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Chronological bibliography 1960-2017 Erlendur Haraldsson

1. (1960) Carl Gustav Jung og sálfræði hans. Gangleri. 34, 2.

2. (1961.1) Nútíma sálfræði og dulræn fyrirbæri. Gangleri. 35,1.

3. (1961.2). Uppruni og eðli drauma, Carl Gustav Jung. (Origin and nature of dreams; Carl Gustav Jung). In Hermann Jonasson: Draumar og dulrunir (Dreams and signs of the paranormal). A revised edition. Edited by Erlendur Haraldsson. Reykjavik: Hlidskjalf.

4. (1961.3) Uppruni og eðli drauma, guðspekin. (Origin and nature of dreams; theosophy). In Hermann Jonasson: Draumar og dulrunir (Dreams and signs of the paranormal). A revise edition. Edited by Erlendur Haraldsson. Reykjavik: Hlidskjalf.

5. (1962.1) 35 – 40 mörk fyrir pundið á kaffinu. Tíminn.15.6.

6. (1962.2) Reyna að fá æskuna á sitt vald og tekst það. Tíminn, 16.6.

7. (1962.3) Í Mosku Berlínar. Fálkinn. 4.7.

8. (1962.4) Kvikmyndir, blaðamannafundir, og kampavín. Fálkinn. 1.8.

9. (1962.5) Nútíma sálfræði. Áfangi. 8.

10. (1962.6) Jarðgöng undir múrinn. Fálkinn. 18.9.

11. (1962.7) Og svo datt hún! Alþýðublaðið. 29.9.

12. (1962.8) Í ríki Nassers. Fálkinn. 3.10.

13. (1962.9) Lét smygla sér til uppreisnarmanna í Írak. Alþýðublaðið. 7.10.

14. (1962.10) Þar sem asninn er bíll höfðingjans. Fálkinn. 17.10.

15. (1962.11) Hin svívirðilega herferð Kassims einvalda. Alþýðublaðið. 23.10.

16. (1962.12) The unpublicised war in Kurdistan. The Hindu. 30.10.

17. (1962.13) Sólskin allt árið. Fálkinn. 31.10.

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18. (1962.14) Vopnin síðasta athvarf Kúrda. Alþýðublaðið. 1.11.

19. (1962.15) Aðstaða Kúrda mjög erfið í stríðinu. Alþýðublaðið. 14.11.

20. (1962.16) Borg þúsund og einnar nætur. Fálkinn. 21.11.

21. (1963.1) Kassem´s Kurdish victims sorry plight. The Dominion. 15.2.

22. (1963.2) Hverjir styðja Kúrda á allsherjarþinginu? Alþýðublaðið. 22.9.

23. (1963.3) Sjúklegur misskilningur. Alþýðublaðið. 29.10.

24. (1964.1) Nýjar vonir í Kúrdistan. Alþýðublaðið. 12.1.

25. (1964.2) Peshawar - borg Paþana. Fálkinn. 17.2.

26. (1964.3) Afganistan 1. Greinar og myndir eftir Erlend Haraldsson. Fálkinn. 13.4.

27. (1964.4) Kúrdar öðlast sjálfstjórn. Alþýðublaðið. 19.4.

28. (1964.5) Um auðnir Vestur-Afganistan. Fálkinn. 29.6.

29. (1964.6) Slæðan fellur í Kabúl. Fálkinn. 20.7.

30. (1964.7) Kurdish rebels set up their own “state”. The Sunday Telegraph, Back page. (Our special correspondent = Erlendur Haraldsson). 25.10.

31. (1964.8) Nýtt ríki í Austurlöndum nær? Fálkinn. 21.12.

32. (1964.9) Med uppreisnarmönnum i Kúrdistan. Hafnarfjord, Iceland: Skuggsjá, 182 p.

33. (1965.1) Kúrdar stofnuðu heimastjórn. Morgunblaðið. 25.3.

34. (1965.2) Þriðja herferð Íraksstjórnar gegn Kúrdum. Alþýðublaðið. 20.6.

35. (1965.3) Ef Allah lofar. Fálkinn. 21.6.

36. (1965.4) Sendur til Teheran í leynilegum erindagerðum. Fyrri grein. Fálkinn. 26.7.

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37. (1965.5) Sendur til Teheran í leynilegum erindagerðum. Síðari grein. Fálkinn 3.8.

38. (1966) Land im Aufstand Kurdistan. Matari-Verlag Hamburg. 226 p.

39. (1968.1) Einflüsse eines Erwachsenen-Modells (Imitationslernen) und direkte Verstärkung auf moralische Urteile bei Kindern. Zulassungsarbeit zur Diplom-Hauptprüfung für Psychologen an der Universität München.

40. (1968.2) Með Kúrdum á nýjan leik. Samvinnan, 62(2), s. 62-67.

41. (1968.3) Með Kúrdum á nýjan leik II: Hjá Múlla Mústafa Barzani. Samvinnan, 62(3), 59-63.

42. (1968.4) Með Kúrdum á nýjan leik III: Ofsótt þjóð sem enginn þorir að hjálpa, Samvinnan, 62(6), 54-58.

43. (1970.1) Subject selection in a machine precognition test. Journal of Parapsychology, 34, 182-191.

44. (1970.2) Bericht über den 13. Kongress der Parapsychological Association 1970. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie,12, 194-202.

45. (1971) Bericht über den 14. Kongress der Parapsychological Association 1971. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie,13, 242-245.

46. (1972.1) Psychological variables in GESP test using plethysmograph recordings. Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association, 7, 6-7.

47. (1972.2) Precognition of a quantum process. A modified replication. Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association, 7, 71-73.

48. (1972.3) Vasomotorische Reaktionen als Indikatoren außersinnliche Wahrnehmung. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der Philosophischen Fakultäten der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität zu Freiburg i.Br. 208 pp.

49. (1972.4) Hugarorka og fjarskyggni. Morgunn, 53, 3-11.

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50. (1973.1) With Thorsteinn Thorsteinsson. Psychokinetic effects on yeast. An exploratory experiment. Research in Parapsychology 1972, Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 20-21.

51. (1973.2) Erlendur Haraldsson with Ian Stevenson. Two communicators of the "drop in" type in Iceland. Research in Parapsychology 1972. Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 92-94.

52. (1974.1) With Karlis Osis. Survey of deathbed visions in India. Research in Parapsychology 1973, Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 20-22.

53. (1974.2) With Ian Stevenson. An experiment with the Icelandic medium Hafsteinn Björnsson. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 68, 192-202.

54. (1975.1) Reported dream recall, precognitive dreams and extrasensory perception. Research in Parapsychology 1974, Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 47-48.

55. (1975.2) With Ian Stevenson. A communicator of the "drop in" type in Iceland: The case of Runolfur Runolfsson. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 69, 33-59.

56. (1975.3) With Ian Stevenson. A communicator of the "drop in" type in Iceland: The case of Gudni Magnusson. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 69, 245-261.

57. (1975.4) With Karlis Osis. Nothing up his sleeves – the materializations of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Theta, 3-5.

58. (1975.5) Könnun a dulrænni reynslu, viðhorfum til dulrænna fyrirbæra o.fl. Fjölrit afhent fjölmiðlum 6. juni. 8 pp.

59. (1975.6) Forviska og dultrú skólafólks. Fréttabréf félags háskólakennara, 7-11. Reprinted in Morgunn, 57, 75-79. December

60. (1975.7) Sai Baba - maður kraftaverkanna. [Ritdómur]. Morgunblaðið. 17. 12.

61. (1976.1) Reading habits, belief in extrasensory perception and precognition. Research in Parapsychology 1975, Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 28-29.

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62. (1976.2) With Karlis Osis. The appearence and disappearance of objects by Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Research in Parapsychology 1975, Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 144-47.

63. (1976.3) With Erlendur Haraldsson. Out-of-body experiences in Indian swamis: Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Dadaji. Research in Parapsychology 1975, Metcuhen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 147-50.

64. (1976.4) With Erlendur Haraldsson. Yogis and OBEs. Theta, 5-7.

65. (1977.1) With Karlis Osis. The appearance and disappearance of objects in the presence of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 71, 33-43.

66. (1977.2) With Karlis Osis. Deathbed observations by physicians and nurses: A cross-cultural survey. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 71, 237-259.

67. (1977.3) With Asa Gudmundsdottir, Asthor Ragnarsson, Johann Loftsson and Sigtryggur Jonsson. National survey of psychical experiences and attitudes towards the paranormal in Iceland. Research in Parapsychology 1976, Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press,182-186.

68. (1977.4) Sálarfræði og heimspeki Plótínusar. Gangleri, 51, 4-15.

69. (1977.5) Are we sensitive or superstitious? Iceland Review, 17(4), 30-34. Reprinted in Lögberg og Heimskringla, March 15, 1985.

70. (1977.6) With Karlis Osis. At the hour of death. New York: Avon Books, 244 pp.

71. (1977.7) With Karlis Osis. Foremal dyker upp fran intet och forsvinner i Sri Sathya Sai Babas narhet. Sökaren, 14, 18-22. (Translation of the appearance and disappearance of objects in the presence of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Journal of the ASPR, 1977)

72. (1978.1) With Karlis Osis. Reply by drs. Haraldsson and Osis to dr. Chari (on the phenomena of Sai Baba). Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 72, 69-70.

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73. (1978.2) ESP and the Defense Mechanism Test (DMT). A further validation. European Journal of Parapsychology, 2, 104-114.

74. (1978.3) With Karlis Osis. Reply by drs. Osis and Haraldsson to dr. Palmer (on "Deathbed observations by physicians and nurses: A cross-cultural survey"). Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 72, 395-400.

75. (1978.4) With Karlis Osis. Sterfbed-observaties gedaan door artsen en verpleegkundigen. Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie, 48, 43-66. (Translation of "Deathbed-observations by physicians and nurses: A cross-cultural survey", Journal of the ASPR, 1977).

76. (1978.5) With Karlis Osis. Osservazioni di medici e infermiere at letta di morte: una indagine in due culture. Luce e ombra, 78, 2-27. (Translation of "Deathbed-observations by physicians and nurses: A cross-cultural survey", Journal of the ASPR, 1977).

77. (1978.6) With Karlis Osis. Comparsa e scomparsa di oggetti in presenza di Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Luce e ombra, 78, 211-224. (Translation of "The appearance and disappearance of objects in the presence of Sri Sathya Say Baba", Journal of the ASPR, 1977)

78. (1978.7) With J.G. Pratt and Magnus Kristjansson. Further experiments with the Icelandic medium Hafsteinn Bjornsson. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 72, 339-347.

79. (1978.8) Þessa heims og annars. Könnun á dulrænni reynslu Íslendinga, trúarviðhorfum og þjóðtrú. Reykjavík: Bókaforlagið Saga, 152 pp.

80. (1978.9) With Karlis Osis. Der Tod ein neuer Anfang. Freiburg i. Br.: Bauer Verlag, 277 pp. (Translation of At the Hour of Death, 1977.)

81. (1978.10) With Karlis Osis. At the hour of death. Indian edition. Bombay: India Book House, (Reprint of the Avon Books edition).

82. (1978.11) With Karlis Osis. Deathbed observations by physicians and nurses: a cross-cultural survey. The Signet Handbook of Parapsychology, New York: New American Library, 286-312. (Reprinted from Journal of the ASPR 1977.)

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83. (1979.1) Current directions in European parapsychology. Research in Parapsychology 1978. Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 8-9.

84. (1979.2) Study of relaxation techniques when using plethysmographic recordings as indicators of ESP. Research in Parapsychology 1978, Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 43-45.

85. (1979.3) Inchiesta nazionale sulle esperienze psichiche e sull'atteggiamento nei confronti del paranormale in Islanda. Luce e ombra, 79, 121-126. (Translation of "National survey of psychical experiences and attituddes towards the paranormal in iceland", Research in Parapsychology 1976, 1977.)

86. (1979.4) With Karlis Osis. Reply to Dr. McHarg (on criticism of "At the Hour of Death") Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 50, 126-128.

87. (1979.5) With Karlis Osis. Ningen ga shinu toki. Tokyo: Tama-Shuppan, 380 pp. (Translation of "At the Hour of Death", by Toshio Kasahara.)

88. (1979.6) With Karlis Osis. Op de drempel - visionen van stervenden. Amsterdam/Brussel: H. Meulendorf, 251 pp. (Translation of "At the Hour of Death", by Dowue J. Bosga.)

89. (1979.7) With Karlis Osis. Nell'ora della morte. Milano: Armenia Editore, 280 pp. (Translation of "At the Hour of Death", by Davide Dettore.)

90. (1979.8) With Karlis Osis. Parapsychological phenomena associated with Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The Christian Parapsychologist, 3, 159-163.

91. (1979.9) With Karlis Osis. Sýnir á dánarbeði. Hafnarfjörður: Skuggsjá, 183 pp. (Icelandic translation of At the Hour of Death by Magnús Jónsson with some changes made by Erlendur Haraldsson).

92. (1979.10) With Karlis Osis. Sterbebettbeobachtungen von Ärzten und Krankenschwestern: Eine kulturelle Umfrage. Imago Mundi, 7, 425-455. (Translation of Deathbed-observations by physicians and nurses: a cross-cultural survey, Journal of the ASPR 1977.)

93. (1979.11) With Martin Johnson. ESP and the Defense Mechanism Test (DMT), Icelandic study no. III. A case of experimenter effect? European Journal of Parapsychology, 3, 11-20.

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94. (1979.12) With Karlis Osis. A la hora de la morte. Madrid: EDAF, Ediciones-Distribuciones, 254 pp. (Translation of At the Hour of Death, by Rafael Lassaletta.)

95. (1980.1) With Michael A. Thalbourne. Personality characteristics of sheep and goats. Personality and individual differences, 1, 180-185.

96. (1980.2) Confirmation of the percipient-order effect in a plethysmographic study of ESP. Journal of Parapsychology, 44, 105-124.

97. (1980.3) With Orn Olafsson A survey of psychic healing in Iceland. The Christian Parapsychologist, 3, 276-79.

98. (1980.4) Scoring in a precognition test as a function of the frequency of reading on psychical phenomena and belief in ESP. University of Utrecht: Research Letter, Parapsychology Laboratory, 1-8.; 10.8.

99. (1980.5) Attitudes toward the paranormal in Iceland. PSI News, 3, 1.

100. (1980.6) Merk bók um Íslendinga. Morgunblaðið. (Bookreview of Iceland the first new society by Richard F. Tomasson. Iceland Review, Reykjavik 1980. 3.8.)

101. (1980.7) With Karlis Osis. Vad de sag vid dödsögonblicket. Stockholm: Atlantis, 260 pp. (Translation of At the Hour of Death, by Marianne Lindstrom og Verne Moberg.)

102. (1980.8) Hefur þú orðið var við látinn mann? Ægir, 73(8), 456.

1. (1980.9) With Michael A. Thalbourne. Personality characteristics of sheep and goats. Research in Parapsychology 1979, Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 100-104.

103. (1980.10) With Martin Johnson. ESP and the Defense Mechanism Test (DMT): A case of experimenter effect? Research in Parapsychology 1979. Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 112-113.

104. (1980.11) True to his nation. In: Golden Age, Sri Sathya Sai Books and Publications, Prasanthi Nilayam, Andhra Pradesh, 255-256.

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105. (1981.1) "En död uppvacks". Nagra kommentarer till en artikel av Folke Larson i Sökaren 9, 1979. Sökaren, 4, 8-10.

106. (1981.2) With Orn Olafsson.Un esame della pranoterapia in Islanda. Luce e ombra, 81, 65-69. (Translation of Survey of psychic healing in Iceland, The Christian Parapsychologist 1980).

107. (1981.3) With Karlis Osis Au seuil de la mort. Montreal: Quebec/Amerique, 348 pp. (Translation of At the Hour of Death).

108. (1981.4) Hefur þú orðið var við látinn mann? Sjómannablaðið Víkingur, 43(6), 61-62; Heima er best, júní 1980, 30.

109. (1981.5) Forviska og dultrú skólafólks. Morgunn, 62, 19-23. (Reprinted from Fréttabréf félags háskólakennara 1975).

110. (1981.6) Some determinants of belief in psychical phenomena. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 75, 297-309.

111. (1981.7) Apparitions of the dead: a representative survey in Iceland. Research in Parapsychology 1980, Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 3-5.

112. (1981.8) Religion and belief in psychical phenomena: Some correlates. Research in Parapsychology 1980, Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 65-68.

113. (1981.9) With Martin Johnson. ESP and perceptual defensiveness: A replication. Research in Parapsychology 1980, Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 106-107.

114. (1981.10) Nytt ljus över döden. Sydsvenska dagbladet, (Reply to criticism by prof. David Ingvar of the Swedish edition of "At the Hour of Death"). 8.9.

115. (1981.11) With Karlis Osis. Parapsychologische verschijnselen in verband met Sathya Sai Baba. Manas, 3(12), 1-3.

116. (1981.12) With Karlis Osis. The Sai Baba Enigma. In Martin Ebon: Miracles. New York: Signet Book, New American Library, 174-185.

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117. (1982.1) With Karlis Osis. Hva de saa ved dödens terskel. Oslo: Chr. Schibsteds Forlag, 155 pp. (Ivars Orgland's translation of the Icelandic edition of "At the hour of death").

118. (1982.2) Indagine sui fenomeni paranormali di uno swami indiano: Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Metapsichica, 37, 37-42.

119. (1982.3) With Karlis Osis. Parapsykologiska fenomen i samband med Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Sökaren, 19(10), 23-25. (Translation of "Parapsychological Phenomena Associated with Sai Sathya Sai Baba").

120. (1982.4) Kommentar till Martin Johnson. Sökaren, 19(10), 22.

121. (1982.5) With Karlis Osis. Deathbed observations by physicians and nurses: a cross-cultural survey. In C. Lundahl: Collection of Near-Death Research Readings. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 65-88.

122. (1982.6) With Karlis Osis. Ce quíls ont vu... Au seuil de la mort. Monaco: Editions du Rocher, 348 pp. (Translation of "At the Hour of Death").

123. (1983.1) Athugasemd við gagnrýni. Tíminn. 27.3.

124. (1983.2) With Sybil B.G. Eysenck. National differences in personality: Iceland and England. Psychological Reports, 53, 999-1003.

125. (1983.3) Retest reliability of ESP and sheep-goat scores. Research in Parapsychology 1982. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 197-198.

126. (1983.4) With Karlis Osis. Ce quíls ont vu... Au seuil de la mort. Paris: Club Loisirs, 348 pp. (Translation of "At the Hour of Death").

127. (1984.1) Enn um vísindi og gervivísindi. Fréttabréf Háskóla Íslands., 6(1), 8-11. Reprinted in Lesbók Morgunblaðsins, 1. desember 1984, 12-13.

128. (1984.2) Athugasemd. Fréttabréf Háskóla Íslands, 6(2), 10-11.

129. (1984.3) Dulræn fyrirbæri og vísindin. Fréttabréf Háskóla Íslands, 6(4), 12-20. Reprinted in Morgunn, 65, sumarhefti 1984, 38-50 og í Lesbók Morgunbla›sins, 19. jan. 1985

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130. (1984.4) With Michael A. Thalbourne. A retrospective search for correlates to belief in life-after-death. I. Icelandic data. In Rhea A. White and Richard S. Braughton (eds.): Research in Parapsychology 1983, Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 62-66.

131. (1984.5) With Ian Stevenson. Aisurando no reibai Hafusutain Biyorunson o taisho to shita jikken. (Translation of "An experiment with the Icelandic medium Hafsteinn Björnsson"). In Toshio Kasahara (ed.): Shigo no Seizon no Kagaku. Tokyo: Sobun-sha, 100-109.

132. (1984.6) Shisha no reishi - Aisurando de okonatta zenkoku teki chosa. (Translation of "Apparitions of the dead - a representative survey in Iceland") In Toshio Kasahara (ed.): Shigo no Seizon no Kagaku. Tokyo: Sobun-sha, 129-132.

133. (1984.7) Two attempts to test the repression theory of dream recall. Newsletter of the association for the study of dreams. 1(4), 10-12.

134. (1984.8) With Martin Johnson. The Defence Mechanism Test as a predictor of ESP scores. Journal of Parapsychology. 48, 185-200.

135. (1984.9) With Karlis Osis. O que elles viram. No limiar da morte. Portugal: Publicacoes Europa-America, 264 pp. (Translation of At the Hour of Death, by Ana Rabaca).

136. (1985.1) Stevenson, Ian. Cases of the reincarnation type. Vol. IV. Twelve cases in Thailand and Burma. University of Virginia Press. [bookreview] Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 173, 63.

137. (1985.2) "Den menneskelige Dumhed" og vísindaleg vinnubrög. Fréttabréf Háskóla Íslands, 7(1), 34-37. Reprinted in Morgunn 66(1), 1985, 92-98.

138. (1985.3) With Júlíus Björnsson. Íslensk stöðlun persónuleikaprófs Eysencks (EPQ). Félagsvísindadeild Háskóla Íslands, no. 300, 45 pp.

139. (1985.4) A survey of ostensible contacts with the dead. Bulletin de la societe de thanatologie. Etudes sur la mort. no. 62 et 63, 19e année, 42-44.

140. (1985.5) With Joop M. Houtkooper. Experimenter effects in a plethysmographic ESP experiment. European Journal of Parapsychology, 5, 313-326.

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141. (1985.6) Representative national surveys of psychic phenomena: Iceland, Great Britain, Sweden, USA and Gallups multinational survey. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 53, 145-158.

142. (1985.7) Interrogative suggestibility and its relationship with personality, perceptual defensiveness and extraordinary beliefs. Personality and individual differences, 6, 765-767.

143. (1985.8) With Loftur Reimar Gissurarson. Perceptual defensivenes, ganzfeld and the percipient-order effect. European Journal of Parapsychology, 6, 1-17.

144. (1986.1) Sai Baba - ein modernes Wunder. (German translation of "Miracles are my visting cards") Freiburg: Verlag Hermann Bauer, 297 pp.

145. (1986.2) With Karlis Osis. At the hour of death. Revised edition. New York, N. Y.: Hastings House, XVII + 250 pp.

146. (1986.3) With Martin Johnson. The Defense Mechanism Test (DMT) as a predictor of ESP performance: Icelandic studies VI and VII. Research in Parapsychology 1985. Metuchen, N. J.: Scarecrow Press, 43-44.

147. (1987.1) The Iyengar-Kirti case. An apparitional case of the by-stander type. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 54, 64-67.

148. (1987.2) Letter to the Editor. (On Hallsons comparison of old and new spontaneous cases gathered by the Society for Psychical Research). Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 54, 82-83.

149. (1987.3) With Karlis Osis. Der Tod - ein neuer Anfang. Freiburg: Esotera Taschenbücherei, Verlag Hermann Bauer, 296 pp.

150. (1987.4) With Joop M. Houtkooper and Claudia Hoeltje. The Defense Mechanism Test as a predictor of ESP performance. Icelandic study VII and meta-analysis of thirteen experiments. Journal of Parapsychology, 51, 75-90.

151. (1987.5) Miracles are my visiting cards. An investigative report on psychic phenomena associated with Sri Sathya Sai Baba. London: Century-Hutchinson, 300 pp.

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152. (1987.6) With Loftur R. Gizzurarson. Does Geomagnetic Activity Effect Extrasensory Perception? Personality and individual differences. 8, 745-747.

153. (1987.7) Gratulation an Prof. Hans Bender. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie. 29, 38-39.

154. (1987.8) With Sybil B. G. Eysenck. A Cross-Cultural Study of Personality: Icelandic and English Children. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 31, 123-127.

155. (1987.9) Pseudovetenskapens fallgropar. Genmaele till Kolbjörn Stenödegaard, Norsk Institut for Vitenskapelig Forskning og Oplysning. Sökaren. 25(2), 32.

156. (1988.1) Modern Miracles. An investigative report on psychic phenomena associated with Sri Sathya Sai Baba. New York: Ballantine Books, 304 pp. (USA edition of "Miracles are my visiting cards".)

157. (1988.2) With James G. Matlock. The Höfdi Poltergeist. ASPR Newsletter, 14, 2.

158. (1988.3) Sai Baba, Man of Miracles. Fate, 41(8), 63-72.

159. (1988.4) Sai Baba: How Does He Do It? Reply to Mr. Premanand. The Indian Skeptic. No. 6, Oct. 34-38.

160. (1988-89.1) Survey of claimed encounters with the dead. Omega, the Journal of Death and Dying, 19(2), 103-113.

161. (1988-89.2) With Joop M. Houtkooper and Loftur R. Gissurarson. Why the ganzfeld is conducive to ESP. A study of observational theory and the percipient-order effect. European Journal of Parapsychology, 7(2-4), 169-192.

162. (1989.1) With Loftur R. Gissurarson. The Icelandic Physical Medium Indridi Indridason. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 57, 53-148.

163. (1989.2) With Erla J. Óskarsdóttir. Íslensk stöðlun persónuleikaprófs Eysencks fyrir börn, J.EPQ. Reykjavík: Félagsvísindastofnun, 57 pp.

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164. (1989.3) A Cross-Cultural Study of Personality: Icelandic and English Children. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 31, 123-127.

165. (1989.4) Japanese edition of "Miracles are my visiting cards". Translated by Toshio Kasahara. 452 pp.

166. (1989.5) With Karlis Osis. Vad de sag vid dödsögonblicket. Stockholm: Atlantis, 260 pp. (Translation of At the Hour of Death, by Marianne Lindstrom og Verne Moberg.). Pocket book edition.

167. (1989.6) I moderni miracoli di Sai Baba. (Italian translation of "Miracles Are My Visiting Cards") Milano: Armenia Editore.

168. (1989.7) Encounters with the Dead: A Survey of Personal Experiences. Paranormal Research 1989. Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Paranormal Research, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 665-674.

169. (1989-90) With Loftur R. Gissurarson. Det islandske psykokinetiske mediet Indridi Indridason, del I. Parapsykologiske Notiser, Nov. 1989, 10 -32; del II. April 1990, 18-40; del III. Nov. 1990, 31-51. (An abridged translation of "The Icelandic Physical Medium Indridi Indridason").

170. (1990.1) Sai Baba maður kraftaverkanna. Gangleri, 64(1), 5-13. (Icelandic translation of "Sai Baba, Man of Miracles").

171. (1990.2) Incontri con i morti: Analisi di 350 nuovi casi. Luce e ombraa, 90(1), 5-22.

172. (1990.3) With Loftur R. Gizzurarson. Letter to the Editor: Reply to Mr. Eeman. (On the phenomena of Indridi Indridason). Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. 56(819), 178-183.

173. (1990.4) Brock, Erland J. et al. (ed.) Swedenborg and his influence. Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania: The Academy of the New Church, 1988. (Bookreview). Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. 29(2), 277-278.

174. (1990.5) The Miraculous and the Sai Baba Movement. Religion Today. A Journal of Contemporary Religions. 6(1), 6-9.

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175. (1990.6) With Loftur R. Gissurarson. Letter to the Editor: Reply to Mr. Davies. (On the phenomena of Indridi Indridason). Journal of the Society for Psychical Research., 56(821), 307-310.

176. (1990.7) With Joop M. Houtkooper and Loftur R. Gissurarson. Why the ganzfeld is conducive to ESP. A study of observational theory and the percipient-order effect. Revue Francaise de Psychotronique, 3(4), 219-237. (Reprinted from European Journal of Parapsychology, 1988-89).

177. (1990.8) With Karlis Osis. At the hour of death. Revised edition. Third Printing. New York: Hastings House (Time-Life Books: Collector's Library of the Unknown).

178. (1990.9) Sri Sathya Sai Baba and the Sceptical Scientists. In: Sathya Sai. The Eternal Charoteer (pp. 62-63). Prashanti Nilayam: Sri Sathya Sai Booka and Publication Trust. (Baba´s 65th birthday).

179. (1991.1) With Joop M. Houtkooper. Psychic Experiences in the Multinational Human Values Study. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research. 85(2), 145-165.

180. (1991.2) With Karlis Osis. Ce quíls ont vu... Au seuil de la mort. Paris: Presses Pocket, 316 pp. (French pocket edition of "At the Hour of Death").

181. (1991.3) With Karlis Osis. Ningen ga shinu toki. Tokyo: Nippon Kyobun-sha, 371 + XV pp. (Translation of "At the Hour of Death" (2nd revised edition) by Toshio Kasahara.)

182. (1991.4) With Kristinn B. Thorisson and Fridrik Skulason. The effects of ESP-belief and distorted feedback on a computerized clairvoyance task. Journal of Parapsychology, 55(1), 45-58.

183. (1991.5) Children claiming past-life memories: Four cases in Sri Lanka. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 5(2), 233-262.

184. (1991.6) Der Iyengar Kirti Fall. Die Andere Realität, 9(5), 17. (Translation of "The Iyengar-Kirti case. An apparitional case of the by-stander type". Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 54, 64-67.)

185. (1991.7) With Helga Kristinsdóttir and Stefanía Ægisdóttir. Prófkvíðakvarði Spielbergers ("Viðhorf til prófa"). Icelandic

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standardization of Speilberger´s Test Anxiety Inventory, Published by the authors, 23 pp.

186. (1991.8) Remembering Prof. Hans Bender. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 33(1/2), 47-48.

187. (1991.9) With L. R. Gissurarson. Indridi Indridason, médium islandais à effets physiques. Renaitre 2000, Mars - Avril, no. 72, 52-61.

188. (1992.1) Claims of reincarnation: An empirical study of cases in India by Satwant Pasricha. (Bookreview). Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. 58(827), 274-275.

189. (1992.2) Ontmoetingen met overledenen: Een overzicht van gerapporteerde ervaringen. Spiegel der Parapsychologie, 31(1), 3-22. (Translation of "Survey of claimed encounters with the dead". Omega, the Journal of Death and Dying, 1988-89).

190. (1992.3) Erscheinungen von und Berichte über Begegnungen mit Verstorbenen. Eine Analyse von 357 aktuellen Berichten. In A. Resch (Ed.) Aspekte der Paranormologie. Die Welt des Aussergewöhnlichen. (pp. 469-484). Innsbruck: Resch Verlag.

191. (1992.4) With Joop M. Houtkooper. The effects of perceptual defensiveness, personality and belief on extrasensory perception tasks. Personality and individual differences.13(10), 1085-1096.

192. (1992.5) Spooks past and present: Apparitions of the dead and the living. Parapsykologiske Notiser, Jubeleumsnummer, 34, 52-63.; 12.

193. (1992.6) With Loftur R. Gissurarson. Fenomeni di levitazione di un medium islandese a effetti fisici. Luce e ombra, 92(4), 359-375.

194. (1993.1) With Gudbjorg Danielsdottir, Sigrun Sigurgeirsdottir and Helma Einarsdottir. Interrogative suggestibility in children and its relationship with memory and vocabulary. Personality and individual differences. 14(3), 499-502.

195. (1993.2) With Loftur R. Gissurarson. Hvad er dulsálfrædi? In H. Thorgilsson and J. Smari (Ed.). Salfraedibokin. Reykjavik: Mal og Menning, 831-839.

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196. (1993.3) With Loftur R. Gissurarson. Dulsálfrædi og hindurvitni. In H. Thorgilsson and J. Smari (Ed.), Salfraedibokin. Reykjavik: Mal og Menning, 840-843.

197. (1993.4) Einstaklingamunur í dulsálfrædi. In H. Thorgilsson and J. Smari (Ed.), Salfraedibokin. Reykjavik: Mal og Menning, 852-857.

198. (1993.5) With Loftur R. Gissurarson. Rannsóknir á midlum. In H. Thorgilsson and J. Smari (Ed.), Salfraedibokin. Reykjavik: Mal og Menning, 865-871.

199. (1993.6) With Loftur R. Gissurarson. Er líf eftir daudann? In H. Thorgilsson and J. Smari (Ed.), Salfraedibokin. Reykjavik: Mal og Menning, 878-886.

200. (1993.7) Are religiosity and belief in an afterlife better predictors of ESP performance than belief in psychic phenomena? Journal of Parapsychology. 57, 259-273.

201. (1994.1) Magé prathiharya obata erayuma. (Sinhalese edition of "Miracles Are My Visiting Cards", revised edition). Colombo: Samayawardhana Press. 318 pp.

202. (1994.2) Inchiesta internazionale sui fenomeni spontanei. In: Paula Giovetti (Ed.). L'oumo e il mistero (pp. 11-18). Roma: Mediterranee.

203. (1994.3) Ricerche scientifiche sui fenommeni di Sai Baba. In: Paula Giovetti (Ed.). L'oumo e il mistero (pp. 116-126). Roma: Mediterranee.

204. (1994.4) With Sölvína Konrá›s. The validity of using US based interest norms of the Strong Interest Inventory for a Nordic Population. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 38(1), 65-76.

205. (1994.5) Sai Baba avslört? (Norwegian) Humanist, 3/4, 56-57.

206. (1994.6) Sai Baba og hans mirakel. (Danish) Ikon, 7, 14-19.

207. (1994.7) With Joop M. Houtkooper. Report of an Indian swami claiming to materialize objects: The value and limitations of field observations. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 8(3), 381-397.

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208. (1994.8) With Antonia Mills and H. H. Jurgen Keil. Replication studies of cases suggestive of reincarnation by three independent investigators. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research. 88, 207-219.

209. (1994.9) Psychodiagnostische Untersuchungen an Kindern, die sich an "frühere Leben" erinnern mit Fallbeispielen aus Sri Lanka. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie,36(1/2), 22-38.

210. (1994.10) With Richard Wiseman. Ingen bevis för fusk av Sai Baba. Sökaren, 31(5), 1-7.

211. (1994.11) Halluzinationen "Plötzlich hörte ich eine Stimme". Therapiewoche, 44(32), 1864-1868.

212. (1994.12) With Joop M. Houtkooper. Eine Metaanalyse von Experimenten über Wahrnehmungsabwehr und Außersinnliche Wahrnehmung; Glaubensüberzeugung, Persönlichkeit, Versuchsleiter- und Absinkungseffekte. Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie, 36(3/4), 194-210.

213. (1994.13) With Antonia Mills and H. H. Jürgen Keil. Replicas de estudios de casos de presunta reencarnacion, hechas por tres investigadores independientes. Cuadernos de Parapsicologia, 27(4), 1-17. (Translation of "Replication studies of cases suggestive of reincarnation by three independent investigators", Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 1994).

214. (1994.14) Research on alternative therapies in Iceland. In H. Johannessen, L. Launsö, S. G. Olesen & F. Staugård (Eds.), Studies in alternative therapy 1 (pp. 46-50) Gylling, Denmark: Odense University Press.

215. (1994.15) Spiritual healing in Iceland - results of a survey. In H. Johannessen, L. Launsö, S. G. Olesen & F. Staugård (Eds.), Studies in alternative therapy 1 (pp. 103-113) Gylling, Denmark: Odense University Press.

216. (1994.16) Milagros Modernos. Informe cientifico de los fenomenos psiquicos de Sathya Sai Baba. (Spanish translation of "Miracles are my visting cards") Barcelona: Tetragrama. 284 pp.

217. (1994.17) Adhunika Adbudangal. (Malayalam translation of "Miracles Are My Visiting Cards"). Calicut, Kerala: Sai Kripa Prasadhanam.

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218. (1994.18) Apparitions of the dead: Analysis of a new collection of 357 reports. In: E Williams Cook & D. L. Delanoy: Research in Parapsychology 1991. Metuchen & London: Scarecrow Press, 1-6.

219. (1994.19) With Loftur R. Gissurarson. History of parapsychology in Iceland. In: E Williams Cook & D. L. Delanoy: Research in Parapsychology 1991. Metuchen & London: Scarecrow Press, 133-137.

220. (1995.1) Cuda to moje wizyt'owki. Raport z badania parapsychicznego fenomenu Sathy Sai Baba. (Polish translation of "Miracles Are My Visiting Cards") Bydgoszcz: Dom Wudawniczy LIMBUS.

221. (1995.2) With Joop M. Houtkooper. Fallet Gyatri Swami. En undersökning av påstådda materialisationer i Indien. Sökaren, 32(3) 28-30.

222. (1995.3) With Richard Wiseman. Investigating Macro-PK in India: Swami Premananda. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 60(839) 193-202.

223. (1995.4) With Richard Wiseman. Reactions to and assessment of a videotape on Sathya Sai Baba. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 60(839) 203-213.

224. (1995.5) With Loftur R. Gissurarson. Indridi Indridason. In Alexander Imich (Ed.) Incredible Tales of the Paranormal, 95-140. New York: Bramble.

225. (1995.6) Personality and abilities of children claiming previous-life memories. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 183(7), 445-451.

226. (1995.7) Reinkarnation. In G. L. Eberlein (Ed.) Kleine Lexikon der Parawissenschaften. München: C. H. Beckschen Verlagsbuchhandlung, 157-164.

227. (1995.8) Miracles Are My Visiting Cards. Indian revised edition. Delhi: Prashanti Marketing.

228. (1995.9) Research on alternative medicine in Iceland. MISAHA (Newsletter of the Monterey Institute for the study of alternative healing arts), p. 3 and 5. April-June.

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229. (1995.10) With Joop Houtkooper. Meta-analysis of ten experiments on perceptual defensiverrness and ESP: ESP scoring patterns, experimenter and decline effects. Journal of Parapsychology, 59(3) 251-271.

230. (1996.1) Personality and abilities of children claiming previous-life memories. Capsules & Comments in Psychiatric Nursing, 2(4), 260-262. (Long abstract with comment of paper in Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. 183).

231. (1996.2) With Joop Houtkooper. Traditional Christian beliefs, spiritualism and the paranormal: An Icelandic-American Comparison. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion., 6(1), 51-64.

232. (1996.3) El caso de Sai Baba. Una observación desde la parapsicologia. Revista Argentina de Psicologia Paranormal. 7(1), 9-18.

233. (1996.4) Halluzinationen "Plötzlich hörte ich eine Stimme". Therapiewoche, Neurologie und Psychiatrie, 10(4), 258-265. (Previously published in Therapiewoche, 1994).

234. (1996.5) With Richard Wiseman. Two investigations of ostensible macro-PK in India. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 61(843) 109-113.

235. (1996.6) With Richard Wiseman. Testing a 'Psychic' Guru. The Skeptic, 10(2), 6-7.

236. (1996.7) With Karlis Osis. Az marg bazgashtegan. Teheran: Aval Publisher. (Persian translation of At the Hour of Death).

237. (1997.1) Modern Miracles (revised, updated edition). Mamaroneck, NY: Hastings House.

238. (1997.2) Le qualita di cui sono dotati i bambini che afferma di avere ricordi di una vita precedente. Luce e ombra, 97(2), 155-171.

239. (1997.3) With Karlis Osis. At the Hour of Death. (Third Edition). Norwalk, CT: Hastings House.

240. (1997.4) Psychological comparison between ordinary children and those who claim previous-life memories. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 11, 323-335.

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241. (1997.5) Miracles Are My Visiting Cards. Revised and Updated Edition. Prasanthi Nilayam, Andhra Pradesh, India: Sai Towers Publishing.

242. (1997.6) Religion und empirische Parapsychologie. In A. Resch (Ed.) Paranormologie und Religion (pp. 27-37). Innsbruck: Resch Verlag.

243. (1997.7) With Joop M. Houtkooper. Reliabilities and psychological correlates of guessing and scoring behaviour in a forched choice ESP task. Journal of Parapsychology, 61, 2, 1-16.

244. (1997.8) With Richard Wiseman. Investigating Macro-PK in India: Swami Premananda. In R. Wiseman (Ed.): Deception and Self-Deception. Investigating psychics (pp. 163-182). Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. (First published in Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 1995.)

245. (1997.9) With Richard Wiseman. Assessing film evidence of alleged trickery by Sathya Sai Baba. In R. Wiseman (Ed.): Deception and Self-Deception. Investigating psychics (pp. 183-197). Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. (First published in Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 1995, as "Reactions to and assessment of a videotape on Sathya Sai Baba".)

246. (1997.10) With Richard Wiseman. Three further investigations of ostensible macro-PK in India. In R. Wiseman (Ed.): Deception and Self-Deception. Investigating psychics (pp. 199-214). Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.

247. (1997.11) With Richard Wiseman. Two investigations of ostensible macro-PK in India. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 61(843) 109-113.

248. (1997.12) In Memory of Karlis Osis. Journal of Parapsychology, 61(3), 253-255.

249. (1998.1) Una comparcion psicologica entre ninos normales y aquellos que dicen recordar vidas pasadas. Revista Argentina de Psicologia Paranormal. 9(2) 111-127.

250. (1998.2) Are religiosity and belief in an afterlife better predictors of ESP performance than belief in psychic phenomena? In: N. L. Zingrone, M. J. Schlitz, C. S. Alvarado & J. Miltom: Research in

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Parapsychology 1993. Lanham, Md. & London: Scarecrow Press, 73-77.

251. (1998.3) Modern Miracles. Abridged and revised edition. Colombo: Richmond Publishers. 246 pages.

252. (1998.4) Reincarnation and biology. A contribution to the etiology of birthmarks and birth defects. Vol. 1 & 2, and Where reincarnation and biology intersect by Ian Stevenson. (Bookreview). Journal of Scientific Exploration, 12, 631-36.

253. (1999.1) Obituary: Karlis Osis. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 63(854), 127-128.

254. (1999.2) Íslensk þjóðtrú og dultrú í alþjóðlegum samanburði. Skírnir, 173, 179-186.

255. (1999.3) Miracoli d'amore. Roma: Il Punto. (Ítölsk þýðing á Modern Miracles).

256. (1999.4) With Godwin Samararatne. Children who speak of memories of a previous life as a Buddhist monk: Three new cases. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 63(857), 268-291.

257. (1999.5) Remembering Karlis Osis. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 92, 203-206.

(2000.1) Birthmarks and claims of previous life memories I. The case of Purnima Ekanayake. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 64(858), 16-25.

258. (2000.2) Birthmarks and claims of previous life memories II. The case of Chatura Karunaratne. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. 64 (859), 82-92.

259. (2000.3) Geburtsmerkmale und Behauptungen von Erinnerungen an ein früheres Leben. I. Der Fall Purnima Ekanayake. Psychische Studien. 1(2), 85-93. (Translation from Journal of the Society for Psychical Research).

260. (2000.4) With Patrick Fowler and Vimala Periyannanpillai. The psychological characteristics of children who speak of a previous life; The role of dissociation. Proceedings of presented papers. The

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Parapsychological Association 43rd annual convention in Freiburg August 2000, 100-112.

261. (2000.5) With Patrick Fowler and Vimala Periyannanpillai. Psychological Characteristics of Children Who Speak of a Previous Life: A Further Field Study in Sri Lanka. Transcultural Psychiatry, 37, 525-544.

262. (2001.1) Some Recent Cases That I Have Investigated In Sri Lanka. In: Senanayake, N. (Ed.): Trends in Rebirth Research. Proceedings of an International Semina at Peradeniya University. Colombo: Sarvodaya Vishva Lekha, Colombo, 23-36.

263. (2001.2) A Psychological Study of Children who Claim to Remember a Previous Life. In Senanayake, N. (Ed.): Trends in Rebirth Research. Proceedings of an International Seminar. Colombo: Sarvodaya Vishva Lekha, 133-43.

264. (2001.3) Do Some Children Remember Fragments Of A Previous Life? In Lorimer, D. (Ed.). Thinking beyond the brain. London: Floris Books, 81-94.

265. (2001.4) With Jakob Smári and Haukur Freyr Gylfason. MMPI-2: Athugun á íslenskri gerð prófsins. Sálfræðiritið. 7, 51-65.

266. (2001.5) Children who claim to remember a previous life: Is there a psychological explanation? In: Aquem e alem do cerebro - Behind and beyond the brain. Vivencias exceptionais - Exceptional experiences. 3rd Symposium of the Bial Foundation, Porto, Portugal. 139-158.

267. (2001.6) With Loftur Reimar Gissurarson. History of Parapsychology in Iceland. International Journal of Parapsychology.12(1),29-50.

268. (2002.1) With Walach, H., Bösch, E., Marx, A., Tomasson, H., Wiesendanger, H. and Lewith, G. Efficacy of distant healing – a proposal for a four-armed randomized study (EUHEALS). Forschende Komplementärmedizin, 9, 168-176.

269. (2002.2) With Majd Abu-Izzeddin. Development of Certainty about the Correct Deceased Person in a Case of the Reincarnation Type in Lebanon: The Case of Nazih Al-Danaf. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 16(3), 363-380.

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270. (2002.3) With Joop M. Houtkooper, Rainer Schneider and Martin Bäckström. Perceptual Defensiveness and ESP Performance:Reconstructed DMT-Ratings and Psychological Correlates in the First German DMT-ESP Experiment. Journal of Parapsychology. 66(3), 249-270.

271. (2003.1) Children who speak of past-life experiences: Is there a psychological explanation? Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory Research and Practice. 76, 1, 55-67.

272. (2003.2) Ólafur Bergmann Elímundarson. Minningargrein. Morgunblaðið, 14. 1. ; 32.

273. (2003.3) Tyrkir, Kúrdar og Írak. Morgunblaðið. 1. 3.

274. (2003.4) With Godwin Samararatne. Children who speak of memories of a previous life as a Buddhist monk: Three new cases. In (ed.) Anne M. Blackburn & Jeffrey Samuels: Approaching the Dhamma. Seattle: BVPE Paryatti Editions, 223-262.

275. (2003.5) With Ian Stevenson. The Similarity of Features of Reincarnation Type Cases over Many Years: A Third Study. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 17, 2, 283-289.

276. (2003.6) With Stanislav Grof, Peter Fenwick, Michael Grosso, Roger J. Woolger and Charles T. Tart. Wir wissen mehr als unser Gehirn. Die Grenzen des Bewusstseins überschreiten. Freiburg. Herder Verlag. (German translation of Thinking Beyond the Brain. Scientific and Medical Network and Floris Books, 2001.

277. (2004) With Majd Abu-Izzeddin. Three randomly selected Lebanese cases of children who claim memories of a previous life. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. 86.2, 875, 65-85.

278. (2005.1) West- and East-Europeans and their belief in reincarnation and life after death. Network Review. Journal of the Scientific and Medical Network. No. 87, 22-4.

279. (2005.2) With Karlis Osis. Deathbed observations by physicians and nurses: a cross-cultural survey. In: Parapsychology, edited by Richard Wiseman and Caroline Watt. Hants, England: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 173-184. (International Library of Psychology). (Reprinted from Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research, 71, 1977, 237-259.)

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280. (2005.3) West- und Osteuropäer und ihr Glaube an die Wiedergeburt und ein Leben nach dem Tod. Tattva Viveka, 11, Juni, 85-88.

281. (2005.4) Látnir í heimi lifenda. Niðurstöður rannsóknar um reynslu Íslendinga af látnu fólki. Reykjavik: Háskólaútgáfan.

282. (2005.5) Chamatkarhi mera visiting cards. (Hindi translation of "Miracles Are My Visiting Cards"). Bangalore, India: Sai Towers Publishing.

283. (2005.6) Pavadagale nanna visiting cards. (Kannada translation of "Miracles Are My Visiting Cards"). Bangalore, India: Sai Towers Publishing.

284. (2006.1) Popular psychology, belief in life after death and reincarnation in the Nordic countries, Western and Eastern Europe. Nordic Psychology, 58(2), 171-180.

285. (2006.2) The case of Purnima Ekanayake. In: Lance Storm & Michael A. Thalbourne: Survival: Essays on Life After Death. The survival of human consciousness. Jefferson, North Carolina: MacFarland. 194-205.

286. (2006.3) With Loftur Reimar Gissurarson. History of Parapsychology in Iceland. Dansk Tidsskrift for Psykisk Forskning. Nr. 2, November, 21-38. Reprinted from International Journal of Parapsychology. 2001, 12(1), 29-50.

287. (2006.4) Appendix: Three Lebanese cases of children who claim to remember a past life. In: Guy Lyon Playfair: New Clothes for Old souls. Worldwide Evidence for Reincarnation. London: Druze Heritage Foundation. 133-157.

288. (2007.1) East- and West-Europeans and their belief in Reincarnation and Life After Death. In: David Lorimer and Leszek Sosnowski (ed.): Towards a New Renaissance: Values, Spirituality and the Future. Krakow: Jagiellonian University Press. 87-93.

289. (2007.2) Samanburður á meintri dulrænni reynslu Íslendinga árin 1974 og 2007. Í Rannsóknir í félagsvísindum VIII. Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands. 793-800.

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290. (2007.3) Populær psykologi og troen på livet efter döden og reinkarnation i de nordiske lande. Dansk Tidskrift for Psykisk Forskning, nr. 2, november, 23-29.

291. (2008.1) With Walach, H., Bösch, H., Lewith, G., Naumann, J., Schwarzer, B., Falk, S., Kohls, N., Wiesendanger, H., Nordmann, A., Tomasson, H., Prescott, P. and Bucher, H. C. Effectiveness of distant healing for patients with chronic fatigue sayndrome. A randomised controlled partially blind trial (EUHEALS). Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 77, 158-166.

292. (2008.2) Of Indian God-Men and Miracle-Makers: The Case of Sathya Sai Baba. In (Ed.) H. Wautischer. Ontology of Consciousness: A Modern Synthesis. Boston: MIT Press, 525-548.

293. (2008.3) Ian Stevenson’s Contributions to the Study of Mediumship. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 20, 64-80.

294. (2008.4) Persistence of past-life memories. A study of persons who claimed in their childhood to remember a past life. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 22, 385-393.

295. (2008.5) Obituary: Ian Stevenson (1918-2007). Journal of Parapsychology. 71, 159-168.

296. (2008.6) At the deathbed of Ian Stevenson. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. 72.4, 893, 255-256.

297. (2008.7) What happens when we die by Sam Parnia. Book review. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 22, 561-563.

298. (2009.1) Vision of an Angel. Paranormal Review, 50, 17-19. April.

299. (2009.2) With Michael Nahm. Geistige Klarheit von psychisch kranken Menschen kurz vor ihrem Tod. Ein unbeachtetes und unverstandenes Mysterium. Tattva Viveka, 40, 74-79.

300. (2009.3) Séra Haraldur Níelsson, sálarrannsóknir og spíritismi. Studia Theologica Islandica (Ritröð Guðfræðistofnunar), 28, 9-21.

301. (2009.4) Geburtsmale und behauptete Erinnerungen aus einem früheren Leben. Der Fall Purnima Ekanayake, Co´Med, Teil 1, 07-09.

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Teil 2, 08-09. (German translation from Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 2000).

302. (2009.5) Past-life memories and reincarnation. Al fajr The dawn Druze international e-magazine.

303. (2009.6) Alleged Encounters with the Dead. The Importance of Violent Death in 337 New Cases. Journal of Parapsychology. 73, 91-118.

304. (2010.1) En vision af en engel. Dansk tidskrift for psykisk forskning. Translated into Danish by Kaare Claudewitz. Nr. 1, 7-10.

305. (2010.2) Ildebrand i København og Stockholm. Indridasons og Swedenborg´s „Remote Viewing“ oplevelser. Dansk tidskrift for psykisk forskning. Translated into Danish by Kaare Claudewitz. Nr. 1, 15-26.

306. (2010.3) Seancer med Einer Nielsen i Island. Dansk Tidsskrift for Psykisk Forskning. Nr. 2, 46-55.

307. (2010.4) Dyrematerialisationer i Island. Dansk Tidsskrift for Psykisk Forskning. Nr. 2, 45-46.

308. (2010.5) Erscheinungen von Verstorbenen. Psychologie in Österreich. 30, 296-303.

309. (2010.6) With Johan L. F. Gerding. Fire in Copenhagen and Stockholm. Indridason´s and Swedenborg´s ‘Remote Viewing´ Experiences. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 24, 425-436.

310. (2010.7) Obituary: Michael Thalbourne. Australian Parapsychologist, 10, 93-94.

311. (2011.1) Investigaciones con niños que recuerdan vidas pasadas. E-Boletin Psi, 6(2), 30-36. (Argentina).

312. (2011.2) With Johan L. F. Gerding. Incendi a Copenhagen e a Stoccolma. La „visione a distanza“ di I. Indridason e di E. Swedenborg. Luce e ombra. 111, 2, 97-106. (Italian translation of Fire in Copenhagen and Stockholm, JSE, 2010).

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313. (2011.3) Psychic experiences – third of a century apart. Two representative surveys in Iceland. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 75, 903, 76-90.

314. (2011.4) Vorwort zu Dieter Hassler, Als ich groß war. Indizienbeweise für ein Leben nach dem Tod und die Reinkarnation. Aachen: Shaker Media. p. 17.

315. (2011.5) Research a century ago: The controversy about the Danish medium Einer Nielsen. Mindfield, 3(3), p. 22.

316. (2011.6) A Perfect Case? Emil Jensen in the mediumship of Indridi Indridason. The fire in Copenhagen on November 24th1905 and the discovery of Jensen´s identity. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research, 59 (223), 195-223.

317. (2011.7) With Johan L. F. Gerding. Brände in Kopenhagen und Stockholm: Indridasons und Swedenborgs Fernwahrnehmungen. Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft. 60, 291-306. (German translation of Fire in Copenhagen and Stockholm, JSE, 2010).

318. (2012.1) Cases of the Reincarnation Type and the Mind-Brain Relationship. In A. Moreira Almeida and F. S. Santon (ed.). “Exploring the Frontiers of the Mind-Brain Relationship”. (pp. 215-231). New York: Springer.

319. (2012.2) Glimpses of Eternity. Sharing a loved one´s passage from this world to the next. By Raymond Moody with Paul Perry. New York: Guideposts. 2010. (Bookreview). Journal of Scientific Exploration. 26, 191-193.

320. (2012.3) The Departed Among the Living. An Investigative Study of Afterlife Encounters. USA and UK: White Crow Books.

321. (2012.4) With Michael Nahm, Bruce Greyson and Emily Williams Kelly. Terminal lucidity: A review and a case collection. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 55, 138–142.

322. (2012.5) Further facets of Indridi Indridason´s mediumship; including ‘transcendental’ music, direct speech, xenoglossy, light phenomena, etc. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 76(908), 129-149.

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323. (2012.6) With Majd Abu-Izzedin. Persistence of “Past-Life” Memories in Adults in Lebanon Who, in Their Childhood, Claimed Memories of a Past Life. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 200: 985-989.

324. (2012.7) With Karlis Osis. At the Hour of Death. Revised edition with a new introduction. UK and USA: White Crow books.

325. (2012.8) With Hafliði Helgason. Á vit hins ókunna. Æviminningar Erlendar Haraldssonar. Reykjavik: Almenna bókafélagið.

326. (2012.9) Making sense of Near-Death Experiences. Book review. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research. 76(909), 218.

327. (2013.1) Incontri dopo la morte. Milano: Armenia Editore. (Italian translation of The Departed among the Living).

328. (2013.2) The question of appearance and reality. In: Rosemarie Pilkington. Men and Women in Parapsychology, vol. 2.

329. (2013.3) Phone calls from the dead. Bookreview. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 27, 352-53.

330. (2013.4) Modern miracles. Sathya Sai Baba. The story of a modern day prophet. Guilford: White Crow Books.

331. (2013.5) Yderlige aspekter af Indridi Indridasons mediumitet, herunder „transcendental musik“, direkte stemmer, xenoglossi og lysfænomener. Dansk Tidskrift for Psykisk Forskning. Nr. 2, 11-38. November.

332. (2014.1) Science, the self, and survival af8ter death. Selected writing of Ian Stevenson. Edited by Emily Williams Kelly. Book review. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 28(1), 127-129.

333. (2014.2) Return to Life. Book review. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 28(2), 395-396.

334. (2014.3) Robert Van de Castle. Obituary. Journal of Parapsychology, 78(1), 126-127.

335. (2014.4) Foreword to Rick Lindal: Purpose. Your Soul´s Emotinal Journey. Learning how to experiece life through a different lens. xvii-xxii.

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336. (2014.5) Memórias de uma vida passada? Memories of a previous life? Revista de Psiquiatria, Série mente-cérebro. (Tradução: Cristiane Schumann Silva Curcio).

337. (2014.6) Behauptete Begegnungen mit Verstorbenen. Die Bedeutung des gewaltsamen Todes bei 337 neuen Fällen. Grenzgebiete der Wissenschaft, 63(3), 231-260.

338. (2014.7) Reflections. Mindfield, 6.3, 102-104.

339. (2015.1) Inchiesta sulle apparizioni. (Translation of “Alleged Encounters with the Dead. The Importance of Violent Death in 337 New Cases“. Journal of Parapsychology. 73, 91-118). Luce e ombra, 115, 6-20.

340. (2015.2) Yfirlit yfir fyrirbæri sem gerðust hjá Indriða Indriðasyni. In: Karlotta J. Blondal: Raddad myrkur. Fundargerdarbok Tilraunafelagsins i Reykjavik 1905-1906, (pp. 265-268). Reykjavik. Harbinger.

341. (2015.3) With Loftur R. Gissurarson. Indridi Indridason the Icelandic Physical Medium. UK and USA: White Crow Books.

342. (2015.4) Methods used in studying the physical mediumship of Indridi Indridason – quantitative analysis of his phenomena and how they differed from those of D.D. Home and Rudi Schneider. Book of Abstracts 58th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association & 39th SPR International Annual Conference, University of Greenwich.

343. (2016.1) The missing wallet. Memories of Alex Tanous in the 1970s. Paranormal Review, issue 78, p. 17.

344. (2016.2) Minningar frá Alþingishátíðinni á Þimgvöllum 1944. Í: Lýðveldisbörnin, minningar frá Lýðveldishátíðinni 1944. Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafelag. Bls.115.

345. (2017.1) With Jim Matlock. I saw a light and came here. Children´s Experiences of Reincarnation. White Crow Books.

346. (2017.2) Nazih Al-Danaf. In Psi Encyclopedia. Editor Robert McLuhan.

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347. (2017.3) Possible Evidence of Survival. In: Leslie Keen. Surviving Death. New York: Crown Archetype (Penguin Random House). Pp 294-304.

348. (2017.4) An experiment with clairvoyance. Dansk Tidskrift for Psykisk Forskning, Nr 1, 25-29.

349. (2017.5) Kúrdistan í Írak á tímamótum. Morgunblaðið, 27. 5.

350. (2017.6) Differences in the Phenomenolgy of Some Famous Physical Mediumns. Edge of Science nr. 30, June, 8-12.

351. (2017.7) Kúrdistan – Nýtt ríki í Austurlöndum nær? Morgunblaðið. 16.6.


A Rare Case of Mediumistic Xenoglossy. Paranormal Review.

Spontaneous Encounters with the Departed. Forever Family Foundation.

Erlendur Haraldsson (2017). Reincarnation. Any evidence for it? In: "Expanding Science: Visions of a Post-Materialist Paradigm? Edited by Mario Beauregard, Gary Schwartz, and Natalie Trent. Vancouver, B. C.: Param Media.

Sabine D. Klein1, Sara Kohler2, Daniel Krüerke2, Arnoud J. Templeton3, Adrian Weibel4, Erlendur Haraldsson5, Michael Nahm6, Ursula Wolf1 (2017). Erfahrungen am Lebensende: eine Umfrage bei Ärzten und Pflegenden eines Spitals für anthroposophisch erweiterte Medizin

Erlendur Haraldsson (2017). Towards The Unknown. The Saga Of My Life And Work. White Crow Books.

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