



The Institute of Environmental Sciences

Boazii University


Version 2.2

List of Contributors

The following people have contributed to the development of this format document for the preparation of theses and dissertations completed at The Institute of Environmental Sciences.

Miray Bekblet

Ferhan een

Rait Bilgin

Burak Demirel

Berat Z. Haznedarolu


The first step before the format control for theses and dissertations submitted to the Institute of Environmental Sciences includes a plagiarism control/check with the online service Turnitin[footnoteRef:1] as required by The Council of Higher Education (YK) regulations. This check will be done by the Institute. [1: ]





3.1. Character Fonts8

3.2. Spacing8

3.3. Centering8

3.4. Margins8

3.5. Pagination8

3.6. Paragraphs 9

3.7. Headings10

3.7.1. Main Headings10

3.7.2. Second Headings10

3.7.3. First Sub-headings10

3.7.4. Second Sub-headings10

3.7.5. Third Sub-headings11

3.7.6. Fourth Sub-headings11


3.9. Bibliographical Materials11

3.10.Specially Designated Expressions12

3.11.Specimen Calculations12

3.12. Units and Symbols 12

3.13.Tables, Figures, Charts and Illustrations13


4.1.Title Page 14

4.2.Approval Page 14



4.5.Abstract 16

4.6.Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables, List of Symbols/Abbreviations 16

4.7.Additional Suggestions for the Text16




5.2.Paper Quality18

5.3Printer Quality18

5.4.Submission of Theses and Dissertations for the Examining

Committee 18

5.5 Submission of Theses and Dissertations for Format Control18


6.1.Use of Copyrighted Material 19

6.2. Publications 19


Title Page for M.Sc. Degree21

Title Page for Ph.D. Degree22

Approval Page23

Abstract (within the thesis/dissertation)24

Abstract and zet (separate)25

Abstract for the YK Documentation Center (separate)26

Table of Contents27

List of Tables28

List of Figures29

List of Symbols/Abbreviations30


Sample Pages for Normal Text Arrangement (headings, paragraphs etc.)36

Sample Page for Figures and Tables38



The procedures and rules set forth in the following pages are for the guidance of graduate students preparing their M.S. Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Boazii University. The material presented in this format should be considered as a complete manual for the writing of theses and dissertations. Other helpful information can be found in other publications. The student should consult those relevant to his/her field of study. As to the specific requirements, those listed herein should be followed. There are several books on thesis/dissertation preparation. Three of them are available in the University library:

Author: Beaud, Michel.

Title: Tez yazma sanat: Bir yksek lisans tezi, doktora tezi, bitirme tezi veya herhangi bir niversite almasn nasl hazrlayp kaleme alabilirsiniz?

ev. Aye Meral.

Imprint stanbul, Sylem Yaynlar, 2001.

General Collection LB2369.B3319 2001

Author: Watson, George.

Title: Writing a thesis: A guide to long essays and dissertations.

Imprint London, Longman, 1987.

General Collection LB2369.W34 1987

Author: Eco, Umberto.

Title: How to write a thesis.

Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 2015.

General collection LB2369.E2813 2015

Some matters of form are local and concern the weight of paper used, the title page, the table of contents, and the like. These requirements are stated in Sections 3 and 4.

Every thesis/dissertation must show correctness and clarity of expression. The responsibility for such correctness and clarity rests primarily upon the candidate, but every thesis/dissertation will be scrutinized for these qualities by the student's advisor and the Examining Committee.


The following rules and statements are presented more as answers to frequently asked questions, rather than an alphabetically indexed coverage of every contingency. If for good reason a student must seek exception to the practices listed here, he/she should consult his/her advisor.

An M.S. thesis or Ph.D. dissertation should be submitted to candidate's advisor for review by the candidate. Please refer to Madde 31, 43, 44; Boazii niversitesi Lisansst Eitim ve retim Ynetmelii for guidelines and time frames. After the approval by the advisor, copies of the thesis or dissertation should be submitted to the members of Examining Committee (Jury). It is advised that the thesis/dissertation is proofread by a person whose native language is English.

The oral examination is scheduled by the candidate's advisor in accordance with the rules and regulations of the University. When the thesis or dissertation is approved by the Examining Committee, an electronic copy should be submitted to editors for format checking and control (Please note that editorial control can take two weeks or more depending on the formatting issues). Please consult with the Institute Secretarial Office for the names of the current editors. After the format review, the editors will provide a written approval document to the student. Next, the thesis/dissertation should be printed and bound. The title page of the final copy must be signed by all members of the Examining Committee. Subsequently, a single hard-bound copy of the thesis/dissertation and the approval document from the editors should be submitted to the Executive Committee. If the thesis/dissertation is approved, the candidate will submit three hard-bound copies and two digital copies on compact disks (CD) to the Institute. The Institute will deliver one hard-bound copy and one CD copy to the Boazii University Library, and will keep two hard-bound copies and one CD copy.

The Institute of Environmental Sciences requires four additional copies of a short abstract (two in English and two in Turkish), not exceeding 250 words in length (page 25). One CD containing the abstract (English and Turkish) and five keywords (English and Turkish) prepared according to the format as shown on page 25 should also be submitted to the Institute Secretarial Office. YK requires all candidates to fill the YK Thesis Data Form, which is available in this booklet, on page 26. Two signed copies of this form should also be submitted to the Institute Secretarial Office.

This format for Theses and Dissertations will come into effect on the 18th of September 2017.


3.1. Character Fonts. Throughout the entire thesis/dissertation, use Times New Roman as the default character font. The main headings should be in 14 point and bold. The font size must be 12 point in the text including formulas, equations, table headings, and figure captions. At least 8 point should be used within figure and table components (such as axis titles, data legends, etc).

3.2. Spacing. The main text body should have 1.5 line spacing, except footnotes where single line spacing should be used. In addition, under the PAGE LAYOUT menu of Microsoft Word and under the Spacing option, the Before and After values has to be 0 pt.

3.3. Centering. Wherever titles and headings need to be centered, the center point of the title or heading should be 112 mm from the left edge of the paper or 98 mm from the right edge of the A4 size paper.

3.4. Margins. Margins of pages should conform to the following specifications:

Left margin 2.5 cm from the edge of paper.

Right margin 1.5 cm from the edge of paper.

Top margin 2.5 cm from the edge of paper.

Bottom margin 1.5 cm from the edge of paper.

The above margins should be observed on all charts, graphs, tables, figures, and drawings. Folded papers will not be accepted unless there is absolutely no other way for the material to be presented.

3.5. Pagination. Each page in the thesis/dissertation should have a page number. Only one side of the paper should be used. The following format should be used exclusively:

The preliminary section, including the title page, approval page, dedication (if any), acknowledgements, abstract, zet, table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, and list of symbols and abbreviations should be numbered using lower case Roman Numerals, i.e., i, ii, iii, etc. The title page counts as Page i, but the number does not appear on the page. The sequence of the preliminary section is as follows and should be numbered consecutively depending on the content. An example of the numbering scheme is given on the following page:

Title Page.

Page i, number does not appear

Approval Page.

Page ii

Dedication (if preferred) .

Do not put page number if you add a dedication page

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