Page 1: Establishment of Human Resource Department in Educational Institutes

Final Project Report





Submitted to,

“Miss. Sadaf Arif ”

Group Members

Name Roll no

Ahmad Asghar 51

Jawad Hassan 57

Yasir Arfat 59

Sara Minhas 62

Hira Tahir 67

Ayesha Abbas 92

Submission date: 19th May 2012

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In the name of Allah the praiseworthy, the passionate whose blessings made it

possible for us to complete this complex task. It is a matter of great Pleasure and

enthusiasm for us to ample our project. It is all because of Almighty Allah’s great

guidance that thru us does that.

We are especially thankful to our respected Teacher Mam. Sadaf Arif who

provided us and prospect to prepare this Project report and invigorated us. It was

not possible without the supervision he provided to us, to ample this project.

We would like to thank our group members who became an excessive source of

enthusiasm for each other. We would like to thank Miss. Saba Istiaq for providing

us Reference letter due to which we were able to take the interview of Director of

Institute of Business and Management. We have had the honor of working closely

with him at this level we have acknowledged enormously from his alliance. We

look forward to many more years of collaboration with Miss.Sadaf (My teacher) in

exploring our Professional qualities and gaining experience.

We are really gratified with Mr.Zahid (Human Resource Manager) at IB&M Uet

Lahore. They have provided us with the safe harbor and the engorgement to

pursue our report. Their love and motivation makes everything seem possible to


These prodigious people played a great role for us to apprehend the feasibilities

of our Project.

Thank you all, without you this would have not been possible!!

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Table of Contents

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Executive Summary

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The organization to whom we are doing our project is an Educational Institute. UET Lahore is

one of the oldest universities in South Asia and a regional hub of academic excellence. It has

been providing world-class education since 1921. Situated in the heart of Lahore; one of the

biggest commercial cities of the country, the university is distinguished by its accomplished and

qualified faculty and strong alumni. UET offers outstanding facilities and is furnished with state

of the art learning centers.

About IB&M:

We are mainly concern in establishing an HR Department at IB&M (A business department of

UET Lahore).As a part of its progressive vision, the university has embarked upon providing

business education through its newly established Institute of Business and Management (IB&M).

Located on the premises of the main campus of UET, IB&M offers undergraduate and graduate

business and management programs.

Vision of IB&M:

With a vision committed to personal development and social responsibility, IB&M-UET aspires

to cultivate forward-looking and eclectic business thinkers - grown from a distinctive and

innovative point of view to solve tomorrow's challenges and problems...

Mission of IB&M:

To prepare, dynamic and innovative Business Leaders capable of addressing the challenges

being faced by the Corporate Sector and the Global Economy.

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Introduction to Human Resource Management

Human Resources supports the University’s mission of excellence in teaching, research, and

patient care through strategic, innovative, and flexible policies, practices, programs, and services


Attract, develop, reward and retain a diverse and talented workforce.

Foster a productive work environment where people feel valued.

Support the changing nature of work and the workplace environment.

Add value, and reflect good stewardship of resources.

Are fair, ethical and legally compliant.

All the education departments especially of foreign universities adopted this concept and

LUMS in Pakistan which resulted in creating better understanding among Management and

Students. So, this is the right time for Institute of Business and Management to establish an

HR Department under their premises so that they can increase the level of studies beyond


Vision of HR Department:

“To became a prominent leader in HRM through learning and continuous


Mission of HR Department:

Development of effective and flexible Human Resource Management services to ensure

development, success of this organization development of a professional environment based

on justice.

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There are many ways to establish a HR department but most recent that is being used consists of

specific stages that cover almost all aspects of training, compensation, selection and recruitment

of employees.

Each stage will be discussed in detail as under:

Stage # 1


Recruitment is the process of identifying that the organization needs to employ someone up to

the point at which application forms for the post have arrived at the organization. Selection then

consists of the processes involved in choosing from applicants a suitable candidate to fill a post.

Recruiting individuals to fill particular posts within a business can be done either internally by

recruitment within the firm, or externally by recruiting people from outside.

External recruitment

External recruitment makes it possible to draw upon a wider range of talent, and provides the

opportunity to bring new experience and ideas in to the business.

Disadvantages of External Recruitment:

It is more costly and the company may end up with someone who proves to be less effective in

practice than they did on paper and in the interview situation.

There are a number of stages, which can be used to define and set out the nature of

particular jobs for recruitment purposes:

Job analysis is the process of examining jobs in order to identify the key requirements of each

job. A number of important questions need to be explored:

The title of the job

To whom the employee is responsible

For whom the employee is responsible

A simple description of the role and

duties of the employee within the


Job analysis can be carried out by direct

observation of employees at work, by

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finding out information from interviewing job holders, or by referring to documents such as

training manuals. Information can be gleaned directly from the person carrying out a task

and/or from their supervisory staff. Some large organizations specifically employ 'job analysts'.

In most companies, however, job analysis is expected to be part of the general skills of a

training or personnel officer.

Job description job description could be used as a job indicator for applicants for a job. Alternatively, it could

be used as a guideline for an employee and/or his or her line manager as to his or her role and

responsibility within the organization.

Job specification

A job specification goes beyond a mere description - in addition, it highlights the mental and

physical attributes required of the job holder. For example, a job specification for a trainee

manager's post in a retail store included the following:

'Managers at all levels would be expected to show responsibility. The company is looking for

people who are tough and talented. They should have a flair for business; know how to sell, and

to work in a team.'

An effective selection procedure will therefore take into consideration the following:

Keeping the costs of selection down

Making sure that the skills and qualities being sought have been identified,

Developing a process for identifying them in candidates

Making sure that the candidates selected, will want the job, and will stay with the


The skills required should have been identified through the process of job analysis, description

and specification. It is important then to identify ways of testing whether candidates meet these

requirements. Testing this out may involve:

interviewing candidates

Asking them to get involved in simulated work scenarios

Asking them to provide samples of previous work

Getting them to fill in personality and intelligence tests

Giving them real work simulations to test their abilities.

Workforce planning and diversity

Workplace diversity refers to the variety of differences between people in an organization. That

sounds simple, but diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive

style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more.

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Benefits of Workplace Diversity

An organization's success and competitiveness depends upon its ability to embrace diversity and

realize the benefits. When organizations actively assess their handling of workplace diversity

issues, develop and implement diversity plans, multiple benefits are reported such as:.

Broader service range

A diverse collection of skills and experiences (e.g. languages, cultural understanding) allows a

company to provide service to customers on a global basis.

More effective execution

Companies that encourage diversity in the workplace inspire all of their employees to perform to

their highest ability. Company-wide strategies can then be executed; resulting in higher

productivity, profit, and return on investment.

Challenges of Diversity in the Workplace

Taking full advantage of the benefits of diversity in the workplace is not without its challenges.

Some of those challenges are:

Communication :

Perceptual, cultural and language barriers need to be overcome for diversity programs to

succeed. Ineffective communication of key objectives results in confusion, lack of teamwork,

and low morale.

Resistance to change :

There are always employees who will refuse to accept the fact that the social and cultural

makeup of their workplace is changing. The "we've always done it this way" mentality silences

new ideas and inhibits progress.

Implementation of diversity in the workplace policies :

This can be the overriding challenge to all diversity advocates. Armed with the results of

employee assessments and research data, they must build and implement a customized strategy

to maximize the effects of diversity in the workplace for their particular organization.

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Successful Management of Diversity in the Workplace:

Diversity training alone is not sufficient for your organization's diversity management plan. A

strategy must be created and implemented to create a culture of diversity that permeates every

department and function of the organization.

Performance management is the systematic process by which an agency involves its

employees, as individuals and members of a group, in improving organizational effectiveness

in the accomplishment of agency mission and goals.

Employee performance management includes:

Planning work and setting expectations.

Continually monitoring performance.

Developing the capacity to perform.

Rewarding good performance.

The revisions made in 1995 to the Government wide performance appraisal and awards

regulations support sound management principles. Great care was taken to ensure that the

requirements those regulations establish would complement and not conflict with the kinds

of activities and actions practiced in effective organizations as a matter of course.


In an effective organization, work is planned out in advance. Planning means setting

performance expectations and goals for groups and individuals to channel their efforts

toward achieving organizational objectives. Getting employees involved in the planning

process will help them understand the goals of the organization, what needs to be done,

why it needs to be done, and how well it should be done.


In an effective organization, employee developmental needs are evaluated and addressed.

Developing in this instance means increasing the capacity to perform through training,

giving assignments that introduce new skills or higher levels of responsibility, improving

work processes, or other methods. Providing employees with training and developmental

opportunities encourages good performance, strengthens job-related skills and

competencies, and helps employees keep up with changes in the workplace, such as the

introduction of new technology.


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From time to time, organizations find it useful to summarize employee performance. This

can be helpful for looking at and comparing performance over time or among various

employees. Organizations need to know who their best performers are.


In an effective organization, rewards are used well. Rewarding means recognizing employees,

individually and as members of groups, for their performance and acknowledging their

contributions to the agency's mission. A basic principle of effective management is that all

behavior is controlled by its consequences. Those consequences can and should be both formal

and informal and both positive and negative.

Workplace Relations – Building Trust at Workplace


Relations at workplace are different from those that we create and develop in our day to day life.

Just like our personal relations, our professional relations are also based on trust, faith, and

respect. Both types of relations require investment of time. However, basic differences between

our personal and professional relations are as follows:

1. Relations at workplace are time-bound and can or cannot be permanent or long-term based.

2. Though based on common vision and focused on similar goals, relations at work-place require

one to be competitive and sometimes even compete with one another to stay ahead.

3. There can only be a possibility of mutual trust, faith and respect and it cannot be one-sided.

4. People involved in workplace relations should have High Emotional Quotient and should be

able to differentiate between personal and professional emotions.

Types of relations that can exist at workplace are:

a) Employer-Employee

b) Manager-Subordinate (or rather Head – Subordinate)

c) Colleagues

d) Employee – Internal Service Provider (Finance, HR etc)

e) Employee – External agents (Vendors, clients, customers etc)

Believe in your organization and its vision: -

Make certain that you believe in the organization's values, mission, strategy and what it stands

for because if you're not comprehensible about what they are and your dedication to them, you

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cannot expect anyone else to be. It is imperative for business leadership and senior managers of

an organization to have clear vision for the organization, set specific goals for organization and

values it stands for. This, then needs to be communicated down the ladder and across the

organization. Employees believe in direction and goals. They do not like uncertainty.

Frequent and Fair feedbacks: -

Encourage and promote a questioning attitude, regular feedbacks and criticism. It is just not fair

to complain or criticize or just raise a question/query, provide solution as well. Suggest ways to

improve. Ask, 'How can we make this work?' rather than saying, 'this won't work because...' or

‘do it the way I am saying…”. Expect your staff to do the same. Employees will not be able to

trust you or your intellectual proficiency, if you reject a proposal, suggestion or idea of someone

without providing apposite logical reasoning or if you criticize the work of someone without

giving suggestions to improve that work. Tell them how you have evaluated their work,

recommendation, advice, opinion or suggestion.

Integrity: -

Integrity involves the adherence to ethical, principled values and practices. Team members

seldom trust managers or leaders who are ambiguous and do not appear committed to the team's

or organization’s best interests. Business leaders without integrity may be perceived as

manipulative, basing their decisions and behaviors on fulfillment of personal agendas. Leaders

and managers who show staff that they have strong ethical standards and values and are willing

to behave in ways that support them will foster trust within the team.

Believe in talent, knowledge and experience of your team-members and employees: -

Persuade your employee or team-member to take accountability and responsibility. Begin by

encouraging open and blame-free conversation in your team. Get everyone to contribute their

thoughts, ideas, and fears for the future. Make sure everyone understands and shares the same set

of values for your work. Also, make sure everyone understands what their job is. Publish

accountability. Then let them get on with it. Treat mistakes as opportunities for learning and not

occasions for blame. Make rewards for success proportionate and immediate. Give praise

publicly and criticize privately.

Commitment: -

Employees will trust a manager or leader who is committed to them as individuals and to the

success of the team and who is willing to sacrifice time and energy to formulate things that are

achievable as well as viable. Managers often lead by example, and a strong sense of commitment

can be contagious. Commitment can include showing interest and empathy in your staff, being

willing to address—rather than avoid—problems and issues, and demonstrating the ability to

articulate your vision for the team and stick by it the best you can.

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A safe and healthy workplace

HR provides companies with comprehensive safe and healthy workplace programs to reduces

risk and ensure the safety of your employers. Employers have the legal obligation to provide

the workplace in which neither the environment nor the work practices to any unreasonable

risk in safety and health. HR advisor provides a number of services and programs that

address the challenges of creating and complying with the creation and maintenance if safe

and healthy workplace environment.

The Objectives of Safe and Healthy Workplace Programs include but are not limited to:

• Provide a safe and health work environment

• Reduce worker's comp claims and other safety and workplace health costs

• Reduce OSHA inspections

• Maintain good employee relations

• Maintain good public relations

Building capabilities and organizational learning

With change being our only constant in today's economy, the key to competitiveness is the

ability to adapt to changes we don't control and learn about the ones we do. Either way, learning

has become a critical skill to ensure the viability of any institution. While many organizations

today are trying to become "learning organizations", learning capability has ensured the success

of many, well-known firms. For example, Motorola learned to design and build paging systems

and cellular phones instead of car radios, and IBM learned how to take someone else's idea about

computers (a Univac innovation) and make it a commercial success.

"Building Organizational Learning Capability" is a program to enhance the capability of work

teams and their institutions to learn from their own experiences (success and failures) and from

the experiences of others. By using this program, your organization will:

• Assess its learning strengths and weaknesses

• Recognize team learning styles

• Develop strategies to learn and improve performance

• Understand how to align its learning portfolio with corporate strategy

• Enhance learning and the dissemination of knowledge across the institution

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Stage # 2

Understand the Organization:

The organization to whom we are doing our project

is an Educational Institute. UET Lahore is one of the oldest universities in South Asia and a

regional hub of academic excellence. It has been providing world-class education since

1921. Situated in the heart of Lahore; one of the biggest commercial cities of the country,

the university is distinguished by its accomplished and qualified faculty and strong alumni.

UET offers outstanding facilities and is furnished with state of the art learning centers.

About IB&M:

We are mainly concern in establishing an HR Department at IB&M (A business department

of UET Lahore).As a part of its progressive vision, the university has embarked upon

providing business education through its newly established Institute of Business and

Management (IB&M). Located on the premises of the main campus of UET, IB&M offers

undergraduate and graduate business and management programs.


This rich set of high-quality, business education offering is part of IB&M´s mission to

develop future leaders who think globally, act responsibly and manage organizations in a

volatile marketplace. It will help them to develop a comprehensive understanding of

economic, social and political environment in which modern organizations work. IB&M

also wishes to instill an understanding and practical usage of management techniques for

designing adaptable management systems. IB&M also strives to prepare professional

business executives to lead the process of change, including the ability to apply the power

of information technology to the management process.

The Culture

At IB&M you'll find a refreshing, willing to support quality staff, a collaborative, cooperative

work environment and a learning community keen to acquire emerging trends. We take

pride in creation of a Personalized Corporate culture at IB&M through various programs

and courses. This unique IB&M culture is the thread that would tie essential elements such

as a robust curriculum, self-motivated students, an inspiring faculty, a high-tech business

building and a myriad of premium services and bind them into a single, rewarding


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Understanding the Organization Structure:

Flow Chart of the will transform the structure of IB&M Uet.

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Understanding the organization System

Many sources of expertise need to be engaged in building new complex systems content for

education and for studying its learnability and implement ability. Scientists from many

different areas need to collaborate with educators, education researchers and materials

developers (including technology developers) to help define new science education goals,

appropriate curriculum, technology and pedagogical options for formal and informal

education. Setting the stage for developing research and action agendas on a national scale,

including national dialogues presumably supported by appropriate conference gatherings,

is a next major step.

Similarly, many sources of expertise need to be engaged in building models and

frameworks for a complex systems analysis of our education system, involving both

creators of the knowledge and potential users of the knowledge gained:

Scholars in the fields of testing, assessment, and evaluation.

Researchers who have studied examples of successful and unsuccessful educational

innovations and schemes for curriculum change.

Educators and managers with experience of current corporate, organization, and

workplace models of employee education and human resource development.

Researchers who work within the context and agendas of professional organizations

in the field of education, such as teacher organizations, national associations, etc.

Researchers who specialize in the study of the impact of technology on social


Leaders in higher education who have worked on educational reform and

curriculum innovation in colleges and universities.

Regarding the study of education as a complex system, we see a need for a long term and

substantive research initiative involving multiple and competing perspectives and methods

derived from the study of complex systems in other domains but informed by members of

the communities listed above. We sketch here, as an illustrative and tentative proposal, an

example of a kind of analysis, with a focus on multistate analytic methods, but with no

assumptions that the perspective offered and the first-level intuitive analysis is an accurate,

complete, or even appropriate, account. Considerable study will be needed to satisfy

criteria of accuracy, completeness, data availability, and adequacy, required for a study of

the sort tentatively proposed.

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Understand the organizational Politics:

The current state of our department is that it is the psyche of a human being that it readily

gets jealous from his other member when he performs better than him. In this department

politics is at its peak. In the last two years many of the employees were resigned due to this

politics especially Mr. Jibran, Mr. Maqsood and also two to three of our board of directors of

IB&M Uet Lahore. Many of the members working under the roof of IB&M are creating

negative propagandas in order to limelight themselves in the eye of Director to accomplish

their benefits.

When an HR manager will be hired than a proper organizational behavior will be formed.

Organizational behavior wrote the histories of sectors for example Oxford University is on

the oldest one in the world but its working properly due to the good organizational culture.

Learning the attitudes of other’s and creating a win-win relationship with proper team

building and HR activities will develop a good organizational behavior at Business


Understand the Individual job Descriptions:

Currently due to the absence of HR at IB&M Uet Lahore. Many employees left over the

organization so this time there is a need of HR manager that will handle this problem

HR Advisors provides a comprehensive service that identifies the role requirements in the

organization and develops and designs the job description and concurrent skill

requirements for that role. The proper job description for a role in a company allows the

organization to properly identify what needs to be done and what type of candidate can

perform that role.

HR Advisors can guide you through the relationship of job descriptions and ADA

requirements so that the company is in compliance and not subject to lawsuit. The correct

job description will allow the company to properly set the objectives for that role and

assure that they are congruent with the objectives and goals of the company. Lastly, the

proper job description will allow the employee to understand their role and allow both the

company and manager to properly access their performance in that role.

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Stage # 3

Conducting an Interview of HR Manager and Director

To understand the important of HR manager we conducted at interview with the HR

Manager and Director of IB&M UET Lahore which lasts for half an hour. Interview was

conducted in a group in which each of over group member participates effectively.

What is the importance of HR Manager in an Education Sector like UET?

Mr. Director told us that we are facing a lot of problems since the establishment of

IB&M because many good teachers left us due to the organizational politics and

issues like problems with management so; we realized that an HR manger should be

hired to resolve these issues.

What are the duties of an HR Manager at IB&M?

Mr. Director told us that the department is expecting a lot from our HR Manager

because this is the time to solve the issues and move toward the pace of success. The

main duty of HR is to control that why people are lying off from IB&M. We expect that

from now we will hire a right person for a right job.

Why the promises made with the students and staff is not fulfilled?

Mr. Director told us that he feels really miserable for this but these activities are done

when we have proper team. Team building is necessary to flourish these activities. With

the hiring of an HR Manager we will obey our promises and a proper team will also be


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Why do you think HR manger should be hired in an education sector?

Mr. HR manger told us that HR manger is important for every organization irrespective

of the sector. He said that from onward a well-organized system of hiring of employees

will be formed so that the loss of precious team will be deceased. HR is important

because it deals with the affairs of students which are the assets of any university.

What are HR strategies you will use to govern the Department?

1. In the start we will prepare a proper job description of the Employees.

2. A penal of UET will interview them

3. A training of employees will be confirmed

4. Last but not the least feedback mechanism will be implemented

What is the process of recruitment at IB&M?

I recently joined this department and noticed that VC and board of directors are

looking into this matter but the problem we and the man agent is facing is that the

process of recruitment is not well defined and process is very slow.

What is the concept of reward management?

Yes, it’s very important because your staff is your real long term assets. We are

working on it .I had learnt that the increment of last two years has not been still

given which enhances dissatisfaction in employee’s mind we are looking towards it.

What are the steps have you taken to compensate students?

Our Director and we decided to send letters of internship to 200 companies local

and MNC’s to offer internship to our students and we hope we will get a positive


What are the problems you are facing here as an HR?

The main problem we are facing is the slow pace. People tend to move responsibilities

to others which resulted in not meeting the deadlines. The unsatisfactory behavior and

laziness are the major problems at this department

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Objectives of Human Resource:

All the nations throughout the world are developing themselves because they had planned it

before. The well-defined set of objectives on the foundation of which they are making incredible

.In the department of human resource, management needs to fulfill the following core objectives

which can increase the productivity of IB&M and its employees.

They need to establish the recruiting flow process, in which every employee before hiring

is properly accessed on the basis of particular criteria and get job on the basis of his own

interpersonal skills which are necessary for the development of institute.

New employee orientation should be organized after hiring to make them realize what is

expected from them related to their job.

New employee folder-creating a more professional look for new employees and creating

streamlined on boarding process

Assessment Tests/Behavioral Interviews should be conducted to choose better candidates,

reducing turnover and increasing productivity.

They need to make Job descriptions for all departments.

HRIS training and loading of all information should be change to all computer

based tracking.

Train managers according to properly fill out warning forms in case of litigation.

New recruiting areas like moving online with other educational institutes to attract top


Use of HRIS to track and analyze new and current employees for source, length

of employment, reason for leaving etc.

They should make report and analyze retention, turnover, and ways to reduce it.

Compliance may appear to be a very static goal for human resources. They need to ensure

that workplace is a safe environment that has all the necessary support for productive

relationships. Human resources achieve this goal through regular employment file audits

to assess the equity of compensation practices.

Human resources should have everything through which institute can improve its image

therefore, creating an employer of choice is a goal that’s well within the capabilities of a

focused human resources department. All employees should be happy to be a part of and

well-focused towards their work.

Strengthening employer-employee relationships, offering innovating compensation and

benefits packages and investing in employees’ are ways human resources can achieve this


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Values of HR Department: The Human Resources Department demonstrates the following values:

• Promote Honesty, Integrity, and Trust:

IB&M should need to honor their commitments and conduct business in a manner that

promotes fairness, respect, honesty, and trust.

• Celebrate Teamwork:

They have to encourage the diversity of thoughts, experiences, and backgrounds and

celebrate participation.

• Encourage Communication:

They have to solicit the input of employees and strive for transparency and inclusiveness.

Human resource department needs to foster creativity and risk-taking to support

continuous improvement.

• Produce Quality Results:

The management needs to produce the best quality results as it is the part of well-

established university by creating a safe, productive, and healthy work environment for

employees which would satisfy their customers (students).

Goals The HR Strategic Plan is focused on following goals;

Value, Encourage, and Support a Diverse Workforce

Continually Improve Individual and Organizational Effectiveness

Anticipate and Meet the Changing Needs of the Workforce / Family

Champion Career and Professional Growth

Create and Enhance Strategic Planning

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Goals of recruitment and Selection procedure: IB&M can accomplish their mission by focusing on the following goals: Establishing and enhancing relationships with other departments of the university to

anticipate and respond to changes, priorities, staffing trends, and support succession planning efforts to make proper and specified image of IB&M.

Expand technological capabilities that streamline selection and test administration procedures.

Measure and monitor exam process completion and quality to ensure efficient and responsive management.

Promotion of qualified and employees with good interpersonal skills to increase education services and benefits.

HR Strategic Support

Purpose HR Strategic Support provides responsive and innovative leadership, financial analyses and reporting, Information Technology, Human Resource Systems, and support services for employees, departments, community partners, and the public to promote individual and organizational excellence. Goals

Institute of business and management can fulfills their mission by focusing on the following goals to meet up the human resource strategic support: Meet and anticipate customer needs that results in 90% satisfaction with services

provided and processes are being carried out in the department. It’s the hour of need that they have to enhance their services through technology usage. Foster an environment that supports and integrates Department’s vision and goals. Improve financial performance by establishing and maintaining effective funding

strategies and ensuring resources are utilized efficiently. Promote leadership, financial stewardship, and individual and organizational



The employee selection process needed to start with a manager or boss commissioning human resources to fill a new or vacant position. The manager must first decide what qualifications are desired in a candidate.

Reviewing Review resumes and matches each candidate's background to the job requirements. Human resources and the hiring manager must determine how many candidates they can realistically bring in for an interview.

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Screening The employment selection process may actually include a screening interview; especially if candidate lives out of town then they have to decide that how they can communicate well with the candidate if he/she is according to the job requirements. Screening interviews can help narrow the field of candidates.


One of the most important facts of the employment selection process is the face-to-face interview. Human resource department of IB&M needs to conduct different procedures for personal interviews. The hiring manager will usually ask for feedback from human resources and other employees who interview the job candidates. The hiring manager may also review notes, or decide which candidate would fit best in the open position. Qualifications are only one consideration. The hiring managers will usually select someone with whom they can work, whether it is the candidate's personality or work ethic. So this type of selection procedures can help the department to hire the employees who are determined and faithful towards their work.

Testing The employee selection process can also include testing before a candidate is actually hired. Subsequently, by taking the drug or personality test, the HR managers could make an offer to the chosen candidate.

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Maximizing Staff Talent and Potential:

The well-defined image clearly depicts that how we will

increase staff talent and potential.

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Job Analysis

Purpose of Job Analysis

The purpose of Job Analysis is to establish and document the 'job relatedness' of employment

procedures such as training, selection, compensation, and performance appraisal.

Job analysis aims to answer questions such as:

Why does the job exist?

What physical and mental activities does the worker undertake?

When is the job to be performed?

Where is the job to be performed?

How does the worker do the job?

What qualifications are needed to perform the job?

What are the working conditions (such as levels of temperature, noise, offensive fumes, light)

What machinery or equipment is used in the job?

What constitutes successful performance?

Determining Training Needs

Job Analysis can be used in training "needs assessment" to identify or develop:

Training contents should be identified.

Assessment tests of employees to measure effectiveness of training.

Equipment to be used in delivering the training and technologies.

Methods of training (i.e., small group, computer-based, video, classroom...)


Job Analysis can be used in compensation to identify or determine:

Skill levels.

Compensable job factors.

Work environment (e.g., hazards; attention; physical effort)

Responsibilities (e.g., fiscal; supervisory)

Required level of education (indirectly related to salary level)

Selection Procedures

Job Analysis can be used in selection procedures to identify or develop:

Job duties that should be included in advertisements of vacant positions;

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Appropriate salary level for the position to help determine what salary should be offered

to a candidate;

Minimum requirements (education and/or experience) for screening applicants;

Interview questions;

Selection tests/instruments (e.g., written tests; oral tests; job simulations);

Applicant appraisal/evaluation forms;

Orientation materials for applicants/new hires

Performance Review Job Analysis can be used in performance review to identify or develop:

1. Goals and objectives

2. Performance standards

3. Evaluation criteria

4. Length of probationary periods

5. Duties to be evaluated


Generally, there are two perspectives in which job analyses are conducted: task-oriented or



Task-oriented procedures focus on the actual activities involved in performing work. This

procedure takes into consideration work duties, responsibilities, and functions.

HR manager needs to create task statements, then he rate the tasks on scales indicating:




Consequences of error.

Based on these ratings, a greater sense of understanding of a job can be attained.


Worker-oriented procedures aim to examine the human attributes needed to perform the job

successfully. These human attributes have been commonly classified into four categories:


Knowledge is the information people need in order to perform the job.


Skills are the proficiencies needed to perform each task.


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Abilities are the attributes that are relatively stable over time.

Other characteristics (KSAO).

Other characteristics are all other attributes, usually personality factors.


The term 'payroll' encompasses every employee of an institute who receives a regular wage or

other compensation. Some employees may be paid a steady salary while others are paid for hours

worked or the number of items produced.

Employee Payroll Services:

Director of IB&M can choose the best business payroll service by determining;

Campus needs

Assessing in-house capabilities

Comparing and contrasting the features of reputable payroll services

Soliciting reviews and referrals from colleagues.

Payroll processing is one of the most important operational tasks for improvement of

departmental services to students and its employees, and there are various business-to-

business service providers that can be hired to undertake all or a portion of the payroll processing


Employee orientation program Purpose

To provide guidance and direction regarding the development and implementation of

comprehensive employee orientation programs within departments, in order to support, welcome

and recognize employees, as they start a new job within government.

Developing Employee Orientation Programs

An employee orientation program should take into consideration for changing the

culture and values of the department which are not taken serious by the employees of


Employee orientation should be an on-going learning process, ideally starting on the

employee’s first day, to help employees to understand their job and performance

expectations, department goals and priorities, corporate goals and government


Employee orientation programs should be offered using multiple learning methods, to

best meet the needs of employees. This can include coaching, peer support,

information sessions and on-line learning.

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Employee Training and Development

Employee Training and Development is essential to the ongoing success of every

organization. Although technology and the internet have enabled global collaboration and

competition, people are the organization’s competitive advantage. Employee training and

development enables employees to develop skills and competencies necessary to enhance

bottom-line results for their organization.

Typical Reasons for Employee Training and Development

Training and development needs to be initiated for every employee belongs to

administration to coordination staff. The conditions are discussed below when management

needs to organize employee training and development:

When a performance appraisal indicates performance improvement is needed.

To "benchmark" the status of institute for other departments in university so that they

can visualize the management of this department better than others.

It is part of an overall professional development program.

Benefits from Employee Training and Development

Employee training can supply following benefits to the management of department which


Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees.

Increased employee motivation.

Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain.

Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods.

Increased innovation in strategies and products.

Reduced employee turnover.

Enhanced image of department in the market to make an ease for it batches which will

be passed out and go into market for job search.

Performance Appraisal Process

A performance appraisal is a review and discussion of an employee's performance of

assigned duties and responsibilities.

Each employee is entitled to a thoughtful and careful appraisal. The success of the process

depends on the supervisor's willingness to complete a constructive and objective appraisal

and on the employee's willingness to respond to constructive suggestions and to work with

the supervisor to reach future goals.

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Why Appraise Performance?

Periodic reviews help supervisors gain a better understanding of each employee's


To recognize achievement, to evaluate job progress, and then to design training for the

further development of skills and strengths.

Stimulation of employee’s interest and improve job performance.

Review provides the employee, the supervisor, the Vice President, and Human

Resources a critical, formal feedback mechanism on an annual basis, however these

discussions should not be restricted solely to a formal annual review.

Performance appraisals also typically feed into organizational annual pay and grading

reviews, which commonly also coincide with the business planning for the next trading


Employee engagement:-

A leading indicator of financial performance

Employers want employees who will do their best work or ‘go the extra mile’. Employees want

jobs that are worthwhile and that inspire them. More and more organizations are looking for a

win-win solution that meets their needs and those of their employees. What they increasingly say

they are looking for is an engaged workforce.

The model below illustrates the four drivers (in blue) of employee engagement which has shown

are essential to creating an engaged workforce. The bottom elements of the model show the

outcomes (in gold) of developing and maintaining an engaged workforce.

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Even the best manager knows that each employee knows her daily job tasks better than anyone

else in the company. The online resource refers to empowerment as allowing an

employee to have more authority over her daily job duties and less need for managerial

supervision. In some cases empowerment may not work. Some employees require regular

supervision to be effective. But the employees that show initiative and the desire to alter their

duties to make their job processes more efficient should be allowed to have more of a say in what

they do. Empowerment, in conjunction with the proper training, can be a powerful employee

motivational strategy.

Organizational development:

Organizational development is the process through which an organization develops the internal

capacity to be the most effective it can be in its mission work and to sustain itself over the long

term. This definition highlights the explicit connection between organizational developments

work and the achievement of organizational mission. This connection is the rationale for doing

Why Pursue OD?

Board and staff members are motivated to tackle the hard work of OD only when, they are

convinced of the connection between achievement of mission and organizational development.

Organizational survival –

Whether improving basic systems or providing space to understand and address critical

transitions, organizations credited OD work with their very survival.

“Being the best we can be” –

By improving the quality of their work through human or technical investments, organizations

built their credibility and accountability in the eyes of their constituents and supporters.

Raising more resources for the mission work –

As organizations strengthened their capacity for evaluation, communication, collaboration and

fundraising, they attracted more resources to increase the level and impact of their program


“Walking our talk” –

By focusing on the values that are the foundation of the mission work, OD led organizations to

make a commitment to practice internally what they are seeking to accomplish externally.

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Organizational leaders who have experience with long-term organizational development

efforts share the following lessons with those who are considering or are engaged in OD


• OD is essential, takes longer than you think, and can be messy.

• OD is a never-ending process.

Balancing OD and mission work is a challenge.

• People in organizations need support to sustain change.

• The executive director’s role is key; board and staff involvement is essential.

• Pacing the work is wise.

The role of the Human Resources Office is to:

Ensure that University HR strategy and employment policy is appropriately applied

within the Faculty, and in a manner that meets local needs and circumstances without

compromising the University's position as a single employer.

Manage employee relations and communications in the Faculty.

Provide a comprehensive and pro-active HR management service to designated areas in

accordance with best practice, employment law and the University's strategic objectives.

This will include recruitment and selection, discipline, grievance, job evaluation, reward,

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harassment, absence management, performance management, induction and identification

and provision of appropriate solutions to training and development needs.

The provision of an advisory service to Service Managers, Heads of School and other

staff managers on the application of University policies and good personnel practice.

Ensure that the Faculty has access to a programme of training and development

activities that meets organizational and individual needs.

Manpower Planning

1. Analyzing the current manpower inventory-

Before a manager makes forecast of future manpower, the current manpower status has to be

analyzed. For this the following things have to be noted-

Type of organization

Number of departments

Number and quantity of such departments

Employees in these work units

Once these factors are registered by a manager, he goes for the future forecasting.

Succession Planning System:

Succession planning is nothing more than having a systematic process where managers identify,

assess and develop their staff to make sure they are ready to assume key roles within the


Having this process in place is vital to the success of the organization because the individuals

identified in the plan will eventually be responsible for ensuring the company is able to tackle

future challenges. These "high potential" candidates must be carefully selected and then provided

training and development that gives them skills and competencies needed for tomorrow's

business environment.

For any organization to implement an effective succession plan there are a number of key issues

that need to be considered:

The succession planning program must have the support and backing of the company's

senior level management

Succession planning must be part of an integrated HR process that includes training,

development and performance appraisal

Identify what skills the organization will need in 5, 10 or 15 years

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Critical positions must be identified and included in the Company's succession planning


Job Enrichment in action

A number of companies have introduced programs of job enrichment in all these, companies

claims have been made that productivity was increased, that absenteeism and turnover reduced,

and improved.

How to make it Effective

The limitation of job enrichment applies mainly to jobs requiring low level of skills. The job of

highly skilled workers professional and manager already contain varying degrees of challenge

and accomplishment. Perhaps these could be enriched considerably more than they are by

applying modern management techniques. And all level particularly in non-managerial levels

several approaches could be made to job make enrichment appeal to higher-level motivations.

The people involved must have a substantial voice in the planning process. It should not

be overlooked that people like to be involved, to be involved to be consulted and to be

given an opportunity to offer suggestions. They like to be considered as people. This

would effectively result in the successful functioning of the programme.

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