
    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 1READ: I John 1:1-4; Introduction; Chapters 1 and 2

    Gnosticism: From Greek word ‘gnosis’ meaning knowledge. Gnostics connected salvation with an experience of individual enlightenment and knowledge of mysteries given only to them through divine revelation.Docetism: From Greek word ‘dokeo’ meaning ‘to seem’ or to ‘appear’. Denied full humanity of Christ (as did Gnostics); Christ only seemed to be human. No real union of human and divine natures.What other wrong beliefs do people believe about Christ today?

    Major Themes: Fellowship w/Christ’s Apostles and SaintsFellowship with GodFulness of JoyAssurance of Faith

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • Contrasts: Light/Darkness Loving God/Loving the World Truth/Falsehood Eternal Life/Eternal Death

    Repetitive Words/Phrases:

    Word of Life Eternal Life Jesus Christ Light Darkness Perfected Truth Sin Propitiation Righteousness Know Keep Love Abide in Him Abides Liar Antichrist Death Children of God Know Believe

    Authentic Christian fellowship is based on apostolic truths of knowing who Jesus is, what the gospel is, and what Christ has done for us.

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 2

    ‘God is light’ - this is where the gospel begins

    How one ‘walks’ reveals either fellowship with light or darkness

    Fellowship with the God of light is evidence of the power of the gospel in our lives

    Confession is our heartfelt response to what God has shown us by His Word and Spirit

    READ: I John 1:5-10; Chapters 3 and 4

    The Gospel will not simply correct our thinking about God - it will transform our lives into the image and likeness of Christ

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 3

    Advocate: friend who speaks on your behalf and comes alongside to help you

    Propitiation: appease or atone; peace offering so relationship can be restored

    Perfected: to make perfect, complete; to carry through completely; to accomplish; to add what is yet wanting in order to render a thing full

    Christ speaks for us - a privilege; Christ abides in us - His promise; we abide in Him - our duty

    READ: I John 2:1-6; Chapters 5 and 6

    Essence and evidence of assurance of faith: that we know Him and obey Him!

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 4

    Christian love: cherishes others; values others; does good to others; seeks best welfare for others; seeks nothing in return

    Love is a command, not an option; not a matter of feeling but obedience

    Believers overcome evil through abiding Word of God (Jesus Christ)

    READ: I John 2:7-14; Chapters 7 and 8

    God calls Christians to love one another as Christ loves us - sacrificially!

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 5

    World: kingdom, ruler and inhabitants, lost in sin, at odds with anything pleasing to God, all in rebellion against Jesus

    Christians plucked from this kingdom and now belong to Christ - the world is our passage not our portion

    The aim of false teachers (antichrists) is to separate you from Christ; the purpose of the gospel is to bring you to Christ

    READ: I John 2:15-27; Chapters 9 and 10

    Antichrists love the world - not Christ nor those who abide in Him.

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 6History has an endpoint and all have an appointment from which not even death can keep us.

    Abide in Christ by abiding in His Word

    Righteousness is the inevitable fruit of abiding in Christ

    What kind of love is this - that enables us to become a full member of God’s family?

    The best is yet to be - God our Father keeps the best surprises til the end!

    READ: I John 2:28-3:3; Chapters 11 and 12

    To be confident and unashamed at His appearing, one must sink their life into God’s truth and be nourished by it.

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 7

    Sin: Anomia: transgression of law, lawlessness, literally having ‘no law’; sin is anti-God

    Christ came to destroy sin and establish righteousness. He Himself is the contrast between righteousness and sin

    In Christ - love is an attitude to cultivate and a pattern of behavior to embrace

    True love gives the best you have to the worst you can find

    READ: I John 3:4-18; Chapters 13 and 14

    There is a great distinction between true and false believers and their lifestyle will reveal it!

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 8

    Our confidence is not based on anything we are or have done - only on who Christ is and has done

    Inward witness of the Spirit revealed through a changed life: cherishing God’s commands and desire to do them

    Testing, testing: A true teacher exalts Christ, a false teacher denies Him

    Indwelling Holy Spirit and an open Bible enables believers to see the radical differences between the Spirit of truth and the spirit of error

    READ: I John 3:19-4:6; Chapters 15 and 16

    Ultimate assurance: we belong to the One who is rich in mercy and does not treat us as our sins deserve. God’s salvation exceeds our sinfulness!

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 9

    God is love and all born of God will love

    Love, as much as righteousness, is part of the Christian’s birthmark

    God gives His children assurances that they are His: vv. 13, 14, 15, 16, 20-21

    Fear is the darkroom where the devil takes you to develop your negatives - but perfect love will cast this out and color your world

    READ: I John 4:17-21; Chapters 17 and 18

    Every failure to love and all fear can be traced back to a failure to understand the Cross and the love of God.

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 10READ: I John 5:1-5; Chapters 19 and 20

    We become our truest selves when we believe God, love God, and bear the yoke of Christ with joyful submission!

    Saving faith gives spiritual vitality and produces Christ- centered living

    Saving faith is planted in the heart by the Holy Spirit

    Saving faith bears fruit: Love for God; love for fellow Christians; obedience to God’s commands; and, it overcomes worldliness

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 11

    Historical truth and God’s testimony: Jesus came by the water and the blood

    Unbelief is a sin to be deplored for it calls God a liar

    Unbelief kills spiritually and ends in a godless eternity.

    Believe and live - truly live - in fellowship with God

    READ: I John 5:6-21; Chapters 21 and 22

    These things written for the assurance of faith - for God does not want His children to live in uncertainty

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 12

    The truth - God’s truth - is not relative but absolute

    Any unity with others not based on the truth is not Christian unity

    ‘Keep truth and the truth will keep you’

    Continuing in truth is a crucial mark of true faith

    READ: II John; Chapter 23

    Walking in love must never be separated from walking in truth.

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

  • STUDY 13

    Truth is the highest motivation for love

    Walking in truth: entire life shows fidelity to the truth

    Christian hospitality makes one a fellow-helper to the truth

    Our love for pre-eminence obstructs our love for truth and for the church

    READ: III John; Chapter 24

    Walking in truth pleases God, blesses fellow workers and protects us from pride.

    Thursday, August 9, 2012

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