Page 1: ESL Images and Festivals

IMAGES AND FE STIVALS By Lloyd Tillison and Covadonga González


Page 2: ESL Images and Festivals

English  Language  Department                                                                                                                                                                          Images  and  Festivals  INS  Sant  Quirze  del  Vallès                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4th  ESO    

LANGUAGE  ASSISTANT:  LLOYD  TILLISON                                                TUTOR:  COVADONGA  GONZÁLEZ  MENÉNDEZ  


In England, every year on the 5th of November we celebrate what we call Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes’ Night, this celebration is a traditional event with historically political origins: bonfire night is basically a commemoration of the execution of Guy Fawkes and his comrades from the Gunpowder Plot in 1605 following their attempt to blow up the House of Parliament in an attempt to kill King James I and re-establish Catholicism in Great Britain.

Bonfire Night celebrations are based around the bonfire, which is huge pile of wood set alight in an open space for spectators, but as well as the bonfire, there are other things going on: such as firework displays, sparklers – which are handheld fireworks, and traditional foods such as pies, parkin and toffee apples.

Sometimes families have bonfires in their garden and invite all their friends and the rest of their family, or alternatively there is always a public bonfire event nearby with lots of people and a more spectacular display. Traditionally, in the lead up to Bonfire Night, some children make their own “Guys”, a sort of model Guy Fawkes made up of old clothing and newspaper, and sit with it in the street saying ‘penny for the guy’ and getting money from people passing by.

I have been to a Bonfire and celebrated the event every year since being a young child and really love the atmosphere and sense of community on Bonfire Night in England.

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English  Language  Department                                                                                                                                                                          Images  and  Festivals  INS  Sant  Quirze  del  Vallès                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4th  ESO    

LANGUAGE  ASSISTANT:  LLOYD  TILLISON                                                TUTOR:  COVADONGA  GONZÁLEZ  MENÉNDEZ  


1. What  do  you  think  of  Bonfire  Night  from  what  you  have  heard?  Would  you  like  to  experience  it?        

2. Are  there  any  similar  traditions  in  your  country?      

 3. What  is  your  favourite  celebration  and  why?  


4. Do  you  think  we  should  try  to  preserve  traditions  in  each  country?  What  is  the  threat  posed  by  globalisation?  


5. The   Gunpowder   Plot   is   mainly   based   on   religious   dispute  between  Catholicism  and  Protestantism   in  Great  Britain,  are  religious  disputes  a  thing  of  the  past?  What  modern  religious  disputes  exist?  

Page 4: ESL Images and Festivals

English  Language  Department                                                                                                                                                                          Images  and  Festivals  INS  Sant  Quirze  del  Vallès                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4th  ESO    

LANGUAGE  ASSISTANT:  LLOYD  TILLISON                                                TUTOR:  COVADONGA  GONZÁLEZ  MENÉNDEZ  

IMAGES AND ART in the speaking corner

Working with students on the theme of images, they are encouraged to speak as much as possible about actual images and the more general ideas that are linked.

1. Introductory activity bringing up different famous works of art such as The Birth of Venus (but different ones every time) and having the students describe one picture each as much as possible, giving each a chance to speak without being interrupted. Students are encouraged to describe using who/what/where/when/why to elaborate.

2. Students are then asked some of the following questions, the ones that are not answered are asked after the remaining activities:

a. What is the role of an image? b. How have images changed over time? c. What is art? d. Are all images art? e. Can images be powerful? How? f. Can you think of any powerful images? g. What are some of your favourite images? h. Do you like to create your own images? i. Can images be timeless? j. Do you like to visit art galleries? k. Should art galleries be free? l. Do young people visit art galleries enough? Why?

Why not?

Page 5: ESL Images and Festivals

English  Language  Department                                                                                                                                                                          Images  and  Festivals  INS  Sant  Quirze  del  Vallès                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4th  ESO    

LANGUAGE  ASSISTANT:  LLOYD  TILLISON                                                TUTOR:  COVADONGA  GONZÁLEZ  MENÉNDEZ  

3. Spot the difference adventure time activity which works as it is fun and gives them some competition.


4. Geoguesser game to get the students speaking by describing the places then guessing where they are in the world, can be done with each individual student in turn or all at the same time.


5. Bring up pictures of famous celebrities and have the laptop facing away from one student; the other students have to describe the person while they try to guess who it is from the description.

Page 6: ESL Images and Festivals

English  Language  Department                                                                                                                                                                          Images  and  Festivals  INS  Sant  Quirze  del  Vallès                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4th  ESO    

LANGUAGE  ASSISTANT:  LLOYD  TILLISON                                                TUTOR:  COVADONGA  GONZÁLEZ  MENÉNDEZ  


Our goal is to create a presentation to explain one of our traditional festivals and compare it with other festivals in the English speaking world.


1. Choose one festival. 2. Every member of the group looks for information in English.You

may also look for images, songs, short videos and save them in your memory stick or computer.

3. Read the information carefully and underline the relevant parts. 4. Write a report based on your research. Rewrite the information in

your own words. Write your composition in FIVE paragraphs. A. Name, date and location

1. When is this holiday? 2. Is this holiday on the same day every year? 3. Where is this holiday celebrated? 4. Who celebrates this holiday?

B. Origin and meaning.

1. Is there any brief explanation or history of the celebration? 2. For how long has this holiday been celebrated? 3. What is the meaning of this holiday?

C. People and the festival

1. What customs go with this holiday? 2. Is there special food, drink, decorations, or clothing

associated with this holiday? 3. How is it celebrated?

D. The English speaking world festivals

1. Similar celebration in any English speaking country?

E. Conclusion

5. Hand in your draft to the teacher and write your final version. 6. Prepare your PowerPoint or Prezi to explain what you have

discovered based on the report you have written. Your presentation is just images or illustrations you have created or downloaded from a Website. You have to record your voice in off explaining your findings. Every member of the group has to participate in the recording. This will be posted on our Moodle

Page 7: ESL Images and Festivals

English  Language  Department                                                                                                                                                                          Images  and  Festivals  INS  Sant  Quirze  del  Vallès                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      4th  ESO    

LANGUAGE  ASSISTANT:  LLOYD  TILLISON                                                TUTOR:  COVADONGA  GONZÁLEZ  MENÉNDEZ  


Tasca: Images and Festivals

Our goal is to create a presentation to explain one of our traditional festivals and compare it with other festivals in the English speaking world.This presentation is based on a written report once you have done a thorough research.

Criteri d’avaluació del currículum de 4t d’ESO Llengües estrangeres !“Utilitzar els recursos de les TIC de forma progressivament autònoma per buscar informació. produir textos a partir de models, enviar i rebre missatges de correu electrònic i per establir relacions personals orals i escrites, i mostrar interès pel seu ús”


1. La tria de la informació se adequa a la tasca

1. La informació respon a totes les preguntes presentades a la fase de preparació.

2. S’inclou una Webgrafia i es fa referència com a mínim a 4 fonts amb autors/institucions identificats.

3. Es presenten dades clarament identificables. 4. S’inclou un anàlisi personal comparant les dues


2. La presentació de la informació és creativa

1. Es fan servir imatges de creació pròpia. 2. S’incorpora música 3. Les imatges triades són 20 i inclouen diferents tipus

d’imatge( fotos, dibuixos, quadres, còmics, etc) 4. El suport és dinàmic (transicions i só automàtiques,


3. El treball cooperatiu i l’individual és bó

1. S’ha creat un espai online per compartir el treball (Google drive)

2. Durant el procés s’ha revisat i modificat el treball segons les aportacions dels membres del grup i de la professora.

3. Els problemes s’ha solventat gràcies a la participació de tots els membres i les solucions aportades per ells mateixos.

4. El grup publica la tasca en el temps previst.

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