


Speaker Press Kit

Phone: 1800-438-228483 (Australia)1-213-233-9402 (USA and Canada)Email: [email protected]:



PO Box 571 Carina, QLD Australia 4152


1800-438-228483 (Australia)

1-213-233-9402 (USA and Canada)


[email protected]



Eric’s passion to help others grew out of his own hardships

as a child. Born on a rainy evening in 1960, Eric’s chances of success

looked bleak from the very beginning. At birth, Eric was diagnosed with

a congenital deformity of the knee joint and due to his biological parents

being unable to raise a disabled child, he was given up for adoption.

He spent his childhood growing up on the tough streets of South Central,

Los Angeles dealing with his disability on his own because of inadequate

medical care. Poverty, crime, drugs, and a flawed educational system

surrounded him. Eric was often told that his fate was already sealed and

that he would end up in a gang, drug addicted, in prison, or dead.

Eric opted to transform his perspective and instead of letting the chal-

lenges he faced become barriers, he saw them as opportunities to learn

and grow. Eric chose to create an inspired vision for his life and carry

that vision out through planning, action, and undeniable persistence. De-

spite being told by doctors that he would never be able to play sports due

to his knee, Eric was determined to play basketball.

He spent 35 hours a week, on top of going to school, working on his

game and strengthening his knee. Eric not only made the basketball

team, but he eventually became Player of The Year, made All City, and

won the Most Valuable Player award. But the obstacles didn’t stop there.

Eric’s struggles in class prevented him from being accepted to any of the

colleges he originally applied to, so he went to a junior college to improve

his grades. Not only did he improve his grades enough to get into Boise

State University, he was awarded a scholarship to play basketball there.

After a successful career at Boise State, Eric was passed over by the

NBA draft. Instead of giving up on his dream to play professional basket-

ball, Eric chose to play in the NBL in Australia, where he had a success-

ful career that spanned over 12 years.

Upon retiring from basketball, Eric went on to excel in the sales field,

organized children’s charity events, and hosted celebrity basketball

tournaments with Michael Jordan and Jamie Foxx. Then in 1996, Eric’s

desire to inspire others led him to begin sharing his story of vision as

not just a motivational speaker, but an Activational speaker. Activational

speaker is a term Eric coined himself because his presentations do more



than just leave the participants with a good feeling. Feelings are fleeting,

but a commitment to action is everlasting. Via sheer talent and endless

dedication has helped Eric affect a lasting change in the minds and

hearts of over 2 million people around the world.

Eric holds the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designa-

tion, conferred by the National Speakers Association and the

International Federation for Professional Speakers. The CSP

label has strict standards and a rigorous five-year certification process

during which speakers must demonstrate both experience and expertise.

Less than 10 percent of all speakers worldwide have this certification and

it represents one of the highest achievements possible for a speaking


Eric’s successful careers in professional athletics, sales, and executive

management have helped form his ability to transform the lives of people of

all ages and varying cultures around the world. As a professional basketball

player Eric’s versatility and his ability to do it all made him shine and stand

out from the crowd. As a speaker, his adaptability has again helped him

rise to the top. Eric’s ability to crossover and connect with audiences of all

ages and backgrounds makes him the world’s most dynamic speaker.

When the Eric Bailey’s towering 6’6” frame steps onto the stage, he gives

his audiences more than just a presentation, he gives them an experience

that connects with them on an emotional level. Clearly, he is a powerful

force both physically and motivationally. Eric customizes all of his presen-

tations for the group he is speaking with. He immerses himself into his au-

dience’s culture and connects with them on an emotional level. Using positive

energy, wit, and insight, Eric fills the room with excitement that can be felt as

soon as you walk in and never fades during the course of the presentation.

Eric Bailey is the CEO of Eric Bailey Global,

which is behind such great sites such as



Picture Gallery

Sir Richard Branson and Eric having a casual conversation before taking the stage in Melbourne, Victoria.

Former Prime Minister of Australia John Howard congratulates Eric on his speaking and contribution to the youth of Australia.

Eric with Tim Ferriss

CEO of 21st Century Education For Life and great friend Jamie McIntyre during an event on the Gold Coast in Australia.

Jamie McIntyre and PR Guru Max Markson enjoying the FES event with Eric.

2011/2012 Australian Light Middleweight Boxing Champion Tyrone “Cyclone” Tongia celebrates with coach and mentor Eric Bailey.

Eric is the leading authority

on understanding and stimulating

human potential for individuals,

businesses and organizations

Eric with Randi Zuckerberg



Picture Gallery

The crowd responds to the high energy of Eric’s Activational presentation.

An emotional moment in Orlando, Flordia during a USA tour.

Global Icon Tim Ferriss greets Eric with a thundereous handshake.

A very emotional and passionate auidence welcome Eric to the stage.

Eric presenting in front of a 6500 strong auidence at the Financial Education Summit in Melbourne Australia 2011.

Eric sharing the stage with International trainers/speakers Jeff and Kane



Why Book Eric?

When it comes to booking motivational talent for your next event,

you have many options to choose from. In fact, you may not know

exactly where to start in deciding who is best equipped to speak

to your group, deliver a strong message and inspire the audience.

Some speakers may be funny, others clever, a few more may bring a

spiritual element and others may have the key ability to draw in the

audience. What if you could find all these elements and more in one

powerful speaker? The short answer is…You can! Eric Bailey is ev-

erything listed above and more. Whether the audience is filled with

high school kids, college students, young professionals or senior

executive, Eric has the keen ability to engage the audience while

at the same time motivating them to real action in order to change

their lives in a positive manner.

Whyshould you book Eric Bailey for your next event?

Following are the top five reasons:

The ability to see yourself in the

future beginnings with the realization

that the future starts in the present...


Overcoming Personal Obstacles

ImmEdIatEly IntrIguIngEric has the unique skill to capture the audience’s attention in the first few moments of his presentation and holds that attention for the duration of the event. This is integral to making certain that the core message really hits home for the audience. There will be no point in the presentation wherein the audience is distracted, bored or lacking in enthusi-asm. Eric is always absolutely certain that participants feel that he is speaking directly to them…in their language…addressing their issues…and offering nearly customized solu-tions to their individual concern. Some participants quickly feel as though Eric is speak-ing only to them and that the balance of the audience somehow fades away in what feels like an inspiring one-on-one session designed just for them. By doing this, individuals will leave Eric Bailey’s presentations feeling as though he spoke specifically to them and will take all of his key messages to heart.

adaptIvE to thE audIEncEA corporate audience is very different than those attending a high school anti-bullying event. An audience filled with out of work middle-aged folks looking for gainful employ-ment is quite different from a room filled with recent college graduates preparing to embark on their first careers. Whatever the landscape of the audience, Eric Bailey will adjust and adapt his presentation to speak to only their needs. He will tap into their de-sires, their fears, their motivators and their aspirations in a successful effort to customize a presentation for that specific clientele. Eric can speak on varied topics including:



Youth Issues Nutrition

Passive Income

Corporate Motivation Health

Why Book Eric?


call to actIonA surgeon would never do open heart surgery without the proper instruments and a mechanic would never attempt car repairs without the correct tools. When it comes to changing your life, improving your life, living your dreams and focusing on pure success in your life, Eric Bailey will provide the tools that you need. Words can sometimes be empty unless they are presented in such a way that actually provides much needed tools to make real change in your life. What sets Eric Bailey apart? His ability to provide an Activational session that is meant to compel folks to actually making significant changes to their lives. Real tools coupled with sincere motivation, confidence and encouragement means that the audience now has the ability to change the course of their lives. This is the Activational recipe!

long lastIng rEsultsMost people walk away from a motivational session feeling inspired and ready to tackle the world. Sadly, for some folks that motivated feeling lasts only a day or so. When the motivation and enthusiasm wanes, this means that no legitimate and long lasting change will actually occur. Feeling great for a short period of time is nice, but real life change is invaluable. This is the true skill set of Eric Bailey: Long lasting results along with a moti-vated feeling that will truly endure. When you marry motivation with real life tools, you have the perfect formula for a life changing event. Even for those participants that feel that their future is bleak, that they have exhausted every opportunity or that they are on the brink of emotional collapse, these sessions will prove to be nothing short of a life-saver.


GoinGFor Gold

Presented by Eric BailEy

How to get in the game and

achieve your

personal best in




Why Book Eric?

Eric’s Publications


thE audIEncE spEaks For ItsElFThis all sounds wonderful so far, but the real proof to all of this is in what the audience itself has to say about Eric Bailey. After all, they are the ones that have lived it, experienced it, and applied it to their lives. Let’s hear what they have to say…

Eric’s energy, passion, and story is awe-inspiring! As a fellow professional speaker, Eric is a guy who can make an impact with an audience through his electrifying, authentic and powerful presentation. He knows exactly how to combine substance, style and entertainment - keeping the audience fully engaged. After hearing Eric, I had a new sense of urgency to take immediate action to reach my life goals!

Why Book Eric?


Mitzi Dulan,

RD, CSSD Media Spokesperson,

Author, Speaker USA

Eric Baileys “A Winning Attitude Seminar” in June 2009 was a dynamic, motivating and emotional rollercoaster ride. Five minutes into his seminar and we were hooked! Eric shared his story through active participation which was most effective. The impact he had on our work group was amazing and it was the topic of discussion for many weeks in the office. “We now have the Winning Attitude”

Julie Willett

Administration Assistant,


I don’t think that I have ever seen an auditorium of 500 delegates so moved and I have attended over 20 years of corporate conferences. The audience was on their feet, some people with tears in their eyes at the conclusion of Eric’s dynamic and moving presentation.t

Suzane Emanuele

Director, Watermark Real Estate Xchange

Eric is one of the best speakers to ever set foot in this country.His ability to share from his heart not only inspires the audience but he is able to challenge them to rise above the difficulties of life and achieve so much more and make their dreams a reality. Everyone should hear what this man has to say.

Jamie McIntyre


Why Book Eric?

I would like to take a moment and thank you for speaking to our AEM group. I felt your discussion was charged with emotion and a real life experience that can be learned from and utilized within any industry, as the message was about team work and how each of us are an integral part of that team. I for one was completely engrossed in your story about playing in the big game and how your opportunities and decisions impacted various outcomes. I sat eagerly awaiting each word as your story unfolded, envisioning each step vividly in my mind as you painted the picture. I honestly felt that there was no way that our opening presenter could be topped just a short two days prior. However, your inspiration and energy provided for a send-off that had me excited about what I could bring to my team and how I needed to approach my fellow team members and managers (coaches). Thank you again for your time with us and I hope that we will have the opportunity to meet again perhaps in Atlanta, as I believe your speech could help to motivate our team and business in a positive fashion. I apologize for the lack of eloquence in my comments or grammatical errors and hope that I have done justice to the impression that you have made on my life. Thank you again and God Bless.

Michael Kohler

National Parts Manager Takeuchi

Pendergrass,GA USA

Your ability to vary your content, and captivate the audience with your personality, energy, and passion is truly remarkable.

Nancy Lauterbach,

Founder FIVE STAR Speakers & Trainers USA

Eric.... I will never look at a cell phone the same way again. During one night on Skype my phone went off 3 times. 60 pushups latter I truly understand the word discipline and accountability. If I had you everyday here in Denver my life would be so much more fun and productive! My company would love to hire you for all our sales TEAM. See you in December 2011. When do we start our maintenance program?

Bill Rodgers

Hello Eric, Thank you for 12 weeks of learning and growing. I am look-ing forward to using this process for the rest of my life. I want to purchase 100 copies of your workbook that you producing for later in the year. I want to donate them to a few companies who don’t have a large training budget. I would also like to book you to conduct group trainings for them. Your story of courage and perseverance is inspiring and motivational. (Sorry ACTIVATIONAL). Everyone needs to hear your message!

Trudy McGregor


Why Book Eric?

Eric Bailey has given me more in 12 weeks than I received in high school, college, and on the job training. It was the best investment money could buy. I spent over $10,000 dollars on books, tapes, and courses each year for over 10 years. In 12 weeks Eric put it all in place. He showed me that I already had it inside. I just hadn’t identified my WHY. Thanks to him I got it now.

You are the BEST COACH ERIC!

John T. Richards

Eric I have had coaches before that were smarted than you. They even were more successful than you. Your profile wasn’t even in the same post code of most of my mentors. But in 12 weeks you did something that I thought was impossible. You displayed a true belief in me. I felt like I was worth fighting for. I can’t put a dollar figure on what you have done for my life. I will tell everyone I know about your gift to change lives not through what you have done.. But what you can see!Thank you

Gerald C. Baxter

When we signed up for your 12 week program I thought maybe it was a waste of money. My wife really felt we needed something like this. When the f loods came and we didn’t have the funds to start I thought that was it. No coaching. But then you offered to coach us for free just because you said we needed it more than ever. That act alone puts you in a class all by yourself. We have only been in for 8 weeks but we have handled the obstacles so much better with your guidance. Thank you so much. When we get on our feet we would love to repay your generous gift and spirit.

Barry& Susan


Hey Eric,I just wanted to thank you for the last two days. The amount of inspiration you managed to fuel up in all of us, in all aspects of life, was truly incredible. I’ll be seeing you again at another seminar for sure! Thanks a heap for contributing to yet another millionaire in the making!

Brentis Cooper

My husband and I thank you for what you have shown us. We believe in the happy ever after now because we have the skills to deal with conf lict and each other. I feel and look 20 years younger. The health and nutritional program you guided us through was tough but we naturally achieved our goal. We are looking forward to your visit to the UK.

Beth Shaw


Presentation Topics

“When Motivation meets

Activation you will arrive at

your Destination.” Eric Bailey

kEEpIng your EyE on thE prIzE:Vision and Goal sEttinGThis powerfully motivational program will help the participants to create vision in their lives and come up with a game plan, including goal setting, to make the most of their lives. As with any significant shift in your life, it all starts with a vision. Once that vision is fully and realistically crafted, you can start on the pathway to setting goals and making positive change in your life.

WatchIng your nEst Egg groW:GEnEratinG PassiVE incomEFinancial concerns may cause people anxiety and generalized stress, which can nega-tively impact not just their mental health but also their physical health. Once you learn the secret to generating passive income then you will be well on your way to financial stability. Eric Bailey will educate you on all aspects of passive income, including how and where to get started.

kEEpIng cool:Public sPEakinG 101The number one fear for most people is an intense phobia of public speaking. Just the thought of it may make your heart race and you may tremble from head to toe. Eric Bailey has been effortlessly speaking in front of large crowds for decades and with this program he can teach you the keys to your own public speaking success. This program is especially helpful to those who are interested in career advancement.


Presentation Topics

movIng ForWard:lEttinG Go FEar and thE PastWhat keeps many people stuck and unable to affect real change in their lives is their insistence on living in the past. This leads to visionary lethargy and an inability to get moving with your life. This program will not just inspire you to make positive changes in your life, but you will be given reality based tools to make this happen. In fact, Eric Bailey will teach you how to use your past to make your future amazing.

ahEad oF thE pack:lEadErshiP traininG For all staGEs oF liFEWhen you think of the people that you most admire in the world, chances are that they are all considered leaders. Even simply being the leader in your own life or your individual family can make all the difference in the world. Leadership is not an inherent skill and something that needs to be taught and honed. This presentation will give you all the keys to leadership and will train you to be the star of the show.

actIvatE your lIFE:actiVation VErsus motiVationPresentations dealing with motivation are great and leave the participants inspired and enthused about their goals. However, this presentation also includes a healthy dose of activation. This is where Eric Bailey really shines, as he gives you the tools to not just inspire but to create positive action in the lives of every participant. This program appeals to a broad range of individuals and is critical to life success.

tEEn tImE:at risk tEEns, bullyinG, druGs, alcohol and GEnEral insPirationMany teens these days have very few role models in their own community. Because of this, kids may do poorly in school, join a gang, engage in illegal activity and generally fail to create a healthy life for themselves. Eric Bailey knows this all too well, having grown up on the rough streets of Los Angeles. He went on to achieve great success and can teach other kids what he has learned along the way. Eric also has several school based programs addressing issues such as anti-bullying, stay in school and peer pressure.


tEamBuIldIng:crEatinG cohEsion in thE WorkPlacEAt the core of a successful business is a sense that each employee is fully a team player. When many individuals work towards one common goal, and feel valued in the process, then the business will be allowed to steadily grow. Further, the company will experience very low turnover and increased productivity. Eric Bailey can provide the company, whether large or small, with everything they need to create a real team atmosphere in their business.

start sEllIng:insPirinG salEs PEoPlEBeing in the business of sales can be very frustrating for some individuals. Between the long hours, job stress and rejection, it takes a special person to make a career in the field of sales. Eric Bailey has created this program just for sales professionals and the agenda includes everything that a sales person needs in order to be a real professional success. Individuals will learn to deal with rejection, maintain a positive attitude and have real confidence in their sales skills.

tIck tock, tIck tock:timE manaGEmEntTime management is the key to any success and Eric Bailey has a program that will educate you on just how to best manage your time. This program is perfect not just for professionals, but for students, homemakers or volunteers as well. The participants will learn about prioritization, organization and staying focused. No matter what your personal circumstance, this is a “must see” program for everyone.

purEly proFEssIonal:bEinG thE bEst at businEssWhat does it take to be a success in business? It is an entire compilation of focus, team building, preparation, organization, motivation and self-confidence. This all-inclusive program by Eric Bailey will tackle every one of those issues and provide to you the steps you must make in order to be a leader in the business world.

Presentation Topics


Featured Clients

Eric has worked with

many of the Top Fortune

500 Organizations


Featured Clients


Eric’s Media Appearances

Who is Eric Bailey?

“a speaker... a mentor... a visionary...

author... success coach...


Eric’s YouTube Collection


Eric’s video’s will help you

Accelerate Your Potential

Activational TV atch?v=9RdoAellkLA watch?v=0zmV-15_EkY


Program Structure

Eric Bailey...

an Inspiration

to all that meet him

Eric Bailey is considered by most as the worlds #1 Activational Speaker who has been inspiring and Activating lives around the globe for almost 20 years. Whether its business, leadership, sales, overcoming adversity, or personal growth and development Eric has a strategy and presentation for you and your clients or TEAM.

His Presentation structure is below: Contact us for a customized Activational package

including our fee’s for your next event , sales training, or Team Motivation session.

Question and Answer Sessions30-60 Minutes

Keynote Speaking60-90 Minutes

Keynote Speaking120-180 Minutes

Corporate Event WorkshopsSpecifically Created For The Individual CompanyHalf-Day (4 hours)

Corporate Event WorkshopsSpecifically Created For The Individual CompanyFull-Day (8 Hours)

High School or University Presentation (Keynote)60-90 Minutes

MC your event

Contact us for Fee Range

Phone: 1800-438-228483 (Australia) 1-213-233-9402 (USA and Canada)Email: [email protected]://


Travel Specifications

Additional items that can be negotiated as a part of one of the

above programs include personal life coaching programs, Eric’s

books for the audience, educational materials for a presentation,

basketball workshops or enrollment in one of Eric’s coaching

programs. Eric also will consider donating, in full or in part, his

speaker fee to a worthy charity for fundraising events.

Eric is based in Brisbane, Queensland Australia and also Los

Angeles, California. If your event is outside of these metropolitan

areas or is located in a differing state or country, all travel

accommodations, to include meals and incidental costs, will be

incurred by the client booking Eric Bailey. Depending upon the

specific time of the presentation, overnight accommodation may

be required and will be agreed to in advance during the course of

the negotiation process.

Within Australia and the USA air travel this must be premium

economy or business. For international travel, business class is

a requirement. Eric Bailey prefers flights on Virgin Airlines or an

affiliated airline, whenever possible.

For overnight accommodations, a five-star level hotel or resort is re-

quired along with a chauffeured car for transportation and transfers.

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