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UNAWARES!!!As you know, a project of this nature does not come about overnight. This book has been in the writing process for years and, because it is based on my life, knowledge, and experience with Spiritualism and other facets of occult practices, this book has been “in the making” for literally my entire life.

Allow me to share with you a para-graph from the Foreword of the book:

A Christian Ministry Dedicated to Fighting Cults and the OccultEvangelist Ben Alexander • P.O. Box 307, Kennesaw, GA 30156-0307 • December 2014



The true story of one man’s search for life after death ends in unexpected, demonic, bone-chilling visitors in the spirit world.In Ben’s latest book, the dark side of the spirit world is unmasked and you are taken into the very extremes of Satan’s supernatural power.

ben alexander



ouija board

speaking in tongues

table tipping



death threats

automatic writing



fallen angels

trance mediumship


contacting the dead

psychic phenomena

terrifying nightmares


Entertaining Demons Unawares b

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rks, Inc.

EntertainingDemons Unawares is the true story of one man’s plunge into the deepest depths of the occult. Tucked within his story is another story -- that of a family’s weekly Saturday night “live” communication with their dead father. Ben Alexander shares his testimony and involvement with the Miller family séances from table tipping to automatic writing to trance mediumship to the highest level of psychic phenomena known as materialization. After narrowly escaping these spiritualist activities, Ben has spentthe remainder of his life investigating the occult and occult practices. With sixty years of experience and study of Spiritualism behind him, Ben knows what he is talking about and is an expert in this field of study. Among contemporary notables who advocate Spiritualism are the writers of the Ghostbuster movie. Dan Aykroyd’s father, Peter, reveals in his book, A History of Ghosts: The True Story of Séances, Mediums, Ghosts, and Ghostbusters, that the inspiration behind this mega-million dollar movie came from experiences engrained in generations of the Aykroyd family -- many similar to Ben’s experiences. Sadly, the ghostbuster phenomena is the dream of millions of Spiritualists who are unaware of the demons they are inviting into their lives. Millions of others, including Christians, are in contact with the supposed dead on a daily basis. Most people see this film as comedy. Scratch beneath the surface and you will discover it is about a very serious and soul-destroying topic: demon possession.In these pages Ben exposes, through personal experience and God’s Word, the real person and power behind Satan’s psychics.

This is a must read for youand your loved ones.

What began as a quest to find the

answer to life after death became

a terrifying nightmare as fallen

angels began to control the lives of the séance sitters and planted in the

medium’s mindthe desire to murder Ben.

Ben Alexander, author and founder of Exposing Satan’s Power Ministries, has spoken on 5 continents, in 17 countries, in 49 States, and in countless prisons and schools. For more onhis ministry, go to

Exciting News!My life’s story is now nearly 94 years long. It would take a small library of books to tell you my story in its entirety. That is not possible. However, what is possible, and what I desire to do most, is to share with my fellow sojourners, and those who follow after me, my journey from evil spirits to the Holy Spirit; from Satan-worship to God-worship; from fear of death and hell to peace and glory in the One who has already saved me and prepared a place in Heaven for me. I invite you to join me on this extraordinary journey as I unmask the ghostbusters. I have found the truth and it has set me free.

As you well know, a big part of my life’s story is the development of and continuation of ESP Ministries. I’m convinced God pursued me and snatched me from Spiritualism and the claws of Satan for this ministry – to give me not only a voice, but also an avenue in which I could shed light on the deceitfulness of Satan and the dangers of engaging in the practice of even the seemingly most innocent activities of the occult.

Once again, I find myself humbled. There have been so many things happen recently that only goes to confirm that the timing of this book is not a coincidence. I can see God at work. How thankful I am to serve a God of miracles. A God of untold blessings. A God of mercy.

You, my dear friends, are such a vital part of this ministry. I wish I had words to describe the magnitude of the blessing you are to me. Thank you so

much for your faithfulness in prayers and finances.

For those who may be interested in purchasing a copy, they will be sold for $13.95, which includes shipping and handling. Please send your request to the address above.

Reaching Out inPrison Ministry

I am also excited to share with you that, thanks to the generosity of Stuart Cook, 500 copies of my new book, Entertaining Demons Unawares, will be going directly to Joe Garman who serves as President of the American Rehabilitation Ministries. ARM is aprison ministry of the Christian church-es and churches of Christ and serves as an arm of the church to help fulfill the biblical mandate of Jesus, “I was in prison and you came to visit me” (Matt 25:36, NIV).

Stuart is one of my dear friends and a generous supporter of ESP Ministries and exhibits a tremendously caring spirit to all he knows. Thank you, Stuart, for making it possible to get this book into the hands of so many prisoners!

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Native American IndianNot too long ago, I received a phone call from a lady ask-ing me for help. She said a minister had suggested she contact me. Following our phone conversation, she sent me the following e-mail message:

Hello Mr. Alexander,

I am K---- from Jefferson City, MO., the lady you spoke with earlier on the phone. I have glanced through your website and listened to a few of your videos . . . all interesting, by the way. I will tell you up front that I classify myself as a type of Faith Healer, BUT NOT YOUR AVERAGE “PUT YOUR HANDS ON SOMEONE AND VOILA! THEY ARE HEALED!” NO . . . my type of Faith Healing deals with spirits, not the living. What I mean by that is this -- I help those lost & restless souls here on Earth to cross over into the next realm; evil spirits are banished back to Hell. This type of Faith Healing is based on Native American Indian rituals such as cleansing and blessing homes, spirit divining, etc.

My Great-Grandfather, as his father before him, were also native Faith Healers. I do not believe in having séances or using a Ouija board that is sometimes associated with the occult. My purpose is to help spirits find their way, not invite them to stick around. And with that, here is my story . . .

For 3 months I have been helping a family [the client] who have been inundated with paranormal activity. The majority of the spirits are good, albeit confused, scared and lost; I have helped a few to cross over... however, there are some bad entities as well and it is the bad enti-ties that continue to hinder my steps in helping the others (good spirits). At a rough guess, I could be dealing with

YouTube Ministry Continues to FlourishMy “YouTube” messages continue to be a huge part of my ministry to those struggling with the occult. They have also proven to be valuable educational tools for those who are trying to minister to family and friends caught up in occult practices. Every day between 200 and 300 people view at least one of my many YouTube messages. To date there have been over half a million views. I am amazed when I think of the far-reaching impact these short 3-minute messages are having on people around the world. Recently, many of my YouTube messages have been translated into the Hindu language where some are viewed literally every day in India. God has certainly blessed this phase of my ministry beyond my wildest imagination.


at least 120 spirits here! So many, you say?? Yes, what I am dealing with is cemetery full of spirits. This unmarked cemetery has been lying on private property [of the client] for quite a long time, I would say. A portion of their house rests upon a section of the cemetery. Some field stones are embedded in the ground today, but all the headstones are gone. As a child, my client told me that he and his brother helped their father to stack a few tombstones behind their old shed, but could not remember anything about the stones except that they had 2 or 3 initials on them. The father was clearing the land at that time (be-fore the house was there). Today, as I said, a portion of the house sits atop the cemetery. Paranormal activity has been a part of my client’s life since he was a child; his brother, who also lives upon the land in another house is very aggressive towards the situation -- always wanting to call the spirits out and fight them! I have told him on numerous occasions he [the younger brother] not to do this, he is only making the situation worse . . . the younger brother stays away when I go out to his brother’s house now.

Before I could send a reply, she sent the following email.

After reading more upon your website, I am afraid you will not be able to help me. And, yes, I do believe you once experienced my way of doing things . . . but your personal faith is leading you in a different direction today. I can respect that. I, too, know it is not “normally” the thing to do [and I do not do this often], as the Bible mentioned the evil associated with it, but there are other instances in the Bible when such power was used for good . . . or at least to get a point across. The witch of Endor comes to mind here... so, I will save you time expressing your desire that I should leave this alone. I cannot just walk away when evil is infesting, not only one but two families upon this land. As for the minister who supplied your name to me? I can honestly say his name never came up in conversation . . . I won’t bother you again, sir. Thanks for the time you have given . . . (signed) K-----

After reading the second email, I felt heartsick. The first thing that came to my mind was the scripture (Proverbs 14:12: "There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.") Why wouldn't she give me a

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chance to reply? I began to analyze what might be her reason and, after studying the teaching of the Native American Indian, came up with some surprising answers.

First, she claims to be a Faith healer dealing with spirits (that is the dead or demons). In reality she is a Spiritual-ist.

Then she writes "This type of Faith Healing is based on Native Christian Indian rituals such as cleansing and blessing homes, spirit divining, etc". That statement violates the very words Moses spoke of in Deuteronomy 18:10 -- "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells or who is a medium or spiritist or consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.”

On reflection I realized I had a lot in common with the Native American Faith Healer. It suddenly dawned on me that the majority of spirits I was contacting when I was in Spiritualism were American Native Indians. In fact my spirit guide, White Owl, was a Native American Indian. Two other mediums in the séance room were often con-trolled at the same time and spoke to each other in what the spirits claimed to be the Native Indian language.

Several years ago Michael Miller, one of the sitters, sent me a diary his mother kept. The day following a séance, she would write a paragraph of the events that took place the night before and at least 50% of spirits involved were American Native Indians. I have this diary in my posses-sion.

I must admit I have never studied the Native Indian culture. When I did I could understand the resentment of the Native American Indian; they were brutally treated. Somewhere I read something to this effect: "When the white man first came to this land, we had the land and they had the Bible. They taught us to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them again, we had the Bible and the white man had the land."

Sadly this lady who wrote to me is still very resentful, let us pray her attitude changes

Thieves are Spreading the Gospel!Several years ago I learned that a lady in England had stolen the contents (and cover) of my book Out from Dark-ness. Everything about the book she is publishing is mine, word for word. I was alarmed and, over the years, have learned that I am not her only victim! She has done this to countless others and there is very little anyone can do to stop her. She is in England and fighting the infraction across international borders is next to impossible. From all accounts, it appears this thief is pocketing quite a large sum of money from the sale of books to which she has no rights While I strongly dislike what she is doing and the money she is stealing from this ministry, I have come to realize that the most important thing isn’t so much the money, it’s the lives being saved from Satan’s grasps.

“Ouija”As you are undoubtedly aware, on the 24th of October, the movie “Ouija” made its appearance on the big screen. There was much hype preceeding its release so it did not surprise me to learn that, in the first weekend of its debut, it became the largest money-making movie ever in its first weekend appearance. Only time will tell how record-breaking this movie proved to be and how much money its creators pocketed. Only time will tell how many children, teens, and adults will live with the devastating conse-quences of engaging in the practices this movie touted.

For some, the consequences of this “entertainment” will come almost immediately; for others, repercussions will not appear until much later in life, usually when they come face-to-face with the loss of a loved one. Then, in their desperate attempts to reconnect with that loved one, they will “remember” scenes from this movie and/or their experi-ence with the Ouija Board and, overcome with grief, will try to contact that lost loved one by means of the Ouija Board.

Several months ago I prepared a 16-page booklet warning of the dangers of this activity. The Ouija Board is market-ed and portrayed as a “toy,” as some-thing fun and harmless. My friend, it is not harmless; it is dangerous. In fact, many of those trapped in the occult or who battle demons have testified that their slip into such practices began in-nocently by playing with a Ouija Board.

I encourage you to purchase copies of this booklet ($1.00 each) to give to anyone you know or come in contact with who may have fallen victim to the hype surrounding the Ouija Board. Souls are at stake. Make no mistake, we are in a war with Satan and we need to arm ourselves, our family members, and our friends with the ammunition needed to ward off his attacks.

To place your order, send your check. payable to ESP Ministries, to PO Box 307, Kennesaw, GA 30156-0307. If you could also send a donation to cover postage costs, that will be greatly appreciated.

Satan Wants Your Child(and You May Be That Child)








byBen Alexander

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Holiday GreetingsOur Dear Friends,

How Miranda and I wish it were possible for us to send each one of you a personal Christmas card and hand-written greeting. Since that is not possible, allow us to add our holiday greetings here at the close of this yearly newsletter.

I realized just recently that next year, February 14th, 2015 will mark the 50th anniversary of my learning the news that Jesus Christ had come into the world to be my Savior. How thankful I am that someone cared enough about me to reach out in love and boldly invite this Jewish young man and his bride to hear the truth of the Gospel. Little did any of us know then what a tremendous ministry lay ahead.

There is so much for which ESP Ministries has to be thankful and so much we would like to share with you. The bits of information included within the pages of this newsletter highlights only a small fraction of this ministry of which you are a major part.

It is with great joy that Miranda and I greet you this very special season of the year. Like most years, this has been one of highs and lows -- much like yours, we imagine.

But, when we reflect back on the year as a whole, we can’t help but be thankful for all the blessings we have received.

It is with overwhelming love for you that we thank you for your support over the decades. Our God has certainly been faithful in his provisions! And it is with an extra-ordinary peace that we continue to serve the One we call Lord. His hand in our lives has truly enabled us to impact thousands of lives for the Kingdom of God. We are continually humbled by the mere thought that God could use imperfect people like us in such a tremendous way of service. All glory and power and honor belong to him.

We love each and every one of you and pray that you have a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year. May our great God continue to bless you.

Love and Best Wishes to all of you,

Ben and Miranda

Celebrating 50 Years as a Believer!I was stunned to realize not long ago that next February 14 will mark my 50th year as a believer in Christ. How appropriate that it was on Valentine’s Day in 1965 that I first heard of the greatest love story ever -- that of Christ’s love for me. That day I surrendered my life, totally and completely, to Jesus Christ my Savior. I immediately felt an urgency in sharing that same message of love with others I met. Beginning with those on my bakery route to those living on skid row in Los Angeles to those Miranda and I met as we moved from place to place, I have carried a heavy burden for the unsaved since that day. Seven years later, in 1972, Miranda and I began what became known as Exposing Satan’s Power Ministries. I will forever be indebted to you, my faithful friends, followers and supporters! Thank you!!!

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