Page 1: Environment Sector in SERBIA Overview of EU Assistance


Environment Sector in SERBIA

Overview of EU Assistance

June 2013

TOTAL ASSISTANCE FOR ENVIRONMENT 2000-2013: approx. € 700 million €








Serbia - EU Ongoing and Future Assistance to

Environmental Management

Legislative Reform and Capacity


Water Protection

Water Supply

Air Protection

Waste management

Page 2: Environment Sector in SERBIA Overview of EU Assistance


National/Horizontal Issues:

Legislative Reform and Capacity Building

Principle Beneficiaries:

Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection Serbia Environmental Protection Agency Institute for Nature Protection

A. Important Finalised Projects1:

1. Supply of Equipment for Air Quality Monitoring Amount € 2.4 million. Supply. (CARDS 2006)

Start-End dates 2009 - 2012



Serbian Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)

Main achievements of project:

A network of 28 automatic air quality monitoring stations and associated laboratory equipment installed

allowing SEPA to monitor on line ambient air quality throughout Serbia.

For more information/Project website:


2. Technical Assistance for Development of an Environmental Approximation

Strategy (EAS)

Amount € 1.9 million. Service Contract. (IPA 2007)

Start-End dates December 2009 - April 2012



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Main achievements of project: The project supported the former Ministry of Environment, Mining and Spatial planning in developing:

1. National Environmental Approximation Strategy

2. Adequate costs & benefits analysis for complying with EU Environmental Legislation

For more information/Project website:

1 List is not exhaustive

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3. Strengthening Administrative Capacity for Implementation of an Air Quality

Management System Amount € 1 million. Twinning. (IPA 2007)

Start-End dates November 2009 – April 2012



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Main achievements of project: 1. Legal and institutional framework for ambient air quality protection/management enhanced

2. Serbia 1st Preliminary Air Quality Assessment Report produced

3. Action plans for cleaner air in selected agglomerations developed (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Bor)

4. Capacity for implementing action plans at central and local level strengthened

For more information/Project website: -----------------------------------------

4. NATURA 2000 - Strengthening Administrative Capacities for Protected

Areas in Serbia Amount € 1 million. Twinning. (IPA 2007)

Start-End dates January 2010 – June 2012



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Main achievements of project: The project assisted in the development of a system for nature protection in accordance with the EU


1. Serbian legislation aligned with EU Nature Protection legislation (Birds and Habitats Directives)

2. Methodology for identification of Serbian sites for the EU Natura 2000 network of protected areas

developed and organizational model for work on Natura 2000 established

3. Pilot Management plans developed for Serbian protected areas Obedska Bara and National Park

Tara and training in management principles provided

For more information/Project website:


5. Strengthening institutional capacity in Hazardous Waste Management Amount € 1.5 million. Twinning. (IPA 2008)

Start-End dates October 2010 – March 2013



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Main achievements of project:

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1. Serbian Hazardous Waste Legislation aligned with the EU legislation Acquis

2. New Draft Law on Waste Management prepared

3. Hazardous Waste Management Plans prepared for special waste streams such as waste oil, electric

and electronic waste (WEEE)

4. Methodology developed for classification and remediation of contaminated sites.

For more information/Project website:


6. Assistance in the Implementation of a Chemicals Management System in

Serbia (twinning + supply) Amount € 1 million. Twinning; € 0.5 million. Supply. (IPA 2008)

Start-End dates August 2010 – March 2013



Serbian Chemical Management Agency, Environmental Inspection, Sector for

Control and Surveillance, Customs Authority

Main achievements of project:

1. Serbian Chemicals Legislation aligned with EU legislation and under implementation

2. Help Desk for Chemicals Industry, Traders and Retailers functional and embedded in the European

Network of Chemicals Helpdesks

3. System for continuous in service training and university curricula developed

4. Concept for chemicals and biocides awareness campaign developed and implemented

5. The project provided laboratory equipment for chemicals analysis and hand held analyzers to detect

chemicals and including heavy metals in products for which legislation has established limit values,

restrictions for use or bans.

6. Capacity of enforcement agencies of chemicals and biocides legislation enhanced.


7. Implementation of Energy Component of the National Strategy for

Sustainable Development - Promotion of Renewable Energy Sources and

Energy Efficiency Amount € 1.5 million. Service Contract. (IPA 2010)

Start-End dates January 2011 – July 2012



The Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Main achievements of project: 1. The existing legal and institutional framework for geothermal renewable energy sources analysed

2. The study on geothermal potential in Serbia prepared

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3. Strategic document taking advantage of the potentials and promotion of Combined Heat and Power

in Serbia (with indicative targets defined) prepared.


8. Implementation of Energy Component of the National Strategy for

Sustainable Development - Sustainable development in Energy Sector Amount € 650,000 Service Contract. (IPA 2010)

Start-End dates April 2011 – April 2012



The Ministry of Mining and Energy

Main achievements of project:

1. Implementation plan in energy and mining sectors regarding the Kyoto protocol prepared

2. Public awareness campaign on the importance of sustainable development prepared

3. The plan also included preparation for the implementation of EU legislative related to the quality

and the monitoring the quality of petrol and diesel and reduction the sulphur of certain liquid fuels

For more information/Project website:


9. Assistance to the Serbian Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) as a

national focal point institution for cooperation with the European Environment

Agency in strengthening the European Environment Information and

Observation network (EIONET) Amount € 1.4 million. Supply of equipment. (IPA 2008)

Start-End dates December 2011 – October 2012



Serbian Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA)

Main achievements of project:

1. IT system installed to connect 23 Serbian environmental monitoring data providers with SEPA.

2. The system largely automatized data collection and enhances speed and reliability of environmental

reporting for national purposes (state of the environment report) and reporting to the European

Environment Agency (EEA).

For more information/Project website:

B. Ongoing Assistance

Number of projects Budget in €

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6 9 907 000


1. Technical Assistance for the Hazardous Waste Management Facility Amount € 2.5 million. Service Contract. (IPA 2009)

Start-End dates November 2010 – November 2012 (Project is currently on hold awaiting

confirmation of site selection for facility)



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Main achievements of project: The project provides technical assistance for the analysis, planning and preparation for the future

construction of an appropriate national Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility in Serbia.


2. Strengthening the Serbian Environmental Inspectorate and Relevant

Stakeholders Amount € 2 million Twinning; € 0.5 million. Supply of equipment. (IPA 2010)

Start-End dates February 2011 – November 2013



Serbian Environmental Inspectorate, Sector for Control and Surveillance and

other relevant stakeholders (customs, police, judiciary, industry)

Expected achievements of project:

1. Creation of a legislative framework with appropriate provisions for effective environmental


2. Introduce concept of risk based inspection and develop inspection plans based on this methodology

to increase efficiency.

3. Build capacity at the level of all inspection and enforcement agencies and bodies and establish a

system for inter-institutional cooperation with a view to enhance environmental law enforcement

4. Equip environmental inspection services and support institutions to enhance their effectiveness


3. Law Enforcement in the Field of Control of Industrial Pollution, Prevention

of Chemical Accident and Eco-management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) in

Serbia Amount € 3 million. Service Contract (IPA 2011)

Start-End dates September 2012 – September 2014



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Expected achievements of the project:

Assistance to the Ministry in enforcing EU legislation in the field of:

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1. Control of Industrial Pollution,

2. Prevention of Chemical Accidents

3. Introduction of the Eco-management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) in Serbia.

For more information/Project website:


4. Capacity Building for the Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia Amount € 1.5 million. Twinning contract. (IPA 2011)

Start-End dates June 2012 – December 2013



Energy Agency of the Republic of Serbia

Expected achievements of project:

1. Assistance in implementation of the regulatory policy in electricity and gas sector.

2. Assistance in the restructuring of energy sector.

3. Knowledge transfer in the field of renewable sources.

For more information/Project website:


5. Implementation of Energy Component of the National Strategy for

Sustainable Development – Integrated Management Information System for

Energy Sector Amount € 350,000. Service contract. (IPA 2010)

Start-End dates September 2011 - December 2013



Ministry of Natural Resources, Mining and Spatial Planning

Expected achievements of the project: 1. Establishment of data base i.e. Management Information System for energy sector.

2. Continuous monitoring and planning in the energy sector through new system.

3. Development of National Strategy for Sustainable Development.

For more information/Project website:

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6. The European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES

Component: Public Awareness and Branding of Areas

Amount € 56 755 (IPA 2010)

Start-End dates July 2013 – December 2013



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection, the Ministry

of Regional Development and Local Self-Government; 25 Towns and

Municipalities in South and South West Serbia

Expected achievements of the project:

Awareness Rising Campaign on Environmental Issues, Recycling and Energy Efficiency

For more information/Project website:

C. Future Assistance

Number of projects Budget in €

4 6 450 000


1. Preparation of Second Energy Efficiency Action Plan and Development of

Energy Indicators Amount € 2 million Service Contract. (IPA 2012)

Start-End dates Contract signature planning - September 2013. Duration 18 months



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Expected achievements of the project: 1. Assessment of energy efficiency in all sectors.

2. Assistance in creating an action plan for energy efficiency projects.

3. Reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions.


2. Capacity-building to Implement Acquis Standards and Conventions in Nature

Protection Amount € 1.5 million Service Contract (IPA 2012)

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Start-End dates Estimated start date: January 2014; duration 24 months



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Expected achievements of project:

1. Establishment of Natura 2000 Data Base

2. Definition of Natura 2000 sites

3. Development of management plans for additional protected areas


3. Establishment of an Integrated Environmental Monitoring System for Air

and Water Quality Amount € 1.95 million. Supply. (IPA 2012)

Start-End dates Estimated start date: February 2014; duration 12 months



Serbian Environmental Protection Agency, Ministry of Energy, Development

and Environmental Protection

Expected achievements of project:

1. Enhancement of water monitoring capacity through the establishment of 4 automatic surface water

quality monitoring stations on major rivers in Serbia

2. Integration of the monitoring data collection from air and water monitoring networks


4. Creation of a Monitoring, Reporting and Verifying System for the Successful

Implementation of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme Amount € 1 million. Twinning. (IPA 2012)

Start-End dates Estimated start date: September 2013; duration 24 months



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Expected achievements of project:

Legal and institutional base created for Serbia to join the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS).

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2. Water Protection and Supply

Principal Beneficiaries:

Municipalities Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection Ministry of Regional Development and Local Self Government Ministry of Finance and Economy Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

A. Important Finalised Projects2:

1. Study of Flood Prone Areas3 in Serbia, Phase 1

Amount € 2 million. Service Contract. (IPA 2007)

Start-End dates March 2010 – November 2012



Water Directorate - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

Main achievements of project:

1. Integrated flood management framework developed

2. Introduction of the of land use planning, zoning and risk assessment

3. Early warning systems developed

4. Contingency planning and emergency measures upgraded

5. Integration of pollution prevention measures prepared

6. Flood hazard and flood risk maps prepared as the basis for the future preparation of the Flood Risk

management Plan

For more information/Project website:


2. Sewerage & Wastewater Strategic Master Plan for the West Morava River


2 List is not exhaustive

3 Project areas include: The flood prone areas on the left and right side of the Danube River between Belgrade

municipality Zemun (km 1175) and the upstream end of the Iron Gate gorge (km 1040), including the flood prone

parts of the Belgrade city along the Danube i.e. municipalities of Zemun, Novi Beograd, Stari Grad, Palilula (including

the area of Pancevacki rit on the left river bank), and Grocka; The flood prone areas on the larger rivers in the Velika

Morava river basin.

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Amount € 3 million. Service Contract. (IPA 2007)

Start-End dates February 2010 – August 2012



Water Directorate - Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management

Main Achievements of the project:

1. Preparation of the Wastewater and Sewerage Master Plan concerning evacuation and

treatment of municipal and industry waste waters on the territory of West Morava. 2. Preparation of tender documents for construction of Wastewater Treatment Plant of

capacity 20,000 PE

For more information/Project website:


3. Municipal Infrastructure Support Programme MISP

Components: Waste Water management and Water Supply Amount 4 works contracts worth a total of € 13.6 million (CARDS)



Ministry of Economy and Regional Development; municipalities of Subotica,

Pozarevac, Indjija, Kula-Vrbas, Leskovac, Petrovac na Mlavi, Rasina District,

Sabac, Valjevo – Kolubara Region and Velika Plana – Smederevska Palanka

Municipality/City Project EU donation

in €

Start of works End of works

Subotica Waste Water Treatment Plant

CARDS 2004 4.7 million



March 2009

Pozarevac Water Supply System

Reconstruction CARDS 2006 2.8 million





Indjija Water Supply Cards 2004 2.4 million June 2007 July 2008

Petrovac na Mlavi Water Supply and sanitation

CARDS 2006 3.7 million

March 2009 December


For more information/Project website:


4 The main population centres of the study area are: Čačak, Kraljevo,,Kruševac, Užice, Novi Pazar, Gornji Milanovac,

Trstenik, Požega, Ivanjica, Vrnjačka Banja, Arilje, Raška, Tutin, Aleksandrovac, Brus, Blace, Lučani, Kosjerić, Knić, Čajetina. Wastewater Treatment Plants exist in: Gornji Milanovac and some parts of waste water treatment plant exist

in Kraljevo,,Kruševac, Blace and Lučani

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4. The European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES

Components: Infrastructure and Municipal Management and Development

Planning (Waste Water Management and Water Supply projects) Amount 5 works contracts worth a total of € 400 818 (IPA 2010)



Ministry of Regional Development and Local Self-Government; municipalities

of Vranje, Trgovište, Sjenica, Vlasotince, Crna Trava and Lebane

Municipality/City Project EU donation

in €

Start of


Expected end

of works

Vranje Construction of Water supply for

Roma settlement Ćoška 37 606

August 2012

March 2013

Trgovište Upgrading of water supply system

in Novo Selo

55 004

July 2011 August 2012


Procurement of the equipment for

the replacement of pumping

system in water station

80 750

May 2011 September


Vlasotince and

Crna Trava

Improvement of the sanitary

conditions of the potable water

source for Vlasotince and

protection of the Vlasina River

basin – Waste water treatment

Crna Trava

142 758

October 2012 May 2013


Reconstruction and expansion of

water treatment plant in Lebane –

Building of filter fields

84 700

August 2011 August 2012

For more information/Project website:


B. Ongoing Assistance

Number of projects Budget in €

5 87 500 000

1. Municipal Infrastructure Support Programme MISP

Components: Waste Water management and Water Supply Amount 6 works contracts worth a total of € 56.3 million (CARDS)



Ministry of Economy and Regional Development; municipalities of Kula-

Vrbas, Leskovac, Sabac, Velika Plana, Smederevska Palanka, Valjevo –

Kolubara Region and Rasina District

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Municipality/City Project EU donation

in €

Start of works Expected end

of works

Kula-Vrbas Regional Waste Water Treatment

Plant IPA 2008 12 million

April 2012 April 2014

Leskovac Waste Water Treatment Plant

IPA 2010 11.7 million

January 2012 July 2014

Rasina District Regional Water Supply Scheme

IPA 2008 8.1 million

April 2010 Winter 2014

Sabac Waste Water Treatment Plant

IPA 2008 9.8 million

March 2012 March 2014

Valjevo –

Kolubara Region Region Water Supply IPA 2010 7.45 million



July 2014

Velika Plana –



Regional Water Supply IPA

2010 10.84 million

April 2013 December


For more information/Project website:


2. The European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES

Components: Infrastructure (Waste Water Management and Water Supply

projects) Amount 8 works contracts worth a total of € 830 628 (IPA 2010)



Ministry of Regional Development and Local Self-Government; municipalities

of Trgovište, Blace, Bujanovac, Sjenica, Surdulica, Prokuplje and Raška

Municipality/City Project EU donation

in €

Start of


Expected end

of works

Blace Constructing the water

reticulation in village Džepnica 58 365



October 2013

Sjenica Reconstruction of a part of transit

asbestos-cement water pipelines 8 415



October 2013


Improvement of accessibility to

water supply system in Roma

settlement Jelašnica

215 136.

August 2012 August 2013

Prokuplje Reconstruction of a part of water

distribution system in Prokuplje 76 404

May 2013 November


Trgovište Construction of Waste Water

Treatment Plant 256 275

October 2012 November



Provision of Preliminary design

for waste water collection and

treatment with Feasibility study

and EIA for Raska municipality -


66 300

August 2012 August 2013

Bujanovac Construction of exploitation well 27 770 May 2013 October 2013

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as the source of water supply

Raška Water reserves study on the

territory of Raska municipality 46 228

April 2013 December


For more information/Project website:


3. Waste Water Treatment Plant in Thermo Power Plant Nikola Tesla B,

Obrenovac; Supervision for Waste Water Treatment Amount € 14 million first part; €1 million supervision (IPA 2012)

Start-End dates September 2012-september 2014



Thermal Power Plant Nikola Tesla B; Obrenovac municipality

Expected achievements of the project:

New waste water treatment facility in thermal power plant Nikola Tesla B

For more information/Project website:

4. Municipal Environmental Grant Loan Programme (MEGLIP); Component 1 Amount € 12.1Million (IPA 2011)

Start-End dates September 2011 – July 2015



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection: municipalities of

Uzice, Krusevac and Vranje

Expected achievements of project:

Provision of consultancy and investment support for the rehabilitation of the waste water systems.

5. Municipal Environmental Grant Loan Programme (MEGLIP); Component 2;

Waste Water and Water Supply Management Amount Estimation: € 1.5 million. Water supply management; € 1.875 million. Waste water


Start-End dates September 2011 – July 2015



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Expected achievements of the project:

The project aims to provide an incentive fund for municipalities intending to implement

environmental infrastructure projects.

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C. Future Assistance

Number of projects Budget in €

1 15 550 000


1. Development of a Regional Waste Water Management Infrastructure for

Subotica region (works); Construction of Transfer Stations; Supply of

equipment Amount € 12 million (development); € 2,3 million (construction); and € 1,25 million

(supply) (IPA 2012)

Start-End dates Project commencement expected for February 2014. Duration 24 + 12 months



Municipalities of Subotica, Backa Topola, Mali Idjos, Kanjiza, Senta, Novi

Knezevac and Coka (Subotica District)

Expected achievements of project:

The scope of the works contract will cover the construction of a regional waste management centre for

Subotica district.

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3. Air Protection5

Principle beneficiaries:

Ministry of Natural resources, mining and Spatial Planning Electric Power Industry of Serbia Elektromreza Srbije

A. Important Finalised Projects6:


1. Ash Disposal System at Thermo Power Plant (TPP) Termo Elektrana Nikola

Tesla (TENT) B Amount € 28 million. Works contract. (CARDS 2004)

Start-End dates March 2007 – August 2010



Nikola Tesla B Power Station, Obrenovac

Main achievements of project:

New ash disposal system constructed for the Electric Power Serbia at Nikola Tesla B Power Station, 2 x

620 MW lignite fired power station at Obrenovac.

For more information/Project website:


2. Emission reduction from Nikola Tesla Power Plant in Obrenovac, Units A6

and B2; Supervising Engineer for Emission reduction from Nikola Tesla

Thermal Power Plant in the Republic of Serbia Amount first part € 10.78 million; second part € 0.9 million. (IPA 2007)

Start-End dates October 2009 – August 2012



Nikola Tesla Power Plant Station, Obrenovac

Main achievements of project: 1. New Electrostatic Precipitator System (filter) which reduces the particulate emissions from Units

A6 and B2 in TPPs Nikola Tesla A and B

2. Achieved particulate emission limits under the Large Combustion Plant Directive for a sustained

period of time (50 mg/c3).

5 Projects regarding air protection are mainly focused in the energy sector

6 List is not exhaustive

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For more information/Project website:


3. Equipment for continuous air emission measurement of harmful and

hazardous substances for Thermal Power Plant Nikola Tesla A and B, and

Thermal Power Plant Kolubara A Amount € 1 678 441. 2 Works contract. (IPA 2008)

Start-End dates January 2011 – April 2012



Thermal Power Plants Nikola Tesla A and B (Obrenovac), and Kolubara A


Main achievements of project:

1. New equipment for continuous air emission measurement of harmful and hazardous substances

procured and installed at Thermo Power Plant Nikola Tesla A and B, Thermo Power Plant

Kolubara A and Thermo Power Plant Morava.

2. Continuous monitoring of emission of harmful substances from flue gases of the four

thermal power plants in accordance with the requirements of EU directives related to

continuous air emission measurements.

For more information/Project website:


B. Ongoing Assistance

Number of projects Budget in €

2 9 870 000

1. Municipal Environmental Grant Loan Programme (MEGLIP); Component 2;

Energy Efficiency Amount Estimation: € 1.175 million. Delegation agreement with KfW. (IPA 2011)

Start-End dates September 2011 – July 2015



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Expected achievements of the project:

The project aims to provide an incentive fund for municipalities intending to implement

environmental infrastructure projects.

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2. Emission Reduction from Nikola Tesla Thermal Power Plant, Unit B1;

08SER01/17/21 Supervising contract for Emission reduction from Nikola Tesla

Thermal Power Plant in the Republic of Serbia Amount First part € 7.795 million; second part € 0.9 million (IPA 2008)

Start-End dates August 2011 – March 2014



Nikola Tesla Thermal Power Plant, Unit B1 (Obrenovac)

Main achievements of project:

1. New Electrostatic Precipitator System (filter) which reduces the particulate emissions from Unit B1

in TPP Nikola B

2. Achieved particulate emission limits under the Large Combustion Plant Directive for a sustained

period of time (50 mg/c3).

For more information/Project website:


C. Future Assistance

Number of projects Budget in €

1 15 200 000


1. Reconstruction of Electrostatic Precipitators in Elektroprivreda Srbije, units

A3 and Morava Amount € 15 200 000. Works contract. (IPA 2012)

Start-End dates Expected to start on January 2014



Elektroprivreda Srbije (EPS)

Expected achievements of the project:

1. New Electrostatic Precipitator System (filter) which reduces the particulate emissions from Units

A3 in TPP Nikola A and TPP Morava

2. Particulate emission limits under the Large Combustion Plant Directive for a sustained period of


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4. Waste Management

Principal Beneficiaries:

Municipalities Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection Ministry of Regional Development and Local Self Government Ministry of Finance and Economy Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management Public Health Sector

A. Important Finalised Projects7:

1. Municipal Infrastructure Support Programme MISP

Component: Solid Waste Management

Amount 3 works contracts worth a total of € 13 million (CARDS)



Ministry of Economy and Regional Development; municipalities of Pirot,

Uzice, Sremska Mitrovica and Sabac

Municipality/City Project EU donation

in €

Start of


End of works

Pirot Regional Solid Waste Landfill

Construction CARDS 2006 3.8 million







January 2013

Uzice Regional Solid Waste Separation

Line CARDS 2006 4.2 million

June 2007 September



Mitrovica - Sabac

Regional Solid Waste

Management IPA 2008 5 million



June 2012

For more information/Project website:


2. The European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES

Component: Infrastructure (Solid Waste Management projects) Amount 2 works contracts worth a total of € 124 000 (IPA 2010)

7 List is not exhaustive

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Ministry of Regional Development and Local Self-Government; municipalities

Raška and Bosilegrad

Municipality/City Project EU donation

in €

Start of


Expected end

of works

Raška Preparation of project technical

documentation for recycling yard 21 250

April 2011 December



Improvement of the communal

services – procurement of

garbage collecting truck

84 150 August 2011

July 2012

For more information/Project website:


3. Healthcare Waste Management

Amount € 7.15 M: € 1.5M Service Contract; €5.4 M. Medical Waste equipment –low temperature thermal wet treatment equipment for

medical waste and € 0.25 M for 25 vehicles Start-End


June 2007 – June 2009



Ministry of Health

Achievements of the project:

1. Developed an effective and efficient system for the collection, storage, treatment and disposal of

healthcare waste in accordance with Serbian requirements and EU directives.

2. Provided support for preparing a plan and system for Healthcare Waste Management, situation

analysis in 73 health care institutions in Serbia and provided relevant equipment for these

healthcare institutions to dispose their infectious waste by transforming it into communal waste

(sterilization and shredding of sharps).

3. Contributed to the drafting of relevant legislation to ensure compatibility with EC legislation and

best practices in sanitary standards for healthcare waste management.

4. Assisted the Ministry of Health to improve infectious healthcare waste management by initiating

the creation of a system for collection, storage, treatment and disposal of infectious healthcare

waste under CARDS (Community Assistance for Reconstruction, Development and Stabilization)


B. Ongoing Assistance

Number of projects Budget in €

3 6 530 000

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1. Treatment of Healthcare Waste

Amount € 5.7 M: € 1.95M Service Contract; € 2.67 M. Medical Waste equipment and € 0.6 M vehicles supply, € 0.48 M for the services of export and destruction of pharmaceutical waste accumulated at

the healthcare institutions and state-owned pharmacies in Serbia



September 2010 – September 2013



Ministry of Health

Expected achievements of the project:

1. Contribution to the implementation of environmental and healthcare strategies that will ensure

compatibility with EC legislation and best practices in sanitary standards.

2. Assistance to the Ministry of Health to improve infectious healthcare waste management in 46

healthcare facilities in Serbia by completing the system for collection, storage, treatment and disposal of

infectious healthcare waste as initiated under a CARDS (Community Assistance for Reconstruction,

Development and Stabilization) Healthcare waste management project.


2. The European Partnership with Municipalities Programme – EU PROGRES

Component: Infrastructure (Solid Waste Management projects) Amount 8 works contracts worth a total of € 387 064 (IPA 2010)



Ministry of Regional Development and Local Self-Government; municipalities Vranje,

Bujanova, Nova Varoš, Priboj, Sjenica, Prijepolje, Bosilegrad and Novi Pazar

Municipality/City Project EU donation

in €

Start of


Expected end

of works

Vranje and


Regional Landfill Meteris Technical Documentation

for Recycling Yard in

Vranje Development of Main

Design for the Expansion

of the METERIS Sanitary

Landfill for Communal

Solid Waste for local

communities in Pčinja district Construction of Transfer

station in Bujanovac

99 025



August 2013

Nova Varoš, Regional Landfill Banjica 203 039 April 2011 August 2013

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Priboj, Sjenica

and Prijepolje Preparation of project

technical documentation

for recycling yard in

municipality of Nova

Varoš Equipment for Nova

Varoš recycling centre

and containers for

Prijepolje and Priboj Provision of Geological,

Geotechnical and Hydro-

geological study for

Banjica landfill Re-designing of Main

Design for the Sanitary

Landfill for Communal

Solid Waste for

Municipalities Nova

Varoš, Prijepolje, Priboj and Sjenica

Novi Pazar Purchase of vehicle for the

sewage system 85 000

May 2013 August 2013

For more information/Project website:

3. Municipal Environmental Grant Loan Programme (MEGLIP); Component 2;

Waste Management Amount Estimation: € 450 000 (IPA 2011)

Start-End dates September 2011 – July 2015



Ministry of Energy, Development and Environmental Protection

Expected achievements of the project:

The project aims to provide an incentive fund for municipalities intending to implement

environmental infrastructure projects.

C. Future Assistance

Number of projects Budget in €

1 36 100 000


1. Construction of the Regional Waste Management Schemes IPA 2012

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Amount 3 work contracts worth a total of € 36.1 million (IPA 2012)



Subotica and Kalenic

Municipality/City Project EU donation

in €

Start of


Expected end

of works


Supervision of construction of

Subotica and Kalenic regional

waste management centres

2.5 million





Kalenic Construction of the Regional

Waste Management Centre 20.4 million





Subotica Construction of the Regional

Waste Management Centre 15.5 million

Expected to

start in





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