  • Eritrea conducted High-Level Health Sector Meeting on Global Health Agenda

    May 2015

    A high-level health sector meeting was held in Eri-trea to discuss the level of alignment of Eritreas

    health strategies with the global health agenda; and

    the level of implementation of WHA/EB/RC resolu-

    tions. The meeting, convened by the Hon. Minister of

    Health and the WHO Country Representative WHO-

    Eritrea was held in Anseba Region from 9 to 10 May

    2015 was attended by top-level health managers from

    the MOH headquarters and Regions as well as Health


    The meeting was officially opened by Hon. Minister of Health, Amina Nurhussien. She highlighted the ex-

    pected outcome mainly to: Produce an analysis of the

    current situation in Eritrea in meeting or reaching sus-

    tainable development goals through Universal Health

    Coverage and propose actions to update policies and

    strategies in line with WHA/RC resolutions to reach

    set targets for better health of the people towards sus-

    tainable health development. In line with this, the par-

    ticipants would propose human and financial re-

    sources strategies for ensuring the sustainability of the

    health development program. She highlighted the im-

    portant place of health in achieving sustainable devel-

    opmental and the recognition of this by the Govern-

    ment of the state of Eritrea which informed its com-

    mitments to achieving the MDGs, especially for

    health. Hon. Amina Nurhussien appreciated the ex-

    cellent collaboration with the WHO and thanked all

    those who contributed to make the event a reality.

    Dr Abdulmumini Usman, WHO Representative to Eritrea welcomed the participants of the workshop

    and appreciated their dedication to participate in the

    event despite the fact that it was a weekend. He men-

    tioned the excellent collaboration with the ministry of

    health and other health partners. Group photo.

    Hon. Minister of Health making remarks.

    WHO Representative to Eritrea making re-


  • For additional information, you can contact us at :

    WHO Country Office in Eritrea

    : Tel. 291-1-200634

    Fax. 291-1-125155

    P.O.Box: 5561

    Dr Abdulmumini recalled the participation of WHO the Regional review meetings earlier in the year during

    which achievements and constraints were well docu-

    mented. During those meetings, there was emphasis on

    planning activities to global standards, which the cur-

    rent meeting will try to address.

    In the 2 days, there were intense deliberations by the participants which included the Minister, DGs and Di-

    rectors, Regional Officials and UN staff. Topics cov-

    ered included an orientation on WHO Structure, Gov-

    ernance, Policy Instruments and Programming tools;

    Global Health Agenda including Health Security;

    MDGs and SDGs; Universal Health Coverage; PB

    2016/2017 and key WHA/EB and RC resolutions in

    the last four years.

    The participants were able to analyze the level of im-plementation of the resolutions in Eritrea and chart a


    In her closing remarks, Hon. Minister of Health ex-tended thanks to WHO Representative and the staff for

    co-organizing such a significant event. She also em-

    phasized that MOH staff should capture the resolutions

    in every future plan and to transfer the information

    from the workshop to all program officers who are the

    implementers of the actions.

    One of the group work sessions, extreme right is

    Hon. Minister of Health.

    WHO Representative to Eritrea (at the middle)

    listening to deliberations.

    A section of participants of the workshop.

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