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    Update: August 23rd2 9

    ETHOS: The Energy Transformation

    & Healing Open Source Method v4.0

    Original technique, format & FAQ 2008-2013 Maryam Webster

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    The ETHOS Method created by Maryam Webster


    This ebook is PART ONE of your ETHOS Quickstart Kit, and contains the basics of the ETHOS

    Method to get you started.

    But thats only half your goodies

    While its entirely optional, we highly suggest you sign up for updates and ETHOS

    Community Classes & download your FREE ETHOS for professionals Master Class, ask

    questions and generally kick up your consciousness a notch. Its all here for you:
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    The ETHOS Method created by Maryam Webster

    Energy Transformation & Healing Open Source: In The Beginning

    ETHOS begins with the intention to return you back to the perfect you that you were from the first

    moment of life, before all the programming and negative statements set in from authority figures,

    siblings, playmates and life experiences.

    One change from the last manual to this one is: this primary, formless energy state which through

    manuals up to 3.0 we called Unlimited Self, we are now more properly referring to as Infinite Self.

    Both terms can be used interchangeably though Infinite Self is technically more correct.

    Infinite Self is both your personal lifeforce-energy and direct hotline to the limitlessness energy and

    resources of the vast energy sea we live in, are permeated with and swim through - the All-That-Is.

    Some people may use words such as higher self, soul or spirit to describe this piece of us, but we refer

    to it as a piece all of our energetic anatomy, not a religious concept, so in ETHOS we simply say

    Infinite Self.

    How Human Beings Encode What Happens To Them

    Human beings are remarkable computers in the way that we store, retrieve and conceptualize

    information. We use several different modes of encoding every experience that happens to us, whether

    good, bad or neutral, using our senses. We encode our experience in the brains neural networks by

    what we SEE or Visually, what we HEAR Auditorally, and what we FEEL Kinesthetically.

    And it makes sense if we encode our experience this way, that a set of tools that includes triggers

    related to seen, felt and heard resources would be the best way to instantly remove the stress that

    living outside your Infinite Self can generate.

    Again, those three major coding systems:

    * What is Seen

    * What is Heard

    * What is Felt
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    Less often, this system includes a further two areas humans

    encode experience in:

    * What is Tasted. and . What is Smelled

    Our bodymind is a non-ending recorders which make note of

    every single event, thought and bit of information encountered

    in every microsecond of our lives through these three major


    Most people unconsciously prefer one of these systems as the

    dominant way that they encode information, though everyone

    uses all three in different times and places. In ETHOS you

    have your own Healing Resource Set with FOUR energetic

    transformation modalities that activate all 3 coding modes foreasy, joyful change.

    First - A transformational Word you Hear one that means all

    things positive to every culture on the planet.

    Second - A Symbol you See that vibrates with the energy of

    transformation and opening to all cultures.

    Third A positive Feeling anchored deep within you, to release

    problems & power your transformations.

    NOTE: ETHOS is very customizable and only has a few rules.

    You can use this Triple Cue in any order you like but weve found the best progression is Heard, Seen

    and then Felt. Youre welcome to change the order to suit yourself, well go with that order in this


    Fourth Step aside into your Infinite Self, and gather up the Gift/s awaiting you there.

    Optionally (more below about this) youll have intentional phrases that work like commands given acomputer to help you program in a state of Presence, with a specific intention to bring you completely

    into alignment with your original Infinite Self. And as a side effect, youll shed the problem or unwanted

    belief / feeling / situation.

    Energy Coaches,

    Psychologists and

    NLP experts refer to

    the ways people

    store information as

    Visual, Auditory and

    Kinesthethic. To

    make sure ETHOS

    works for everyone,

    we include all of

    these modes in the

    ETHOS Triple Cue.
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    Used easily and quickly together, all of these tools work at the heart of core issues extremely swiftly.


    Your Infinite Self knows everything about how you work. Infinite Self is connected to the boundless

    energy of the Universe, is very skilled at surfacing the right resources for you to use, and it has an

    unlimited supply of different kinds of resources to solve every problem youll ever be faced with. Trust it!

    It wont let you down, because by its very function, our Infinite, Unlimited Selves always say yes,

    champion us unconditionally and guide us wisely.

    You are reading this and I wrote it because we have become aware that we are not the full, amazing

    people we truly can be. Weve bought into the illusion that we are less than amazing, or are stupid, or

    unlucky, or other limiting beliefs that cripple and bind us from the True Brilliance that we really are. We

    have begun to realize this, and suspect there is something MUCH better that is meant for us.

    This realization means that weve woken up and are taking responsibility for our own lives, feelings,

    outcomes and ultimately, the reality we create every minute. That decision brings much power, and with

    it, responsibility. If youre reading this, chances are youre ready for that responsibility and have decided

    youre ready to embody the Infinite, Unlimited You.

    Welcome, to the Real World. The one youre Creating, the world that we all create together, every

    second, right Now. Lets begin.

    FIRST STEP: Preliminary Fun & Easy ETHOS Meditation

    Super-powering ETHOS is a set of three cues that we refer to as your Triple Cue, which is related to

    those three ways we humans encode our experience. This short meditation will help attune you to the

    Triple Cue

    1. Be still for a moment and ask your Infinite Self to meditate on the word YES in whatever

    language YOU speak. Yes is a universally positive word, in no language found does it equal a

    negative, and always symbolizes willingness, openness, and positivity. Repeat YES over and

    over. Get the feeling of Yes deep in your bones. This is your Heard, or Auditory cue.

    We will use the word Yes as our default cue in ETHOS because it is positive in cultures

    worldwide. In addition, with all ETHOS practitioners using the word Yes, the spoken cue is
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    made even stronger through our accumulated energy. ONLY IF you have significant strong

    aversion to the word yes, feel free to use another word that makes the most sense for you.

    2. Again be still for a moment and see the image of a beautiful red rose opening into fullness.

    Many, many petals open outward one after the other, opening whole layers, deeper and deeper.

    We use an opening red rose as our Image Cue in ETHOS as again, the red rose is nearly

    universally regarded as a positive symbol of opening and deepening your transformative intent.

    ONLY IF you have significant strong aversion to seeing a red rose, use the image that makes

    the most sense for you a white rose or lotus or other opening flower you have strong affinity

    for. If you dont tend to see things well in your mind, its perfectly okay to use a picture cut from

    a magazine to get you started.

    Heres a great time-lapse video of an opening rose:

    People report pulsing their cues along with the video helps tremendously when youre first

    learning ETHOS. Focus on a picture or video for a week of practice and youll soon be able to

    see that image cue just fine without a prop. This is your Seen, or Visual cue.

    3. Be still a third time with your hand over your heart. Bring into your full awareness, a feeling of

    complete deep relaxation and peace. This is the same kind of feeling you have after a nice

    warm shower or bath, after a massage or when waking up in the morning all warm, relaxed and

    cosy in bed. Now, make this feeling fuller and more vibrant. As you do this, gently press your

    heart. Amp up that wonderful deeply relaxed and peaceful feeling ten times and touch your

    heart gently. And again, amp it up twenty times.fifty times.eighty timesa hundred times.

    Each time, touch your heart. Youre creating an anchor to those wonderful feelings to use later.

    This is your Felt, or Kinesthetic cue.

    As with the word and image cues being made stronger the more practitioners use them, please

    stick with this deeply relaxed and peaceful feeling as its the most easily evoked of the highest

    vibrational feelings humans tend to have, which is what you want to access to empower

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    The ETHOS Method created by Maryam Webster

    Second Step: Install ing The ETHOS Transformation Program

    The Transformation Program was formulated to install the ETHOS Triple Cue for future use. While we

    started out with acupoint holds, longer meditations and the like, we have found that these are

    unnecessary and merely cluttered the process. And, as weve worked it, we have found that:


    What a difference time and practice makes in our knowledge and understanding! You can be in an

    emergency situation with someone and simply get them to pulse the Triple Cue and step aside into

    Infinite Self as youll learn on the next page, and ETHOS will work just fine. I was on an airplane once

    with a hysterical lady and got her to just pulse the Triple Cue with no preamble at all, and it worked just

    fine to ease her flight anxiety.

    It is best however for regular use to run the Transformation Program with people when you can though,and certainly in any clinical or coaching situation where you might be working with a client or loved one.

    You only need say this Transformation Program ONCE, speaking to Infinite You that is always listening

    I now set a permanent intention within my entire being that every time I SAY YES, SEE a

    BLOOMING ROSE and FEEL DEEP RELAXATION as my cues, I will Uncreate, Dissolve

    and Release ALL that is not my Infinite Self.

    And each time I say, see and feel my cues, I will Create, Empower and Amplify any

    pattern, feeling, belief or other resource that brings me INTO FULL ALIGNMENT with my

    Infinite Self.

    Each time I pulse my transformation cues, my entire being will fully, completely, safely

    and peacefully perform the creation and release, to the deepest layers of my being, to all

    aspects of my personality, past, present and future bringing all parts of me into complete

    alignment with Infinite Self. Thank you.

    And thats it. Now you have the Triple Cue installed, to use for life.
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    Third Step: Extremely Short-Form ETHOS and More On Using Your Cues

    Now that your Triple Cue is installed, any time you notice an unwanted pattern, discomfort or negative

    emotion arising, all you need do is simply focus ONLY on the emotion of that event or situation, and

    pulse your Yes cue, see the opening rose and bring up that feeling of deep relaxation and peace.

    Allow the cues to repeat or pulse until the discomfort breaks apart. Thats the shortest form of ETHOS

    practice that there is, and I recommend you do it many times daily, along with stepping into Infinite Self

    over and overuntil youre fully there, all the time. This is a practice I do throughout every day.

    What do we mean by pulsing? You can think of pulsing the cue like a massage therapist working into

    a tight muscle (the problem). As the therapist kneads, pulses and vibrates the tissue, the tightness in

    the muscle breaks up and dissolves. So it is with pulsing your cues on the feelings around problems

    you have.

    To pulse your WORD cue

    You can either silently think Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes or say it out loud, many times

    in succession. About ten times is usually all it takes, though you may continue repeating as long as you

    like. In my research I have found that repeating the Auditory or Heard Cue aloud to be the most potent

    for opening your entire system to change and consciousness.
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    To pulse your IMAGE cue

    Close your eyes and imagine the beautiful red Rose opening, opening, opening, or keep your eyes

    open and see it hanging in the air in front of you. When the image cue is doing its work, its size might

    expand or contract. The color might change or simply come in waves of increasingly vibrant tone.

    The Rose might start out as a rosebud, then bloom and expand into a fully open rose. Or it may start

    out partially bloomed your mind will make the right choice at the time. Colors may glow more vividly,

    the image may lighten then darken, or even begin to rotate.

    Different people see the Rose pulse in different ways.

    Whatever youre comfortable , will work well for you.
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    To pulse your FEELING cue

    Go to the place in your body that feels the most relaxed, remember your placeholder of that relaxing

    warm bath, a massage etc. (that time where you felt deep relaxation before) and amp up or increase

    the feeling of Deep Relaxation and peace in waves, like warm water washing over your body as from ashower, or warm waves washing over you at the beach, or a sensation of warmth rolling down your

    body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes.

    One good way to pulse your Feeling cue is to bring your attention gently to the top of your head and run

    your attention down your body lightly and gently resting on different areas and just noticing how much

    more relaxedthey are. Encourage your body parts to let go, breathe deep and go soft. Do this several

    times, like that wave washing over your body. You may notice your neck becoming increasingly more

    and more relaxed, or your hands or feet or legs.

    Zero in on the place in your body this problem creates the most sensation. It may be a clenching in the

    gut, tight shoulders, or simply a general feeling of anger, guilt, shame. Focus your Relaxation into that

    place. Your feeling might be like one of these, or something different. Honor what shows up for you.
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    Fourth Step: Short-form Transformation with ETHOS

    1. Place your attention on the FEELING that the problem brings up in you. We concentrate on that

    characteristic feeling of the problem both to pull in and release other problems that might

    generate the same feeling in you, as well as to avoid delving into the B.S. our Belief Story.

    Were not after blow-by-blow, but a general feelingthat characterizes the issue. Pulse your

    Triple Cue in sequence, Yes, Rose, Relaxation, as many times as it takes t o feel a shift. Notice

    what changes.

    2. Find where Infinite Self is in your environment its usually to one side or another, to the front or

    back of you. The Infinite Self is for most of us, a step or so removed from the physical body but

    is still attached to you as it is your lifeforce-energy. For the purpose of this tutorial, well say its

    at your right or left side.

    3. Look deeply into this space beside you, into that template of your Infinite Self. Not just with your

    eyes, but with your entire being. It doesnt matter if you are able to see anything physically or

    not. Now, in a space and consciousness of open reception, step aside, into your Infinite Self.

    4. Notices what changes. Ask questions if you like. Give thanks. You are done.

    Fifth Step: Long-form Transformation With ETHOS

    1. Place your attention on the FEELING that the problem brings up in you. We concentrate on that

    characteristic feeling of the problem both to pull in and release other problems that might

    generate the same feeling in you, as well as to avoid delving too far into the B.S. our Belief


    2. Place your Story in a corner, in a circle or somewhere else outside your space. My favorite way

    is to draw an imaginary circle around my feet as I stand on the floor and drop the dregs of my

    Story down into it. Its like standing in sewage! So heres what we do to get out of it:
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    3. Pulse your Triple Cue in sequence: Yes, Rose, Relaxation. Then ask: Do I wish to continue

    having his feeling and all that is attached to it?

    4. Any answer, yes or no, is valid. If you are getting a large amount of what we call secondary

    gain meaning if youre getting a benefit out of having the problem, you might not want to let itgo. Thats fine. Be gentle with yourself and stay in a space of allowing whatever is at the

    moment to exist without judgment. When you come to: NO, I dont want to keep this feeling! I

    want to be rid of it! say:

    I un-create, dissolve and release all energy in this problem, mine and others, and return it

    wherever it belongs. I take back the energy I lost, gave away or had stolen as a result of this


    Pulse your Triple Cue: Yes, the Rose, the feeling of Relaxation a number of times each, one

    after the other. Enjoy that final feeling of peace and relaxation. Notice what else changes.

    5. Contrast the feeling and circumstances of your problem-self with your Infinite Self how would

    You, Unlimited and Infinite, FEEL about this problem? Remember, Infinite Selves dont

    experience Problems or Story, and might look at your issue and say Oh, thats interesting. or

    Ah, s/he made that choice. without any heavy emotion attached. Its a mere statement of fact

    an observation. This detached observation and a sense of deep joy, bliss and/or calm is ahallmark of living in your Infinite Self.

    Always, in all ways, in all parts of life and in all possible situations, the Infinite Self will express

    ease, grace and joy, and this is what you need to look for in creating an antidote to problems in

    your life. Look for the ease, grace and joy in and around your situation, and all else will fall into


    Take this ease and joy plus the detached point of problems being merely interesting choices,

    and affirm: I create, expand and amplify all patterns, feelings, beliefs and other resources that

    bring me into full alignment with my Infinite Self.
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    6. Activate your triple cue by saying your cue word Yes ten or more times in rapid sequence

    then.seeing the Rose, open, bloom or grow larger then.strongly invoking the cue feeling of

    deep relaxation and peace within yourself. Enjoy the blissful feeling, and notice what changes.

    7. Look into the Infinite Self place beside you - what gift is just waiting for you in your Infinite Self

    right now? What do you most need at the present?

    When you have a clear sense of this gift, step into this space and into your Infinite Self,

    accepting and embodying the gift as you give thanks for it. Press the gift into your heart. Putting

    your hands over your heart will then bring the gift back to you later on, very vividly.

    Gifts some people have noticed include supreme self-confidence, unshakable belief, the answer

    to a puzzle the person had been facing, and so on. Your gift will be unique to whatever situation

    youve brought to the session. Take the gift, thank Infinite Self and use it as your inner guidance


    8. Affirm to yourself: I am grateful to receive and embody this gift. Thank you. Take a moment to

    really feel what incorporating this gift feels like.

    9. Repeat the following: I un-create, dissolve and release all that is not my Infinite Self. All that is

    limited about this situation is flowing, flowing, going, gone.
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    10. Activate your Triple Cue by saying Yes ten or more times in rapid sequence then.seeing the

    Rose open, bloom or grow larger then.strongly invoking the cue feeling of deep relaxation and

    peace within yourself. Repeat your cues for as long as feels necessary and correct to you.

    Enjoy the wonderful feelings that follow

    11. Observe what changes and how it feels. Both large shifts and small are equally important and

    valid. I advocate people keep a Bliss Journal for the purpose of recording such observations.

    12. Keep a note in your Bliss Journal of where your ETHOS work went in this session. As this

    method is so very fast acting and simple, this will help you gain confidence that ETHOS actually

    can work for you. Therapists and coaches, such a journal is a great tool for your clients as well.

    What else can ETHOS do?

    How about change our entire planet?

    Turn the page to find out how
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    Sixth Step: ETHOS Method as a Universal Transformative Aid

    When people bring ETHOS to their own issues and into their communities in the context of Infinite self-

    without-limits, worldwide transformation can occur.

    People begin to wake up and stay Awake. The new options living as their Infinite Selves brings them,

    begin to be much more attractive than staying asleep.

    What becomes possible when we begin to live as the Eternal Question, rather than hardening around

    anyone true answer? What energy, space and consciousness can communities and individuals

    become, when the pressures of life are removed?

    When instant relief is available, what possibilities arise for:



    Infinite Self

    Context &WorldwideTransformativeConsciousness

    Our GlobalVillage


    Method asa Bridge

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    Our Global Village as a whole?

    Meditate on the unlimited possibilities in these three areas. Pulse your Triple Cue to create, empower

    and amplify these gifts, and to uncreate, dissolve and release anything that wouldnt allow that. Step

    Aside into Infinite Self, and send the benefits of your practice out to the world and anyone in need.

    Breathe. Be at peace

    Final Word

    Like any tool, ETHOS only works if you use it dont let this tutorial just sit on the shelf. Get in the habit

    of cueing and stepping into Infinite Self multiple times daily!

    We stand a very good chance of being able to significantly raise the awareness and consciousness of

    the world through personal use of ETHOS and teaching friends, family, clients, co-workers and

    everyone that you know. ETHOS is deliberately simple, but deceptively so. Its easy to teach because

    its so simple, but its a tremendously powerful agent for change. I encourage you to spread it as far and

    wide as you possibly can. Regular practice will help calm and center families, communities and in time

    perhaps, bring greater peace to the entire world. Get started!

    Id like to close with a hearty thank you to the members of the ETHOS Community who helped refine

    ETHOS in its first year, the hundreds of private clients who trusted ETHOS would work and generously

    gave sterling feedback, plus the many people worldwide who shared their perspectives in the ETHOS

    Community or in private email. Its your input that makes ETHOS as rich and usable as it is!

    Welcome to personal freedom and consciousness with

    The ETHOS Method! You are part of a Worldwide

    Community, now over 3,500 strong. PLEASE SHARE

    ETHOS with fr iends and family by sending them to:

    You might be curious to know a bit more

    about me, too. You can find out more here:

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