Page 1: European Exploration  The Search for Spices

The First Global Age:

Europe and AsiaThe Search for


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TradeBlack Death and Mongol Empire breakup

Population grewDemand for trade goods grew

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Preserve foodFlavorMedicinesPerfumes

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Explore the SeasMotives

Gain direct access to Asia

WealthCrusade against the

MuslimsDesire to learn more

about the lands beyond Europe

Improved Technology


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Portugal Sails EastwardAfrican CoastPrince Henry the Navigator

(1394-1460)Explored the western coast of

AfricaDiaz rounded the southern tip

of Africa (Cape of Good Hope)Opened the way for a sea route

to Asia

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Portugal Sails EastwardIndiaVasco da Gama reached

to spice port of CalicutLost half their ships

and sailorsDied of hunger, thirst,

and scurvySold at profit of 3000 %1502 forced a treaty of

friendship with Calicut

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Columbus Sails to the WestItalian Navigator

Two ErrorsHe greatly underestimated the

size of the EarthHe had no idea that two

continents lay in his path

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ColumbusFinancer: Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain

Isabella wanted to spread Christianity in Asia

Three ShipsNinaPintaSanta Maria

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August 3, 1492 Columbus sailed westOctober 12, 1492“LAND, LAND”Several months exploring1493 Returned to Spain a hero

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Lines of DemarcationPope Alexander VI set a Line of Demarcation

dividing the non-European world into two zones

Spain had trading and exploration rights in lands west of the line

Portugal had the same rights east of the line.

The line ran due north and south 100 leagues (about 300 mi) west of the Azores and Cape Verde Islands.

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Search ContinuesVasco Nunez de Balboa

Ferdinand MagellanHacked a passage through the tropical forests of Panama

Named the new sea Balboa Sea

November 1520, ships entered a bay at the southern tip of South America

Charted a passage known as the Strait of Magellan

Emerged from Balboa South Sea (renamed the Pacific Ocean)

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Ferdinand Magellan

Continued across the Pacific Ocean

Four months at seaMarch 1521 reached the

PhilippinesMagellan was killed in a

local conflict

One ship and 18 sailors completed the voyage

September 8, 1522 the survivors reached Seville

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Northwest Passage

John Cabot

Jacques Cartier

Henry Hudson

England searches a northerly route

French explored the St. Lawrence River

Dutch explored the Hudson River

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