Page 1: esPResso Volume 5 Issue 1

charities that were suspended

by the shutdown.

After all of these strained

affairs, it is no wonder that the

public has become rather

skeptical of the government.

According to an ABC News/

Washington Post poll, approxi-

mately 63% of Americans dis-

approve of the way the Repub-

licans in Congress are handling

the Affordable Care Act. Many

believe that the shutdown

could have been avoided if the

Republicans were more in-

clined to compromise.

The previous government

shutdown of 1996 lasted for

20 days. Although this shut-

down lasted only 16 days, its

financial impact was monu-

mental. According to an esti-

mate by Standard & Poor’s, the

shutdown cost the U.S $24

billion and reduced the project-

ed fourth quarter GDP from 3

percent to 2.4 percent. It will

be interesting to see how the

government decides to repair

their reputation and reassure

Americans that they are back

and stronger than ever.

On October 1st at midnight,

the United States federal gov-

ernment went into its 17th

lockdown, the first since 1996.

The shutdown was enacted

after Congress was unable to

reach a consensus on the Pa-

tient Protection and Affordable

Care Act, commonly known as

Obamacare. The shutdown was

anticipated almost a week

before it went into full effect

and did not come as a surprise

to many Americans.

Many government-funded

organizations including the

Department of Agriculture, the

Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention, NASA, the Cap-

ital and the National Parks

Systems were completely cut

off from funding and closed to

the public following the shut-

down. Some of these organiza-

tions issued public statements

via Twitter to inform consum-

ers that their services were

suspended until the federal

government opened once

again. During the time that the

government was not actively

operating, there were no staff

members present to monitor

their social media accounts.

Many employees were without

pay during the government

shutdown and were unable to

assist and service as they pre-

viously had been able to. This

caused some companies to

issue public statement apolo-

gizing for their inability to serve

due to lack of funding.

Government officials re-

mained relatively quiet about

the situation, giving the public

little to no insight into what

was truly happening in Wash-

ington D.C. Despite this secre-

cy, the public was able to ob-

tain much of their information

through Twitter. Tweets with

phrases like “until further no-

tice” drastically affected the

public’s opinion and caused

them to plan for the worst. At

midnight on October 1st, al-

most immediately following the

official announcement of the

g o v e r n m e n t s h u t d o w n ,

#shutdown was the top-

trending topic on Twitter.

While many companies

used Twitter to announce their

status, countless politicians

also turned to the popular so-

cial media site to save face.

Because government officials

remained on the government

payroll while other employees

were working without pay,

many politicians offered posi-

tive alternatives to the scandal-

ous situation. Senator Sherrod

Brown tweeted at 12:07 a.m.

on the 1st; “WWII vets should-

n’t face closed DC memorials.

During #shutdown, I’ll donate

pay to OH-based Honor Flight

Network”. He also provided a

link to the charities’ website.

Other politicians followed suit

by donating their pay to the

Twitter illuminates the darkness of the

government shutdown

esPResso N O V E M B E R 4 , 2 0 1 3 V O L U M E 5 I S S U E 1

Your Shot of Industry Insight

By Monica Couvillion

Page 2

News from North

Road Communica-

tions and Mentor Pro-


Page 4

New Professor and



Page 6

A roundup of PR

news from the stars

of Hollywood

Page 8

A look at summer

internships and the


Page 10

Updates on the new

Marist core and PR



Inside this issue:

Page 2: esPResso Volume 5 Issue 1

P A G E 2

Mentor Program prepares with résumés

As the

c o l o r f u l

l e a v e s

a r e

c r u n c h -

ing be-

neath our boots, the fall

semester brings several

new workshops for our

Mentor Program mem-

bers. This unique pro-

gram which was created

last year, allows experi-

enced upperclassmen to

pass on advice regarding

classes, internships and

the different areas of

public relations to un-

derclassmen new to


Our mentor and

mentee pairings are of-

ficially finalized and we

are ready to begin some

exciting work. Mentees

will be getting to know

their mentors while also

developing their résu-

més. Their updated ré-

sumés will be used for

the upcoming LinkedIn

w o r k s h o p , w h e r e

mentees will either cre-

ate or further enhance

their LinkedIn profiles to

be seen by industry pro-

fessionals. As we delve

deeper into the semes-

ter, expect to hear about

a Study Abroad and In-

ternship Information

Session as well.

If any members

would like to join our

program, do not hesitate

t o c o n t a c t p r s -

[email protected].

Both mentors and

mentees are always wel-


By Amanda Orzo


Road Com-


is off to an


busy start

this semester! We started

off by publicizing this year’s

Ethics Week speakers for

the School of Communica-

tion and the Arts as well as

the School of Manage-

ment, which was run by our

Publicity Team. In addition

to Ethics Week, we are still

working with our clients,

Family Services and Sprout

Creek Farm.

We currently have 15

enthusiastic staff mem-

bers, each with a diverse

range of experiences and

talents. We are also plan-

ning on taking on two new

clients within the coming

weeks and we can’t wait to

reveal who they are!

In addition, the firm con-

ducted a workshop with a

few of the public relations

faculty to brush up on how

to write and use social me-

dia and press releases pro-

fessionally. A brainstorming

session for our own per-

sonal blog is in the works

as well. As we are almost

entering the second half of

the semester, everyone at

North Road Communica-

tions is extremely excited

for what success is ahead!

By Mary Kate Malhauser

North Road


Kicks Off


[email protected]






Marist PRSSA

Page 3: esPResso Volume 5 Issue 1

P A G E 3

It is so hard to be-

lieve we are already

halfway through our

first semester! To our

returning members,

welcome back! With

membership being the

highest it has ever been

and the addition of sev-

eral committees, last

year was the most suc-

cessful year our chapter

has seen since its es-

tablishment in 2006.

Our executive board

was hard at work all

summer to ensure that

this year we will see

even more success.

To our new mem-

bers, welcome! I was so

excited to see so many

new faces at our New

Member Information

Session. When I first

joined PRSSA, my

knowledge of public rela-

tions was very limited

and my professional

skills were underdevel-

oped. PRSSA has helped

me grow not only as a

student, but as a profes-

sional as well. I hope that

in joining the chapter,

you will find the same

benefits I did.

Our chapter has some

new and exciting events

going on this semester.

On October 9th, we had

the privilege of hosting a

guest speaker, Emmanu-

el Tchividjian, Ethics of-

ficer at Ruder Finn. This

is the first time PRSSA

and the Marist School of

Communication and the

Arts participated in

“Ethics Week” and is

something we hope to

see continue for years to

come. This will also be

the second year our

chapter will participate in

the Bateman Case Study


The one thing I was

most excited about was

attending PRSSA’s Na-

tional Conference with

other members from our

chapter. The Conference

took place in Philadel-

phia, PA. This was the

first time in three years

that our chapter had

representation. I am

looking forward to shar-

ing our experiences at

the upcoming meeting.

To close, I just want-

ed to thank all of you

for remaining involved

in our chapter. I think

my executive board and

I can all agree that we

would not be half as

successful if it were not

for your dedication and

continued involvement.

I am excited to see

what else we all can

accomplish as a chap-

ter. For now, enjoy the

rest of the fall foliage

and I hope to see you at

our upcoming events.

All my best,

Erica Conover

Class of 2014

Photo Courtesy of Brian Apfel, Marist Pinterest

A Letter from the Chapter President

By Ashley Hellberg

As the

Director of

C h a p t e r

P r o g r a m -

ming, I am

v e r y

pleased to

say that this year has been

off to a great start. Our first

event and general meeting

received a huge turnout of

new members. All were ea-

ger to meet our new execu-

tive board and get involved

in all that PRSSA has to of-

fer. Ethics Week quickly

followed with our first guest

speaker of the semester,

Emmanuel Tchividijan.

Tchividjian is the Senior VP

and Executive Director of

the Ethics Consulting Prac-

tice at Ruder Finn. During

his presentation, Tchividjian

seamlessly weaved ethics

and storytelling together,

creating an intriguing and

informative session. We are

so thankful that Emmanuel

Tchividjian took time out of

his busy schedule to come

speak to us.

Additionally, a few of our

members traveled to Phila-

delphia to attend the PRSSA

National Conference. There,

they participated in work-

shops, attended programs,

and listened to guest speak-

ers discuss the many differ-

ent sectors of PR. They are

eager to share their experi-

ences with the rest of the


It looks to be a very

promising semester for our

chapter. Make sure to keep

an eye out for all of the

events, workshops, and

guest speakers we have

planned and we hope to see

you all there!

V O L U M E 5 I S S U E 1

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P A G E 4

Q: Where are you from originally?

A: Bonn, Germany

Q: Where did you go to school?

A: I attended Bonn University for my undergraduate degree,

went to Kansas for my Master’s and earned my PhD in Geor-


Q: What made you decide to enter into Public Relations?

A: Throughout high school, I was set on pursuing journalism

because I had had experience in that field. A friend of my

mom’s informed me that I could incorporate journalism into

public relations. I never thought about doing PR before. For

the next two summers, I worked at Bayer, Germany’s largest

pharmaceutical company. I got a true sense of public rela-

tions while working there and loved the strategic aspects of

the field. Ever since then, I knew that’s what I wanted to do

and teach. I’ve always loved the idea of educating people, so

I pursued becoming a professor. I became the Public Rela-

tions Manager for a company in Germany, and eventually

decided to get my teaching degree in order to make my

teaching dream a reality.

Meet Professor Nadine Hoffman By Micaela Sanger

Q: What are your impressions of Marist so far?

A: I love it here. The environment is cool and has a good feel

to it. It’s very comfortable and the people here are very

friendly and make me feel welcome. The faculty is great and

Marist is a fun place to be. The Hudson River gives me a real

sense of home, as I lived near the Rhine River in Germany

my whole life. I also admire how student-focused the institu-

tion is.

Q: What do you like to do for fun?

A: I am absolutely obsessed with traveling. One day I was on

a plane and I discovered a magazine which advertised the

“Travelers’ Century Club”, an exclusive club you can only be a

part of if you’ve been to 100 countries. Since then, I have

made it my mission and goal in life to become a part of the

group for my own satisfaction, approval and happiness. My

aim is to reach 100 countries by the time I am 45 years old.

My husband and I are doing this together and have visited

around 40 countries so far, totaling seven countries in the

first year alone. I also love photography, singing (I am cur-

rently looking for a choir to be in, so any recommendations

would be appreciated), cooking, and watching reality TV.

PRSSA reaches out to recent alum, Maria Baez

Q: What year did you graduate Marist and what is your

current job?

A: I graduated in 2010 and my current position is Public Rela-

tions Account Executive at Ebben Zall Group.

Q: What PR skills do you use regularly?

A: It’s funny because PR positions incorporate many ele-

ments and each one plays a significant part under this PR

umbrella. Besides public and media relations, other duties

include social media management, reputation management,

integrated marketing, campaign development and execution,

and crisis management. These various roles make PR profes-

sionals a jack of all trades.

Some PR skills that are used daily:

Communication skills: If you’re a “people person” this

usually comes naturally. Your communication and con-

versational skills are so important in the PR industry.

Speaking eloquently and knowledgably - on the phone or

in person - about your client or the company that you

work for is vital.

Time management: All client work is important, but when

projects start to pile up on your desk, the ability to distin-

guish high and low priority tasks is crucial to saving your

to-do list from becoming pages long.

Q: What are the hardest and most rewarding aspects of your


A: When I first started my career, the hardest thing that I

faced was the fact that there wasn’t a set plan of what to

expect. As students, we’re lucky to have a syllabus that out-

lines the weeks ahead. In the “real world” you have statuses,

calendars, and project timelines which prepare you for the

expected; however the unexpected is what truly tests your

skills and abilities! I also find that the unexpected projects

and crises are the most rewarding because you’re forced to

think on your toes, act quickly, and deliver quality material.

The high intensity and fast paced atmosphere is so electric

that in the end you feel like you can conquer anything.

Q: What was the most important thing you learned at Marist

and how does it translate to success in your career?

A: The most important thing that I learned at Marist is the

ability to multitask! As a four-year D1 student-athlete, I faced

the daily challenge of managing school work, practices, study

hall, club activities, and creating and maintaining lasting rela-

tionships with friends, professors and academic advisers.

Everyone can multitask, but the key is to multitask effective-

ly. In the professional world, you are required to work on

many projects at the same time. Making sure that you com-

plete these projects on or before deadline is standard for a

typical day in the PR industry.

By Amanda Fiore

Page 5: esPResso Volume 5 Issue 1

P A G E 5 V O L U M E 5 I S S U E 1

In order to celebrate Ethics

Week, Marist College hosted

guest speaker, Emmanuel

Tchividjian on October 8th and

9th. As the ethics officer and

ethics blog publisher at the

communications agency Rider

Finn, Tchivijian had plenty of

relevant advice to give to PRS-

SA members and other stu-

dents during a presentation

that would not soon be forgot-


On the 8th, the chapter’s

executive board had the privi-

lege of spending dinner in the

company of Tchividjian. After a

guided tour around the cam-

pus, Tchividjian was able to

provide the executive board

with insight into the art of story

-telling, the growth in the field

of ethics and the success of

his ethics blog through Ruder

Finn. He shared his notewor-

thy discovery that stories are a

useful way to teach ethics be-

cause readers and listeners

will react and remember. In

Tchividjian’s own words, “facts

tell, stories sell.”

When asked how the grow-

ing field of social media is

changing the field of ethics,

Tchividjian replied that the

principles and values are the

same, but the pressure to relay

messages without error is

greater. The dinner with

Tchividjian allowed all at-

tendees the chance to reflect

on the purpose that ethics can

serve in not only large corpora-

tions, but in our own personal


The next day, Tchividjian

provided students at Marist

with a memorable presenta-

tion. His message of story-

telling as a meaningful way to

convey ethics to different peo-

ple was once again empha-

sized. He pointed out that story

-telling has acted as a way to

pass along literature, theater

and other arts throughout time

and should continue to be used

as an effective method to show

human emotions and create

connections. His examples of

this included fables and the


In terms of “value-based

stories” that will really hit home

for listeners, Tchividjian noted

that each must contain fair-

ness, sympathy, honesty, and

forgiveness. With these quali-

ties, a story will be able to ef-

fectively display a message and

reveal a solution to problems

being faced regarding ethics.

Tchividjian revealed that he

draws a lot of inspiration from

stories that he hears or experi-

ences in order to pick topics for

his popular ethics blog.

When all is said and done,

Emmanuel Tchividjian elo-

quently provided Marist stu-

dents with eye-opening infor-

mation about the power of

emotional story-telling as a way

to connect with the ever-

growing field of ethics and pub-

lic relations. As Tchividjian

would say, the most rewarding

part of telling stories is when

you hear “I never thought about

it that way.”

Emmanuel Tchividjian talks story-telling

By Elizabeth Peper

Erica Conover

Chapter President


McKensie Saldo

Vice President


Ashley Hellberg

Director of

Chapter Programming

Marguerite Pinheiro

Director of

Public Relations


Mary Kate Mulhauser

Firm Director (Fall)


Maria Gironas

Firm Director (Spring)


Kate Hardcastle

Director of Finance


Jaclyn Hockenbury

Director of

Chapter Advancement


Amanda Orzo

Director of

Member Services


Jennie Donohue

Faculty Adviser


Emmanuel presents on the emotion involved in story-telling.

The PRSSA Executive Board enjoys dinner with Emmanuel.

Page 6: esPResso Volume 5 Issue 1

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High School Musical hot

shot, Zac Efron, recently re-

turned from a long break of si-

lence in rehab. The 25 year old

actor checked himself into re-

hab after a relapse of a one

year cocaine addiction. Efron

was allegedly abusing substanc-

es such as MDMA, cocaine, and

alcohol. Thankfully, the former

Disney star was able to recog-

nize his addiction and is now on

the path to a better life.

In Early September, Efron

posted a photo on Instagram

from Machu Picchu in Peru. He

caotioned the photo, “Hey guys!

Just returned from an incredible

trip to Peru with my dad and

wanted to thank you all for your

support these past few

weeks...means the world to me.

Love you guys! Z.” Efron needs

support from the public more

than ever before. One can only

hope he gets the help he needs.

By Amber Urena


By Allie Zoll

Alex Rodriguez, third-baseman for the New York Yankees, has been accused of using

steroids throughout his baseball career. There have been three separate accusations of

Performance Enhancing Drug (PEDs) usage from the time he was the third baseman for

the Texas Rangers in 2003 until present day. Rodriquez, or “A–Rod” as he is commonly

known, has refused to comment and denied all results that have been determined by the


A-Rod is one of the 12 players in the Biogenesis Case and is facing a lot of scrutiny

from fans, reporters, and teammates. According to CNN, when asked at a recent press

conference why he was appealing the 211 game suspensions, he said, “I’m fighting for

my life, I have to defend myself. If I don’t defend myself, no one else will.” After this com-

ment, his fans labeled him as a cheater due to the fact that he did not deny his steroid

abuse. He was also the only player who fought the length of his suspension.

During his first press conference, it became clear that A-Rod’s management coached

him to be ambiguous because he did not incriminate himself when reporters asked him

direct questions. Instead, he focused on his past six-month nightmare due to his hip sur-

gery and rehab, and refrained from discussing steroids. According to NBC Sports Hardball

Talk, when asked if he used PEDs he answered, “We’ll have a forum to discuss that and

talk about that then.” Baseball fans can only wait and see the result of his case.

A - R O D

By Jimmy Barry

The first round of “Weinergate” forced Anthony Weiner to resign from Congress in

2011. As a married political figure, the revelation that Weiner had been sending sexually

explicit messages to women created a frenzy in the media. During his campaign for New

York Mayor in July, more inappropriate messages surfaced. Weiner admitted that he

sexted three different women during the months following his resignation.

From one perspective, Weiner’s sexting situation is a PR nightmare. After his scandals,

people viewed his actions as perverted, dishonest, and condemned him for his infidelity.

Some PR counselors might give Anthony Weiner one piece of advice: Give up.

On the other hand, there may be a way to portray Weiner’s story in a more positive

light . With all of the attention, “Anthony Weiner” has become a household name. This

can be used to his advantage if he follows the steps to reverse his sexual habits and re-

pair his relationship with his family. After all, a flawed man trying to help his family is

much easier for people to relate to than a sleazy politician. Whatever PR strategy Weiner

chooses, only time will tell if he can turn his reputation around and once again be viewed

as a reputable government figure.



Page 7: esPResso Volume 5 Issue 1

P A G E 7 V O L U M E 5 I S S U E 1

By Chandler Chruma

It’s safe to say that the pop sensation, Hannah Montana is

long gone. The once innocent Disney Channel star has been on

a wild-child streak since her 2008 topless, bed-sheet photo-

shoot done by Annie Leibovitz. For the past five years, Miley

Cyrus’s face has consistently appeared on various tabloids.

After the 2013 VMA’s, Miley’s provocative performance left

many speechless. Billy Ray Cyrus, the 52-year-old singer and

father of Cyrus, says that despite his daughter’s behavior, she

is “still the same Miley.” In a recent CBS News article, Billy Ray

Cyrus states, “Miley's smart enough to know that to come out of

the shadows of Hannah Montana, it really takes something ex-

tremely drastic, which when you go to that level, it creates pas-

sion, and passion is either love or hate. But there's no middle of

the road for passion.” Many hope Cyrus will come out of this funk with in the next few months, but until then she is

just a wrecking ball.

By Kristen Roubal

Although they were depict-

ed as a perfect couple on

Keeping Up with the Kar-

dashians, Lamar Odom and

Khloé Kardashian only

seemed to be putting up a

façade to mask what was

truly going on in their person-

al lives. Within the past

month Odom has become a

target for paparazzi with his

recent DUI and the exposure

of his alleged cocaine addic-


In addition, his actions are

causing repercussions for the

entire Kardashian clan. The

family, which took on Odom as one of their own after being

estranged from his own family, has been strangely silent on

the subject of “Khlomar.” Odom himself has not spoken out

to the public about his addiction either.

From a PR standpoint, the Kardashians could certainly

work this to their advantage by speaking out against drug

addiction. It’s rather clear that media portrays the Kar-

dashians as being shallow and self-serving, and by using

this opportunity they can demonstrate that they are looking

out for one of their own, as well as all those affected by

drug abuse. Whether or not their decision to be silent about

these allegations turns out to be a good or bad PR move in

the long run has yet to be seen, but for now it leaves fans

with many unanswered questions.


By Rebecca Ferrick

What happened to Amanda Bynes? Between her bi-

zarre posts and pictures on Twitter, her multiple arrests,

the messy wigs in public, throwing a bong out of her 36th

floor Manhattan apartment, numerous plastic surgery

attempts and her increasingly bizarre behavior, Bynes

truly seemed to be crying out for help. The world watched

with a mix of horror, entertainment, and concern as the

former teen star is spiraling downward.

Many assume that the 27 year-old is falling into the

same drug and alcohol fueled pattern as many child

stars before her, while others feel that she is simply act-

ing out for attention. Whatever the case, Bynes seems to

be struggling with a serious mental illness that has been

developing out of the public eye for quite some time.

The latest incident took place on July 22nd, when po-

lice apprehended Bynes in an elderly woman’s driveway.

Bynes had allegedly started a small fire and was caught

carrying a dog that was

covered in gasoline. She

was placed on an involun-

tary psychiatric hold;

known as a 5150. Her

parents were given a con-

servatorship of their

daughter’s personal and

financial affairs. The star-

let has since entered a

private rehabilitation fa-

cility and will hopefully

emerge healthy, happy,

and ready to throw out

that wig collection.






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By Jennifer Laski

This past summer, I interned at Discovery

Communications in the publicity department for

the TLC network. Discovery has an amazing in-

ternship program that allowed me to not only

work closely with my mentors, but to also work in

a team with several other interns on a semester

long project. Every intern from each of the offices

in different cities was placed onto a team. Each

team was then given a problem to solve regard-

ing one of Discovery’s newer channels: Investiga-

tion Discovery. It was great to collaborate with

other interns in different departments and to

present our project idea to all of our supervisors.

For the rest of my time at Discovery I worked under Joanna Brahim, the Senior Director of

Publicity at TLC, and Joey Skladany, a Publicist for TLC. My main task was researching local

media outlets and reaching out to them for potential interviews with people featured in

each week’s episode of “Toddlers and Tiaras,” “Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids,” and

“Randy to the Rescue.” I arranged several interviews between people on the shows and won

the attention of online and print publications, including OUT magazine.

In addition, I was able to assist Joey on the “Honey Boo Boo” local and New York press

tour for the Season two premiere. Along with acquiring TV stations to attend the local press

conference, I was also able to go backstage at “Live with Jimmy Fallon,” where Mama June

was a guest. Interning at TLC was one of the best experiences of my life and I would highly

recommend Discovery Communications for anyone interested in the entertainment industry.


By Edith Morris

After countless hours of PR internship searching, one of the companies I applied to

reached out to me with an interview offer. I was ecstatic beyond words. The company

was a small, yet very trendy, accessory boutique in Beacon, New York, called Lorraine

Tyne and I was offered the position on the spot. As an internship newbie, I was both

nervous and excited to start my first day as an intern for Lorraine Tyne. My responsibil-

ities included updating various social media outlets and contributing to their data-

bases of clients, whom they collaborate with regularly.

My knowledge of PR was very limited, but my managers were impressed by my ea-

gerness to learn and began to give me extra assignments. These assignments includ-

ed product development, web design, and event planning. It was an amazing experi-

ence and I now consider my first public relations class to have been an internship.


By Jessica Kovac

This summer, I applied for an in-

ternship at CollegeFashionista, a

website created by Melissa and Amy

Levin. The two sisters founded the

website where college students find

men and women on campus that are

fashion forward and write articles on

them. When I received notice that I

had the internship, I was thrilled and

nervous. It has, however, been an

extremely rewarding experience.

Through CollegeFashionista, we also

participate in something called Fash-

ion talks where people from the fash-

ion industry talk to us via twitter,

Google chat, and sometimes in per-


Last week, I received an e-mail

from my boss saying a fashion talk

would be held live at FIT with a well-

known designer himself. There would

be a Q&A my boss would conduct,

and after there would be a live book

signing where we could ask ques-

tions. The designer who participated

was already reputable for being in-

volved in social media and social

action. This was the theme of the


The biggest lesson I took from the

experience was to get involved with

social media. People look to the me-

dia for inspiration, especially in the

fashion world. Having unique profiles

on these websites gives us an oppor-

tunity to stand out and make a name

for ourselves. It is also the way we

communicate, making it even more

important to not only have accounts

on social media but make them user-

friendly and individualistic. Going to

FIT that night gave me extremely im-

portant career advice for the future.



Jennifer poses with Mama June.

Page 9: esPResso Volume 5 Issue 1

Since the iPhone was intro-

duced in 2007, it has looked

relatively the same. In the

month of September, howev-

er, Apple introduced two

major improvements to their

technology line-up. It all

started on September 18th,

when Apple launched iOS7,

an innovative software that

chief design officer Jony Ive

says "is completely new, yet

instantly familiar.” The icons

are new, translucent, and

the keyboard appears clean-

er, giving the user a feeling

of a brand new phone.

Many users are happy

with the new features and

accessibility to the control

center. By swiping up from

the bottom of the screen

there is easy access to spe-

cific settings such as Wi-Fi,

volume, brightness, and

Bluetooth. In this image

driven world, many users

favor the new camera’s fil-

ters that allow you to add a

unique effect. These small

changes led many users to

embrace the upgrade during

just the first few days the

upgrade became available.

The two new phones

were then introduced by

Apple on September 20th

with each displaying very

d i f f e r e n t c o l o r

schemes. The iPhone 5S

which came in the standard

white and black, is now

available with a gold fin-

ish. The 5S is the first Apple

phone to use “touch id,”

allowing consumers to use

their fingerprint as a pass-


The iPhone 5C is now

available in five eye-catching

colors: white, red, yellow,

blue, and green. A 16GB

phone is priced at $99 by

Verizon, AT&T, and Sprint

and this price is considera-

bly lower than those of previ-

ous phones.

The rollout of new Apple

products always promises a

huge bump in sales, and this

release was no differ-

ent. Fans camped out for

days in advance hoping to

be one of the first to get

their hands on the latest

and greatest versions. Some

technology experts even

claim that this has been the

most significant change for

Apple since the phones’

initial release.

By Katherine Burek


P A G E 9 V O L U M E 5 I S S U E 1

Apple puts its best technology forward in September

This year marked the 65th

Annual Primetime Emmy

Awards, a show filled with

laughs, surprises, and sad-

ness. The show got off to an

awkward start when host,

Neil Patrick Harris, was in-

terrupted by Jimmy Kimmel

mocking him from the audi-

ence. Before long, Kimmel,

as well as other hosts from

previous years, joined the

stage to point out Harris’

hosting flaws. Harris re-

ceived his last mockery from

Golden Globes hosts Tina

Fey and Amy Poehler, who

began commanding him to

start “twerking” before tak-

ing the stage to present the

first award of the night.

Arguably, the two most

anticipated award catego-

ries usually are best comedy

series and best drama se-

ries. Modern Family won

best comedy for the fourth

consecutive year which did-

n’t come as a surprise to

most. Best drama series, on

the other hand, was a pleas-

ant surprise to many with

the hit AMC series, Breaking

Bad, taking home the Emmy.

Creator Vince Gilligan was in

complete shock and

thanked the audience for

their support, as well as

Netflix for live streaming

their program.

Additionally of interest

are the best actor/actress in

a comedy and drama series

categories. Jim Parsons,

star of The Big Bang Theory,

won best actor in a comedy.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus, star of

HBO’s Veep, won best ac-

tress in a comedy. As for

lead actor in a drama, Jeff

Daniels from The Newsroom

unexpectedly grabbed the

prize. Lastly, lead actress in

a drama went to Claire Danes

from Homeland. Although

many thought Kerry Washing-

ton of Scandal would win,

Danes had a fantastic Emmy

submission that highlighted

her outstanding acting mo-


The awards show also

included heart-warming trib-

utes to Glee’s Cory Monteith

and Sopranos’ actor James

Gandolfini. The annual Em-

my Awards is one of the big-

gest nights for the Hollywood

industry and this year was an

event to remember. While

some of the winners came as

a shock, and others as an

expectation, the 2013 Emmy

Awards were ultimately a


By Jennifer St. Jeanos

The 65th Emmys captures all emotions


Page 10: esPResso Volume 5 Issue 1

P A G E 1 0

Adjustments to the Marist Core allow students to test

different academic waters

As of the Fall 2013 se-

mester, students attending

Marist are being intro-

duced to a different set of

course requirements to

fulfill the Marist core. This

newly revised core only

applies to freshmen and

transfer students.

Prior to Fall 2013, the

Marist core required stu-

dents to take a certain

number of foundation and

distribution courses. De-

pending on existing credits,

foundation courses include

College Writing I, College

Writing II and Introduction

to Philosophy. It also in-

cludes Ethics, a course

typically taken as an upper-

classman. Distribution re-

quirements include two

history, social science, nat-

ural science, mathematics,

and literature courses, as

well as one course in fine

arts and one additional

course in philosophy or

religious studies. Each of

these requirements will

remain the same for all

students still following this

curriculum. There are vari-

ations depending on the

number of credits that stu-

dents earned prior to at-

tending Marist.

The revised Marist core

gives students the oppor-

tunity to focus on one area

of study over another. The

new requirements include

academic foundation

courses as well as distribu-

tion courses. The academic

foundation courses include

First Year Seminar and

Writing for College. Both

courses engage in themes

such as cultural diversity,

nature and the environ-

ment, civic engagement,

and quantitative reason-

ing. The new distribution

course requirements, allow

students to focus on a par-

ticular area of study. They

are now required to take

one course in each of the

following areas: philoso-

phy, ethics & justice, fine

arts, history, literature,

mathematics, natural sci-

ence, and social science.

Students are also required

to choose a “pathway”,

which contains four differ-

ent courses covering at

least three different disci-

plines. Every student must

also complete a total of

36 distribution credits.

The purpose of the

revised core is to give

students the ability to

determine which courses

they find most interesting

without making a huge

commitment to one area

of study. Students are

also able to double-dip,

meaning courses can sim-

ultaneously fulfill the eight

breadth areas as well as

the four pathway require-

ments. The new Marist

core is beneficial to stu-

dents overall because

students are more likely

By Ariana Held

to be able to pinpoint an

area of study they enjoy.

This is especially helpful

for incoming students

who are undeclared as

this newly revised core

allows them to fulfill

breadth requirements

while they start to figure

out what area they would

most likely be interested

in majoring in. The new

core makes sure students

are not overwhelmed by

the large number of differ-

ent core classes and can

focus their energy purely

on exploring their possible


The Public Relations curriculum change also went into full effect this semester, transitioning from a combination

of old and new classes. Students now have the ability to choose one of two specializations, “Public Relations Man-

agement” or “Integrated Communication.” This is a great addition for students because the world of PR is revolu-

tionizing and this will only better prepare students for their future in the professional world.

"Our new public relations curriculum helps prepare students to meet the demands of today's fast-paced and ever-

evolving public relations industry. It provides students with a solid foundation in both theory and practice as well

as offers them the choice of two specializations."

-Jennie Donohue, Communications Professor and Marist PRSSA Faculty Adviser


Publication compiled and published by Elizabeth Peper & Marguerite Pinheiro

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