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2013 January Issue 09

Dear colleagues,

We have the pleasure to present the first 2014 edition of the EURAXESS Links

Brazil Newsletter to you.

We would like to wish you all the best for 2014 and hope the EU-Brazil scientific

cooperation will demonstrate even more dynamism than in the previous years.

We keep striving to promote researchers’ mobility and connecting researchers

among themselves to improve the international S, T&I cooperation. That’s why

we stay at your disposal to diffuse your activities (news, events, funding

opportunities which may be of interest to our readers), to carry out

presentations on the EU EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion initiative, or to

study possible cooperation.

Keep following us on the EURAXESS Links Brazil website, on our Facebook

page, through our EURAXESS Links – Internationally mobile researchers group

on LinkedIn and on our newly created YouTube channel.

This month's EU Insight article will focus on the EC's "Open Access" initiatives.

In “News and Developments” you will find information on matters of interest in

the EU and Brazil.

As usual, you will find many funding opportunities under the Grants &

Fellowships section, some of them with tight deadlines but very interesting

conditions, as well as a couple of Job announcements picked from the

EURAXESS Jobs portal, which might be of interest to researchers moving

between Europe and Brazil.

In addition to this, you will also find a list of events organized in Brazil, starting

with the Max Planck Science Tunnel still in January, and a series of lectures

organized in parallel with high-level researchers.

We hope you will find this issue interesting and helpful. Feel free to circulate it,

asking your correspondents to register so that they can receive future editions


Your EURAXESS Links Brazil Team

[email protected].

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EURAXESS Links Brazil Newsletter is a monthly electronic newsletter, edited by EURAXESS Links Brazil, which provides information of specific interest to European researchers in Brazil and Brazilian researchers who are interested in the European research landscape and in conducting research in Europe or with European partners. The information contained in this publication is intended for personal use only. It should not be taken in any way to reflect the views of the European Commission nor of the Delegation of the European Union to Brazil. Please email to [email protected] for any comments on this newsletter, contributions you would like to make, if you think any other colleagues would be interested in receiving this newsletter, or if you wish to unsubscribe.

Editors: Charlotte GRAWITZ

and Paulo LOPES,

EURAXESS Links Brazil,

Country Representatives


1 EU Insight – Open access initiatives ........................................ 5

2 EURAXESS Links Brazil activities............................................ 8

2.1 EURAXESS Survey .......................................................... 8

2.2 EURAXESS Links Brazil channel on YouTube .............. 8

2.3 EURAXESS Links Network Newsletter focuses on

Horizon 2020 .................................................................... 8

3 News & Developments ............................................................. 9

3.1 EU and Member States .................................................... 9

3.1.1 EU awards €575 million to mid-career researchers ........ 9

3.1.2 New ERC president appointed ....................................... 9

3.1.3 The JRC adopts open access policy for scientific articles from January 2014 ....................................................... 10

3.2 Brazil ............................................................................... 11

3.2.1 2014 budget provides R$ 9.5 billion for the MCTI ........ 11

3.2.2 Science without Borders discloses selected young talent

and visiting researchers ................................................ 11

3.2.3 Science without Borders announces partial result of four

calls .............................................................................. 12

3.2.4 Start-Up Brazil must select 100 more initiatives in 2014 12

3.3 Cooperation EU, Member States, Brazil ...................... 13

3.3.1 Max Planck Science Tunnel, first time in Brazil ............ 13

3.3.2 Brazil and Denmark launch doctorate in bioenergy ...... 13

3.3.3 LNCC and University of Manchester deepen

collaboration ................................................................. 14

3.3.4 CNRS-UCBL-INRIA LIA (Laboratoire International

Associé) LIRIO ............................................................. 14

3.3.5 New programme offers graduation opportunities in Spain for low-income students ................................................ 15

4 Grants & Fellowships ............................................................. 16

4.1 European Union ............................................................. 16

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4.1.1 Calls still open under the 7th Framework Programme ... 16

4.1.2 Open calls under Horizon 2020 .................................... 16

4.1.3 European Research Council open calls........................ 17

4.1.4 8 PhD positions in Neurosciences & Neurobiology ...... 18

4.2 EU Member States and Associated Countries ............ 18

4.2.1 AUSTRIA – Ernst Mach Grant - 2014 Call .................... 18

4.2.2 Austria – Richard Plaschka Scholarship ....................... 19

4.2.3 Belgium - Return Grants for Researchers Working Abroad .......................................................................... 19

4.2.4 GERMANY - Leibniz-DAAD Research Fellowships 2014


4.2.5 GERMANY – Postdoctoral fellowships at Freie

Universitat Berlin .......................................................... 20

4.2.6 GERMANY – 10 post-doc fellowships by the Brandenburg Research Academy and International

Network (BRAIN) .......................................................... 20

4.2.7 LUXEMBOURG - FNR AFR PhD and Postdoc Grants . 21

4.2.8 Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation

(SNSF) Ambizione ........................................................ 21

4.2.9 Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Doc.Mobility and Early Postdoc.Mobility .......... 22

4.2.10 UK - Royal Society Research Professorship .......... 22

4.2.11 Exchange programme for UK-based PhD students 23

4.2.12 UK- International Partnership and Mobility Scheme


4.2.13 UK - Edinburgh Global Latin-American Masters

Scholarships ................................................................. 24

4.2.14 UK – Keele University Postgraduate Funding Opportunities for 2014-2015 ......................................... 24

4.2.15 CERN Fellowship and GET Programmes .............. 25

4.2.16 Santander Master’s Scholarship at London’s Global

University (UCL) ........................................................... 26

4.2.17 Other fellowships on EURAXESS Job Portal ......... 26

4.3 Brazil ............................................................................... 27

4.3.1 FAPESP and University of Manchester announce call for

proposals ...................................................................... 27

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4.3.2 FAPESP and University of Edinburgh support projects that encourage cooperative work ................................. 27

4.3.3 BRAGECRIM - call for joint German-Brazilian research

projects ......................................................................... 27

4.3.4 SWEDEN – BRAZIL: fellowships for PhD and post-doc

under Science without Borders ..................................... 28

4.4 Awards ............................................................................ 28

4.4.1 The EYRA 2014 Call for Post-doctoral candidates is now open. ............................................................................ 28

4.5 Call for abstracts ........................................................... 29

4.5.1 The European Young Researchers’ Award (EYRA) ..... 29

4.5.2 Call for papers for the World's Large Rivers Conference


4.5.3 Call for Submissions for the World Health Summit ....... 29

4.5.4 Call for abstracts by the French-Brazilian Symposium on

Biosciences .................................................................. 29

4.6 Calls still open ............................................................... 30

5 Jobs ....................................................................................... 32

5.1 EURAXESS Jobs ........................................................... 32

5.2 Europe: Several positions at the JRC .......................... 32

6 Events .................................................................................... 33

For any suggestion or to

publish information on funding

opportunities or scientific

events in this newsletter,

send us an email at

[email protected]

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1 EU Insight – Open access initiatives

EU Insight – Open Access: status quo and EU initiatives in Horizon 2020

One of the key principles to be implemented in the European Research Area is

“to guarantee access to and uptake of knowledge by all” – or the so-called

“open access” (OA). Open access refers to the practice of providing on-line

access to scientific information that is free of charge to the end-user.

The EU’s open access initiatives

The European Commission has long possessed the view that as all research

and innovation builds on earlier achievements, an efficient system for broad

dissemination of and access to research data and publications can accelerate

scientific progress. Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, European Commissioner for

Research, Innovation and Science stresses that “[w]e need to ensure that

scientists have access to the best and latest results of research.” That is why

new publications based on EU-funded research will be freely available to all. In

addition, as part of a pilot open access to some of the scientific data resulting

from Horizon 2020, the new EU Framework Programme for Research and

Innovation, will also be opened up.

Open Access to EU-funded scientific research

The European Commission (EC) aims to optimise

the impact of publicly-funded scientific research,

both at European level (under the EU Research

Framework Programmes FP7 and Horizon 2020)

and at Member State level. This is essential for

Europe's ability to enhance its economic

performance and improve the capacity to compete

through knowledge. Open access to results of

publicly-funded research could facilitate the

dissemination process to the benefit of

researchers, innovative industry and citizens. It can

also boost the visibility of European research, and

in particular offer small and medium-sized

enterprises (SMEs) access to the latest research

for utilisation.

Therefore, the Commission’s strategy is to develop

and implement open access to research results

from projects funded under FP7 and Horizon 2020


Pilot on Open Research Data in Horizon 2020

A novelty in H2020 is the ‘Pilot on Open Research

Data in Horizon 2020’. Launched on December

Open access

requirements are based

on a balanced support to

both 'Green open access'

(immediate or delayed

open access that is

provided through self-

archiving) and 'Gold open

access' (immediate open

access that is provided

by a publisher).

The Pilot involves the following

key areas of Horizon 2020:

(1) Future and Emerging


(2) Research infrastructures – part


(3) Leadership in enabling and

industrial technologies –

Information and Communication


(4) Societal Challenge: Secure,

Clean and Efficient Energy – part

Smart cities and communities,

(5) Societal Challenge: Climate

Action, Environment, Resource

Efficiency and Raw materials –

with the exception of topics in the

area of raw materials,

(6) Societal Challenge: Europe in a

changing world – inclusive,

innovative and reflective Societies,


(7) Science with and for Society.

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16th, 2013, researchers in projects participating in the pilot are asked to make

the underlying data needed to validate the results presented in scientific

publications and other scientific information available for use by other

researchers, innovative industries and citizens. For 2014-2015, topic areas

participating in the Open Research Data Pilot will receive funding of around €3


The EC’s guidelines on open access

Two sets of guidelines were published in December going hand-in-hand with

the launch of the above-mentioned pilot and open access initiatives under


1) The “Guidelines on Open Access to Scientific Publications and

Research Data in Horizon 2020” provide context and explanation for the

rules on open access applicable to beneficiaries in projects funded or

co-funded under Horizon 2020.

2) The “Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020” published by

the EC are addressed to applicants and beneficiaries of projects under

the Framework Programme. These guidelines are intended to give them

indications on how they can comply with their responsibilities regarding

research data quality, sharing and security.

Measuring the status quo of open access on European and world level

In August 2013, three reports were published as part of a study conducted for

the European Commission (EC) to develop a set of indicators for measuring

open access in the European Research Area (ERA) countries, as well as Brazil,

Canada, Japan, and the US. The reports came to several interesting

conclusions. First of all, compared to open access repositories of theses and

scientific articles, institutional repositories that support the archiving of scientific

datasets remain marginal.

Second of all, in regard to the availability of open access scholarly publications,

the tipping point for OA (more than 50% of the papers available for free) has

been reached in several countries according to the authors. Of the countries in

question Brazil leads with 63%, followed by the US with the proportion of open

access peer-reviewed papers being 56% while Canada is about to reach the

tipping point (currently at around 49%). The ERA has roughly the same

proportion of OA articles as that observed at the world level (43% for 2008-

2011, a figure which is not recalibrated for precision and recall), though there

are noticeable differences among the countries with the Netherlands, Portugal,

Lithuania, Estonia, Denmark, Malta, Ireland, and Belgium having already

reached the tipping point.

And third of all, the authors argue that most national governments have not

proposed or implemented direct legislation on OA (the major exceptions being

the US and Brazil who also lead in regard to OA availability) and instead, OA is

often addressed through less formal means, such as the production of

guidelines for research funding agencies. The development of an OA culture

among researchers can be fostered – the authors conclude – by institutions,

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funding bodies, and governments through initiatives that enable or provide

incentive for the OA dissemination of peer-reviewed publications.

The European Commission sees the implementation of open access is a major

challenge given the uneven state of advancement of Member State policies in

this area. Therefore, the EC encourages national initiatives at Member State

level and contributes to their co-ordination within the ERA. Continuing the

engagement with stakeholders and encouraging a culture of sharing scientific

publications and, with due respect to the rights of all concerned, research data

are major concerns over the course of Horizon 2020.

Sources and further information

[1] European Commission: Fact sheet: Open Access in Horizon 2020, 9

December 2013.

[2] European Commission: ERA Newsletter, 1st Edition, Foreword: The EU as a

leader on wider access to research results, January 2014.

[3] European Commission: Science in Society portal.

[4] European Commission, Press Release: Commission launches pilot to open

up publicly funded research data, 16 December 2013.

[5] KoWi (European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations),

news article: European Commission publishes Guidelines on Open Access in

Horizon 2020, 20 December 2013.

[6] Science-Metrix Inc. (Authors: Eric Archambault, Didier Amyot, Philippe

Deschamps, Aurore Nicol, Lise Rebout & Guillaume Roberge): Proportion of

Open Access Peer-Reviewed Papers at the European and World Levels—

2004-2011, August 2013.

[7] Science-Metrix Inc. (Authors: Julie Caruso, Aurore Nicol & Eric

Archambault): Open Access Strategies in the European Research Area, August


[8] Science-Metrix Inc. (Authors: Aurore Nicol, Julie Caruso & Éric

Archambault): Open Data Access Policies and Strategies in the European

Research Area and Beyond, August 2013.

A list of relevant EU-funded projects can be accessed here.

New European Research

Area (ERA) newsletter - 1st

edition published

The European Commission

has published the first edition

of the European Research

Area (ERA) newsletter.

This first edition of the ERA

Newsletter explores the flow

of knowledge: what the EU

and the European research

community are doing to

encourage open access to

research results, as well as

the barriers that remain to be

overcome. With these

occasional newsletters the

Commission aims to provide

a space where issues around

ERA can be discussed and

debated by stakeholders and

different points of view


Access the ERA Newsletter

1st Edition on Open Access


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2 EURAXESS Links Brazil activities 2.1 EURAXESS Survey

You still have time to share your view on EURAXESS Links.

Our survey is still online and helps us improve our service for you in the future! It will take you only 3 minutes to answer the 5 questions.

2.2 EURAXESS Links Brazil channel on YouTube

EURAXESS Links Brazil is now on Youtube! Visit our page to watch the

EURAXESS Science Slam Brazil videos. Our 7 finalists presentations are already online.

An interview (in Portuguese) of Paulo Lopes, EURA ESS Lin s razil representative is also available. It was recorded by T Unesp (Di logos) during the Third razil Institute of European Studies (IBE) Congress held on 9-11 October 2013 in

Florianopolis, Santa Catarina.

2.3 EURAXESS Links Network Newsletter focuses on

Horizon 2020

The first edition of the EURAXESS Links Network Newsletter for

2014 can be read clicking here.

The editorial is signed by Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, the EU Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science who emphasizes the improvements made on the structure of the new EU framework programme for research and innovation as well as the importance of international cooperation to address current


This edition also brings a report on the first "EURAXESS - Voice of the Researchers" conference held in Brussels in November 2013 and an article reflecting on the developments in the LinkedIn community as we step up our efforts to engage with researchers

through social media.

Finally, this Network Newsletter presents an overview of the planned activities in all "Links" countries and regions (Brazil,

North America, Japan, China, India and ASEAN).

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3 News & Developments 3.1 EU and Member States

3.1.1 EU awards €575 million to mid-career researchers

The European Research Council (ERC) has selected on the 14th January 312 top scientists in its first Consolidator Grant competition. This new funding will enable the researchers to consolidate their own teams and to further develop their best ideas. Projects selected include: using a geochemical clock to predict volcanic eruptions, exploring the effects of Dark Matter and Dark Energy on gravitational theory, checking responsibility, liability and risk in situations where tasks are delegated to intelligent systems, and investigating the role of genetic and environmental factors in embryo brain wiring. Total funding in this round is €575 million, with an average awarded grant of €1.84 million, up to a maximum of €2.75 million (more information here).

The ERC calls target top researchers of any nationality based in, or willing to move to, Europe. In this call, grants are awarded to researchers of 33 different nationalities, hosted in institutions located in 21 different countries throughout Europe, with 9 of them hosting five grantees or more.

Over 3600 proposals were submitted to this first separate ERC Consolidator Grant competition. The share of women amongst the successful candidates in this call (24%) increased in comparison with the equivalent mid-career group in the 2012 Starting Grant call (22.5%). The average age of the selected researchers is 39.

Around 45% of the grantees selected are in the domain 'Physical Sciences and Engineering', 37% in 'Life Sciences' and almost 19% in 'Social Sciences and Humanities'. The grantees were selected through peer review evaluation by 25 panels composed of

renowned scientists from around the world.

Source: European Commission

3.1.2 New ERC president appointed

The European Commission has appointed Professor Jean-Pierre Bourguignon as the next President of the European Research Council (ERC), the EU's premier funding body for investigator-

driven frontier research.

Professor Bourguignon, a mathematician and French national, took over in his new role as of 1 January 2014. He is the first ERC President to be based in Brussels, in a new reinforced role where he will devote most of his time to the job. He joins the ERC at a vital moment for its further development, with a strongly increased

seven-year budget of over €13 billion under Horizon 2020.

In terms of host institutions,

the UK (62 grants), Germany

(43) and France (42) are in

the lead. There are also

researchers hosted at

institutions in the

Netherlands, Switzerland,

Spain, Italy, Israel, Belgium,

Sweden, Austria, Denmark,

Finland, Portugal, Greece,

Hungary, Ireland, Turkey,

Cyprus, the Czech Republic

and Norway. In terms of

researchers' nationality

Germans (48 grants) and

Italians (46) are at the top,

followed by French (33),

British (31) and Dutch (27)

researchers. (see statistics


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Professor Bourguignon is appointed by the Commission for a term of office limited to four years, renewable once. The ERC was led by Greek biologist Professor Fotis Kafatos from 2007 to 2010, and then by Austrian social scientist Professor Helga Nowotny from 2010 to 2013.

Read more in source: European Commission and watch the new

president interview on the ERC’s imeo account.

3.1.3 The JRC adopts open access policy for scientific articles from January 2014

As of January 2014, the European Commission allows unrestricted access to research results under Horizon 2020, the new EU

funding programme to boost research and innovation.

In accordance with this new open access policy for scientific publications, Joint Research Centre (JRC) articles in peer-reviewed publications where JRC staff members are first or corresponding author will be freely and publicly available, making the majority of JRC scientific results accessible online. Providing other researchers, innovative industries and citizens access to the JRC's research results is important, as this will lead to better and more efficient science and improved transparency for citizens and


From 2010 onwards, many JRC scientific research results, such as science & policy, technical and reference reports, books and some scientific articles, were already publicly available in PUBSY, the JRC's Publications Management System. Opening access to all scientific articles is one more step in broadening the JRC's Open Access policy. JRC researchers are now expected to publish any new peer-reviewed research paper in journals that are

compliant with the updated policy.

The JRC supports two routes to open access. Gold Access is when the journal publisher provides, immediate and unrestricted access to the final published version of the paper, and allows immediate deposit of the article in other repositories. Green access is when the publisher agrees to make the peer-reviewed manuscript available within a defined embargo period; in line with the Horizon 2020 requirement, the JRC accepts an embargo period no longer than six to twelve months.

Source: JRC

Horizon 2020: Become an

independent expert for the

biggest EU research

programme so far!

The European Commission

has launched a new call for

independent experts.

Experts are needed to

evaluate proposals for EU

funding and for other activities

such as monitoring,

programme evaluation and

policy development.

Interested candidates are

invited to file their application

online as soon as possible in

preparation for the first project

proposal evaluations, which

will start in 2014. Further

information here.

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3.2 Brazil

3.2.1 2014 budget provides R$ 9.5 billion for the MCTI

The forecast of the Union Budget for the year 2014 was published in the Official Gazette of the Union on 21st January. From the total amount of nearly R$ 2.5 trillion, R$ 9.5 billion will be allocated to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI). This amount will be used to fund the Ministry activities and the S,T&I supporting programmes in Brazil. Compared with last year, the MCTI received R$ 96 million additional resources.

Most of the amount, a total of R$ 5.3 billion is targeted at policies to encourage science, technology and innovation (ST&I), which

will receive. Resources for industrial production will reach around R$ 542 million.

Moreover, the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) will have investments of R$ 1.7 billion. This amount includes funding for research and for the Science without Borders programme.

Some specific areas were covered with a good amount of resources. The National Nuclear Energy Commission will have R$ 852.9 million available this year. Adding up the contributions to Industrias Nucleares do Brasil SA (INB) – R$ 903.7 million - and Nuclebrás Equipamentos Pesados SA (Nuclep) – R$ 305.3 million - investment in the nuclear area will have more than R$ 2 billion. Part of this amount will be used to build new production units for

radioactive material in Brazil.

Furthermore, one of the flags of the Brazilian government, the development of the national space programme, also received substantial resources. The Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) alone will have R$ 300 million. Moreover, the Alcantara Space Center and the production of the Brazilian-Ukrainian rocket Cyclone will also be supported by the MCTI budget.

Source: Agência Gestão C&T

3.2.2 Science without Borders discloses selected young talent and visiting researchers

The Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) has released the results of the Science without Borders programme relating to calls 70/2013 and 71/2013, concerning the modalities Attracting Young Talents and Special Visiting Researchers, respectively.

Successful applicants must wait to receive the letters to be sent by


Access the program’s site here. Source: MCTI

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3.2.3 Science without Borders announces partial result of four calls

The Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) announced on the 20th January the partial result of the Science without Borders programme relating to calls 158/2013 (France) 160/2013 (Sweden), 162/2013 (Ireland) and 166/2013


The recommendation of the students listed does not guarantee final approval, as the acceptance of the candidate by a host university in the respective country is still required. Programme

data can be found in its Control Panel. Source: MCTI

3.2.4 Start-Up Brazil must select 100 more initiatives in 2014

The Start-Up Brazil programme should select 100 more initiatives in 2014 to strengthen the technology-based entrepreneurship in the country. In addition to these new selections, one of the priorities of the Secretariat for Information Technology Policy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) for the new year is to select new accelerators to boost the implementation of projects from new companies entering the programme.

"We will select between nine and twelve accelerators and intend to select over 100 start-ups from anywhere in the world to carry out their activities in the country with the support of MCTI" the Director of Information and Technology Communication Policies, Rafael

Moreira, has stated.

The launch of a call for tenders focused on hardware development is also planned. "We plan to launch it to support the incipient movement of the Brazilian market for start-ups that are directed to this field", says Moreira. Another call should address information security and cryptography. In addition, a plan in the research, development and innovation for security and cyber defence should be released". This includes the construction of a core with this

focus", he says .

The timing of the programme envisages the selection of Brazilian and international start-ups twice a year, in March and August.

Each selected company will receive a grant of up to R$ 200,000 in support from the federal government and an investment of private accelerators that can reach R$ 1.5 million.

"It is also planned to launch a call for tenders to support the development of entrepreneurship addressing social aspects, with

solutions based on open platforms", adds the director.

Last year, 110 new companies were supported by the Start-Up Brazil programme. According to Rafael Moreira, they were

selected from nearly 2000 applications coming from 38 countries.

Source: MCTI

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3.3 Cooperation EU, Member States, Brazil

3.3.1 Max Planck Science Tunnel, first time in Brazil

To celebrate the German Year in Brazil, the city of São Paulo will receive the "Max Planck Science Tunnel". The exhibition will be opened to the general public for the first time in Brazil between January 30th and February 21st, 2014 in the Convention Centre of the Shopping Frei Caneca in São Paulo. The Science Tunnel, implemented by the Max Planck Society, covers the great themes of basic research from its starting points, showing the scientific and technological possibilities and opportunities for transforming

innovations of the future.

Learn more about the event here. Source: DWIH

Alongside the Science Tunnel exhibition in São Paulo, there will be a broad complementary programme of lectures. Renowned researchers from Germany and Brazil will discuss topics from different areas of knowledge. The agenda includes a Lecture on "Creating Knowledge: Research for Upcoming Generations" by the Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine 1991, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Erwin Neher, MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen. The lecture will be held on January 29 at 15:00 at Teatro

Shopping Frei Caneca.

See details here.

3.3.2 Brazil and Denmark launch doctorate in bioenergy

Brazil and Denmark will join research efforts in the area of biorefineries. With the potential to lead the sustainable energy revolution, the countries launched a doctoral program in bioenergy to be held by the Universities of Campinas (Unicamp), São Paulo (USP) and Estadual Paulista (UNESP).

According to the program coordinator and director of the National Laboratory of Science and Technology of Bioethanol (CTBE), Carlos Alberto Labate, 41 students will begin their studies in March 2014. Classes will be taught in English and by


There will also be a link with the Danish institutions for the exchange of students and teachers. "Our next step is to make an agreement between the São Paulo universities, the Danish institutions and CTBE to allow the students free access to the lab infraestructures and the exchange of academic experiences", said Labate.

The launching of the programme was done at the opening ceremony of the 1st Brazil-Denmark Workshop on biorefineries, held on the 2nd December. The purpose of the event was to present the main initiatives of universities, research institutes and

This activity is part of the

Season Germany+Brazil from

2013 to 2014 and is being

produced with the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs of Germany,

the Federation of Foundations

for the Promotion of Science

(für die Deutsche

Wissenschaft Stifterverband)

and the Ministry of Science,

Technology and Innovation

(MCTI), the subsidiaries of

Siemens, Volkswagen and ZF

Brazil Siemens and

Volkswagen and the

Convention Centre Frei


In addition, the Tunnel of

Science of the Max Planck

Society receives institutional

support of the Brazilian

Society for the Advancement

of Science (SBPC), the

Brazilian Society of Physics,

the Federal University of São

Paulo (UNIFESP) and

German House of Science

and Innovation São Paulo

(DWIH - SP).

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companies from both nations linked to the topic, with the aim of bringing together professionals and promoting innovative research

projects in collaboration.

One of the Danish programmes presented at the event was the Bio- alue Spir. With a budget of € 25 million, the initiative brings together universities and companies to develop technological solutions related to biorefineries. The programme is divided into six different projects, including innovative systems for biomass production, green chemistry and catalytic conversion of


Possibilities to participate in Horizon 2020, the largest research

and innovation program in Europe with and investment of about € 80 billion between 2014 and 2020 was also discussed during the


Source: MCTI

3.3.3 LNCC and University of Manchester deepen collaboration

Cooperation between the Faculty of Life Sciences (FLS) of the University of Manchester and the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC/MCTI) has been increasing. Research activities between the two institutions have been expanded and intensified in order to strengthen areas of common interest and promote joint training of human resources. An agreement has been signed with the long-term aim of establishing a joint post-graduation


In addition to strengthening ties between researchers, teachers and students, the partnership should be extended to other Brazilian education and research institutions that use mathematical-computational modelling in investigating scientific questions in life phenomena. This approach takes advantage of the core vocation of both institutions.

The collaboration between the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing and Faculty of Life Sciences offers opportunities for complementary activities of researchers, teachers and students, in a scientific cooperation covering research, theory, observational techniques, development and technology. Working together promotes computational modelling as a tool for understanding the phenomena of life.

Source: MCTI

3.3.4 CNRS-UCBL-INRIA LIA (Laboratoire International Associé) LIRIO

An International Associate Laboratory (LIA – Laboratoire International Associé) has been approved between the LBBE-UMR 5558 and the Laboratório de Bioinformática of the

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LNCC/MCT, Brazil, managed by Dr Ana Tereza Vasconcelos. The LIA is called Laboratory InteRnational of research in bIOformatics (acronym LIRIO) and was officially created from January 1st, 2014 for a duration of 4 years (with possibility of asking for a renewal once). LIRIO will be coordinated on the Brazilian side by Ana Tereza Vasconcelos, and on the French side by Marie-France Sagot. The activities of LIRIO will cover research, teaching and also involve the bioinformatics platforms on both sides.

Source: INRIA

3.3.5 New programme offers graduation opportunities in Spain for low-income students

The Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) released on 23rd January call No. 3/ 2014 concerning the programme Pro-Uni Salamanca Scholarships Plena, which aims to strengthen bilateral cooperation at the educational level, through the selection of Brazilian low-income students whose socioeconomic status is consistent with the ProUni criteria, to

carry out a complete graduation at the University of Salamanca.

Those who meet all ProUni requirements, particularly with regard to socioeconomic status of low-income; who are ranked in Enem, reaching a minimum score of 600 points; and who receive no scholarship or financial benefit of other Brazilian entities for the same goal, can register until the 8th of March. All enrolment

documents described in the call must be attached.

The result of the selection is set to be released in April this year. The benefits include the approved funding for a pre-departure meeting in Brasilia, installation aid, health insurance, airfare to Spain, monthly payments during the preparatory course for entrance at the university of Salamanca lasting for six months and monthly payments for up to four years by Banco Santander, only to candidates approved at the entrance examination of the

University of Salamanca.

More information by the e- mail [email protected].

Source: CAPES

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4 Grants & Fellowships 4.1 European Union

4.1.1 Calls still open under the 7th Framework Programme

Below is a list of all calls still open under FP7. You can click on each of them for full details. Source: Research and Innovation

Participant Portal.


Launched Deadline

Support for the coherent development of

research policies 14 November 2013 15 April 2014

Cooperation Launched Deadline

Joint technology initiative (IMI JU) 10 December 2013 8 April 2014

Joint technology initiative (FCH JU) 27 November 2013 27 February 2014

Joint technology initiative (Clean Sky) 19 December 2013 3 March 2014

4.1.2 Open calls under Horizon 2020

145 calls have already been published on 11 December under the new EU framework programme for research and innovation,

Horizon 2020.

The calls and cover a wide range of research fields, from basic research to social sciences and humanities, and including various funding schemes, from international project-based grants to

individual fellowships.

They are distributed among the three pillars of Horizon 2020:

- Excellent Science programme 22 open calls (including European Research Council Starting and Consolidator Grant – see below - and Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) – Deadline: 24 April 2014)

- Industrial Leadership

- Societal Challenges Access all open calls on the Horizon 2020 Participant Pportal.

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4.1.3 European Research Council open calls

The ERC's frontier research grants operate on a 'bottom-up' basis without predetermined priorities. Both calls below ( 'ERC-2014-STG' and 'ERC-2014-CoG') consist of one call with a single deadline applying to each of the three main research domains:

Physical Sciences & Engineering;

Life Sciences;

Social Sciences & Humanities.

- CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR ERC STARTING GRANT ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal

Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. This action is open to researchers of any nationality who intend to conduct

their research activity in any Member State or Associated Country.

Starting Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR

1 500 000 for a period of 5 years.

The deadline for all domains of this call is 25 March 2014. More details here.

In 2013, a Brazilian research has been awarded an European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for his project on “Econometric Analysis of Interaction Models.” Read Aureo de Paula’s interview by EURA ESS Lin s razil on our website, Meet the researcher section.

- CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR ERC CONSOLIDATOR GRANT ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they may still be consolidating their own independent research team or programme. This action is open to researchers of any nationality who intend to conduct their research activity in any Member State or Associated Country. Consolidator Grants may be awarded up to a maximum of EUR 2 000 000 for a period of 5 years with a possible additional of

750 000 EUR.

The deadline for all domains of this call is 20 May 2014. More

details here.

- CALL FOR PROPOSALS FOR ERC PROOF OF CONCEPT GRANTS Frontier research often generates unexpected or new opportunities for commercial or societal application. The ERC Proof of Concept Grants aim to maximise the value of the excellent research that the ERC funds, by funding further work (i.e. activities which were not scheduled to be funded by the original

About ERC

Set up in 2007 by the EU, the

European Research Council

is the first pan-European

funding organization for

frontier research. It aims to

stimulate scientific excellence

in Europe by encouraging

competition for funding

between the very best,

creative researchers of any

nationality and age. The ERC

also strives to attract top

researchers from anywhere in

the world to come to Europe.

It funds young, early-career

top researchers ('ERC

Starting grants'), already

independent excellent

scientists ('ERC Consolidator

Grants'), and senior research

leaders ('ERC Advanced

Grants'). More: ERC

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ERC frontier research grant) to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC funded projects. Proof of Concept Grants are therefore on offer only to Principal Investigators whose

proposals draw substantially on their ERC funded research.

The financial contribution will be up to a maximum of EUR 150 000 for a period of 18 months.

Deadline: 1st April 2014. More details here.

4.1.4 8 PhD positions in Neurosciences & Neurobiology

The Erasmus Mundus program for Neurosciences is inviting applications from students having a solid background in neurosciences, biological psychology or medicine with a strong

affinity for studying brain diseases.

Application deadline: 7 February 2014. More information here.

4.2 EU Member States and Associated Countries

4.2.1 AUSTRIA – Ernst Mach Grant - 2014 Call

Ernst Mach Grants are awarded by the Austrian government to postgraduates, PhDs and postdocs from all over the world to conduct studies in Austria for one to 9 months in the following


• Natural Sciences; • Technical Sciences • Medicine • Agriculture and Forestry, Veterinary Medicine

• Social Sciences, Law and Economics • Humanities and Theology • Arts

Eligible for application are:

- postgraduates pursuing a doctoral/PhD programme outside Austria;

- postgraduates and post-docs wishing to pursue research in Austria with a view to an academic career and who completed their studies (at a university outside Austria) after September 30 th, 2012;

- post-docs who are working as lecturers at a university outside Austria.

Applicants must not have studied/pursued research/pursued academic work in Austria in the last six months before taking up the grant. Maximum age: 35 years.

Deadline to apply for the academic year 2014-2015 is 1 March 2014. Further details and access to the online application portal

available here.

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4.2.2 Austria – Richard Plaschka Scholarship

Recipients of Plaschka grants (Postgraduates, PhD holders, researchers) can work as visiting researchers at Austrian university departments and institutes and carry out specialist studies in libraries, archives or at research institutions.

Eligible for application are only non-Austrian university lecturers in the field of history (but also related disciplines, e.g. cultural history, archaeology, musicology, provided that they deal with topics that are closely related to history) who are primarily

occupied with Austria-related topics.

The scholarship is given for a period of 4 to 9 months. In case of

successful research activities the scholarship can, on request, be renewed (total duration 18 months).

The scholarship includes a monthly grant of 1040 Euros and a book allowance of 93 Euros.

The closing date for applications is 1 March, 2014. Further details

available here.

4.2.3 Belgium - Return Grants for Researchers Working Abroad

The Back to Belgium Grants of the federal Science Policy are intended to foster the return to Belgium of talented researchers doing R&D in a foreign research centre.

Eligible candidates must be Belgian nationals or have spent at least 3 years in Belgium for R&D or higher education purposes

before their post-doctoral stay abroad.

Each year, the jury meets in May and proposes to the Minister in charge a list of candidates considered apt to receive a 24 months funding. The selection criteria are mainly based on the scientific level of the candidate, the quality and the feasibility of the research proposal, the post-doc expertise acquired abroad and its possible use and its contribution to the host unit as well as the career

perspectives in Belgium.

Researchers may propose a research project to be performed in a Belgian research unit, in a research team related to Inter-university attraction poles (IAP) or other research programmes financed by

the Federal Authority.

The grant, awarded for a period of 24 months, includes a salary based on a research assistant salary proportionate to the experience of the candidate, an allowance of 1250€ for covering the return transportation cost and a 12500€ grant to cover research-related expenses (no overhead) within the host


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The deadline is 28 February 2014. More details available on the Belspo website.

4.2.4 GERMANY - Leibniz-DAAD Research Fellowships 2014

The Leibniz – DAAD Research Fellowship programme is jointly carried out by the Leibniz Association and the German Academic Exchange Service. Leibniz-DAAD fellowships offer highly qualified, international postdoctoral researchers, who have recently completed their doctoral studies, the opportunity to conduct research at the Leibniz Institute of their choice in Germany.

Deadline: 7 March 2014. More details here.

4.2.5 GERMANY – Postdoctoral fellowships at Freie

Universitat Berlin

The Research College (Kolleg-Forschergruppe/Freie Universitat Berlin) “The Transformative Power of Europe. The European Union and the Diffusion of Ideas”, directed by Profs. Tanja A. Börzel and Thomas Risse, advertises up to 4 postdoctoral fellowships. They particularly encourage applications on projects located in the field of comparative regionalism, with a specific interest in the following topics:

- Regional cooperation and integration in Latin America, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East ;

- Adaptation of and resistance to European institutional models and policies in other parts of the world ;

- Diffusion of institutions and policies from other parts of the world to Europe and the EU including historical perspectives.

- The fellows must have their PhD submitted by the fall of 2014. The duration of the fellowship is 12 months (October 1, 2014 - September 30, 2015) with an annual stipend of EUR 30.000 (including travel expenses).

Further information can be found at or obtained at [email protected]. Deadline for

applications: 15 March 2014.

4.2.6 GERMANY – 10 post-doc fellowships by the Brandenburg Research Academy and International Network (BRAIN)

Open to experienced young international researchers (post-docs), the call offers employment contract of 24 months duration at the fellow chosen host University with salaries equal to those of the Marie Curie Programme for experienced researchers, including social security and health insurance as well as pension coverage.

Women are especially encouraged to apply. Brandenburg universities (Berlin region) are very family-friendly and offer

various possibilities of support to researchers with children.


non-German nationals

residing abroad

PhD + least three years of

experience in research

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The pilot program BRAIN is co-funded by the European Union Marie Curie Actions. Deadline: 15 April 2014. More details here.

4.2.7 LUXEMBOURG - FNR AFR PhD and Postdoc Grants

The FNR's AFR Grant Scheme (Aides à la Formation-Recherche) supports PhD and postdoctoral research training projects in Luxembourg and abroad, up to 4 years for PhDs and up to 2

years for postdocs.

The AFR programme has no thematic limitations and is open to all researchers, regardless of their nationality, desirous to engage into research training in Luxembourg or abroad. In the selection

process, the interest of the project in the context of Luxembourg

R&D will nevertheless be evaluated.

For AFR beneficiaries with work contracts, the FNR pays a contribution to the annual salary costs of the Host Institution (max. contribution of 40 154 EUR / year for PhD grants and 56 975 EUR / year for Postdoc grants, including employer's charges). For AFR beneficiaries without work contracts, the FNR pays a fellowship (bourse) to the recipients of 18 000 EUR / year for PhD grants and

25,200 EUR / year for Postdoc grants.

Deadlines to submit application are 20 March 2014 for the PhD grant and 11 March 2014 for the Postdoc grant. Find out more

details on the FNR website.

4.2.8 Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Ambizione

Ambizione grants are aimed at young researchers who wish to conduct, manage and lead an independent project at a Swiss

higher education institution.

The grants comprise the salary and project funds for a maximum of three years. Participation requirements include:

- Doctorate: At the submission deadline: submission of application generally up to five years after obtaining the doctorate (PhD)

- At the submission deadline (for medical practitioners): at least three years of clinical/practical experience after graduating (certificate as a specialist FMH is an advantage). Application may generally be submitted up to nine years after obtaining the medical licence (state examination).

- High-level publications: At the submission deadline: postdoctoral research activities for at least

- 12 months at a different higher education institution than the one where the doctoral thesis was written. The next submission deadline is 24 February, 2014. Find out

more on the SNSF website.

Incoming and outgoing

Researchers of all


PhD and post-docs


PhD + 5 years or 3 years of

clinical experience for medical


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4.2.9 Switzerland - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Doc.Mobility and Early Postdoc.Mobility

- Doc.Mobility fellowships are designed for doctoral students who wish to enhance their scientific profile by working at a research institution outside of Switzerland.

Participation requirements include:

- Swiss nationality, permanent residence, residence or cross-border commuter permit, or marriage resp. registered partnership with a Swiss

- Application may generally be submitted up to nine years after obtaining them less than 12 months at a research institution in Switzerland (for applicants who do not hold Swiss nationality) The fellowships include a grant towards living costs, a flat-rate for travel expenses and, if justified, a contribution towards research and conference costs as well as matriculation fees. These fellowships are awarded for a minimum of 6 months up to a

maximum of 18 months.

The next deadline for application is 1 March, 2014. Find out more

on the SNSF website.

- Early Postdoc.Mobility fellowships are designed for postdocs at the beginning of their career who wish to enhance their scientific profile by working at a research institution outside of Switzerland. The fellowships include a grant towards living costs, a flat-rate for travel expenses and, if justified, a contribution towards research and conference costs as well as matriculation fees. In principle, these fellowships are awarded for 18 months, in justified cases for

at least 12 months.

The next deadline for application is also 1 March, 2014. Find out

more on the SNSF website.

4.2.10 UK - Royal Society Research Professorship

This scheme is for world-class scientists who would benefit from a period of long-term support to allow them to focus on research and collaboration based at an institution in the UK. The Professorships may be awarded in any field across the natural


The scheme provides salary costs, a one-off start-up grant and research expenses. Appointments are usually made for up to 10 years.

Applicants can be of any nationality, and applications are particularly welcomed from scientists currently resident outside the


The closing date for application to this scheme is 13 March, 2014. Further details can be found on the Royal Society website.

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4.2.11 Exchange programme for UK-based PhD students

The São Paulo State University (UNESP), in Brazil, has partnered with the British Council to promote an exchange programme open to PhD students working towards a degree in English language teaching in UK universities.

Selected candidates will be exchange students in PhD programmes at UNESP for 8 to 10 months. They will receive return tickets to Brazil and a monthly scholarship to cover subsistence costs. UNESP does not charge any tuition fees.

Deadline for applications is 31 January 2014. More details here.

4.2.12 UK- International Partnership and Mobility Scheme

The International Partnership and Mobility Scheme for post-doctoral fellow by the British Academy for the humanities and social sciences aims to support the development of partnerships between the UK and other areas of the world where research excellence would be strengthened by new, innovative initiatives and links.

The One-year and Three-year awards aim at developing collaborative research on a specific theme of mutual interest in any branch of the humanities or social sciences between UK scholars and scholars in Latin America and the Caribbean (among

other regions).

Partnerships might include a range of related activities, and mobility (in the form of visits in both directions, exchanges, etc.) should form an integral part of proposals. Workshops and seminars should form an integral part of the programme. The main

purpose of the funding is to cover travel and maintenance costs.


Applicants must be of postdoctoral or equivalent status. Research must be in the field of the humanities or social sciences.

Both a principal applicant and co-applicant are required for this scheme. The principal applicant must be ‘ordinarily resident’ in the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands and must be able to demonstrate that they will be based at their present employing research-active institution in the UK for the duration of the award. The co-applicant must be an academic based in a research-active institution in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East, South Asia, East or South-East Asia and must also be able to demonstrate that they will be based at their present employing institution for the duration of the award.

Grants are offered up to a maximum of £10,000 per year for a

period of one year or three years.

Deadline: 5 February 2014. More details here.

From UK to Brazil

Open to students in English

language teaching in UK


One-year awards may be

viewed as pump priming

grants suited to initiate new

collaborative partnerships.

Three-year awards will

develop research further, and

involve a more extensive

programme of collaboration

and exchange.

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4.2.13 UK - Edinburgh Global Latin-American Masters Scholarships

12 Edinburgh Global Latin American Masters Scholarships are available to students from eligible countries (including Brazil) for postgraduate Master's study in any subject offered by the University for the 2014-2015 academic session. Applicants should

already have been offered a place at the University of Edinburgh

Each scholarship will have a value of £5,000 and will be tenable for one academic year.

The closing date for applications for these scholarships is 1 April

2014. See the University website for more details.

4.2.14 UK – Keele University Postgraduate Funding Opportunities for 2014-2015

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Keele University

is offering range of studentship opportunities in the areas of:

- Accounting

- Economics and Finance

- English and American Literature, Creative Writing, Media, Communications and Culture

- History

- Human Resource Management

- Law, Ethics and Socio-legal Studies

- Management

- Marketing

- Music and Music Technology

- Philosophy

- Politics, International Relations and Environment

- Psychology

- Social Policy – particularly Criminology, Education, Gerontology, Human Geography, Social Work and Sociology

Keele University is a member of the AHRC Northwest Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership (NWC DTP) with the University of Manchester, Lancaster University, RNCM, University of Liverpool,

Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Salford as well as cultural partners.

The postgraduate funding opportunities for 2014-15 include:

- AHRC Studentships (PhD) as part of the Northwest Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership

- AHRC Project Studentships (PhD) for the AHRC funded Dorothy Richardson Scholarly Editions project

- Graduate Teaching Assistantships (PhD)

- Full Studentships (PhD)

- Bursaries and Fee Waivers (PhD)


Latin-American students

All areas covered at the

University of Edinburgh

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Click here for more details and on-line application. Additional information about AHRC studentships through the Northwest

Consortium Doctoral Training Partnership can be found here.

The closing date for applications is 21 February 2014.

4.2.15 CERN Fellowship and GET Programmes

There are two levels of fellowship within the CERN Fellowship programme:

- The Senior Fellowship Programme, addressed to people with a Ph.D. or at least four years of experience after the degree which gives access to doctoral programmes. In both cases, a maximum of ten years of experience after the degree which gives access to doctoral programmes applies.

- The Junior Fellowship Programme, for holders of at least a Technical Engineer degree (or equivalent) and at most a M.Sc. degree (or equivalent) with not more than 4 years of experience. Please note that the Junior Fellowship programme is only open to nationals of CERN Member States.

The Fellowship Programme awards approximately 150 Fellowships per year. Around half are for research work (experimental or theoretical physics) under the Senior Fellowship and half are for advanced development work and related research in a broad range of applied science, computing and engineering either under a Junior or a Senior Fellowship depending on the

qualifications and experience of the individual.

Competitive and tax-free stipends are calculated individually.

Graduate Engineering Training (GET) Scheme

In 2009, CERN introduced a new ‘Graduate Engineering Training (GET)' scheme. CERN is already well-established as a central and vital force in the physics community, but CERN also offers outstanding possibilities for training and work experience in engineering fields. The aim of this scheme is to encourage Fellowship applications from talented engineers and should

prove to be a positive step forward in showing CERN is not only an exciting place to work for physicists, but is also a leading

employer in engineering fields.

Engineers selected under the GET scheme benefit from the same

conditions as all other Fellows.

Application deadline is 3 March 2014 (for a start on 1 July, 2014).

Further information available on the CERN website.

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4.2.16 Santander Master’s Scholarship at London’s Global University (UCL)

The Santander Master's Scholarships (funded by Santander), aim to assist the most academically able students from leading universities to pursue a Master's programme at UCL.

Up to 12 scholarships will be awarded each year to students from

the following countries:

- Argentina

- Brazil

- Chile

- Colombia

- Mexico

- Puerto Rico

- Uruguay The candidate must hold an offer of admission to a one-year, full-time UCL Master's programme, starting in the following academic year. The one-off awards of £5,000 scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence.

Deadline: 17 March 2014. Details here.

4.2.17 Other fellowships on EURAXESS Job Portal

Check on the EURAXESS Job Portal (or EURAXESS Links Brazil website) the fellowships in which Brazil is an eligible destination country such as the William Harvey International Translational

Research Academy or the Plant fellows.

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4.3 Brazil

4.3.1 FAPESP and University of Manchester announce call for proposals

FAPESP and the University of Manchester launched a call for proposals for the exchange of researchers between the State of São Paulo and the United Kingdom. The call is open to research

proposals to be developed in all fields.

Researchers regarded as eligible are principal investigators of ongoing research projects funded by FAPESP*. By the University of Manchester applicants must be permanent academic staff or fixed term academic or research staff whose contract exceeds the

duration of the project.

FAPESP will provide the equivalent of up to £10,000.00 per proposal per year and the University of Manchester will provide funding of up to £10,000.00 per proposal per year, for the duration of the grant to cover mobility expenses. The maximum duration of each project is 24 months, non-extendable.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 24 March 2014. See the call

for more in-depth information.

4.3.2 FAPESP and University of Edinburgh support projects that encourage cooperative work

The University of Edinburgh and the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP) will fund proposals from researchers and postdoctorates linked to institutions which promote exchanges between scientists. Interested parties have

until 10th February to submit projects.

The call will support with up to 10 thousand pounds research in any scientific field. To participate, applicants must be the principal or co-principal researcher on projects funded by FAPESP. The work should be aligned to the research lines: Regular Research Awards, Thematic Projects, Young Researchers, Research, Innovation and Diffusion (Cepid/RIDCs) Research Programme in Public Education, Research in Public Policies and Research

Partnership for Technological Innovation (PITE).

The proposals will be supported for a maximum of 24 months. The call result will be announced from 16th May. More information on

the complete call at this link.

4.3.3 BRAGECRIM - call for joint German-Brazilian research projects

Within the Brazilian-German Collaborative Research Initiative in Manufacturing Technology (BRAGECRIM) between the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation), and CAPES, researchers of the area of manufacturing technology,

* Open to FAPESP fellows

within the following funding

lines: Regular Research

Awards, Thematic Projects,

Young Investigators,

Research, Innovation and

Dissemination Centers

(CEPIDs/RIDCs), Public

Education Research

Program, Research in Public

Policies, and Research

Partnership for Technological

Innovation (PITE).

Co-principal investigators of

ongoing Thematic Projects,


are also eligible to apply.

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including processes involved in the production chain such as material, production, service, maintenance, repair and later recycling of components are invited to submit joint German-Brazilian research projects. The funding period is up to two years. In order to participate, the applicant should have a PhD for at least four years, have recognized expertise in the area and be the proposal coordinator. He must demonstrate the linkage of the project to a post-graduation programme recognized by Capes and encompass the exchange of students at the levels of undergraduate, masters, doctoral, and postdoctoral internships and mobility of teachers and researchers linked to the work team.

The open call concerns the 2014-2018 period and foresees 3

submission sessions with the following deadlines: 28 February 2014; 15 June 2015 and 15 June 2016. More details on CAPES website.

4.3.4 SWEDEN – BRAZIL: fellowships for PhD and post-doc under Science without Borders

The Swedish-Brazilian Centre for Research and Innovation (CISB), Saab and CNPq launched the third call for proposals under the “Science without orders” programme to select sandwich PhD and post-doc candidates. The goal is to provide scholarships for Brazilian researchers to have the opportunity to develop their projects in Swedish partner universities and / or R&D

centres of Saab.

The call targets students who wish to develop part of their final work or postdoctoral project in one of the priority themes of SwB, such as materials and manufacturing, electronics, information and communication technologies, mechanical engineering systems and energy and environment.

The scholarships will have 12 months duration, extendable for one year. To participate, the bidder must be a Brazilian or a foreigner with a valid visa in Brazil, have a professional training commensurate with the level and purpose of the grant, and have

knowledge of the language used at the host institution.

Deadline: 17 May 2014. More details in the call (in Portuguese).

4.4 Awards

4.4.1 The EYRA 2014 Call for Post-doctoral candidates is now open.

The award is granted to researchers demonstrating outstanding research performance and leadership. The research must have a clear European dimension, either because it is a collaboration of researchers in different European countries or it is a research project in one European country that addresses a research topic of

Check out the videos with

interviews of Brazilians

who have studied in

Sweden through the Science

without Borders Programme

clicking here.

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European significance. Candidates should work in a European country, but are not required to have a European nationality.

The prize-giving-ceremony will be held at the Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF) where the recipient will present his/her work. The Award consists of a Certificate and a grant to cover travel and accommodation for the stay in the ESOF city.

The deadline for applications is 17 March 2014. See the criteria


4.5 Call for abstracts

4.5.1 The European Young Researchers’ Award (EYRA)

The EYRA 2014 Call for Post-doctoral candidates is now open. The deadline for applications is 17 March 2014.

The contest is open to Candidates should work in a European

country, but are not required to have a European nationality.

4.5.2 Call for papers for the World's Large Rivers Conference

The “International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers 2014” will ta e place in Manaus, razil in

July (July 21-25, 2014).

Deadline for abstract submission (300 words) is 31 January 2014.

More information on the call for abstract here.

4.5.3 Call for Submissions for the World Health Summit

The World Health Summit Regional Meeting – Latin America, will

be held in São Paulo from April 6-8, 2014.

The WHS Regional Meeting – Latin America and the M8 Alliance of Academic Health Centers, Universities and National Academies are accepting abstract submission for presentation in São Paulo

until 31 January 2014. More information here.

4.5.4 Call for abstracts by the French-Brazilian Symposium on Biosciences

The second French-Brazilian Symposium on Biosciences (II will be held at Rio de Janeiro on March 27-28th, 2014.

This event aims to promote and strengthen the existing bilateral cooperation programs, integrate the different French Brazilian groups and establish new collaborations.

The ABSTRACT SUBMISSION for ORAL and POSTER presentations in the 2nd is already open in all areas of


For more details:

For more information on

Clim-Amazon, see the EU

funded project website.

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4.6 Calls still open

(see previous newsletters for more details)

Erasmus Mundus 2014 Call for proposals Action 2 (partnerships) : open to European higher education institutions and institutions in other countries. Deadline for submission of applications is 3 March 2014. Access the call on the Erasmus Mundus website.

BE Mundus scholarships for Brazilian and European students, researchers and staff mobility

For post-graduates and staff, see the presentation in English and Portuguese for more details. Deadline: 15 February 2014. For more information on BE Mundus: or

[email protected].

BELGIUM –incoming Scholarship for Excellence IN.WBI to follow a doctorate or post-doctorate programme in a University of Wallonia-Brussels. Deadline: 1 March 2014. More details on WBI website.

BELGIUM – FWO PhD and postdoc fellowships The FWO-Vlaanderen (funding agency of Flanders) offers the following scholarships:

Ph.D. fellowships: Open to young EU, ERA and Swiss researchers doing their PhD at a Flemish university. All topics.

Special Ph.D. fellowship for employed researchers to obtain a one-year study leave and complete their PhD.

Postdoctoral 3 years fellowships

Pegasus Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships (short)

Pegasus-short (1 year) Postdoctoral fellowships at a Flemish university in:

o Biological sciences o Humanities o Social sciences

o Medical sciences o Exact and applied


Deadlines: 1 February 2014. More information on the FWO website.

FRANCE – Europole Mer Call for projects International cooperation with Brazil and WHOI. Deadline: 20 February 2014. See the call for more details.

GERMANY – Fellowships for the Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS)

15-18 Ph.D. Stipends/Fellowships

2-3 Postdoctoral Positions

1-2 Predoctoral Fellowships for BA Graduates More information here. Deadline 15 February 2014.

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GREECE (Onassis Foundation): Incoming Fellowships for foreign University Professors of all levels (Ph.D. holders), postdoctoral researchers (Ph.D. holders), artists, post-graduate students and PhD candidates. More information here. Deadline: 31 January 2014.

HOLLAND - Orange Tulip Scholarship Brazil: open to qualified razilian students to obtain a bachelor’s, master’s or MBA degree at Dutch institutions. The scholarships apply to several fields of study, mainly the ones not included in the Science without Borders program, such as Administration, Engineering, Law, Social Sciences and the Humanities. Deadline: 24 March 2014. Details on Nuffic Neso Brazil website.

LUXEMBOURG - ATTRACT 2014: Open to foreign outstanding researchers with minimum two and maximum eight years’ professional experience since completion of doctoral studies to set up an independent research team within a public-sector research institution in Luxembourg that is willing to host them. 5 years projects. Deadline: 3 February 2014. See the call: FNR website.

SWITZERLAND - Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Advanced Postdoc Mobility: outgoing research stay of 12 months up 36 months. Deadline: 1 February 2014. Find out more on the SNSF website.

FAPERJ reverse sandwich PhD: for PhD students enrolled in foreign institutions, for a stay (internship) of 4 to 12 months in a Rio de Janeiro State based post-graduate program in various areas of knowledge. Applications must be submitted by the PhD students’ co-advisor in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Deadline: 13 March 2014. See the call for applications here.

FAPESP - University of Cambridge call for joint research proposals in biological science. Deadline: 24 March 2014. Details here.

FAPESP – Universities of Nottingham and Birmingham (UK): support of research projects involving research collaboration, workshops and the exchange of researchers and post-doctoral fellows in all fields of knowledge. See the call. Deadline: 20 February 2014.

FAPESP - GlaxoSmithKline - Call for Proposals for establishing a centre of excellence in Sustainable Chemistry. Deadline for submission of proposals is 21 February 2014. See the call for proposals for details.

Postdoctoral mobility

fellowships for Swiss

nationals or permanent


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5 Jobs 5.1 EURAXESS Jobs

The number of job adverts published on the EURAXESS Jobs Platform in 2013 reached 40 207! It registered a 10% increase compared to 2012. The first five countries posting the most are: UK (8,668), Poland (7,664), Netherlands (4,266), France (3,880) and Sweden (3,080). Currently, there are 6306 research jobs and fellowship programmes (all over Europe but also in other countries such as in Brazil and in all disciplines) accessible via the EURAXESS Jobs database.

Example of the latest positions related to Brazil:

A Critical Analysis of Domestic Labour Mobility in the Context of Global Sports Events in Brazil, PhD at Interculturalism, Migration and Minorities Research Centre (IMMRC) at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium.

Deadline: 01/03/2014

PhD student in Psychology. The successful candidates will be a member of the Cognitive Development Lab within the Research Unit Education and Learning of the Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education at the University of Luxembourg and the Department of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of S o Paulo (USP), Brazil. Deadline:


Synthesis and Catalytic Application of Nanostructured OxidesAt the Centre for Surface Chemistry and Catalysis of the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), we are looking for a motivated post-doc researcher for a project on synthesis and catalytic application of nanostructured oxides. This position is part of a collaboration project with the University of ABC, in Brazil. During this project, the post-doc researcher will have the opportunity to collaborate with visiting researchers from Brazil and to spend a research period at

the Brazilian institution. Deadline: 08/03/2014

5.2 Europe: Several positions at the JRC

The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) is currently advertising several vacancies, with various application deadlines.

The positions are located in Karlsruhe, Germany, Petten,

Netherlands and Ispra, Italy. Further Information: JRC.

Research organizations:

EURAXESS helps you find

your European and non-

European research talents!

Publish your research

vacancies and fellowships

directly on the EURAXESS

job portal and increase your

visibility. It is easy and free of


A short video explains how to

post job vacancies in 4 steps

(in English and in


Job platforms:

EURAXESS Jobs is willing to

cooperate further with any job

platform that provides a free-

of-charge service to

researchers with a view to

creating a partnership that

provides a better service for

them. Should you be

interested, please contact:

[email protected]

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6 Events Event (click for more details) Location Date

Symposium on Excellence in Higher Education

São Paulo, SP 23-24 January 2014

Lecture series „Max Planc Science Tunnel“ São Paulo, SP 28 Jan – 17 Feb 2014

Max Planck Science Tunnel São Paulo, SP 29 Jan – 28 Feb 2014

Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS) 24th Annual Users Meeting (see also satellite


Campinas, SP 11-12 March 2014

Second French-Brazilian Symposium on


Rio de Janeiro, RJ 27-28 March 2014

World Health Summit São Paulo, SP 6 – 8 April 2014

17th International Academy of Management

and Business 2014 Spring Conference São Paulo, SP 9 – 11 April 2014

Annual Conference of Association of Brazilian High Education Institutions Offices for

International Relations (FAUBAI)

Joinville, SC 13-16 April 2014

1st International Symposium of Agrobusiness of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP)

Santa Maria, RS 15 April 2014

12th World Congress on Endometriosis São Paulo, SP 30 April - 3 May 2014

13th International Conference on Public

Communication of Science and Technology Salvador, BA 5-8 May 2014

Brazilian Association of Technology Research

Institutions (Abipti) Congress Brasilia, DF 6 – 8 May 2014

HIV Drug Therapy Congress Rio de Janeiro, RJ 7-10 May 2014

Adaptation Futures 2014 Fortaleza, CE 12-16 May 2014

International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers 2014

Manaus, AM 21-25 July 2014

66th annual meeting of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC)

Rio Branco, AC 22-27 July 2014

44th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society

Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20 - 24 October 2014

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