



8th Primary school of Pyrgos

Reporters: Students of 5th and 6th grade

Editor: Miss Sophia, an English teacher

3nd Issue, April 2015



By the 6th class

Pyrgos is in the Peloponnese, in the south west part of Greece. It is about 300 kms southwest of Athens, the capital of Greece. It is a small town of approximately 50.000 people.

Lambeti is a small village on the outskirts of Pyrgos, two kilometres to the east of the town. You can see the main road that crosses our village.

The main products of our area are raisins, citrus fruit, olive oil and olives. As for the weather, Pyrgos has a warm Mediterranean climate. It is one of the sunniest places in Greece.


By Theodora

My favourite place here is the square. It is in the middle of the village. There are a lot of benches and there is a telephone booth. There are a lot of trees and some colourful flowers. Next to the square there are three cafes and a small supermarket. Here we celebrate the 25th of March and the 28th of October. I love the square because I can play whenever I want, anytime of the day!!!

By Tasos and George This is the statue of the heroes of t

This is the church of Lambeti. It is a very old church with a basilica with a dome.

It is the church of St Spyridon. There are not frequent services here.

This is the statue of the heroes of the Greek Revolution of 1821 at the centre of Lambeti.there.

This is the Folklore Museum of Lambeti. There are a lot of exhibits.

This is the football field in Lambeti. Footballers play football here.

This is the church of the Holy Mother. There are frequent services.

These are the cafes of Lambeti. There the people drink their coffee and relax.

This is the oil press of Lambeti. It is only open in winter because people take the olives there to make oil.

This is the statue of Lambeti located in the square opposite the cafes. Under the statue you can see the wreaths from the celebration of the 25th March.


By Stacey

Hello! I will talk to you about my village, Lambeti! It's a small village 2 km far from Pyrgos and it has about 2.000 residents.

These are some places you must visit in Lambeti:

Our church, Saint Nikolaos

Our school

Our school

Οur οil press.

Our football field.

This is our local football team: Olympiakos Lambetiou.

Saint Elias Tree, some km far from Lambeti

I am looking forward to your visiting it and I promise to you that you will have a great time!


By Angela, Penny, Vassiliki and Christie

The Olive Oil Press The press was constructed in 1940 and has been working since then. During the past 75 years the machines used were changed and new came. At harvest time the olive oil producers bring the olives to the press.

1. First, they put the olives in a special machine which removes twigs and leaves from the olives. After that, the olives are immediately washed in a special washing machine so that they are completely clean.

2. They are put on scales and they are weighed. Then they are carried to the grinder which crushes the olives into a paste.

3. The 3rd step is the malaxing –the mixing- of the paste. It allows small oil droplets to combine into bigger ones.

4. Next, pipes take the paste into a special machine which separates the oil from the vegetable water and solids.

5. After that the oil is filtered in special tanks. 6. Finally the oil is placed in barrels which the producers can take home. 7. Also, oil is put in tanks of 3-5 tons which is exported to other countries.

By Athan

The second part of our school was built at about 1950.

I play football with my friends and all the boys of the 5th grade at school.

I do not like the fact that it does not have a garden with trees, a football field, a

volleyball court or a computer room. I would also like a gym!

5th: Oil in special tanks

Harvest time, olives in sacks

6th : Oil is placed in barrels

4th: Separating the oil from the vegetable water and solids.

3rd: The malaxing –the mixing- of the paste

1st : Olive twig remover


The Archaeological Museum in

Ancient Olympia Ancient Olympia

By the 6th class,


Pyrgos: You can see our presentation at

The Central Square

The Central Square 1

In the middle of the town there is the big central square. This is the Town Hall.

There is an old big church,

Saint Nikolaos

This is the Archaeological Museum of


Katakolo is very close to Pyrgos. It is the second busiest cruise port in Greece.

The Holy Mary monastery of Skafidia is 10

km from Pyrgos

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