



2:10 School District Governance

2:20 Powers and Duties of the School Board; Indemnification

Board Member

2:30 School District Elections

2:40 Board Member Qualifications

2:50 Board Member Term of Office

2:60 Board Member Removal from Office

2:70 Vacancies on the School Board - Filling Vacancies

2:80 Board Member Oath and Conduct

2:90 OPEN

2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest

2:105 Ethics and Gift Ban

2:110 Qualifications, Term, and Duties of Board Officers

2:120 Board Member Development

2:125 Board Member Compensation; Expenses Board Relationships

2:130 Board-Superintendent Relationship

2:140 Communications To and From the Board

2:150 Committees

2:160 Board Attorney

2:170 Procurement of Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Services

2:180 OPEN

Board Meetings

2:190 OPEN

2:200 Types of School Board Meetings

2:210 Organizational School Board Meeting 2:220 School Board Meeting Procedure

Board Relationships

2:130 Board-Superintendent Relationship

2:140 Communications To and From the Board

2:150 Committees

2:160 Board Attorney

2:170 Procurement of Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Services

2:180 OPEN

Board Meetings

2:190 OPEN

2:200 Types of School Board Meetings

2:210 Organizational School Board Meeting 2:220 School Board Meeting Procedure

Board Relationships

2:130 Board-Superintendent Relationship

2:140 Communications To and From the Board

2:150 Committees

2:160 Board Attorney

2:170 Procurement of Architectural, Engineering, and Land Surveying Services

2:180 OPEN

Board Meetings

2:190 OPEN

2:200 Types of School Board Meetings

2:210 Organizational School Board Meeting

2:220 School Board Meeting Procedure 2:230 Public Participation at School Board Meetings and Petitions to the Board

Board Policy

2:240 Board Policy Development

Board Records

2:250 Access to District Public Records

Uniform Grievance Procedure

2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure

2:70 Page 1 of 1

Evergreen Park Elementary School District 124 2:70

School Board

Vacancies on the School Board - Filling Vacancies


Elective office of a School Board member becomes vacant before the term’s expiration when any of

the following occurs:

1. Death of the incumbent,

2. Resignation in writing filed with the Secretary of the Board,

3. Legal disability,

4. Conviction of a felony, bribery, perjury, or other infamous crime or of any offense involving

a violation of official oath or of a violent crime against a child,

5. Removal from office,

6. The decision of a competent tribunal declaring his or her election void,

7. Ceasing to be an inhabitant of the District or a particular area from which he or she was

elected, if the residential requirements contained in the School Code are violated,

8. An illegal conflict of interest, or

9. Acceptance of a second public office that is incompatible with Board membership.

Filling Vacancies

Whenever a vacancy occurs, the remaining members shall notify the Regional Superintendent of

Schools of that vacancy within five days after its occurrence and shall fill the vacancy until the next

regular board election, at which election a successor shall be elected to serve the remainder of the

unexpired term. However, if the vacancy occurs with less than 868 days remaining in the term or less

than 88 days before the next regularly scheduled election, the person so appointed shall serve the

remainder of the unexpired term, and no election to fill the vacancy shall be held. Members appointed

by the remaining members of the Board to fill vacancies shall meet any residential requirements as

specified in the School Code. The Board shall fill the vacancy within 45 days after it occurred by a

public vote at a meeting of the Board.

Immediately following a vacancy on the Board, the Board will publicize it and accept résumés from

District residents who are interested in filling the vacancy. After reviewing the applications, the

Board may invite the prospective candidates for personal interviews to be conducted during duly

scheduled closed meetings.

LEGAL REF.: 105 ILCS 5/10-10 and 5/10-11.

CROSS REF.: 2:40 (Board Member Qualifications), 2:60 (Board Member Removal from

Office), 2:120 (Board Member Development)

ADOPTED: December 5, 2000

REVISED: September 21, 2016

Evergreen Park Elementary School District 124 2:100

School Board

Board Member Conflict of Interest

No School Board member shall: (1) have a beneficial interest directly or indirectly in any contract, work, or business of the District nnless permitted by Staie or federal law; or (2) solicit or accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or parties to agreements or contracts with the District. Situations in which the interest is not substantial or the gift is an unsolicited item of nominal value must comply with State Jaw and Board policy 2:105, Ethics and Gift Ban. Board members must annually file a Statement of Economic Interests as required by the Illinois Governmental Ethics Act. Each Board member is responsible for filing the statement with the county clerk of the county in which the District's main office is located by May l.


5 ILCS 420/4A-101, 420/4A-105, 420/4A-106, and 420/4A-107. 50 ILCS 105/3. 105 ILCS 5/10-9. 2 C.F.R. §200.318(c)(l).

2:105 (Ethics and Gift Ban), 4:60 (Purchases and Contracts), 5:120 (Employee Ethics; Conduct; and Conflict of Interest)

December 5, 2000

September 17, 2003

April 15, 2010

February 15, 2012

April 8, 2014

January 23, 2016

June 21, 2017

©2015 Policy Reference Education Subscription Service Illinois Association of School Boards. All Rights Reserved.

Please review this material with your school board attorney before use.

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