what would be been displayed during the opening credits and why. This research helped us in selecting the appropriate fonts styles that we can use in our thriller

The font styles were available from "Notrouous" font style as it was a typical font from the thriller genre that we can use. The other font we used is called "Traveling Typewriter" font style as this look like a modern thriller type that we also decided to use in our thriller. We made sure that the audience will be able to read it.

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OverallWe used various convections that other thrillers had for our final product. An example would be the use of micro elements that are featured in other thrillers. Such as lighting as the majority of the opening scene uses High and low key lighting this allowed the film to be more mysterious and more sinister you can see this at the end of the thriller when the antagonist is in the main front room. The setting was another common convection we used since that portrayed that sometimes the house wasn’t always safe and this would have an impact on the audience.

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