Page 1: Equilibrium and Reaction Rates JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review

Equilibrium and Reaction Rates

JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review

Page 2: Equilibrium and Reaction Rates JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review

KeqKeqVocabularyVocabulary Rate LawRate Law LeChateliersLeChateliers

Factors thatFactors that Affect Affect

reaction ratesreaction rates

100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500

Page 3: Equilibrium and Reaction Rates JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review


In the equation [A]a [B]b

[C]c [D]d which letters represent the products?

A: What is A and B?

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Page 4: Equilibrium and Reaction Rates JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review


A: What is reactants favored?

If Keq < 1 are products or reactants favored?

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Page 5: Equilibrium and Reaction Rates JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review


A: What is [SO3]2 /[SO2]2[O2]?

In the equation,

2SO2(g) + O2(g) = 2SO3(g)

How do you write the equilibrium expression?

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Page 6: Equilibrium and Reaction Rates JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review


A: What is [H2] /[H2O?

In the equation,

Fe(s) + H2O(g) = FeO(s) + H2(g)

How do you write the equilibrium expression?

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Page 7: Equilibrium and Reaction Rates JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review


A: What is 2NOBr(g) = 2NO(g) + Br2(g)?

Write the equation (assuming homogeneous) for the expression: [Br2][NO]2/[ NOBr]2

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A: What is the reversible?

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A chemical reaction that can proceed in the forward or reverse reaction.

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Vocabulary 200

A: What are mol/L?

The formula for molarity.

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Page 10: Equilibrium and Reaction Rates JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review

Vocabulary 300

A: What is Le Chatelier’s Principle?

If stress is applied to a chemical equation in equilibrium shifts in the forward or reverse direction will work to relieve the stress.

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Page 11: Equilibrium and Reaction Rates JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review

Vocabulary 400

A: What is the right?

If a reaction is said to proceed in the forward direction faster than the reverse it is said to shift…..

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Page 12: Equilibrium and Reaction Rates JEOPARDY S2C06 Jeopardy Review

Vocabulary 500

A: What is a catalyst?

A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction, without changing itself.

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Rate Law100

A: What is third?

For the following rate law

Rate = k[A]1 [B]2

The overall order is….

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Rate Law200

A: What is 1st order?

For [A] which doubles if the rate doubles as well, then this is a ____ order.

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Rate Law300

A: What is = 2nd

For [B] that doubles and the rate quadruples, the order is said to be of _____ order.

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Rate Law400

A: What is the activation energy?

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What is the arrow indicating on the graph?

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Rate Law 500

A: What is exothermic?

Is the following forward reaction, endothermic or exothermic.

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A: What is left ?

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If the temperature of the following reaction were increased, which direction would it shift?

H2O(l) = H2O(s) + heat

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A: What is left (increasing pressure, lowers volume and the shift will happen to where there are less moles) ?

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If 2A(g) + B(g) = 2C(g) + 2D(g) and the pressure of the container is increased, which direction would the reaction shift?

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A: What is shift the reaction left?

Removing a reactant from a system at equilibrium will….

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A: What is remove C, remove D, add A or add B?

If A + B = C + D, name four ways one could increase the yield of D?

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A: H2(g) + Cl2 (g) = 2 HCl(g)

In which system, would a decrease in volume (same temp) have no effect on the concentration of products or reactants?

CaCO3(s) = CaO(s) + CO2 (g)

H2(g) + Cl2 (g) = 2 HCl(g)

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A: What is increases

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How does adding more reactant affect the reaction rate?

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A: What is powder?

Which would burn faster: a lump of coal or powered coal?

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A: What is lowers the activation


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How does adding a catalyst speed up a reaction?

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A: What is collide with enough energy.

In order for a reaction to happen, this must occur with the reactants.

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A: What is reaction slows down?

This happens when you decrease the surface area of a reactant.

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