Download - Estonia


Country Taillinn School



Estonia is constituted by a continental

region and a large archipelago in the

Baltic Sea.

It is located in northern Europe. This

is bordered by Russia to the east and

Latvia to the south and is bordered by

the Baltic Sea to the north and west.


The language of Estonia is


Estonia belongs to the

European union, so they also

use the euro.

It has about 1,315,819

inhabitants, which so much

more people than we have

here in Madeira


For Estonians black rye

bread has been an

important food ingredient

for thousands of years.

We don’t have anything

like that, so it we were

curious as to what it may

taste like.


Tallinn is the capital city of Estonia with about 400,000 inhabitants, about one third of the total population.

This city is animated by numerous festivals. And just by looking at the amount of people you can see in the picture we were very impressed since we have nothing like that.


Every winter a christmas market is held at tallinn town hall square.

It is said that Taillinn has some influences from Russian architecture.


The name of the school is Tallinn Lilleküla Gümnaasium and the

Teacher is Liis Olt.

The school is in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia.

It is a public school and quite a successful one in Tallinn.

It has over 900 students between the ages of 7 - 19 years and over

60 teachers (mostly women).


They try to use ICT a lot so they have

two computer classes, and about 60

laptops and 30 ipads that they can use in

class. We really wished we could have

that too.

Something that we really liked too was

their media classes where they learn how

to write articles, create movies, take

pictures, etc. Most of them love

volleyball. On our side we prefer footballReturn

After knowing a bit more about Estonia, we all agree that it’s a country that we would like to visit or even live.

And we were really impressed with the conditions they have in their school. It would be cool if we could also use laptops and ipads in the classroom.



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