
Description of A Personal Experience My Ups-and-downs in The Past Few WeeksThe last few weeks had been a whirlwind of activities and emotional ups-and-downs. Right after my universitys semester break was ten days of continuous training for sports day and year-end examination after sports day. Both my sporting achievements and academic results have been a source of overwhelming joy to me. Ofcourse, the journey to such accomplishments has not been without their stumbling blocks. Within the ten days of training, I was in high spirits until I was under the weather on the third day, I had see-sawing emotions. Yet, I did not stop training because I was still bursting with determination to win. Due to insufficient amount of time to rest, I fully regained good health only on the ninth day, which was a day before sports day. On the much-anticipated day, I represented my sports house in the 1x400 metres run and 4x400 metres run. In the first 200 metres of my 1x400 metres run, I suffered from anxiety. I knew from the beginning that it would be difficult to win because most of the runners were district representatives. But when I thought of the effort that I have put into my training, I told myself that I will never waste the sacrifices that I have made. I wanted to make all my effort worthwhile. Suddenly, I felt an adrenaline rush all over me and I increased my speed and sprinted in the next 200 metres. From then on, there was no looking back. When I reached the finish line, I was announced as a bronze medalist right away by the emcee of the event. I had gone down on my knees in tears, too overpowered by the victory like I was on cloud nine. I was truly thrilled beyond words! It was a moment I would never forget.However, examination started two days after sports day. Time stretched interminably before me and I began to berate myself for not constantly doing revision earlier then. I plunged into hopelessness but at the same time still expecting to maintain my grades. These fluctuations of mood certainly kept me occupied but I still tried my very best to study for the examination. This is because it fell upon my shoulders as a student. During the period of examination, I made sure that I got at least five hours sleep per day, which was four hours at night and an hour in the afternoon due to weak immune system of mine, especially under stress. In the midst of answering the examination questions, I searched my brain frantically for the right answers. My mind would picture all the right answers that I had given, especially those that were trickier than others. At such times, I would applaud my cleverness and presence of mind.On the day when the examination results were to be released, I made my way to the lecturers desk with trepidation when she called my name. I measured scrupulously each step that I took, hoping to prolong the inevitable. My face warmed with embarrassment and my hands shook as I held up my report book, thinking that I might fail. I went back to my seat, closed my eyes tightly as I opened the report book, afraid to look at how badly I did. Eventually, I took a deep breath while opening my eyes gradually as my hands flipped open the report book and my mind was convulsed in horror, like I was taken aback a bolt from blue. It was a terrible blow to me, as I had never thought I could fail all my subjects. I wanted to burst into tears, cry all that I anguish and humiliation out of my system but I held back my tears with all my might. At this time, a classmate of mine walked towards me, took the report book from my hands and smiled, Excuse me. This is mine. Yours is here, she said while handing over my report book. I must have mistaken hers as mine when I collected the report book from the desk. Congratulations! You did quite well. I have always admired you for being excellent in both sports and academics, my classmate continued. When I saw my results, a whoop of joy escaped me and I started hopping around like a rabbit as I have managed to maintain my grades. I grabbed everyone in sight and hugged them.To put in a nut shell, I have found myself in the heights of glory and euphoria as well as in the depths of despair and fatigue within the space of a mere few weeks. But looking back on it all now, I feel that I have proved myself having the ability to muster all my courage and determination to overcome hardships. I believe that practice makes perfect. This is a confidence that I know will stand me in good stead in my future encounters. Since then, I decided to make a new years resolution that I would do revisions every weekends so that I would not have to burn the midnight oil when examination is around the corner. I am so grateful to God for leading and guiding me throughout my life, even in little things that He does. Gods plan is always perfect.

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