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Evaluation 3what kind of media institutions

might distribute your media product and why?

By Stephanie Taylor

What is a production company & what does it do?

A production company is generally involved in producing either recorded or live entertainment. It might be responsible for booking and overseeing movie releases, for instance. Alternately, most think of this type of company as involved in funding, helping to facilitate the making of, and distributing films and/or television programs. Most often, the production company for films and television provides the money, and thus sets the budget, and may also make decisions on what director, and actors can be hired. Budget often makes other decisions possible or impossible. A low budget film may not be able to be filmed in a remote location, for example. The company may also come attached with certain actors, directors, or film editors and photographers to make the new film they are producing.

Our production companyOur production company I called silk productions. We come up will

many different names but we chose this one just as its unique, because it’s the begging of all four of out names (Steph, Isla, Louise, kayleigh). This makes it short and easy to remember for viewers and is similar to other production names like nbc and cbs for the shortness of the name, also linking with Warner brothers because they also use there name in the production company.

The logo we have used for our company is the same font style to the font mainly used in the opening. Also the colours used go with the codes and conventions of a thriller movie. The white representing the innocents of the girl (victim) in the movie and the black representing the evil of the stalker/killer which reflects our thriller.

LionsgateWe chose Lionsgate to produce our film because when researching production

companies there was a very long list of movies that are thrillers that Lionsgate have produced. All the movies that they have released where thriller/horror films but there target audiences for each film vary, they have a wide target audience and make films for all ages which means there viewers a that like Liongate films will all like our thriller as the target audience and age rating fits with there’s. many of the films that they have released are all ones we as a group have all watch and enjoy seeing the film over and over again (films like hunger games franchise and also saw franchise) not only do they make thriller and horror films they also make other films for younger audiences.

What is a distributor ?A distributor is an individual or organisation who will represent your film

at festivals and markets around the world and who will attempt to sell it to television (including terrestrial, cable and satellite), airlines and other companies that show short films.

In terms of features, a distributor is generally an organisation who handles the theatrical release of a film in a particular country as well as the marketing and circulation of films for home viewing (DVD, Video-On-Demand, Download, Television etc). Often feature films have different distributors representing them in different territories and different distributors handling the home-viewing circulation. Distributors will source new films to represent in their distribution catalogue at film festivals and markets around the world

Distribution company we chose and our distribution company

We chose universal because of the high grossing films they have distributed, and also they have released very high budget thrillers which will be good for our thriller as we can get the film released in more countries and more copies sold world wide, also we could have more advertisement than what we would be able to on our own.

The distribution company logo we made for our film reflects our film because of the black represents evil the stalker brings and what the stalker is on her own. The red writing also represents blood evil horror etc. which is another representation of what happens in the last part of the opening.


As we are a new company our thriller movie on our own we would struggle financially as we have a very low budget but due to working along aside a very high budget successful company we could get the money for everything we needed to make the film like props, costumes etc and also we could get a famous actor to take part in our film making it more successful and meaning it will be definitional as the target audience will be to the fans of the star also.

Having this high budget company will make a huge impact on the film as we wouldn’t need to film in a low budget location or have cheap props or costumes etc. the money would able us to make the movie more realistic and effective to the audience so we would ask a big company like our chosen two companies, Lionsgate or Universal to help us and we could then do all these things to make our film as successful as there ones and to help keep our thriller in the cinemas and eventually get it on TV or Netfix etc for everyone to see giving us a bigger profit to then in the future make a franchise of our film.

Jobs that appear

There are many roles that are mentioned in our title sequence for ‘unforeseen’.• One of the roles being • (NAME OF THE STUDIO)&(NAME OF THE PRODUCTION COMPANY)• STARRING- The actors in the movie making the movie realistic as the actors are the right age

for the role of the school girl and girl who stalks people• (FILM'S TITLE)•  MUSIC COMPOSED BY- this role was allocated to make the music very effective so it creates

tension and also so it highlights the scary parts and important parts where the music goes louder or quieter so it is realistic with what's happening at the time of it being played so it doesn’t look stupid.

• PRODUCTION DESIGNER- this role was a silk production employee that was in charge of making sure all the costumes fitted the stereotypical school girl and killer. Makes sure all the props are in the right place and makes sure everything is realistic and doesn’t look fake or put on (eg the fake blood could of looked stupid and the employee would have to spot this out).

• EDITOR or EDITED BY & DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY& PRODUCED BY,& BASED ON THE BOOK BY &  DIRECTED BY – These roles where all placed in the right shot to make it effective and not distract you from the tension, we also made the style of writing and the effect of the writing as it come up like other famous thrillers that we have seen before.

What your film similarities to ‘institutionally

• Paranormal activity and Annabel are very similar to the film we have made because in both films there's the same storyline, where there is some sort of stalker that wants to upset the victim and makes the victim paranoid and weary of everything. You can never see the stalker ever that’s hurting the main characters so we tried to represent the unknown in our thriller as well. Also having the audience not know who the killer or stalker is gives them an instant imagination what it is and then they end up thinking what scares them and what it could be.

• In Annabel in the key scene where the ‘ghost's is dragging the women across the floor is very effective when we watched the clip as it is very unexpected, we portrayed this in our opening when in the end of the opening the girl gets dragged across the floor suddenly but its very unexpected and wouldn’t see it coming, like in this film.


Universal Studios in Los Angeles is both a film studio and a theme park. It is located in the Hollywood hills near Burbank, an LA suburb synonymous with film making. The history of Universal Studios goes back to the early 1900s and a number of well-known films have been shot there. The studio tour and theme park is a more recent addition, but is one of Hollywood's most successful tourist attractions, also making different age groups recognize the studio and want to watch the films.

Again the way the audience will recognise the studio if they have been to this theme park or seen it in other films of other advertisement,they will see it right at the begging of our film and it will be another film and another advertisement for them as if the film we have made is good and people like the film they will go to see other universal films because of the quality of ours.

Our main selling points

The distribution or production company, if the company is well known people will more likely want to see a film that they know all the other films are good from that distribution company they would be more reclined to watch that film than a film they haven't herd of before from a small distribution company.

Where paranormal activity, Annabel (which is made from the doll out of conjuring which is a Liongate film are very well known and where high budget and also successful movies which are similar to our film, lots of people like our sort of stereotypical storyline but ours has a twit but not so much of a twist its to different and will be boring to the audience.

As our film is based like other successful films a film company would want to buy the film and show is as its got a very popular story line and will do well, we know this as all other films with this sort of storyline always is high grossing

Would a on-line company like Netflix and Amazon stream be interested in our

film?We feel that they both would be very interested in our film as Netflix’s customer

are all a range of different aged customers and lots of teenagers-late 30’s would be interested in thriller films even at ages ratings of 12/15 . The film would appeal to a large audience and also the older generation that have been brought up with thriller movies would like to watch movie.

Netflix and other online sights line Amazon would all be interested in doing exclusive deals so they get the first showing of the film, meaning they would get a profit as when the films advertised people will want to get Netflix to watch the film before anyone else and also because you wouldn’t be able to see it in cinemas straight away if they have a contract with us that they can show it first. This would make the film very successful and we would also get profits off people that view it on Netflix and also Amazon and other online sights.

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