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    The Exponentof EASTERN SAMAR PROGRESSMarch 09-15 2014

    Subscribe NOW!!!!!Call: (053) 321-4833

    Look for Aileenor visit our office at187 P. Zamora St.

    Tacloban City

    Eastern Samar Bulletinaccepts Advertisements!!!contact Romy Cebreros at

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    ACLOBAN CIY -- Te Department o Laborand Employment (DOLE) here will continue tohold job airs to extend much needed assistance to

    job seekers.DOLE regional director Exequiel Sarcauga said

    that as early as now, he has instructed his field officein Borongan to start coordinating with managerso Public Employment Services Office (PESO) o

    various local government units in the province andother necessary preparations or the mega job airin April.

    Te mega job air will bring in local and overseasrecruitment placement agencies to Guiuan to bringemployment opportunities to Eastern Samar.

    Guiuan was where the first landall o Yolandaoccurred early morning o November 8 last year.

    Te proposed dynamics he said was to encour-age local government units to support the programby providing transport acilities or applicants romtheir locality to the venue and vice-versa.

    Te event will also serve as a one-stop-shopas DOLE intends to invite government offices thatoffer ront-line service such as the National StatisticsOffice (NSO), Department o Foreign Affairs (DFA),Social Security System (SSS) and the Home Mutual

    DOLE slates job fair inGuiuan, E. Samar

    ACLOBAN CIY-Te SM Foundationextended assistanceto all o its scholarsin the region whowere all victims o thesupertyphoon Yolanda.

    However, out othe 20 scholars o the

    oundation, one o themperished due to thetyphoon, said CarmenLinda Atayde, executivedirector or educationo the SM Foundation.

    But Ataydehastened to add thatthe scholarship wouldbe transerred to the

    victims brother.She said her team

    visited the houses otheir scholars across the

    region not only to heartheir sad experiencesdue to Yolanda butespecially to check ontheir conditions andextend assistance tothem as well.

    Tey have plentyo (harrowing) storiesimparted to us thatmade us all cry, Ataydetold Leyte Samar DailyExpress.

    Te SM Foundation

    official said that theyprovided P10, 000 oassistance to all their20 scholars in theregion who were thefirst group to avail thescholarship programo said oundation inEastern Visayas.

    We know thatour scholars needhelp because they arealso victims o thesupertyphoon Yolanda,Atayde said.

    (And) we are notdisappointed with ourscholars in the regionbecause some o themare even deans listerwhile others have goodgrades, she added.(RYAN GABRIEL LLOSA


    SM Foundationextend assistanceto its scholars inEastern Visayas

    G U I U A N ,Eastern Samar- Two

    hundred motorengines and anotherthree hundred

    fishing boats were

    distributed recently

    by the Bureauof Fisheries and

    Aquatic Resources

    to fishermen comingfrom different towns

    of this province.

    About 143 cashor work fishermen-beneficiaries were

    also given financialassistance amountingto P1, 500 each.

    Te distribution

    Fisherfolks in E. Samarreceive assistance

    to page 3

    to page 2

    o the fishingacilities is under

    the Ahon!SampungLibong Bangka para saDalawampung LibongPamilya is a projecto BFAR which aim toprovide 10,000 fishingboats or bancas in threemonths to help rebuildthe livelihood o some20,000 fishermen hit byYolanda.

    In Eastern Visayas,BFAR-8 reported thatout o the projected

    19,000 fishermen hitby Yolanda, 5,000 othem would be givenassistance.

    Te BFAR-8reported that 1,864

    fishing boats were eitherrepaired or replacedor fishermen rom the11 municipalities oEastern Samar.

    For Guiuan,880units were distributed;284 in Salcedo;135in Quinapondan;130or Lawaan;114 orGiporlos;106 orLlorente;89 or Gen.Mcarthur;79 orHernani and other

    fishermen rom othermunicipalities o theprovince.





    Scene in the lm Football Wonder of Tacloban produced by United Nations Development Programme and the Embassy of Switzer-

    land to help campaign funds for Yolanda-stricken areas . Photo courtesy of Daniel Kunz

  • 8/12/2019 ESB March 09-15


  • 8/12/2019 ESB March 09-15


    NEWS 3March 09-15 2014

    BASEY, Samar- Tedirector general o theUnited Nations Food andAgriculture Organization(UN-FAO) visited thistown on March 10 to assessthe progress o the projectsimplemented or the recov-ery efforts o the Yolandaaffected agricultural areasand the armers and fish-ermen who were victimsand were displaced by thecalamity.

    UN-FAO Director Gen-eral Jose Graziano da Silvawho was with the Depart-ment Agriculture Secretary

    FAO to continue to support Yolanda-

    affected farmers, DG da Silva saidProceso Alcala distributedrice seeds, ertilizers andarming tools to the arm-ers.

    During the press con-erence, Silva expressed hissatisaction with the recov-ery efforts and celebratedthe success o the UN-FAOsYolanda response programand committed FAOs sup-ports on the recovery o thefishing and arming liveli-hoods in the longer term.

    Silva said that FAO re-sponded to the appeal othe national governmentor support to affected rice

    armers. He inormed reporters

    that the recovery programefforts o his agency contin-ues and at present UN-FAOis distributing 4,000 tonso ertilizers to more than80, 000 amilies along with13,000 arming tools on theYolanda affected agricul-tural areas which ensuresplanted rice seeds can reachull production potentialand optimum yield, whichin turn, ensures ood secu-rity and ull recovery o thearmers.(RESIUO A.CAYUBI)

    ASSISTANCE. Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala (hands raising) lead in the distribution of shing boats to shermen who lostheir bancas during the supertyphoon Yolanda. Joining him was National Director Asis Perez (holding a microphone) of the Bureau

    of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources during the simple turn over rites held at the Balyuan Amphitheater in Tacloban last February25,2014. (TOTEX


    ACLOBAN CIY-A group composed oYolanda victims have askedPresident Aquino to sackSocial Welare SecretaryCorazon Dinky Solimanover the alleged P580million rotting rice fiasco.

    Firing Soliman romher post is justifiableconsidering that thesacks o rice ound at theSubic Freeport that wassupposed to be distributedto Yolanda victims were

    already declared as unfitor human consumption,said Efleda Bautista, vicepresident o the PeopleSurge.

    According to Bautista,the sacks o rice valued atP580 million was supposedto be distributed to the

    victims o typhoon Pablobut or some reason didnot reach to the victims.

    Te act that P580

    Yolanda victims seeks ouster of Dinkymillion worth o ricemeant or yphoon Pablo

    victims in December 2012rotted in the Subic Freeportcries out a case o criminalnegligence, Bautista, in apress statement, said.

    According to Bautista,the sacks o rice were to bedistributed or the victimso Yolanda but weredeclared as no longer fitor human consumption.

    wo groups otyphoon survivors were

    victimized over thiswasted rice, donatedby the customs bureaurom confiscated illegalshipments in 2012 becauseo the irresponsibility othe DSWD to which it wasentrusted, she added.

    Bautista questionedwhy the DSWD hadnot been thoroughlyinvestigated, particularlySec. Soliman.

    Sec. Dinky Solimanshould resign or beremoved rom office aferbeing shown to be unfit bythis incident as well as thedismal perormance o herdepartment in general inthe two major calamitieso Pablo and Yolanda, shesaid.

    According to Bautista,firing Soliman would betoo easy or the Aquinogovernment withoutaddressing the lack o

    relie and rehabilitationefforts.Tousands o storm

    victims trooped toMalacanang last Februaryto submit their petitionor Aquino to speed updelivery o relie goods,rehabilitation and ademand or P40,000financial assistance whichthe President ignored.(RONALD REYES)

    PALO, Leyte- Te

    Knights o Columbus

    extended financial as-

    sistance to the 22 o

    its members who per-

    ished during the su-

    pertyphoon Yolanda.

    Te giving o P5,000

    cash assistance to the

    members o the am-

    ily o those who were

    killed by the massive

    typhoon was led by no

    less than the Visayas

    State Deputy Rodrigo

    Sorongon last week.

    O course I am

    happy or this financial

    assistance extended

    by the Knights o Co-

    lumbus to us who lost

    their loved ones during

    Yolanda. Still, themoney would remain

    Knights of Columbus extends financial

    assistance to families who lost members

    due to Yolanda

    to be not o big concern

    to us considering that in

    my case, I lost a grand-

    son, said Emilio Lim

    who was among those

    who received the finan-

    cial help.

    Lim lost his grandson

    Joven, 24, during the ty-

    phoon when their house

    located at Magallanes

    area was destroyed by

    the storm surge gener-

    ated by Yolanda, consid-

    ered to be the worst ty-

    phoon on record in the


    Te giving o finan-

    cial assistance to the

    members o the Knights

    o Columbus whose

    members died during

    the disaster was held atthe San Joaquin Church,

    this town.

    Te churchyard had

    become a mass gravesite

    with more than 200 peo-

    ple, including children,

    were hastily buried.

    Sorongon said that

    the financial assistance

    extended to the next

    o kin who lost theirloved ones during the

    typhoon is just one way

    o showing their support

    to them.

    During the giving o

    the assistance, Sorongon

    was assisted by Allan

    Nicolas Ouano, admin-

    istration assistance or

    Eastern and Central Vi-

    sayas and eorido La-

    grea, regional deputy. (JOEY A. GABIEA)

    Also, at least 119boat engines havebeen replaced andunctional fishingboats were tallied at482 or fishermen othis town, consideredto have the highestnumber o fishermenaffected by themassive typhoon.

    And underthe cash-or-work

    program o BFAR,156 fishermenavailed such programreceiving P1, 500 eacho them. Also, fishinggears were distributedto 60 fishermen whileseaweed cultureinputs were providedto 369 beneficiaries.

    DA-8 RegionalDirector Bernadette

    San Juan and BFAR-8Regional Director JuanAlbaladejo were onhand to distribute thefishing boats, enginesand cash assistancetogether with otheragricultural inputsgiven to the agriculturesector.

    AgricultureSecretary ProcesoAlcala was present toannounce the projectsand rehabilitationbeing conductedby the Departmento Agriculture orarmers and fishermenand the wholeagriculture sectoraffected by yphoonYolanda. (AHLETTEC. REYES)

    Fisherolks......from page 1 Development Fund or

    Pag-ibig to also extendto typhoon-affected res-idents the services thatthey need, he explained.

    Afer Yolanda, DOLEhas made available thou-sands o job opportu-nities to the people oEastern Visayas.

    Te latest job air thatwas exclusively or localemployment on Tursdaybrought in more than

    3,000 vacancies.Te other two mega

    job airs were held lastmonth at the Leyte Nor-mal University (LU) andin Ormoc City in Decem-ber last year.

    he DOLE is yet toannounce the final dateor the job air in April.(PNA)

    DOLE.....from page 1

  • 8/12/2019 ESB March 09-15


    4 OPINIONMarch 09-15 2014



    WIH Lent in ourmidst, we should be re-minded o our duty tohone up our skills in spir-itual warare. We shouldnot let this Lenten seasonpass without doing any-thing to improve ourselvesin this particular depart-ment.

    Christ already hintedthis much when he said:From the days o Johnthe Baptist until now, thekingdom o heaven suffersviolence, and the violentbear it away. (Mt 11,12)

    We have to understandthough that to be violentin this sense does notmean to be destructive butrather constructive, drivenby love and the desire to beunited with God and withthe others in a way prop-er to us as children o God

    and brothers and sistersamong ourselves.

    Our lie here on earthcannot but be in someorm o struggle. Asiderom our innate urge togrow and develop that re-quires some effort, we alsohave to contend with ene-mies whose sole intent isprecisely to bring us down,to divert us rom our prop-er path toward holiness.

    We are not simplyranged against natural di-ficulties, challenges andtrials in lie, but ratherwith very powerul andsubtle nemeses. Te nat-ural enemies alone are al-ready ormidable. St. Johndescribes them this way:

    For all that is in theworld is the concupis-cence o the flesh, and theconcupiscence o the eyes,and the pride o lie, whichis not o the Father, but iso the world. (1 Jn 2,16)

    Tats why we can talk eas-ily about envy, jealousy,vanity, lust, greed, sloth,etc.

    For this type o ene-mies alone, we need anextensive spiritual phar-macopeia and moral regi-men to cleanse us o theiraffliction. Tats why weare encouraged, especiallyduring Lent, to intensiyour asting and abstinence,and other orms o morti-fication. We should not

    take this indication lightly.Tey are very necessary.

    Our lifelong warfareYes, we need to pray a

    lot and grow in the differentvirtues so we can be strong,optimistic and cheerul,prudent and capable ohandling these challenges.We have to learn how todeal with our weaknessesand the usual temptationsthat come rom the fleshand the world.

    But we still have ene-mies tougher than these.As St. Paul said, Our wres-tling is not against fleshand blood, but againstprincipalities and power,against the rulers o theworld o darkness, againstthe spirits o wickedness inthe high places. (Eph 6,12)

    Tis type o enemies a-ects us more deeply. Teycorrupt not only the body,but also our very spirit thatis supposed to be our im-

    mediate and direct conduitwith God. Tey bring ourwarare rom the arena othe natural to that o thespiritual and supernatural.

    With these enemies,our intelligence and will,our thoughts and desireswould then operate outsidethe context o Gods will.Our thoughts and desireswould then be at the mercyo evil spirits that can onlybe handled properly i wealso use spiritual and su-pernatural means, and not

    just some natural power.When we ail to delib-

    erately offer everything wethink, say and do to God,as told to us in the gospel,then we open ourselvesto the coming o anotherspirit that will offer us, atfirst, a lot o attraction andallurement, until we are soenslaved by it that it wouldbe very difficult or us todetach ourselves rom it.

    Tats why today wehave such phenomena asatheism, agnosticism, ma-terialism, and other ormso ungodliness, with theircorresponding manies-tations, such as, the legal-ization o abortion, thespreading culture o death,all orms o corruption, etc.

    Tis big and open hos-tility against God and alsoagainst our nature alwaysstarts in a small, unobtru-sive way, cleverly spiced

    and glibly packaged to grab

    Scrubbed Memories We have a grand

    memory or orgetting,said the best president

    the US never had. AdlaiStevensons crack comesto mind as we mark the

    28th anniversary o PeoplePower. Without bloodshed,

    Filipinos shattered the 14-year Marcos dictatorship .

    Te Edsa modelhas replayed abroad.

    C z e c h o s l o v a k i a sVelvet Revolution

    smothered communistrule.. Ecuadorsnoisebarage sent its president

    packing. Lebanons CedarRevolution orced Syrian

    troops out.Even the Arab

    Spring has not ailed, theEconomist. asserts., Not a

    Middle East single country

    became a stable democracyover the last three years..

    rue. But this ignores thelong winter beore...

    Most Arabs do not

    want to turn the clockback....where the dictators

    brothers and the first ladyscousins cream the best

    businesses....Te Arabspring is better described

    as an awakening rom olddeadening dictatorships.

    Te journey may takedecades. But it is welcome.

    Under the New

    Society, the Philippinesbecame a gulag o sae

    houses. Citizens weretortured, maimed and

    salvaged there, AmnestyInternational noted. Te

    Metropolitan IntelligenceSecurity group ruled as

    Marcos torture chamber.It was one o the best

    things that happened,Imelda declared. ayo ang

    nagligtas ng demokrasya.Tere are more ironies.

    Te revolt lef communistswringing their hands in

    their sae houses Te Ilocoslooked the other way

    resulting in a bizzare bedellowship thats never beenadequately explained..

    Clad in atigues,Ferdinand Marcos, Jr,

    harangued KBL partisans

    rom a Malacanang porchas People Power surged. Aday later, hed be bundled

    into Hawaiian exile withamily and cronies.

    oday, 57-year oldSenator Marcos sneers atEdsa as the five-percent

    revolution Hes also miredin the pork barrel scam.

    Te Marcoses tried to scrubblank a nations memory

    about executions, tortureto, thef. Te first step in

    liquidating a people is to

    erase its memory, historianMilan Hubl cautions.

    K l e p t o c r a c y s

    Lest parents renegehe undamental law o the land

    recognizes the vital role o children andyouth in nation building or which it

    shall promote and protect their physical, moral,

    spiritual, intellectual and social well-bring. Inurtherance thereo, the state declares to likewiserecognize the right o children to assistance,

    including proper care and nutrition, and special

    protection rom all orms o neglect, abuse, crueltyand exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial

    to their development. Tis protection does notexclude such as against their parents and guardians.

    Recently, certain local government units

    in Metro Manila have concretized in theirgovernment policies this protection due the touted

    hope o the motherland. Te LGU o MandaluyongCity is in ull implementation o an ordinancepenalizing the parents o minors who are ound to

    have committed inractions o law and violations

    o local ordinances. In as much as the minorsare seemingly clothed with impunity under theJuvenile Justice and Welare Act o 2006 (RA

    9344), in that other sinister minds are utilizingthem in the perpetration o crimes, the local edictwill run afer the parents or guardian who are

    remiss in their responsibility o looking afer their

    own children or wards.Te city governments o Muntinlupa andQuezon were reported to ollow suit. Tese LGUssee the need to discipline not only the children

    in conflict with the law but the parents as wellwho are primarily reposed with the natural dutyand obligation, not only to their Creator, but

    also to the society. Needing intervention are not

    beneeciary can speakreely, due to liberties that

    People Power restored.Bongbong, itches to run

    or the presidency in 2016--- afer being slammed by

    the US Federal Court ( 9thcircuit) with a US$353.6

    thousand fine or trying tosmuggle out paintings and

    artwork held in evidence.Ten Mayor Joseph

    Estrada hunkered downin San Juan, itching orMarcos troops to plaster

    the rebels. Hes the onlyPhilippine president ever

    convicted or plunder.,

    As Manila mayor today,.Erap vouched or hisson Jinggoy enmeshed

    in the pork scam. Bangin ama kabang, in anak

    niya mayan tundukan, theausug proverb says. Ithe ather is spotted, the

    son will be speckled.Ousted by People

    Power 2, Estrada calledor crowds to spring him

    rom the clink. Erapassumed People Power

    could be whistled up.,I

    can call spirits rom

    to page 6 to page 5

    to page 6

  • 8/12/2019 ESB March 09-15


    NEWS 5March 09-15 2014

    Republic of the




    Eighth (8th) Judicial

    RegionBRANCH 4

    Dolores, Eastern Samar










    EJF No. 315






    ACT NO. 3135, AS


    x- - - - - - - - - - - - -x



    Upon Extra-JudicialPetition for Sale under Act No.

    3135/1508 led by METRO



    against PORTIA G.

    MENDOZA, of L. Gales

    St., Brgy. 8, Can-avid,

    Eastern Samar, to satisfy

    the mortgage indebtedness

    which as of March, 2013

    amounts to TWO HUNDRED




    Republic of thePhilippines

    Regional Trial Court

    8th Judicial Region

    BRANCH 4

    Dolores, Eastern Samar





    LCR of Dolores,

    E. Samar, OFFICE

    of the SOLICITOR

    GENERAL, And

    all persons who are



    CIVIL CASE NO. 326For:


    of an ENTRY IN the



    x- - - - - - - - - --x

    ORDERA veried petition had

    been led before this Court by

    petitioner KRIZZIA IMARI

    A. PRADO thru counsel,

    praying among others that

    after notice and hearing, an

    order be issued canceling the

    annotation in the Certicate

    of Live Birth of the petitioner

    that she is legitimated by the

    subsequent marriage of herparents.

    The petition being

    sufcient in form and

    substance, the same is herebyset for hearing before this

    Court on March 26, 2014 at

    8:00 oclock in the morning

    at which any interested person

    may appear and oppose the


    Let a copy of this Order

    be published at the expense of

    the petitioners once a week for

    three (3) consecutive weeks

    in a newspaper of general

    circulation in the Province of

    Eastern Samar duly accredited

    by this Court.

    Furnish copy of this order

    and of the petition to the

    petitioner, her counsel, LCR

    of Dolores, E. Samar and the

    Solicitor General.

    SO ORDERED.Dolores, Eastern Samar,

    January 28, 2014.

    (Sgd.) FILOTEA M.


    Presiding JudgeESB: March 2- 8, 9-15, 16-22,


    Republic of the




    Eighth (8th) Judicial


    BRANCH 2

    Borongan, Eastern Samar







    BAULA, rep. by












    SPL. PROC. NO. 130-11

    x- - - - - - - - - - - - - -x

    Republic of the




    Eighth (8th) Judicial

    RegionBRANCH 2

    Borongan, Eastern Samar


    ADOPTION OF minor

    child JOHN ALFRED












    SPEC. PROC. NO. 150-


    x- - - - - - - - - - - - -x

    ORDERThis is a veried petition

    for adoption of minor John

    Alfred Buenafe Dalina

    led by petitioners-spouses

    Freddie A. Dalina and Thelma

    B. Dalina praying that after

    due publication, notice and

    ORDERThis is a veried petition

    for correction of entries in

    the Certicate of Live Birth

    led by petitioner Byron

    Buenafe Baula, represented

    by Caridad Buenafe Baula,

    through counsel, praying

    that after due notice and

    hearing, judgment be rendered

    directing the Local Civil

    Registrar of Llorente, Eastern

    Samar and the Civil Registrar

    General, National Statistics

    Ofce, Manila, to correct the

    entry in his record of birth,

    particularly his gender and

    sex from female to male,

    his true and correct gender,

    and also his rst name from

    Viron to Byron.

    Finding the petition to be

    in due form and substance,

    set this case for hearing on

    May 6, 2014, at 9:30 in the

    morning, at the session hall of

    this Court. Any person having

    or claiming any interest under

    the entries in the record of

    birth the correction of which

    is being sought may, within

    fteen (15) days from noticeof the petition or from the

    last date of publication of

    this Order, le his opposition


    Let copy of this Order

    be published once a week

    for three (3) consecutive

    weeks in a newspaper of

    general circulation and

    duly accredited to publish

    judicial or legal notices in the

    province of Eastern Samar at

    the expense of the petitioner.

    Send a copy of this

    Order, together with a copy

    of the petition to the Ofce

    of the Solicitor General,

    134 Amorsolo St., Legaspi

    Village, Makati City and

    to the Local Registrar of

    Llorente, Eastern Samar,

    the Civil Registrar General,

    National Statistics Ofce,

    Manila and to petitioner and

    his representative Caridad

    Buenafe Baula, and his



    Borongan City, Eastern

    Samar, January 21, 2014.

    (Sgd.) NATHANIEL E.


    Presiding Judge

    ESB: March 2- 8, 9-15, 16-22,2014

    215,192.60), excluding

    penalties, charges, attorneys

    fees and expenses of

    foreclosure, the undersigned

    or his duly authorized deputy

    will sell at public auction on

    MARCH 26, 2014 at 10:00a.m. at the main entrance of

    the Municipal Building of

    Can-avid, Eastern Samar to

    the highest bidder for CASH


    and in Philippine currency, the

    following property with all its

    improvements, to wit:

    ARP No.: 05-05008-


    LOCATION: Brgy. 08,

    Can-avid, Eastern Samar

    LAND AREA: 94 SQ.M.





    BLOCK NO.: 07


    025-Casarino; South L.

    Gales Street; East 024 A.

    Hicao; West 027-J. Concan

    All sealed bids must be

    submitted to the undersignedon the above stated time and


    In the event the public

    auction should not take place

    on the said date, it shall be

    held on APRIL 8, 2014,

    without further notice.

    Dolores, Eastern Samar,

    Philippines, February 19,


    (Sgd.) Atty. MA.



    Clerk of Court VIAnd Ex-Ofcio SheriffESB: March 2- 8, 9-15, 16-22,


    hearing, judgment be rendered

    (1) granting the adoption of

    herein minor child by herein

    petitioners spouses Freddie

    A. Dalina and Thelma B.

    Dalina and forthwith, a

    decree of adoption be issuedplacing herein minor child

    John Alfred B. Dalina in the

    category of a legitimate child

    of herein petitioners; (2)

    granting and bestowing upon

    said minor child all the rights

    and privileges appurtenant to

    a legitimate child; (3) ordering

    the Local Civil Registrar of

    Maydolong, Eastern Samar

    and the National Statistics

    Ofce, the cancellation of

    the Live Birth Certicate

    of John Alfred B. Dalina

    under Registry No. 2009-276

    which for all legal intents

    and purposes is a null and

    void document having been

    issued through inadvertent

    misrepresentations of herein

    petitioners; (4) ordering the

    registration anew of the fact

    of birth of herein minor John

    Alfred B. Dalina of the Local

    Civil Registrar of Maydolong,

    Eastern Samar, and (5) other

    reliefs which are just and

    equitable under the premises

    are likewise prayed for.

    Finding the petition to

    be sufcient in form and

    substance, set this case for

    hearing on May 2, 2014, at

    9:00 oclock in the morning

    at the session Hall of this

    Court. Any person having

    or claiming any interest in

    the adoption of minor JohnAlfred B. Dalina, may, within

    fteen (15) days from Notice

    of the petition or from the last

    date of the publication of this

    Order, le his/her opposition


    Let a copy of this Order

    be published once a week for

    three (3) consecutive weeks

    in a newspaper of general

    circulation in the Province of

    Eastern Samar and accredited

    by this Court to publish

    judicial and legal notices, at

    the expense of the petitioners.

    The Provincial Social

    Welfare and Development

    Ofcer (PSWDO) is hereby

    directed to conduct a Child

    and Home Study Report, and

    to conduct counseling sessions

    with the biological parents on

    the matter of adoption of the

    adoptee, and to submit her

    reports thereon before the date

    of hearing.

    Furnish copy of this

    Order, together with a copy

    of the petition to the Ofce of

    the Solicitor General (OSG),

    134 Amorsolo St., Legaspi

    Village, Makati City, to the

    Provincial Prosecutor, the

    PSWDO, Borongan City,

    Eastern Samar, Atty. Apelado

    and the petitioners.


    Borongan City, Eastern

    Samar, December 5, 2013.(Sgd.) NATHANIEL E.


    Presiding JudgeESB: March 2- 8, 9-15, 16-22,



















    Publication NoticeR.A. 9048

    Republic o the PhilippinesCity Civil Registry

    Province o Eastern SamarCity o Borongan


    In compliance with Section 5 o R.A. 9048, a notice

    is hereby serve to the public that MA. BELEN BALBIN

    CASPE-ASAYAShas filed with this Office a petition

    or change o first name rom BELENto MA. BELEN

    in the Birth Certificate o BELEN BALBEN CASPE

    who was born on May 24, 1964 at Borongan, Samar

    and whose parents are JOSE CASPE and FELOMINA

    A. BALBIN.

    Any person adversely affected by said petition mayfile written opposition with this Office not later than25 March 2014.

    (Sgd.) MA. LUISA M. AZUL III City Civil Registrar

    ESB: March 9-15, 16-22, 2014

    Republic o the PhilippinesOFFICE OF HE MUNICIPAL CIVIL

    REGISRARMaydolong, Eastern Samar


    Publication NoticeR.A. 10172

    In compliance with the publication requirement

    and pursuant to OCRG Memorandum Circular No.

    2013-1 Guidelines in the implementation o the

    Administrative Order No. 1 Series o 2012 (IRR on

    R.A. 10172), Notice is hereby served to the public t\

    that Gertlie Vidal Loste has filed with this Office, a

    petition or Correction o entry in sex rom Female

    to Male in the Certificate o Live Birth o Gerlie

    Vidal Loste at Maydolong, Eastern Samar and whose

    parents are Gerry Loste and Rosalie Vidal.

    Any person adversely affected by said petition mayfile his written opposition with this Office not laterthan March 24, 2014.

    (Sgd.) ENGR. SUSANA D. ABERIAMunicipal Civil Registrar

    ESB: March 9-15, 16-22, 2014

    the deep, ShakepearesGlendower boasted: o

    which Hotspur replied..Or so can any man. But

    will they come when youdo call or them? Nonecame or Erap.

    In response to JaimeCardinal Sins appeal,

    people massed rom 22 to25 February. Tey savedJuan Ponce Enrile romMarcos ury or plotting totake over. Cory had beencheated massively in hisCayagan bailiwick, Enrilesaid in Edsas aferglow.. But in later elections ,

    Enrile apologized toIlocano voters or PeoplePower. Will amnesia savehim rom todays plundercharges lodged with theOmbudsman?

    o the end, GloriaM a c a p a g a l - A r r o y oshivered at People Powerscapacity to bring hercorrupt regime down. In

    hospital detention today,GMA wonders, like porkcam queen Janet Napoles,what next?.

    wo hours afer theMarcoses and croniesscrambled aboard escapehelicopters, JournalistLin Neumann wandered

    into hurriedly vacatedMalacang bedrooms. Istill recall the sweet odorrising rom flagoons ochannel no.5 and Joyperume lef behind inthe rush to pack jewelsand other valuables...Emerging rom the palace, it was impossible notto be moved by people

    kneeling, praying therosary... A peaceul our-day revolt toppled adictatorship that onceseemed impregnable.

    In the run-up to therevolt, Neumann recalledbumping into MinisterJose Jolly Benitez at,

    Manila Hotels bar Howdid you guys lose control?she asked. And a tipsyBenitez spat out: Nuns.How could we know those***ing nuns were going tosit on the ballot boxes?

    Benitez then launcheda crude string o ephitets,took another swig andadded: Tere is no way

    out or Marcos. We dontknow what to do,, thenstaggered off into thenight.

    People Power restoredreedoms. Tat was ourdecades ago. Did wecooperate by orgetting?Eight out o 10 studentstoday barely recall thekangaroo trial o BenignoAquino Jr. beore MilitaryCommission No. 2. Orwhy he was gunned down.

    Few recall that JuanPonce Enrile and colonels,mostly rom PMA class72, staged repeated coupsto unseat Cory. GodSave the Queen, staged inNovember 1986, wouldhave installed Enrile inpower, reducing CorazonAquino, to figurehead.

    So, we recall ,compulsively perhaps, onthe 28th anniversary oPeople Power, Maybe.our stories may offerinsights, specially or thosetoo young to remember.

    Forgetting embeds injustice.Falsification o historyinvites repeated abuse. Itprevents healing. Systematicdistortion o acts abortsessential reorms.

    Indeed, we orgetat the cost o betrayal.Amnesia over past crimesreflects a weak senseo the nation and o thecommon good, SociologistJohn Carroll writes in ANation in Denial. Unless(the country reaffirms)

    those values, it may becondemned to oreverwander in the valuelesspower plays among theelite.

    Scrubbed......from page 4

  • 8/12/2019 ESB March 09-15


    6 NEWS March 09-15 2014

    Republic of the




    8th Judicial Region

    Branch 3

    Guiuan, Eastern Samar









    Special Proceeding No.





    x- - - - - - - -x

    ORDERBefore this Court is

    a veried Petition led

    by VILMA CORTEZ-SALVEDIA, through counsel,

    praying of this Honorable

    Court that, after due notice,

    publication and hearing, an

    ORDER be issued directing

    the Local Civil Registrar

    of Guiuan, Eastern Samar

    to correct the entries in the

    Certicate of Live Birth

    of Petitioner, with Local

    Civil Registry No. 85-680,

    particularly the following:

    A. Petitioners Middlename: from CORTEX to


    B. Petitioners Last

    name: from SALVEDEA to


    C. Middle name and

    last name of Petitioners

    Mother (Maiden name): From



    It appearing that the

    Petition is sufcient in form

    and substance, let the initial

    hearing of the petition be set

    on April 24, 2014at 8:30 in

    the morning in the Session

    Hall of this Court, Regional

    Trial Court, Branch 3, Guiuan,

    Eastern Samar. Let a copyof this Order be published

    in a newspaper of general

    and the Province of Eastern

    Samar at the expense of the

    petitioner, once a week for

    three (3) consecutive weeks

    prior to the date of hearing

    to afford person or persons

    who may have opposition to

    le the same, stating among

    others the grounds why said

    Petition should not be granted,

    and attend on said hearing at

    the date, time and place as


    Let a copy thereof be

    furnished to the Solicitor

    General, Ofce of the Civil

    Registrar, Guiuan, Eastern

    Samar, and the Assistant

    Provincial Prosecutor, for

    information and appropriate




    February 13, 2014 in the


    Guiuan, Eastern Samar,


    (Sgd.) ROLANDO M.


    Presiding JudgeESB: March 2- 8, 9-15, 16-22,


    A ashion designer who

    traces her root in this

    Yolanda-hit city is makingwaves at the London

    ashion scene with the

    massive typhoon serving

    as her inspiration.ipay Caintic, 25,

    got to showcase her

    designs now gettingraves at the prestigious

    London Fashion Week,

    an experience she finds as

    surreal.Its surreal to be here,

    being at an exhibit in

    London Fashion Week.Te genuine appreciation

    and attention the

    collection has been getting

    is still is, Caintic said inan online interview.

    Te ashion showcase,

    participated by 120young designers rom 30countries, ran or 10 days

    rom February 12-22 at

    180 Te Strand, London.Caintic, who made her

    concept just in two weeks,

    was interviewed by Kellie

    Morgan and Myleen Klassboth o CNN and another

    one in News Arise o Sky

    Channel.Te young designer

    specializes in knitted

    street wear with pineapplefiber as her main material.

    (But) or my IFS

    collection, I also used

    bamboo yarn, rubber

    WORLD CLASS. A Tacloban-born fashion designer Tipay Caidic is making waves in the

    international fashion show, particularly in London with Yolanda-related stories serving as

    her inspiration in making her creations.



    silicone, acrylic and

    molded plastic. Tis has

    a personal take on me, my

    amily and even strangersduring the typhoon,

    Caintic said.

    Calling her collection

    Hell Knows No Wrathlike Yolanda at the

    International Fashion

    Show 2014 o LondonFashion Week, Caintic

    made waves and moved

    ashion critics with her

    resh collection.Tis collection is a

    reflection o what my

    hometown acloban Cityexperienced during the

    supertyphoon Haiyan

    (local name Yolanda) last

    November 8, 2013.It has six looks and

    each look is a stage that

    described a certain eelingor theme during andafer the typhoon. Te

    devastation wrought by

    Yolanda is my inspirationhere, Caintic said.

    Te first stage o the

    collection is downpour,

    how the surge, the black,dirty water swallowed the

    city o acloban. Te lines

    are cut reers where therewas no electricity and

    communication lines or

    days.Next line was no one

    is watching you with the

    staggering magnitude

    o devastation, it seems

    no one was in charge.

    Blame game ollows,

    then picking up the

    pieces and blindhope the humanitarian

    organizations and

    countries giving help to

    bring hope to all survivors.She was not in

    acloban when Yolanda

    pummeled the city as shewas in Manila.

    It took our days beore

    she was able to contact her

    amily in the city and withthe help o their riends,

    she was able to hire a van

    to bring her amily out oacloban.

    Caintic, a graduate o

    Bachelor o Science in

    Visual Communicationat University o the

    Phi l ippines-Dil iman,

    pursued her passion indesign and enrolled atSchool o Fashion and

    the Arts (SoFA) Design

    Institute in Makati Cityand eventually became a


    Caintic was part

    o PEFA (PreviewMagazines Emerging

    Fashion alent Awards)

    in 2012. She is grateulthat PEFA and SoFA

    endorsed her to IFS. Tis

    is her first time to bepart o the InternationalFashion Showcase (IFS)

    in London. (VICKY


    Designer from Tacloban makeswaves in London runway

    our attention. We haveto be most wary o theselittle openings to sin bymaking our consciencemore refined and sensi-tive, and by growing in

    the virtues.We have to understand

    lie is always a choice be-tween God and ourselves,between God and thedevil, between God andthe world. We have to behumble enough to chooseGod always.

    Te humility involvedhere would lead us to eel

    the need to continue ask-ing or the grace o God,

    accomplish nothing thatwould bring us to oureternal lie.

    Te humility in-volved here would leadus also to trust in God,especially when we seeour own weaknesses,mistakes, ailures. With

    such trust, we simply be-gin and begin again in

    Our lifelong.....from page 4

    only the children, but

    the parents, too, whoare accountable to thecommunity or whatever

    wrong their childrendo that mar the peaceand orderliness in their

    locality. Te children intheir custody are theiraccountability.

    Is it not therationale in putting

    the children under thecustody o a receptioncenter, preerably a

    rehabilitation acility?Parents are duty-boundto discipline their

    children and ensure thesociety that they will be

    raised as well-meaningcitizens. However, i bythe misdeeds o their

    children they providethe state and the societythe impression that

    they renege in theirresponsibility, theirchildren are placed in

    an institution that thelatter will be reormed.

    Notwithstanding thisdeprivation o directparental supervision,

    there are parents whorather push theirchildren to err and be

    placed in correctionalinstitutions asway o escaping

    their elementaryresponsibility o caring

    and providing thebasic needs o theirmisguided children.

    Tereore, to break thisunproductive habit and

    seen as a measure toeffectively minimize theincidents o children

    involving in crimes,the parents should bepenalized.

    Lest Parent......from page 4

    President Benigno Noynoy Aquino visited the town of Tanauan on February

    25 as he lead in the groundbreaking of the towns memorial park to give honor

    and remember those who died during Yolanda in said town. He was joined

    by the town mayor, Pelagio Tecson and Leyte Governor Leopoldo Dominico

    Petilla. Photo by Totex Arcueno
















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