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Years Marks Subjects Oral or written tests Cooperation Final exams What you need for universit e-School services

Austria 9 1- the best, 5- the worst German,English,Geographie,French/Russian/Spanish, Maths, History,PE, Chemistry,Biology, Physics, AccountingandControlling, BusinessManagement, Business Trainingand ProjectManagement,Marketing, Financal-and Riskmanagement, Information-and Officemanagement,EconomicComputer Science,ComputerAccounting and ControllingReligion,Ethics

During one semester,we have 9 tests andmany revisions ineach subject. Wehave different kinds ofrevisons. It could beoral or written, but wehave alsopresentations to workin 2-person-groups oralone.

We have partner-schools likeNMS17.. that meansthat teachers areteaching in bothschools

After fiveyears you are allowed todo the final exams.Written exams: youmust graduate inthree subjects (Math,German and a foreignlanguage, e.g. French,English,Spanish or Italian). Oralexams: Depending onhow many subjects youchose inwritten, you have todecide between two orthree more subjects. Inaddition tothese subjects you haveto make a final yearproject.

We need a "Matura", whichwe get at the end oft HAKs(five years) or after theGymnasium (four years).When you choose to go ina HAS you need a"Studienberechtigungsprüfung" (studies permits exam).

Our school is having a ownwebsite, where you can seepictures of all the students,teachers. On this websiteyou can also getinformations about ourschool. There is also anonline timetable where youcan see which subjects doyou have. In school and athome we are working on awebsite called moodle andin some subjects you haveto upload your homeworkthere.

Bulgaria Bulgarian students spend12 years at school fromthe age of 7 to the age of19. Primary education inBulgaria lasts 7 yearsand secondary educationlasts 5 years - it startsfrom the 8th grade andends in the 12th grade.

The failing grade is 2; 3, 4, 5 are passing gradesand 6 is the best mark you canget.

English, German, Hungarian,Slovak, Maths, PE, Physics,Chemistry, Biology, Geography,History, History of art, IT, Civics,Etics, RE

During the semesterwehave 1 to 3 oral tests.We alsohave several writtentests.There arecompulsory writtentests in the end of thesemester and in the end of theschool year.

For projects and inclass if the teachergives tasks.

After five years ofstudying you take thewritten Matura exams inBulgarian and anothersubject you choose.

There are many ways toenter a university in Bulgaria(passing entrance exam,winning a competition etc.). Before it, you have to passa "Matura" exam and have adocument for finishedsecondary education, calleda Diploma.

Our school has its ownwebsite. On the website wecan find information aboutthe school and its activities.We also use an internet sitecalled "Moodle.nitbg" wherewe do tests, upload ourhomework or download extramaterials (posted or madeby our teachers).

Czech Republic School attendance,primary and secondary,takes 13 years (primaryeducation is nine yearslong and secondaryeducatin is four yearslong), altogether from 6to 19 years of age

5: 1 is the best mark and 5 isthe worst mark

English, German/Russian/French,Czech, Maths, History, Chemistry,Physics, Biology, Geography,Civics, Typing, Commercialcorrespondence, PE, Informatics,Economics, Bookkeeping, Tourism

We write smallexams during theschool year and at theend of 1st and 2ndterms we sit for aprogress exam. Wetake oral examsusually once everyterm, in somesublects likelanguages even more.

Students worktogether inclasses, eg inEnglish andGerman/French/Russian they usuallywork in pairs or insmall groups. Inother subjects wemainly workindividually. Ofcourse, we are ininternationalprojects likeEtwinning,Erasmus+, ourclassmates go onexchanges or workabroad.

After four years youtake final exams(MATURITA exam). Wehave both written andoral exams, 5altogether. Compulsorysubjects are Economics,Czech, Maths or aforeign language andgraduation work and itsdefence. Optionalexams areBookkeeping, Maths,another foreignlanguage, History,Geography andInformatics. All Czechstudents have to sit forthe 2 compulsory stateexams in Czech andMaths/foreign language(Maths is only a writtenexam; a foreignlanguage is both oraland written - B1 level),these state exams arepart of MATURITAexam.

We need a "Maturita" finalexam and we do some teststo get onto school(entrance exam). In someschools they choosestudents based on themarks from school reportsor Maturita exm or we doSCIO tests (prepared by aspecialized agency for manyunivertisities and colleges).

Our school has its ownwebsite. On this websiteyou can see pictures of ourschool and some reports ofschool events. And childrenwho want to study there theycan see here someinformation of entranceexamination and otherinformation for them.Teachers upload marks andattendance into electronicsystem which works as anelectronic grade book andclass register. Studentsand parents can check themonline.

Page 2: eSchool Information

Years Marks Subjects Oral or written tests Cooperation Final exams What you need for universit e-School servicesHungary Compulsory education is

between 6 and 16.Primary school from 6 to14. Secondary schoolfrom 14 to 18/19.

5 - the best, 1 - is fail General subjects (HungarianLanguage and Literature, Maths,History, Geography, Chemistry,Physics, PE, IT, English, German),Professional subjects (Typing,Economics, Statistics, Marketing,Accountancy, Logistics, Law)

Oral and writtenassessments on adaily basis. Mid andend term evaluation.

Students can attendremedial classesand we have openhours for parentsfour times a year,teacher-parentmeetings twice ayear.

There is no final examat the end of primaryschool, students takeentrance exams to getto secondary grammarschools. At the end ofthe secondary schoolsstudents take school-leaving exams calledérettségi in 4compulsory (HungarianLanguage andLiterature, History,Maths, foreignlanguage) and 1optional subject atintermediate oradvanced level.

The maximum score foradmission to university is480, it derives from thepercentage of school-leaving exam results. Someuniversities requireadvanced level exams.Students can get extrapoints if they have anintermediate (B2) oradvanced (C1) levellanguage exam or if theyoutstanding results innational academic or sportcompetitions. Handicappedstudents (dyslexic,dysgraphic etc.) can getextra points.

Our school has a website,facebook profile wherestudents, parents andpartners can find useful andimportant information. A lotof schools have online gradebooks.

Romania Primary and secondaryeducation: 12 years.

10 - the best, 5 - the minimum topass

Romanian, two foreign languages,math, physics, Chemistry, History,Geography, Physical education,Music, Drawing, ICT, Socialstudies, Philosophy, and otherdepending on the programmeprofile.

Oral, written, projects For projects only At the end of 8th grade(~14 years of age):Romanian language &Math, at the end of 12thgrade (~18 years ofage) - Bacalaureat:Romanian languageand literature (speakingand writing), foreignlanguage (listening,writing, speaking), ICT(practice), 2 morewritten exams,depending onhighschool profile

Bacalaureat + admissionexam (for some universities)

Our school uses Facebookand web page forannouncements.

Slovakia compulsory education isbetween 6 and 16

1 is the best, 5 is the worst,meaning failure

Mother tongue, English, German,Maths, Chemistry, Physics,Geography, History, PE, Ethics,RE, Slovak, Biology, ICT

oral tests depend onteachers, written testare at the end of eachunit and midyear andend of year

Students can askquestions andteachers help themunderstand

at the end of elementaryschool, it is calledmonitor, at the end ofthe secondary school, itis called maturita exam

maturita exam, someuniversities require entranceexaminations, some acceptstudents according to theirresults at maturita exam

our school has a website,where we can check theevents, supplying, and ourparents can check our marks

Slovenia primary school takes 9years (from 6 to 15 yearsold), secondary schooltakes 4 years (from age15 to 19)

1:failing grade2-4: passing grades5: best grade

English, German/Spanish/Italian,Slovenian, Maths, PE, Chemistry,Biology, Geography, History,History of art, IT, Economics,Sociology, Psychology,Entrepreneur, Buisness, Finance,Buisness maths, ComercialBuisness, Financial accounts

Each term we have atleast two written testsand two oral tests(oral tests depend onthe teacher).

Students can askteachers foradditionalexplanation, eitherin class orindividually, once aweek.We alsocoorporate withother schools atschool projects.Students can also

At the end of elemetaryschool we have NPZ(national exams) inEnglish, Slovenian andMaths. At the end ofsecondary school wehave Matura orVocational matura.

You have to pass Matura.Some universities requireentrance examinations, butmost accept students basedon their results at maturaexam.

Our school has a website,where we can check theevents and other relevantinformation. We also use anapplication called e-Assistent, where parentscheck sour grades andattendance.

Ukraine the education lasts 11years, starts from the 1stgrade and ends in the11th grade

12- the best mark Ukrainian, Ukrainian Literature,English, Maths, Algebra,Geometry, Physics, Chemistry,World History, Ukrainian History,Art, Music, Handicrafts, WorldLiterature, PT, Biology, Economics,Ecology, Business English,Country Study

There are oral andwritten tests

Students can askteachers foradditionalexplanation, eitherin class orindividually, once aweek.We alsocoorporate withother schools atschool projects.Students can also

Students pass theirexams after finishingprimary school (3exams: Ukrainian,Litterature, Maths), thenat the end of the 9thform (secondaryincomplete education),they take three-fiveexams, andn at the endof high school (completesecondary education)they pass IndependentTesting (tests,permitting to enteruniversities andinstitutes)

You have to passIndependent testingsuccessfully (not less than140 points of 200)

a website to get generalinformation about eventsthat take place at school

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