


Created by

Jennifer Norton Argonaut High School, Jackson, CA

Mandel Fellow – United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 1999-2000 Directions: The following question is based on the accompanying Documents 1-14. (Some of the documents have been edited for the purpose of this exercise.) This question is designed to test your ability to work with historical documents. As you analyze the documents, take into account both the sources of the documents and the authors’ point of view. Write an essay on the following topic that integrates your analysis of the documents. Do not simply summarize the documents individually. You may refer to relevant historical facts and developments not mentioned in the documents, although you are not required to do so.

Describe and analyze Nazi actions and policies as expressed in various official communications and testimonies from 1939-1945, and examine the officials’ attitudes towards both their own actions and the orders they received from the Nazi government.

Historical Background:

World War II began in September 1939 with the German invasion of Poland. Within months, The Nazis began to identify the Jewish populations of Nazi-occupied Poland and force them into ghettos. With the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, the Nazis continued to ghettoize Jews, and also began “Operation Reinhard” – the extermination of the Jews of Europe. From 1941-1942, this was largely accomplished by the Einsatzgruppen, mobile killing squads whose sole purpose was to murder Jews in mass shootings. When this method proved too stressful on the executioners, as well as too ‘inefficient’ by Nazi standards, the Nazis implemented the ‘Final Solution’: the ‘liquidation’ of the ghettos, the deportations of hundreds of thousands from Western Europe and the eventual extermination of millions of Jews in death and slave labor camps such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, Belzec, Treblinka and Sobibor, Chelmno and Majdanek.



Document 1

Source: Speech by Adolph Hitler to his commanders and generals August 22, 1939 Our strength lies in our quickness and our brutality; Genghis Khan sent millions of women and children to death knowingly and with a light heart. History sees in him only the great founder of states. In the East I have put my deaths-head formations in place with the command to relentlessly and without compassion send to death many women and children of Polish origin and language. Only thus can we gain the living space we need. Who after all is today speaking about the destruction of the Armenians? Poland will be depopulated and settled with Germans. As for the rest, gentlemen, the fate of Russia will be exactly the same as I am now going through with in the case of Poland. After Stalin’s death-he is a very sick man- we will break the Soviet Union. Then there will begin the dawn of the German rule on earth.

Document 2

Source: Speech by Hans Frank, administrative head of occupied Poland 1939-1945, at Berlin University November 18, 1941 A problem that occupies us in particular is the Jews. This merry little people which wallows in dirt and filth has been gathered by us in ghettos and special quarters and will probably not remain in the General-Government for very long.

(Vigorous Applause)

Strangely enough – we only realized it over there in Poland – there is another category of Jews, something one would never have thought possible. There are laboring Jews over there who work in transport, in building factories, and others are skilled workers such as tailors, shoemakers etc. We have put together Jewish workshops in which goods will be made which will greatly ease the position of German production. These Jews may well be left to work in this way…for the other Jews we must provide suitable arrangements.


Document 3

Source: Written evidence collected by War Crimes Tribunals from Rudolph Höss, Commander of Auschwitz extermination camp relating to events from the summer of 1941 I was summoned to Field Marshall Himmler who said in effect: “The Führer has ordered the Jewish question to be solved once and for all and that we, the SS are to implement that order. The existing extermination centers in the East are not in a position to carry out the large Aktionen which are anticipated. I have therefore earmarked Auschwitz for this purpose because of its good position as regards communications and because the area can be easily isolated and camouflaged. You will treat this order as absolutely secret, even from your superiors. The Jews are the sworn enemies of the German people and must be eradicated. Every Jew we can lay our hands on must be destroyed now during the war, without exception.


Document 4

Source: Letter from a German Armament Inspector in the Ukraine to the Chief of the Industrial Armaments Department, December 1941 The Jewish population remained temporarily unmolested shortly after the fighting, [but] months later specially detached formations executed a planned shooting of Jews. It was done entirely in public with the Ukrainian militia and unfortunately in many instances also with members of the armed forces taking part voluntarily. The way these actions, which included old men, women and children of all ages were carried out was horrible. So far 150,000-200,000 Jews may have been executed. [N]o consideration was given to the interest of the economy. Summarizing, this kind of solution to the Jewish problem in the Ukraine, which obviously was based on ideological theories, had the following results: (a) Elimination of a part of partly superfluous eaters in the cities. (b) Elimination of a part of the population which hated us undoubtedly. (c) Elimination of badly needed tradesmen who were in many cases indispensable even in the interests of the armed forces… (d) Consequences as to foreign propaganda which are obvious. (e) Bad effects on the troops which get indirect contact with the executions. (f) Brutalizing effects on the formations which carry out the executions.


Document 5

Source: Cover letter and Wehrmacht [German Army] Major Rösler’s report from Zhitomir, Ukraine - January 1942

21 January 1942 Secret!

To: The Chief of Army Armaments – Commander of the Reserve Army Re: Atrocities toward the civilian population in the East. /1 Enclosure Because of rumors circulating about mass executions in Russia, I investigated their origins because I thought them extremely exaggerated. Enclosed is a report by Major Rösler’s that fully confirms the rumors. When such actions take place in such openness, it will be unavoidable that they will become known and criticized in the homeland. Report: [W]e heard salvos of rifle fire at regular intervals. I decide to investigate. A pit had been cut in the ground about 4 m wide and 7-8 meters long; the side of the pit was stained all over with streams of blood. The pit itself was filled with human corpses of all kinds and both sexes in such numbers it was difficult to estimate them. The uniforms of the commandos were stained with blood. In a wide circle stood countless soldiers of troop units stationed there, some as spectators, dressed in swimming trunks, as well as many civilians with women and children. I did not acquire any excessive sensitivity of the emotions during my service in the World War and in the French and Russian campaigns of this war but I cannot recall ever having witnessed a scene such as I have described here. I cannot begin to conceive the legal basis on which these executions were carried out. Everything that is happening here seems to be absolutely incompatible with our [German] views on education and morality that a mass slaughter of human beings should be carried out quite publicly, as on an outdoor stage.


Document 6

Source: German SS officers and SD (Security Police) watch as a group of Jewish men dig trench to be used as their own mass grave in an Einsatzgruppen Aktionen, Ukraine, USSR 1942


Document 7

Source: Memorandum of Dr. August Becker to SS Lt. Col. Rauff, Kiev – May 1942 The place of execution is 10 to 15 km away from the highways…If the persons to be executed are driven or led to the place, then they realize immediately what is going on and get restless, which is to be avoided as far as possible. I ordered the vans to be camouflaged as house trailers by putting window shutters on each side [but] the vans became so well known that the civilian population called the van “death van” as soon as one of these vehicles appeared. It is my opinion the van cannot be kept secret for any length of time, not even camouflaged… I ordered that the men were to be kept as far away from the vans as possible so they should not suffer damage to their health by the gas which eventually escapes.

Document 8

Source: 1947 signed confession of SS Colonel Paul Blobel regarding events of 1942-44 [I]n June 1942 I was entrusted with the task of obliterating the traces of the executions carried out by the Einsatzgruppen in the East. This order was top secret. The order could not be carried out immediately because the material required for the burning of the bodies was not available. In May and June 1943 the order was carried out. During my visit in August I myself observed the burning of bodies in a mass grave near Kiev. It took about two days until the grave burned down to the bottom. According to my orders I should have extended my duties over the entire area occupied by the Einsatzgruppen, but owing to the retreat from Russia, I could not carry out my orders completely.


Document 9

Source: Letter from SS Oberführer Victor Brack, in charge of the Euthanasia program and early developer of the gas-vans, to Reichsführer Himmler 1942 According to my impression there are at least 2-3 million men and women well fit for work among the approx. 10 million European Jews. I am of the opinion that these 2-3 million should be taken out and kept alive. Of course this can only be done if they are at the same time rendered incapable of reproduction. Castration by means of x-rays is not only relatively cheap, but can be carried out on many thousands in a very short time. I believe that it has become unimportant at the present time whether those affected will then in a few weeks or months realize that they are castrated.

Document 10

Source: Postwar trial testimony of Robert Juhrs, SS officer, concerning events in at the Belzec extermination camp in 1942. In this convoy, the freight cars had been very seriously overcrowded, and many Jews were no longer able to walk. There were Jews who could not possibly have walked as far as the undressing barracks. Hering [the camp commandant] ordered me to shoot these Jews… I should like to stress that the victims concerned had suffered severely from the journey. It is hard to describe the condition of these people after the long journey in indescribably overcrowded freight cars. I looked on killing them in this way as a kindness and a release. I shot the Jews with a machine gun from the edge of the ditch. In each case I aimed for the head, so that each one died instantly. I can say with absolute certainty that not one of them suffered…


Document 11

Source: 1945 deposition by German engineer SS 1st Lt. Kurt Gerstein about events at the Majdanek extermination camp, August, 1942 [SS General] Globocnik said: “Your job is to convert the gas cambers which have up to now been operated with exhaust gasses from an old diesel engine, to a more poisonous and quicker means, cyanide. [T]he Minister of the Interior suggested, “Would it not be better to incinerate the bodies instead of burying them? Another generation might perhaps think differently about this?” Globocnik said, “But, gentlemen, if we should ever be succeeded by so cowardly and weak a generation that it does not understand our work, then the whole of National Socialism will have been in vain. On the contrary, one should bury bronze plaques [with the bodies], on which is inscribed that it was we, we who had the courage to complete this gigantic task.”

Document 12

Source: Speech by Field Marshall Himmler to the SS October 1943 I want to mention here, in complete frankness, a particularly difficult chapter. Among us it should be mentioned once, quite openly, but in public we will never talk about it… I am referring to the extermination of the Jewish people. Most of you men know what it is like to see 100 corpses side by side, or 500 or 1,000. To have stood fast through this and to have stayed decent, that has made us hard. This is an unwritten and never-to-be written page of glory in our history… We can say that we have fulfilled this heavy task with love for our people, and we have not been damaged in the innermost of our being, our soul, our character.


Document 13 Source: Report from SS Lt. General Fritz Katzmann, commandant of SS in Galicia, concerning liquidation of Lvov ghetto and Janowska work camp - June 1943

Apart from Jews in camps under control of the SS, the District of Galicia is free of Jews. Altogether 434,329 Jews have been evacuated [to death camps]. Together with the evacuation Aktionen Jewish property was confiscated. Apart from furniture and large quantities of textiles, etc. the following were confiscated and delivered: As of June 30, 1943:

97.581 kg gold coins 82.600 kg sliver chains 6.640 kg gold chains

4.326.780 kg broken silver 167.740 kg silver coins

20.952 kg wedding rings –gold 22.740 kg pearls 11.730 kg gold teeth – bridges 28.200 kg powder compacts – silver or other metal 44.655 kg broken gold 482.900 kg silver flatware 343.100 kg cigarette cases – silver or other metal 20.880 kg ring, gold, with stones 39.917 kg brooches, earrings, etc 18.020 kg rings, silver 6.166 kg pocket watches, various 3.133 kg pocket watches, silver 1.256 kg wrist watches –gold 2.892 kg wrist watches – silver 68 cameras 98 binoculars 7 stamp collections – complete 100.550 kg rings, jewelry – not genuine- in 3 sacks 3.290 kg 1 box corals 7.495 kg 1 suitcase of fountain pens and propelling pencils 1 suitcase of cigarette lighters 1 suitcase of pocket knives 35 wagons of furs


Document 14

Source: Bulletin issued by Germans to Dutch Jews from the ‘General Office for Jewish Emigration’, Amsterdam, 1943 Summons! You are called up for forced labour in Germany under police supervision and you must present yourself at transit camp Westerbork. As luggage you are allowed: 1 Suitcase 1 pair work boots 2 pairs socks 2 pairs underpants 2 shirts 1 overall 2 woolen blankets 2 sets sheets 1 bowl 1 mug 1 spoon 1 pullover towel and toilet things also victuals for 3 days and all your food coupons Suitcase clearly marked with first name, family name, date of birth and the word “Holland” It is necessary to follow these instructions precisely because suitcases will travel separately. Upon arrival at Westerbork you must be in possession of full particulars concerning the following items (with the necessary documents): Bank-balance Securities (in the Netherlands and abroad) Policies (life insurance etc.) Safe deposits (you must bring along the key of the safe) Inheritances Valuable objects of art Collections Precious stones Gold and silver objects Shares in businesses Real estate, Mortgages, Arable land in the Netherlands and abroad– mentioning province, place, street, house number, value


Sources for Documents European History DBQ on German Policies and Actions 1939-1945

Historical Background: Maps used with the permission of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Document 1: Yitzak Arad, Israel Gutman and Abraham Margaliot eds., Documents on the Holocaust, eighth edition, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and Yad Vashem Jerusalem 1999 Document 2: Yitzak Arad, Israel Gutman and Abraham Margaliot eds., Documents on the Holocaust, eighth edition, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and Yad Vashem Jerusalem 1999 Document 3: In Pursuit of Justice, United States Holocaust Memorial Council Publication Document 4: Howard Langer, The History of the Holocaust- A Chronology of Quotations, Jason Aronson, 1997 Documents 5: Yitzak Arad, Israel Gutman and Abraham Margaliot eds., Documents on the Holocaust, eighth edition, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and Yad Vashem Jerusalem 1999 and Richard Rhodes, Masters of Death, The SS Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust, Knopf, NY, 2002 Document 6: Picture used with the permission of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Document 7: Howard Langer, The History of the Holocaust- A Chronology of Quotations, Jason Aronson, 1997 Documents 8 & 9: Yitzak Arad, Israel Gutman and Abraham Margaliot eds., Documents on the Holocaust, eighth edition, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and Yad Vashem Jerusalem 1999


Document 10: Irena Steinfelt, How was it Humanly Possible? A Study of Perpetrators and Bystanders during the Holocaust, Yad Vashem, 2002 Document 11: Yitzak Arad, Israel Gutman and Abraham Margaliot eds., Documents on the Holocaust, eighth edition, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and Yad Vashem Jerusalem 1999 Document 12: Irena Steinfelt, How was it Humanly Possible? A Study of Perpetrators and Bystanders during the Holocaust, Yad Vashem, 2002 Document 13: Yitzak Arad, Israel Gutman and Abraham Margaliot eds., Documents on the Holocaust, eighth edition, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and Yad Vashem Jerusalem 1999 Document 14: Documents on the Persecution of the Dutch Jewry 1940-1945, Joods Historisch Museum, Amsterdam, Athenaeum, Amsterdam, 1979-

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