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    Enterprise ArchitectureA General Overview

    Presented to:

    Enterprise Solutions Council (ESC)

    August 19, 2004

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    What is enterprise architecture?

    A method for managing your business orenterprise:

    A decision making tool

    A change management tool

    The knowledgebase of your business or


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    Enterprise architecture is not

    focused on Information


    (IT is only a part or subset of enterprisearchitecture)

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    In the Information Age

    How do you manage the increasingcomplexity of your enterprise?

    How do you manage the increasing rateof change?

    How do you meet the demands of your

    constituency (or customers) quicker andmore efficiently?

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    In the Information Age

    When someone leaves your enterprise,do you retain their knowledge?

    As of 1/04 the state of Montana has 35%of its workforce eligible for retirement

    551 employees with 30+ years

    An additional 3,444 employees with 2530


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    Thousands of years ofhistory would suggest theonly known strategy foraddressing complexity and

    change is architecture.

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    If it gets so complexyou cant rememberhow it works, you have

    to write it down

    If you want to changehow it works, you startwith what you have

    written down

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    Why enterprise architecture?

    It provides a method for writing things down(develop blueprints)

    It shows you the impact of moving a wall(complexity and change)

    It provides the plan on how to move thewall (change management)

    It helps you retain employee knowledge(becomes knowledgebase of enterprise)

    If you dont have architecture, you change bytrial and error (which is high risk)

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    The Zachman Framework forEnterprise Architecture

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    Zachman Framework

    Developed in 1982 at IBM by JohnZachman, first published in 1987

    Applies physics and basic engineeringprincipals to the enterprise as a whole

    Tool for engineering and manufacturingenterprises

    Has a defined set of rules to follow forsuccessful implementations

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    Different Perspectives (Rows)




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    Different Abstractions (Columns)

    What (Data)

    How (Function)

    Where (Network)

    Who (People)

    When (Time)

    Why (Motivation)

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    Other Rows Defined

    Scope (Planner) RowOwnersPerspective

    Detailed Representations (TechnologyUsed)

    Bottom Row Functioning Enterprise orthe Systems Electronic


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    Functioning Enterprise Row

    System down = nowork

    Out of pencils = nowork

    The systems are the enterprise!

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    Using the Zachman Framework

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    What constitutes the enterprise?

    State Government

    A Department

    A Division

    A Bureau

    A Section

    A Unit

    IT Managers


    HR Staff

    Web Developers

    A Union

    A Project

    Any Natural boundary (or sameness)

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    The definition of an enterprise is not important,what is important is that all models are built onthe same standards and framework so they canbe integrated.

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    Implementation of theFramework

    ZachmanFramework(Case Tool)

    State of MontanaArchitecture


    (our business rules,

    policies, best practices,templates)


    (Knowledgebaseof enterprise,


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    The Framework

    Row models are easier than columnmodels

    All about standards (all engineeringassumes a set of standards)

    Everyone should be on the framework

    (and if they arent)

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    Enterprise Architecture Terms

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    Explicit vs. Implicit

    A cell that hasnt been modeled (madeexplicit) is implicit by definition

    Assumptions have to be made wheninvolving implicit cells

    Assumptions generally have large

    margins for error

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    Primitives vs. Composites

    Data elements primitives versuscomposites

    Primitive models are architectureComposite models are implementations

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    Integration vs. Interfacing


    If you start withprimitive models,integration is easy

    Single source data(or integration) isoptimal

    Means sharing (notduplicating)


    Data interfacing is

    better than nothing,but not optimal


    Has maintenanceissues

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    Integration vs. Interfacing


    Reuse, not re-create

    If you really wantintegration and not

    just interfacing, theproducts (systems)

    have to beengineered that way


    Inhibits change

    Increases costsInterfacing is a shortterm strategy, not along term solution

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    Key element in enterprise architecture

    Means you want your functioning systems

    row (row 6) to fully satisfy your enterpriseintent (row 1 and 2 models)

    Manufacturing equivalent concept: Quality

    If something (a process, work product, or

    system feature, etc.) is not aligned with therow above it, ask why are you doing it?

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    How do you achieve perfectalignment?

    First, build row 1 models

    Next, build row 2 models

    Next, build row 3 modelsNext, build row 4 models

    Next, build row 5 models

    Ensuring that the intent of each row issuccessfully represented (transformed) inthe succeeding row

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    Perfectly AlignedFunctioning Enterprise


    Managements Intent (rows 1 & 2)

    New design best practices (row 3)

    A revolutionary technology concept (row 4)Change in technology products (row 5)

    What happens as aresult?

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    How do you keep perfectalignment in face of change?

    When change happens or is needed, go backto your blueprints (models) and change themfirst

    Transform the change through the rest of theframework

    Net impact of the change will be your gapanalysis

    Nothing will be left out of the impact if yourmodels are accurate

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    Means lack of alignment somewhere in theframework (not following standards)

    Translates to unhappy users and disgruntledmanagement

    Any time you have duplication, you havediscontinuity

    Reduce discontinuity by reducing redundantsystems and redundant data

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    Interfacing causes discontinuityCompensate in the short term to mix pieces

    Integrating provides alignmentReengineerto take out the discontinuity long term

    Exceptions to standards are business rulesthat are required to deal with discontinuity

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    Nature of Complexity

    There is a certain amount of complexity builtinto any enterprise, product or service

    Three change models for complexity withoutarchitecture

    Trial and errorJust do it

    Reverse engineerTakes time and costs a lot of

    money Scrap and start over

    Or you can engineer the change with yourarchitectural blueprints

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    Nature of Complexity

    If you dont deal with the complexitywithin the enterprise, it gets pushed to

    the customer IRS, Henry Ford

    Dell, Toyota

    One VA, One Stop Business Licensing

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    Nature of Complexity

    Treating a person as an individual ratherthan a group causes the complexity level togo out of sight

    The detail and complexity doesnt go awayjust because you dont want to deal with it

    It gets passed onto the customer

    Different results in government than in the privatesector

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    COTS (Pre-packaged) Products

    Is the average of a business space(sometimes average is better than

    where you currently are)Never optimal because everyone hasunique business needs (or all

    businesses would be alike)

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    COTS (Pre-packaged) Products

    Two ways to get rid of the discontinuityintrinsic with a COTS product:

    Customize and build interfaces to the COTSproduct (takes time and costs a lot ofmoney)

    Work backwards up the column(s) and

    change your enterprise (business practices,needs, and/or goals) to fit the COTSproduct

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    Why is IT interested?

    The systems are the enterprise

    Most systems are becoming automated

    systems IT is responsible forIT organization credibility starts to decline asemployees and management becomefrustrated with IT systems

    IT systems not meeting business needs

    Inability to respond to short term demands (Ittakes too long and costs too much)

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    Why is IT interested?

    IT is asked to integrate systems or datathat werent originally built for

    integration (settle for interfacing)Who gets blamed for discontinuityamong systems?

    The IT organization

    d h h

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    Lessons Learned ThroughEnterprise Architecture

    Goal is to isolate the change, estimate theimpact, and provide a tool for managing thechange for optimal success

    It is a model to come up with rationalproblem solving

    Discontinuity in the framework causes

    dissatisfaction among management andcustomers (generally focused at IT) becauseIT owns the systems

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    L L d Th h

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    Lessons Learned ThroughEnterprise Architecture

    If you implement a COTS system (average),you must change your business processes (gobackward up the column)

    Every person (and their job function) in theorganization will be on the frameworksomewhere

    Projects must be architected

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    Zachmans Architectural Principles

    1. Make sure you have alignment through theentire framework.

    2. Make sure all models are developed basedon the same standards managed from anenterprise-wide perspective.

    3. Make sure all hardware and software is

    compatible based on standards for effectivecommunication.

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  • 8/14/2019 ESC EA Overview 08-04.ppt


    What is enterprise architecture?

    A method for managing your business orenterprise:

    A decision making tool

    A change management tool

    The knowledge base of your business orenterprise

    It is about the laws of nature that determine thesuccess of an enterprise particularly, continuingsuccess in the turbulent times of the Information Age.

    John Zachman

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