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EEDP-01-24December 1

EnvironmentalEffects of Dredging

Technical Notes

Literature Review for Residue-Effects Relationships with

Hyd rocarbon Con taminan ts in Marine Organ isms


The purpose of th is literatu re rev iew was to iden tify poten tia l residue-effect s

rela tionsh ips invo lv ing hydroca rbon contaminan ts which are descr ibed in the

scien tific liter atu re. That in formation will be used to develop guidance for in ter -

p reting the resu lt s of b ioaccumula tion exper iments conducted in the regula tory

evaluation of dredged mater ia l.


Work Unit 31771, “Environmenta l In terpretat ion of Consequences from Bioac-

cumula tion ,” of the Long-Term Effects of Dredging Operation s (LEDO) Program is

designed to gener ate in terp retive gu idance for evaluating data p roduced by Corps

field offices or their permit app licants . This guidance resu lts from iden tify ing

residue-effects rela tionships through laboratory exper iments and literature

rev iews. Prev ious invest igat ions have focused on two classes of environmenta l

contaminan ts--heavy meta ls and ch lorinated hydroca rbons, The curren t effor t ex-

amines residue-effect s rela tionsh ips with hydroca rbon contaminan ts by a

literature survey.

Hydrocarbons a re an extremely complex class of environmenta l contaminan ts

consisting of a liphatic, cyclic, aromat ic, and heterocyclic compounds (Blumer

1976). Most of the toxicity of petr oleum hydrocarbons to aqua tic organ isms is dueto the a romatic fraction (Anderson and others 1974, Rice, Shor t, and Karinen 1977,

Neff and other s 1976). Because aromatic hyd rocarbons are composed of one or

more a romatic r ings they are ca lled polycyclic a romatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

PAHs are ubiquitous environmen tal con taminan ts (Neff 1979). They are most

often associa ted with the acciden ta l release of pet ro leum, but may a lso or ig inate

US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station

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fr om pyrolytic and biogen ic sou rces. Orig in notwith stand ing, PAHs tend to par ti-

tion in to sed imen ts due to their hyd rophobic natu re. Consequen tly, when

sed imen ts ar e schedu led for d redging, the bioavailability of PAHs to aquatic or -

gan isms may need to be evaluated .

In 1987, the US Army Engineer Waterways Exper imen t Station (WES) con -

du cted a workshop in which experts recommended th at 15 of th e 16 p riority

pollu tan t PAHs shou ld be analyzed du ring the r egu latory evaluation of d redged

material (Clarke and Gibson 1987). Naphthalene, a d iaromatic hyd rocarbon , was

omitted from the list because the workshop participan ts felt it was too volatile for

rou tin e ch em ical an alysis and d id not p ersist in sed imen ts. It was also felt th at if

h igh levels of naphthalene were p resen t in sed imen t, its effects wou ld be

manifested as mortality in acute toxicity bioassays.

Subsequen t to that workshop , a tier ed testing p rotocol for d redged mater ial con -

tain ing hyd rocarbon con taminan ts was developed (Jarvis and Clarke 1990), One

of the tier s (Tier III) includes b ioaccumula tion testing using deposit-feed ing or-gan isms that have little or no metabolic capability for PAHs. For examp le, most

fish and aqua tic inver tebra tes rap id ly metabolize PAHs while mar ine b ivalves

have little or no such capab ility (Lee, Sauerheber , and Benson 1972, Varanasi

1989). However , the in terpretive guidance to assess the resu lt s of these sed iment

bioaccumulation tests is currently lacking.

Additional Information

Contact one of the authors, Dr. Thomas Dillon, (601) 634-3922, or Ms. Alfreda

Gibson, (601) 634-4027, or the manager of the Environmenta l Effect s of Dredging

Programs, Dr. Robert M. Engler, (601) 634-3624.


Published liter atu re r eporting the effects of PAHs on mar ine organ isms was

rev iewed . Only invest igations which examined organismic endpoin ts in b ivalve

molluscs such as growth , reproduct ion, behav ior, and metabolism were included .

Bivalve molluscs were emphasized because they have lit tle or no biot ransforma-

tion capability and they are the species of choice for assess ing the b ioaccumula tion

poten tial of PAHs in d redged mater ial (Jarvis and Clarke 1990). Organ ismic sub-

lethal effect s are desirab le endpoin ts for the regula tory evalua tion of dredged

mater ia l for reasons prev iously d iscussed (Dillon 1984). Anderson (1977) a lso con-

clu d ed th at grow th , rep roduction , and beh avior may be th e most sen sitive and

meaningfu l b io logica l measures when the effect s of petroleum hydroca rbons on

aquatic organisms are being evaluated.

More than 30 technical jou rnals and 10 data base liter atu re sear ch services (for

example, Biosis , Pollut ion Abstracts, and National Technical Information Service)were used in th is r ev iew . Over 100 publication s were ind iv idually r ev iewed . For

each paper included in th is r ev iew , the following in formation was r ecorded : test

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species , exposure condit ions, hydrocarbon t issue concentra tion, and correspond-

ing biological effects.


Publica tions which conta ined both hydroca rbon residue and biologica l effect s

in formation for mar ine b ivalve molluscs a re shown in Table 1. All investigat ions

evaluated the effects of crude or r efined oil exposed v ia water or sed imen t.

Laboratory invest igations slightly ou tnumbered field stud ies and a ll the la tter

focused exclu sively on exposu re v ia oiled sed imen t. There were no acu te ex-

posu res. Laboratory exposu res ranged from 28 days to 16 mon th s. The du ration

of field stu d ies ranged from 38 days to 6 years. Th e longer term exposu res were

part of mon itoring stud ies conducted after the acciden tal r elease of petr oleum. All

invest igations were limited to only four species of b ivalve molluscs-the filt er -feed-

ing b lue mussel, Mytilus edulis; the soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria; and the

deposit-feeding bivalves, Macoma sp . and Protothuca staminea.

Direct and ind ir ect measu res of growth were the most popu lar biological

endpoin ts. One such measu re, Scope For Growth (SFG), has been stud ied exten -

sively in the mussel Mytilus edulis (Bayne 1985). This endpoin t is an instan taneous

measu re of grow th based on th e amount of calories con sumed less th e amount re-

quir ed for main tenance and lost v ia excr etion . If ther e are excess calor ies after

calcu lating SFG, the mussel is said to have a positiv e SFG. Negative SFG values

are generally ind ica tive of st ressfu l conditions and have been strongly associa ted

with d imin ished reproduction in this mussel.

Another measu re of growth , Cond ition Index (CI), evaluates the amount of

bivalve tissue relative to its shell size or volume (Lawrence and Scott 1982). Theadvan tage of measu ring growth v ia th is endpoin t is that d iffer ences among mol-

lUSCSin their shell size are normalized . If the CI is r educed , then the amoun t of

tissue r elative to its shell size or volume has decreased . One under lying assump-

tion is that a ch ange in tissu e mass occu rs more rap id ly th an shell size. Th is is a

reasonab le assumption to make.

Tissue concen trations inmost invest igations are expressed as a romatic hydroca r-

bons--tota l, d ia romatic, or tr ia romatics. The range of concen trat ions spans four

orders of magnitude. Three investigat ions repor ted residues as to ta l a liphatics,

wh ile two reported total hyd rocarbons. To more clear ly evaluate poten tial

residue-effects rela tionships, those aromat ic hydrocarbon t issue concentra tions in

Table 1 wh ich are associated with adverse b iological effects were ranked in des-cending order (Table 2). The highes t tissue concen trations (about 200-300 kg/ g)

a re repor ted as tota l a romatics, while the lowest concen trat ions (about 0.01-1.0

vg/ g) ar e found when residues are exp ressed as d i- or triaromatic hyd rocarbons.Remain ing tissue r esidues ar e in the double-d ig it pg/ g range.

A wid e variety of an alytical method s were u sed to an alyze for hyd rocarbon s in

bivalve tissue (Table 3). Most investigator s u sed gas ch romatography (GC) or

h igh per formance liqu id chromatography (HPLC). With appropr iate extract ion

Te ch n ica l Not e EEDP-01-24 (Decemb er 1990) 3

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techniques, either can be used to quan tify both aromatic and aliphatic hyd rocar -

bons. Th ree stud ies u sed u ltr aviolet absorption or fluorometry wh ich ar e specific

to aromatic hyd rocarbons. Total hyd rocarbons were analyzed in two papers u sing

infrared spect rometry and gravimetric analysis .


Only a small p roportion (abou t 10 per cen t of publication s rev iewed con tained

informat ion on both the b iolog ica l effect s of hydroca rbons and the cor responding

tissue r esidues in mar ine b ivalves. Sim ilar r esu lts were reported earlier for other

environmenta l contaminan ts and aquat ic biota (Dillon 1984). This small da ta base

greatly restr icts the ability to generate quantit ative gu idance on hydroca rbon

residue+effect s rela tionsh ips. In addition to a small data base, var ia tions in ana ly ti-

ca l methods reduce the effect iveness of any poten tia l gu idance.

Desp ite these d ifficu lt ies, some general qualita tive trends are apparen t from the

da ta rev iewed . For example, b iolog ica l effect s a re associa ted with rela tively h igh

tissue concen tr ation s (abou t 200-300 Lg / g) when those data ar e exp ressed as total

aromatics. Lower body bu rdens are observed if aromatic hyd rocarbons groups

(for example, d i- and t ria romatics) are repor ted ind iv idually (about 1-1OOwg/ g)ortogether (about 0.01-1.0 pg/ g). Moore and others (1987), in rev iewing numerous

paper s on the effects of petroleum on field -exposed mussels, repor ted a sim ilar

range of effect s-rela ted t issue concen trations (1-100 ~g/ g) for d i- and tna romatic

hydroca rbons. Anderson (1977, 1979) rev iewed the effects of pet ro leum hydroca r-

bons on fish , crustaceans, and polychaetes and found adverse effects at tissue

concen trations of 0.2-0.6 ~g/ g total naphthalenes or 0.2-10.0 pg/ g total a romat ics.

Are these data sufficien t to provide in terpretive guidance for the regula toryevalu ation of d redged material? Un fortu nately th e an swer is no. The d ata base is

too small and does not p rovid e any sp ecifics regard ing th e 15 individ u al PAHs on

the priority pollutant lis t.

Two app roaches for develop ing the needed guidance on PAHs are possible.

One app roach is the gener ation of site-specific guidance based on tissue con -

cen tr ation s in organ isms collected in and a round the d isposal site environs. Th is

so-called matr ix app roach assumes a local policy of “no fu rther degradation” and

th at th e environmen tal statu s quo is accep table. Th e advan tage to th is approach is

that numer ica l guidance can be gener ated with r elative ease. Ther e are th ree

p rimary d isadvan tages. The field -collected organ isms must be the same or closely

rela ted to the sed iment b ioassay test species . The toxicologica l s ignificance of thebioassay resu lts is u nknown. For example, h ow does on e in terp ret resu lts where

only one of the 15 p riority p ollu tant PAHs is accumu lated or 3 ou t of 15 or 8 of15 are accumula ted? Finally , there is no a llowance for ecologica l in terpretat ion .

All comparisons are sta tis tica l. Tissue concentrat ions slight ly but significant ly

above matrix values are tr eated the same as grossly elevated r esidues bu t d iffer en t

from concen trat ions slightly below but significantly d ifferen t from matr ix values.

T ech n ica l Not e EEDP-01-24 (Decemb er 1990)

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The second approach is the ecotoxicolog ica l app roach , wh ich requir es more ef-fort th an th e matrix app roach , bu t p rov id es add ition al in terp retiv e latitu d e. Here

the toxicologica l significance of the p rior ity pollu tant PAHs is determined in -

d ivid ually an d as a grou p. Id eally, the mod el organism is th e same as or closely

related to th e sed imen t bioassay test sp ecies. Next, gu id ance on th e ecological sig-

n ificance of bioaccumulation is developed by generat ing res idue-effectsrelation sh ip s for th e indiv idual PAHs. With th ese data, th e ecologica l and

toxicolog ica l impor tance of PAH bioaccumula tion can be in terpreted in a technica l-

ly sound manner .

N aphth alene was not in clu ded on th e exp erts’ list of PAHs. This om ission may

war rant fu rther considerat ion because many of the residue-effects paper s repor ted

diaromatic (naphthalenic) hydrocarbons concentrations , d i- and triaromatic

hydrocarbons are the major const ituen ts in mussels from oil-con taminated en -

v ironmen ts (Boehm and other s 1982, Barr ington and other s 1982), and d i- and

t ria romat ic hydrocarbons con tr ibu te most to the toxicity of pet roleum (Neff and

others 1976, Rice, Shor t, and Karinen 1977, Anderson and others 1974).


Ander son , J. W. 1977. “Responses to Subletha l Levels of Pet roleum Hydrocar-

bon s: Are They Sen sitive Indicator s and Do They Correlate w ith Tissu e Con tam-

ination?: Fate and Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Marine Ecosystems and

Organisms, D.A. Wolfe, Ed ., Pergamon Press, New York, pp 95-114.

. 1979. “An Assessmen t of Knowledge Concern ing th e Fate and Ef-fects of Pet roleum Hydrocarbons in the Mar ine Environmen ta l Marine Pollution:

Functional Responses, W. B, Vemberg, A. Calabrese, F. P. Thurberg, and

F. J. Vemberg, Eds., Academic Press, New York, pp 3-21.

Anderson , J. W,, Neff, J. M., Cox, B. A., Tatem , H . E., and H igh tower, G. M. 1974.

“Character is tics of Dispersions and Water -Soluble Extracts of Crude and Refined

Oils and their Toxicity to Estuarine Crustaceans and Fish fl Marine Biology, Vol 27,

pp 75-88.

Augen feld , J. M., Ander son , J. W., Wood ru ff, D. L., and Webster, J. L. 1980. “Ef-

fects o f Prudhoe Bay Crude Oil-Con taminated Sed imen ts on Protothaca staminea

(Molkca: Pelecypoda): Hydrocarbon Con ten t, Cond it ion Index, Free AminoAcid Level: Marine Environmental Research, Vol 4, pp 135-143.

Bayne, B. L. 1985. “Ecolog ica l Consequences of St ress: TheEffects of Stress and PoPhdion on Marine Animals, B. L. Bayne, D. A. Brown, K. Bu rn s, D. R. Dixon , A.

Ivanovici, D. R. Livingstone, D. M. Lowe, M. N . Moore, A. R. D. Stebbing, and J.Widdows, Eds., Praeger Publishers , New York , pp 141-157.

Blumer , M. 1976. “Polycyclic Aromat ic Compounds in Nature: Scien tific Amer-

ican, Vol 234, pp 34-45.

Techn ica l Not e EEDP-01-24 (Decembe r 1990)

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Boeh rn , P. D., Barak, J. E., Fiest, D. L., and Elsku s, A. A, 1982. “A Chemica l Inves-

tiga tion of th e Tran sport and Fate of Petroleum Hyd rocar bon s in LittoraI and Ben -

thic Environmen ts: The Tsesis Oil Sp ill: Marine Environmental Research, Vol 6,

pp 157-188.

Clarke, J. U ., and Gibson , A. B. 1987. “Regula tory Iden tifica tion of Pet roleum

Hyd rocar bon s in Dredged Mater ial; Miscellaneou s Paper D-87-3, US Army En -gineer Waterways Exper iment Stat ion, Vicksburg , MS.

Clemen t, L. E., Stekoll, M. S., and Shaw, D. G. 1980. “Accumula tion , Fract ionat ion

and Release of O il by th e In tertid al Clam Macorna Wthicay Marine Biology, Vol 57,

pp 41-50.

Dillon , T. M. 1984. “Biolog ica l Consequences of Bioaccumula tion in Aquat ic

Animals: An Assessmen t of the Curren t Liter aturefl Technica l Repor t D-84-2,

US Army Engineer Waterways Exper imen t Stat ion , Vicksburg, MS.

Barrington, J. W., Davis, A. C., Frew , N . M., an d Rabin , K. S. 1982. “No. 2 Fu el Oil

Compound s in Mytiks eduhs~ Marine Biology, Vol 6, pp 15-26.

Gilfillan , E. S., Mayo, D., Han son , S., Donovan , D., and Jiang, L. C. 1976. “Reduc-tion in Carbon Flu x in Mya arenaria Cau sed by a Sp ill of No. 6 Fu el Oil,” Marine

Biology, Vol 37, pp 115-123.

Gilfillan , E. S., and Vandermeu len , J. H . 1978. “Alter ation s in Grow th and Physiol-

ogy in Chronically Oiled Soft-Shell Clams, Mya urenatia, Chronically Oiled With

Bunker C from Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia , 1970-76V Journal of Fisheries Research

Board of Canada, Vol 35, pp 630-636.

Ja rv is, S., and Clarke, J. U. 1990. “Environmen ta l In terpretat ion and Evalua tion o fHydrocarbon Con taminan ts in Dredged Mater ia lfl Environmen ta l Effects of

Dredging Technical Note EEDP-04-13, US Army Engineer Waterways Exper iment

Station, Vicksburg, MS.

Lawrence, D. G., and Scott, G. I. 1982. “The Determination and Use of Condition

Index of oysters: Estuaries, Vol 5, No. 1, pp 23-27.

Lee, R. F., Sauerheber , R., and Benson , A. A. 1972. “Pet roleum Hydrocarbons:

Up take and Discharge by th e Marin e Mussel Mytilus edulisfl Science, Vol 177,

pp 344-346.

Liv ingstone, D. R., Moore, M. N ., Lowe, D. W., Nasci, C., and Farrar, S. V. 1985.“Responses of the Cy toch rome P-450 Monooxygenase Systems to Diesel Oil in the

Common Mussel Mytilus edulis L., and the Periwinkle, Littorina Iittorea L.fl Aquatic

7’oxicolo~, Vol 7, pp 79-91.

Moor e, M. N ., Livingstone, D. R., Widdows, J., Lowe, D. M., and Pip e, R. K. 1987.“Molecular, Cellu lar, and Physio logical Effects of Oil-Der ived Hydrocarbons on

Molluscs and their Use in Impact Assessmen t: Philosophical Transactions of the

Royal Society of London, Vol B 316, pp 603-623.

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Neff, J. M. 1979. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Aquatic Environment; Sour-

ces, Fates, and Biological Eflects, Applied Science Publishers.

Neff, J. M., Anderson , J. W., Cox, B. A., Laughlin , R. B., Jr ., Rossi, S. S., and Ta tem,

H. E. 1976. “Effects of Petroleum on Surv ival, Resp iration and Growth of MarineAnimals; Sources, Effects and Sinks ofHydrocarbons in the Aquatic Environment,

American Inst itute of Biological Saences, Arlington, VA, pp 515-539.

Rice, S. P., Shor t, J. W., and Karinen , J. F. 1977. “Comparative Oil Toxicity and

Comparative Animal Sensit ivity: Fate and Effects of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in

Marine Ecosystems and Organisms, D.A. Wolfe, Ed ., Pergamon Press, New York,

pp 78-94.

Roesijad i, G., and Ander son , J. W. 1979. “Cond ition Index and Free Amino Acid

Conten t ofMacoma inquinata Exposed to Oil-Contaminated Marine Sediments:

Marine Pollution: Functional Responses, W. B. Vernberg, A. Calabrese, F. Thurberg,

and F. J. Vernberg, Eds., Academic Press, New York, pp 69-83.

Stain ken , D. M. 1976. “The Accumu lation and Deputation of No. 2 Fuel O il by

the Soft Shell Clam Mya arenatiafl Proceedings, Symposium on Fate and Efiects of

Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Marine Organisms and Ecosystems, Seatt le, WA, Nov 10-

12,1976, pp 313-322.

. 1978. “Effects of Uptake and Discharge of Pet ro leum Hydroca rbons

on the Respirat ion of the Soft -Shell clam, Mya arenaria,” Journal of Fishen”es Research

Board of Canada, Vol 35, pp 637-642.

Stekoll, M. S., Clement, L. E., and Shaw, D. G. 1980. “Sublethal Effect s of Chron ic

Oil Exposure on the In ter tidal clam Macoma balthica~ Marine Biology, Vol 57, pp 51-60.

Thomas, M. L. H. 1978. “Comparison of Oiled and Unoiled In ter tidal Commun i-

ties in Chedabucto Bay, Nova Scotia ; Journal of Fisheries Research Board of Canada,

Vol 35, Pp 707-716.

Varanasi, U. 1989. Metabolism of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Aquatic En-

vironment, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Widdows, J., Bakke, T., Bayne, B. L., Donkin , P., Liv ingstone, D. R., Lowe, D. M.,Moore, M. N ., Evan s, S. V., and Moore, S. L. 1982. “Respon ses of Mytilus edulis on

Exposure to the Water -Accommodated Fraction of Nor th Sea Oil: Marine Biology,

Vol 67, Pp 15-31.

Widdows, J., Donkin , P., and Evans, S. V. 1985, “Recovery of Mytilus edulis L.from Chronic Oil Exposure: Marine Environmental Research, Vol 17, pp 250-253.

1987. “Physiological Responses ofMytilus edulis du ring Chron ic OilExposure and Recovery: Marine Environmental Research, Vol 23, pp 15-32.

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Table 1

Literature Report ing Tissue Hydrocarbon Concentra tions in Mar ine Bivalves and Cor responding Biologica l Effects

Ex osu re?

ExposureReference Contamimnt Organism ime Concentration

1““ Prumdu~ay Protothaca 54 days 8W0-e~t /gstaminea (field) 7

2 Prl_l-l_l~opy Macoma 55 days 616~6%e~ t /ginquinuta (laboratory) 5

38 da s 364-1,144(fiel?i)(exp. 2)

p g/ ~(sechment)



s 3 Pru:~o?y Macoma 180 days.- 3C)-#.;:OO~g/ L~ balthica (laboratory)


8 (Continued)gb*g * Text of Footnoten “* Number ed r efer ences a re g iven a t the end o f the t ab le; fu ll b ib liogr aph ic in fo rmat ion is g iven in the Refer ences sect ion.3~ NOTE: Tissue concentrations are given in micrograms per gram w et w eight, u nless otherw ise noted .*ww~

Biological TissueEffec& Concentration

CI reduced 0.184diaromatics



CI reduced 1.15-5.21total naphthale


CI reduced 0.01-0.07total naphthale



CI reduced; 81-350grow th red uced total arom atics


(Sheet 1

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g Table 1 (Continued)


Ea Reference Contaminant~LIP

4 Bunker C

5 Bunker C

6 Diesel oil

7 Diesel oil

8 North Seacrude oil







Ex osu re5

Exposureime Concentration

6 y ears after 3,800 ~g/ gsp ill (field ) (sed im ent)

6 years after 5,115 pg/ gsp ill (field ) (sed im en t)

8 months 2&lWe: / L(laboratory) f(exp. 1)

8 months 2:-:a:ey / L(laboratory) f(exp. 2)

8 months 3Wl;;e; / L(laboratory) F

28 days 36 ~g/ L(laboratory) ~~~ &

180 days 30 ~g/ L(laboratory) (w ater)

Growth reduced

Growth reduced

SFG reduced

SFG reduced;growth reduced

SFG reduced;feeding reduced

SFG reduced;food absorp-tion reduced

Oxygen consumpt-ion eleva ted



267total aromatics

157total aromatics

2.9-68.5di- + triaromat

0 . 7 1- 1 2 8 . 1

d i - + triaromat

21-24di- + triaromat


(digestive gla

8.8-16.2aromatics(remaining tis

81total aromatics



(Sh eet 2

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Table 1 (Cont inued)









No. 2 fu eloil

No. 2 fu eloil

No. 6 fu eloil

Diesel oil

Nor th Seacrude o il









Ex osu re$

Exposureime Concentration



28 days 4f:a~g{L(laboratory)

28 days 43.7-60.7(laboratory) mg/ L (wat er )

1 year after 11.8 mg/ gsp ill (field ) (sed im ent)

4-16 months 29:::e; / L(laboratory) f

140 days 30 ~g/ L(laboratory) (w ater)

88-1,233 pg/ gS:::g,(sediment)

(exp. 1)

Biological TissueEffect Concentration

Oxygen 130-150con sum tion


total aromatics

reduce 160-240aliphatics

Oxygen consump- 20-30tion elevated total hydrocarbons

~tigy~fpdm -60-145J total hydrocarbons

Oxygen consump- 661tion elevated total hydrocarbons

Gamete n umber 14.7-25.4reduced diaromatics


Gamete produc- 152tion u naffected arom atics

(digest ive gland)

22.9aromatics(remaining t issue)

Abnormal 0.01-0.05surfacing in total naphthalenessediments


(Sheet 3 of 4)

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~ Table 1 (Concluded)z~mm

Ex osure Exposure5’

$Biold~zd Tissue

Reference Contaminantg

Organism ime Concentration Concentrati



:g 3 Pr~d~oay Macoma 180 days 3~~a~r)pg/ L Burrowing rate 81-350m .w balthica (laboratory) (unaffected) total aromatg














Augenfe ld and others 1980

Roes ijad i and Anderson 1979

Stekoll, Clement , and Shaw 1980, Clement , Stekoll, and Shaw 1980

Gilfil lan and Vandermeulen 1978

Thomas 1978

Widdows, Donkin , and Evans 1987

Widdows, Donkin , and Evans 1985

Widdows and other s 1982

Stainken 1976

Stainken 1978

Gilfil lan and others 1976

Liv ingstone and others 1985


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Table 3

Methods Used to Analyze Bivalve Tissues for Hydrocarbon Con ten t*

Analytical Method Reference

Gas ch romatog raphy/ g lass capilla ry column 1,2,3

Gas ch romatography / packed co lumn 10

Ultraviolet absorbance 4

Ultravio let absorbance with GC/ MS confirmation 8

High performance liquid chromatography 6,7,12

Fluorometry 5

Infrared spectrometry




“ See Table 1 for references.

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