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Environmental modification is as old as the history of human development. In the last century,

development and modification have come much faster then ever before. While it took a few thousand

years for man to pass from Paleolithic to Neolithic tools, it has taken less than a century to modify

conventional weaponry to nuclear devices. Development has been so rapid that nature has not had

time to adapt to these changes and to human requirement and greed.

Some of the responsibility for the conservation of tropical natural resources lies on the

shoulders of developed countries. However, this doesn’t diminish the responsibilities of developing

countries to work towards a more educated society, one that is more conscious of their effects on the

natural balance and more effective in fulfilling the tenets of sustainable development, to which most

of these countries adhere, at least in principle. To become sustainable they have to be able to put into

practice these tenets. There is also truth in the statement that most of the new scientific information

about many of these issues is being generated in the developed world.

          Environmental literacy is a difficult concept to define. One can say that "environmentally

literate" person will have the knowledge, tools, and sensitivity to properly address an environmental

problem in their professional capacity, and to routinely include the environment as one of the

considerations in their work and daily living.


Page 2: Environment Protection


Environmental modification is as old as the history of human development. In the last century,

development and modification have come much faster then ever before. While it took a few thousand

years for man to pass from Paleolithic to Neolithic tools, it has taken less than a century to modify

conventional weaponry to nuclear devices. Development has been so rapid that nature has not had

time to adapt to these changes and to human requirement and greed.

The last century has seen an unmanageable increase in population, placing a tremendous burden on

natural resources. There is not enough food for the world’s hungry. Also, the earth itself is worn out

due to excessive farming, use of chemicals and pesticides and excessive use of ground water. Water

resources are badly polluted and emission of toxic fumes from industry and vehicles has deprived us

of clean air. Industrialisation and a growing consumer economy have led to the creation of huge

megapolises with their problems of undisposed garbage and uncontrolled sewage.

To combat these problems, world bodies like the United Nations and the World Commission on

Environment and Development have been formulating ideas for environmental protection and

sustainable development. Several international conferences have been held on this subject, starting

with the first one in Tbilisi in 1977 to the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the Population Summit at

Copenhagen, the world Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg and several others. It is

clearly evident that 25 years after the first conference in Tbilisi, there has not been an appreciable

change in lifestyles or the level of awareness. Countries have put their own interests ahead of

environmental protection and the future of coming generations.

What has been India’s stand on environmental protection? How far has our governing body

succeeded in their avowed aims of cleaning up the environment? Various acts have been passed down

the years, too innumerable to be put down here. The Ministry of Environment and Forests laid down

its objectives:

A. Conservation & survey of flora, fauna, forests and wildlife

B. Prevention and control of pollution

C. Afforestation & regeneration of degraded areas

D. Protection of environment, all within the frame work of legislations.


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The main tools utilized for this include:

A. Surveys and impact assessment

B. Control of pollution

C. Regeneration programmes

D. Support to organizations and NGOs

E. Research to solve solutions

F. Training to augment the requisite manpower

G. Collection and dissemination of environmental information

H. Creation of environmental awareness among all sectors of the country's population.

Through the years, the ministry has passed innumerable laws to help them in their task of

environmental protection. Sadly, all the regulations and acts have not done enough to protect the

environment. The greed of many in the governing bodies has led to misuse of the laws and ruthless

exploitation of the land, leading to ecological destruction and social injustices. Most leaders of

industry, too, have been lacking in a social conscience. They have exploited our country’s resources

and polluted our earth, water and air. Public apathy has not helped either. We, as citizens of this

country have not made our voices heard. The opening up of our economy and globalization have put a

greater pressure on our resources, further vitiating our fragile eco-system.

A recent trend which is heartening to note is the role of the Indian Judiciary in environmental

protection, which has adopted public interest litigation (PIL) for the cause of environmental

protection. This has proved an effective tool. For example, an attempt to acquire forest land and

change the course of the River Beas to facilitate the construction of a motel was made by a company

reportedly having direct links with the family of Kamal Nath, former Minister of Environment and

Forests. The Supreme Court quashed the prior approval granted by the central government for leasing

out forest land and also the lease deed between the government of Himachal Pradesh and the

company. The Government of Himachal Pradesh was asked to ensure that the space was restored and

that there was no construction on that area. The culprit company was strictly directed to end and

remove all construction and had to pay for the restoration of the area’s ecology. It was also clarified

that the river and surrounding region was and would remain public property.


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This is a very small step when what is needed are giant strides in an eco friendly direction. The crying

need of the hour is to educate the public and make them aware of their rights as citizens of this

country to a clean environment, to clean water, clean air and clean surroundings. They must act

together to fight corruption in governance and ruthless exploitation by the captains of industry. A

strategy for environmental protection could be adopted:

a. Reduce fertility rates and control population, reducing pressure on natural resources;

b. Phase out non-renewable inputs – in energy, agriculture and industry

c. Educate and inform the people about the gains of environmental protection and sustainable

development. They MUST stand up for their rights.

There is still hope for us. We can, to a certain degree, reverse the process of degradation of our

surroundings, for Mother Earth is forgiving and able to heal her wounds if we do not inflict more

grievous ones on her. As Paul Bigelow Sears said, “How far must suffering and misery go before we

see that even in the day of vast cities and powerful machines, the good earth is our mother and that if

we destroy her, we destroy ourselves. So we should act today for a better tomorrow for our children.


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A lot of research work is also going on side by side at various levels to study about environmental

protection and the role of illiteracy. The objectives of present research are:

1. To study the environmental protection.

2. To study the environmental literacy and its components.

3. To study the environmental education in India.

4. To study the environmental service schemes.


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Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. The research

methodology included various methods and techniques for conducting a research.


The study/research of Environmental protection – Illiteracy is the only cause.


The purpose of study is to measure or to identify the Environmental protection in India and the role of



The study is based on Secondary data which includes

Secondary Data

Secondary Data has been gathered from books, journals and internet resources on Environmental

protection in India.


Research is best suited for Descriptive Research. Research undertaken to learn about Environmental

protection in India.


Data analysis was done mainly from the data collected through the secondary data. The data collected

from secondary sources is used to analyze on one particular parameter. Qualitative analysis was done

on the data collected from the secondary sources.


Page 7: Environment Protection


          Environmental literacy is a difficult concept to define. One can say that "environmentally

literate" person will have the knowledge, tools, and sensitivity to properly address an environmental

problem in their professional capacity, and to routinely include the environment as one of the

considerations in their work and daily living. In simpler words, it is the capacity to understand the

connections between humans and their environment.

          David Orr, environmental educator, ethicist, and author, say that in addition to the ability to

read and calculate (literacy and numeracy--both indoor activities of education), ecological literacy

also implies an intimate knowledge of our landscapes, and an affinity for the living world. It is, too, a

systemic view, "to see things in their wholeness".

Environmental literacy is the capacity of an individual to act successfully in daily life on a broad

understanding of how people and societies relate to each other and to natural systems, and how they

might do so sustainably. This requires sufficient awareness, knowledge, skills, and attitudes in order

to incorporate appropriate environmental considerations into daily decisions about consumption,

lifestyle, career, and civics, and to engage in individual and collective action.

          Rockcastle (1989) described environmental literacy as an understanding, at some basic level,

of the interaction of humans & their natural environment with regard to both living things &

nonliving things (air, water, soil, & rock). While According to Roth (1992), Environmental literacy

should be defined in terms of observable behaviors. That is, people should be able to demonstrate in

some observable form what they have learned--their knowledge of key concepts, skills acquired,

disposition toward issues, and the like.

Understanding Environmental Literacy

          United Nations Environmental, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1975 stated

that “The goal of environmental education is to develop a world population that is aware of, and

concerned about, the environment and its associated problems, and which has the knowledge, skills,

attitudes, motivations, and commitment to work individually and collectively toward solutions of

current problems and the prevention of new ones.”


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Environmental literacy derives its focus from four basic issues that take it well beyond the typical

boundaries of science education, or any of the traditional disciplines:

* The interrelationships between natural and social systems;

* The unity of humankind with nature;

* Technology and the making of choices; and

* Developmental learning throughout the human life cycle.

Levels of literacy are generally assumed to exist but are not often defined. With respect to

environmental literacy, Roth proposed the identification of three levels:

1. Nominal: This level indicates ability to recognize many of the basic terms used in communicating

about the environment and to provide rough, if unsophisticated, working definitions of their


2. Functional: It indicates a broader knowledge and understanding of the nature and interactions

between human social systems and other natural systems.

3. Operational: This level relates to progress beyond functional literacy in both the breadth and

depth of understandings and skills.

          Persons at the operational level routinely evaluate the impacts and consequences of actions,

gather and synthesize pertinent information, choose among alternatives, advocate action positions,

and take actions that work to sustain or enhance a healthy environment. Such people demonstrate a

strong, ongoing sense of investment in and responsibility for preventing or remediating

environmental degradation both personally and collectively. Ultimate goal of the environmental

literacy is to create social structure where operational level of environmental literacy spread through

all walks of life. It depends on various components of environmental literacy & effective acceptance.



Awareness is holding a general impression, or consciousness, about something. An individual may be

aware that climate change is an issue or that human life depends on a healthy environment without 8

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knowing much more. Environmental awareness can arise from many activities - education being just


The main advantage of widespread environmental awareness is its contribution to public support for

government action in environmental policy and management. Management of natural resources is

only possible through effective awareness.


Developing knowledge requires more than acquisition of new information or data. It requires an

orderly comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of that material as well as the

intellectual framework within which new information can be placed and manipulated. Developing

knowledge often requires a pedagogy (a formal methodology for constructing knowledge with the

student) - something that is absent in simple information transfer.


Developing attitudes of appreciation and concern for the environment is a subtle process that is

difficult to deliberately program. Many educators believe that attitudes change primarily from a

variety of life experiences which can take place outside as well as inside the classroom. Thus,

experiences in the environment such as those provided by nature and environmental centers ("non-

formal" education) are essential to gaining environmental literacy. To develop 'community attitude' in

totality is difficult task.


The ultimate (and perhaps most difficult) goal of environmental literacy programs is developing the

capacity for action and participation. This is an especially complex process. It often requires adopting

new behavior which in itself is also a complex process.

In the final step of action, environmental literacy is the capacity to act in daily life on a broad

understanding of how people and societies relate to each other and natural systems.

          Most real environmental education involves actual hands-on experience with a subject either in

a laboratory or the field. A person who is well-versed in this level of environmental knowledge is 9

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more likely to engage in personal environmental actions.           By realizing the importance of

environmental literacy developed countries initiated environmental education at different levels.

Similarly it was realized by developing nations like India & various steps are being taken towards

environmental literacy.


          The Indian tradition teaches us that “all forms of life: animal and plant are so closely linked

that disturbance in one gives rise to an

imbalance in the other”.

Indian environmentalism very much involves

the poor, tribal & women population. The

Bishnois community; people involved in

Chipko movement are also considered to be

environmentally literate because of the

interaction between people and the

environment. They have sound knowledge of

their surroundings. Indian rural women are

also said to be environmentally literate. They

have 'naturally' positive attitudes towards

environmental conservation. They collect the

dead branches of trees which are fallen by

storm to use as fuel wood rather than cutting

the live trees. They are most severely affected

by environmental degradation. Women are

considered the primary users of natural

resources (Land, forest, and water), because

they are the ones who are responsible for

gathering food, fuel, and fodder. Shouldering

this responsibility leads them to learn more about soil, plants, and trees and not misuse them. These

rural women tend to have a closer relationship with land and other natural resources, which promotes

a new culture of respectful use and preservation of natural resources and the environment, ensuring


Green Movements in India

•  Chipko movement was the first environmentalist

movement in the India. The Chipko movement is

a tribal, women-centered struggle against

deforestation and mining operations in the

mountains. The movement was an act of defiance

against the state government's permission given

to a corporation for commercial logging.

•  The Bishnois, a community in Rajasthan, is an

example of human beings living in harmony with

nature. Among the 29 principles propounded by

the founder of the sect prophet, Lord

Jhambheshwar, 3 are focused on nature

conservation. Cutting and lopping of green trees

is strictly prohibited there. They maintain groves,

for the animals to graze and birds to feed. Groves

serve as important recharges of rain water in the

aquifers in the desert, where every single drop of

water is precious.

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that the following generations can meet their needs. Women give greater priority to protection of and

improving the capacity of nature, maintaining farming lands, and caring for nature and environment's

future. Repeated studies have shown that women have a stake in environment, and this stake is

reflected in the degree to which they care about natural resources.           India has a tradition of

protecting its forest through 'Sacred Groves'. Hunting and logging are usually strictly prohibited

within these forest patches. Other forms of forest usage like honey collection and deadwood

collection are sometimes allowed on a sustainable basis.

What is Sacred Grove

Sacred groves comprise of patches of forests or natural vegetation – from a few trees to forests of

several acres – that are usually dedicated to local folk deities or tree spirits. These spaces are

protected by local communities because of their religious beliefs and traditional rituals that run

through several generations.

          In India, sacred groves are found all over the country and abundantly along the Western Ghats

in the states of Kerala and Karnataka. Around 14,000 sacred groves have been reported from all over

India, which act as reservoirs of rare fauna, and more often rare flora, amid rural and even urban

settings. Experts believe that the total number of sacred groves could be as high as 100,000. From

Maharashtra 2820 Sacred groves (Devrai) have been documented. Sindhudurg district rank first in the

number (1499) as well as area (1892.96 Ha) covered by sacred groves in the state.


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          The Indian Constitution laid down the responsibility of Government to protect and improve the

environment and made it a “fundamental duty of every citizen to protect and improve the natural

environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife”. On this background Department of

Environment was established by the Government of India in 1980 and a Ministry was formed in

1985. The Constitution and the Government's commitment to the environment along with the

environmentally sound practices is an important backdrop under which the Environment Education

(EE) strategy has been evolved.

          Comprehensive scheme of 'Environmental Education, Awareness and Training' was launched

in 1983-84.

Environmental Education, Awareness and Training Scheme

          The scheme intends to enhance our understanding about the interactions between human beings

and environment. Also, it aims to facilitate the development of skills for environmental protection.

The objective of the schemes are as follow:

To promote environmental awareness among all sections of the society;

To spread environment education, especially in the non-formal system among different sections

of the society;

To facilitate development of education/training materials and aids in the formal education sector;

To promote environment education through existing educational/scientific/research institutions;

To ensure training and manpower development for environment education, awareness and


To encourage non-governmental organizations, mass media and other concerned organizations

for promoting awareness about environmental issues among the people at all levels;

To use different media including films, audio, visual and print, theatre, drama, advertisements,

hoarding, posters, seminars, workshops, competitions, meetings etc. for spreading messages

concerning environment and awareness; and

To mobilize people's participation for preservation and conservation of environment.


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          Central Government recognizes EE as a key to success of overall environmental strategy &

decides to help in the setting up of a 'Centre of Excellence'. These centres promote EE through

developing resource material, organizing training/ awareness programmes, builds capacity in the field

for sustainable development. These centres play the vital role in setting the pace & the agenda for EE.

These centres are- Centre for Environment Education, C.P.R Environmental Education Centre, Centre

for Ecological Sciences, Centre for Mining Environment, Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and

Natural History (SACON), Centre for Environmental Management of Degraded Ecosystems,

Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Centre of Excellence in Environmental Economics,

Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions (FRLHT), Centre for Animals and


          Key programmes/ activities launched under Environmental Education, Awareness and Training

scheme over the years are:

National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC)

          The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), Government of India started The National

Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) in 1986 with the aim of creating environmental

awareness at all levels of society. It is a multi-media campaign which utilises conventional and

nonconventional methods of communication for disseminating environmental messages to a wide

range of target groups. Under NEAC, the Ministry provides financial assistance to selected non

governmental organizations, education and training institutes, community organizations, etc. to create

massive awareness among citizens of India. Diverse target groups ranging from

students/youth/teachers to rural and tribal population, women, professionals and the general public

are covered under this campaign. The Campaign programmes are basically composed of a spectrum

of short duration programmes. The programme is being implemented through 33 designated Regional

Resource Agencies (RRAs) for specific states/regions of the country. During 2009-10 total 11,738

organisations have participated in the campaign across the country.

          For the implementation of this Scheme in Maharashtra, Goa and Dadra Nagar Haveli, Bhartiya

Agro Industrials Foundation (BAIF) has been working as a Regional Resource Agency (RRA) for

since 1986. BAIF have been providing technical inputs in organizing field demonstrations and

mobilizing NGOs for environmental awareness.


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Eco Clubs & National Green Corps (NGC)

          'Eco Clubs' were constituted by MoEF with objectives to educate school children about their

immediate environment and impart knowledge about the eco-systems, their interdependence and their

need for survival, by involving them in various environmental activities through visits and

demonstrations and to mobilise youngsters by instilling in them the spirit of scientific inquiry into

environmental problems and involving them in the efforts of environmental preservation.

          Keeping in view the potential of this programme in sensitizing the school students, it was

decided to intensify this programme to cover each and every district of the country. A programme of

raising 'National Green Corps' through the Eco clubs was, therefore, launched during 2001-2002. This

programme is being implemented in each State/UT through the Nodal agency appointed by the

State/UT Govt. An Eco-club may be set up in a middle/high school and should consist of a minimum

of 20 members and a maximum of 50 members, particularly interested in the conservation and

protection of the environment, and willing to dedicate time and effort on a regular basis towards this

end. The members may be drawn from students belonging to classes from VI to X. Each Eco-club

will be in charge of an active teacher in the school concerned. MoEF provide some financial

assistance for establishment of Eco clubs. It gives ` 2500/- per annum per Eco-club. It also provides

teacher training and distribution of resource materials. So far 1,12,844 Eco clubs have been

established in NGC Schools across the country (Year 2010).

          To implement NGC Scheme in Maharashtra, Environment Department has appointed Director,

Social Forestry, Pune as 'State Nodal Officer' in the year 2006 & Bharti Vidyapith, Institute of

Environment & Research, Pune as 'Resource Agency'. At present 8898 eco-clubs with approximately

4,00,000 students are actively working in the state.

Global Learning & Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)

          The GLOBE is an International Science and Education Programme, which emphasizes on

hands-on participatory approach. India joined this programme in August, 2000. This programme

unites students, teachers and scientists all over the world and targets school children. The students of

GLOBE schools are required to collect data about various basic environmental parameters under the

supervision of a GLOBE trained teacher. Through this they learn about scientific protocols and


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perform environmental learning activities, which have already been introduced as theory in the

textbooks. The GLOBE programme not only helps the students to appreciate the contents of the

textbooks through better understanding but also assists them in gaining complete knowledge of

environment. It facilitates research through a worldwide research team comprising of students,

teachers and scientists.

Strengthening Environment Education in School System and other courses at Graduate and Post-

Graduate level including Professional Courses

Formal Environmental Education Program

The National Policy on Education, 1986 (NPE) states that the “protection of the environment

is a value which must form an integral part of the curriculum at all stages of education”.

The NPE states: “There is a paramount need to create a consciousness of the environment. It must

permeate all ages and all sections of society, beginning with the child. Environmental consciousness

should inform teaching in schools and colleges. This aspect will be integrated in the entire

educational process”.

The programme obliges the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), the

Ministry of Environment & Forests to ensure that environmental education is imparted

adequately at the school levels. It mandates that environmental components are covered in the

school curriculum at various levels.

Environment education in a Maharashtra state has been boosted through various

efforts. Environmental education has been included as a compulsory subject at school


Environmental Appreciation Course - Distance Education

In order to provide interested persons an opportunity to learn in detail about specific

environmental issues, there is provision of a course module through a Indira Gandhi National

Open University (IGNOU) for 'Environmental Appreciation'. Delivery of these courses is

through distance education mode. The course module developed for appreciation courses is


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also being used by the IGNOU as compulsory component of its undergraduate courses. This is

in pursuance of the directives of the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India.

Non-formal Environment Education and Awareness Project

The Ministry of Environment & forests, New Delhi accords high priority for the promotion of

non-formal environment education and creation of awareness among all sections of the society

through diverse activities. The project was launched to encourage and enhance public

participation in activities that intended to conserve, protect, manage and sustain the

environment. The government has undertaken various activities by using several traditional

and modern media of communication, to create awareness among the people, such as

seminars, workshops, training programs, rallies, public meetings, camps, exhibitions, puppet

shows and street theatre.

Grants-in-Aid to Professional Societies and Institutions

          The objective of this programme is to facilitate optimum utilization of expertise available with

professional societies and institutions for promotion of environment education and awareness. The

programme aims at utilizing the existing capacity while simultaneously providing for enhancing the

capacities of such institutions. The projects such as development/extension of exhibition galleries,

interpretation centres and education materials relating to ecology, wildlife and environment is

financially supported.

Other Awareness Programmes

India has a vast network of NGO's that are actively participating in the creation of awareness

on development and environmental issues. Working on their own and with Governments they

are the backbone of the strategy to create greater environmental awareness, especially that

leading to environmental action.

Despite great efforts to spread environmental awareness by the MoEF through several

schemes, creation of awareness among large population especially in rural areas is difficult

task. "Mass Awareness" through media, particularly the electronic media has therefore been

identified as one of the thrust areas. It not only intensifies the efforts already being made in

this direction but also launch new initiatives in this direction to encourage individual efforts in

producing films/documentaries on environment/wildlife related themes in the country.


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Action Oriented Environmental Education- Environmental education is the process of

developing environmentally conscious behavior of an individual. Education/ literacy alone do

not guarantee that the learner will exhibit a specified set of behaviors. Rather, it guarantees

only that the learner has the capacity for such behaviors. It involves a limited combination of

awareness and action that encourages people to engage in immediate personal action that

contributes to environmental improvements such as saving electricity, fuel and water, buying

"Green" products, reducing solid waste, etc. Most of these actions are fairly simple and

usually require just one step.

But most people hesitate to take an initiative and make the connection between an environmental

issue and their own individual action. Realizing this Government of Maharashtra has launched

Environmental Service Scheme (ESS).


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          The indispensable services provided by various natural resources compel to protect them from

unsustainable developmental practices. Regulatory provisions to protect natural resources already

exist. However, an environmentally aware and motivated community helps to achieve sustainable use

and conservation of natural resources.           If students have the opportunity to learn about the

environment from their school days, they can become 'Environmentally Responsible Citizens' and

cooperate in sustainable management of resources. To emphasize this, Environmental Service

Scheme (ESS) is launched in schools/Jr.colleges with an aim to create 'environmentally sensitive &

aware' young generation.


          Understand the local environment, ecosystems, and problems associated with environmental

quality through participation and action.

Understand the local environment, ecosystems, and problems associated with environmental

quality through participation and action.

Understand the nature of dependence of human beings on natural resources and understand the

mutual symbiosis with the nature.

Gain skills for leadership, communication, environmental action and develop attitude and values

in consonance with sustainable development.

Undertake demonstration and action projects in and around the school related to the natural

resource management from social and environmental point of view with the involvement of local


          These objectives will be achieved by using constructive learning approaches with emphasis on

field studies, hands on experience and activities related to environmental conservation and awareness.

Scheme Coverage

          In the first phase, the ESS will be implemented in most polluted 12 districts, from the 6

administrative divisions of the state. These are -


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Sr. No. Administrative Division Districts

1 Pune Pune, Solapur

2 Nagpur Chandrapur, Nagpur

3 Aurangabad Aurangabad, Jalna

4 Amaravati Amaravati, Yavatmal

5 Nasik Nasik, Jalgaon

6 Kokan Ratnagiri, Thane

Activities under ESS:

1. Study of status of local resources including soil, water, biodiversity and energy

2. Study of local issues such as degradation, pollution, waste, scarcity etc.

3. Interactions with local knowledgeable people, other experts etc on the above topics

4. Action projects as needed locally, undertaken with the involvement and guidance of the local

community, such as

Soil and Water Conservation Measures

Nursery Development

Organic Farming

Use of Biogas

Energy Plantations


Integrated Pest Management(IPM) and Integrated Noise Module(INM)


Safe Treatment and Re-use of Wastewater

Solid Waste Management

School Vegetable and Herb Gardens

School Water and Sanitation Improvements etc.


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Implementation Mechanism

State level

State Nodal Agency:

Environment department will select State Nodal Agency to implement the scheme. Initially Centre for

Environment Education (CEE; Centre of excellence declared by MoEF) will work as State Nodal

Agency for 3 years after signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Environment

Department. State Nodal Agency will co-ordinate following activities in consultation with

Environment Department:

Selection of schools as per guidelines

Selection of District level NGO & District coordinator in consultation with Environment


Training for unit head teachers & coordinators

Develop resource/educational material on environmental issues, action oriented projects & frame

activity timetable for participant students & teachers

Monthly monitoring of progress

Submit budget estimates to Environment Department

Website development & to coordinate information & communication means for effective

implementation of the scheme

Promote ESS at field level & coordinate for external funding from business institution.

Financial Assistance:

Environment Department will provide funds to State Nodal Agency for conducting training,

developing education material & all related activities.

State Coordinator:

All activities under the scheme will be coordinated by 'State Coordinator'. Sate Nodal Agency in

consultation with Environment Department will appoint competent person (Environmental Expert) as

State Coordinator, with remuneration of ` 25,000/- per month on contractual basis.

District level

District level NGO & District Coordinator:


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District level NGO & District Coordinator will be selected by State Nodal Agency in consultation

with Environment Department. District level NGO must be a registered society, cooperative institute,

trust or association, having at least three years of experience in the field of 'environment'. Selected

NGO must have professional and experienced core staff along with environmental experts. NGO have

to perform the following activities-

Coordinate all district level activities

Active participation in training programmes & project activities

Act as mediator between school & local community

Visit schools at least once in month

District Coordinator will be appointed to-

Help the Unit head in planning & organizing scheme activities

Organize training events for Unit Heads

Provide resource materials, project details and coordinate for the same

Consolidate the school reports and prepare his/her own report based on visits and interactions

Represent the ESS programme at the district level and provide information on the programme to

other schools with a view to create more demand

Contribute to the database of local issues and project ideas on the ESS programme website

Unit level

School Units:

The Principal would communicate the desire to form an ESS Unit in the school to the designated

State Nodal Agency. For conducting the ESS activities selection of the Unit Head will be made by the

Principal of the institution from the existing staff. Honorarium of ` 1000/- per month will be

earmarked for Unit head teacher. School/ Jr. College will be liable to get ` 150 per month for each

student (maximum 100 students) participated in the scheme.

Unit Head Teacher has to perform the following activities-

To implement the scheme at school level as per the guidelines.

Unit Head teacher will be trained by the State Nodal Agency

Coordination with District NGO & District Coordinator


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Organizing & coordinating the camps under the ESS

Schematic representation of ESS-

Monitoring Mechanism

State level Advisory Committee

          The Advisory Committee under Chairmanship of Chief Secretary of the State will look into

overall implementation of the scheme. Secretary (Environment) is the Member Secretary of the


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committee. Secretary, Education Department and Secretaries of other related departments and

representative of the State Nodal Agency are members of the committee. The Advisory Committee

will facilitate necessary liaison with relevant government departments, and agencies at different

levels, approve the programme proposal and sanction the budget and review the progress of the


State level Review Committee

           The State level Review Committee is formed under chairpersonship of Secretary

(Environment). Programme Director, State Nodal Agency is the Member Secretary of the committee.

Committee will take quarterly review of the scheme and take all necessary measures to improve

performance and functioning of scheme to achieve set targets.

Unit level Review

           State Nodal Agency will monthly review the implementation of the scheme. Government/

local body representative like Chief executive officer, Zilla parishad & District Collector will review

the implementation of the scheme in their respective district. Head of the school/ Jr. college will also

review the activities carried out under this scheme & expenditure incurred accordingly.

Green Funding

          Besides State funding, State Government welcome the funding from private institution,

charitable trust, NGOs, industrial establishment, Government approved agencies for the scheme.

MoU will be signed with concerned agency. Electronic clearing system will be promoted to release

the fund. Information Communication Techniques will be used in implementation of the scheme & all

activities will be web enabled through the dedicated website launched for the scheme.

          Successful implementation of Environmental Service Scheme (ESS) will definitely help in

spreading action oriented Environmental Literacy in Maharashta.


Page 24: Environment Protection


In India, pollution and environmental degradation have reached alarming dimensions due to poverty,

deforestation, industrial development without adequate environmental safeguards, and sheer greed.

Fortunately, public concern, rooted in the country's past, has revived. Major pollutants and critically

affected areas have been identified. Pollution control of water, air, and land has been established by

both official and private organizations and the work on environmental protection is steadily growing.

The Ganga purification plan is a representative case study. Poverty alleviation is a longterm process.

It is India's major problem and is being tackled with help from private enterprise and by international

assistance. Simultaneously, environmental protection through pollution control, is also receiving

administrative and legislative support and fiscal assistance through direct and indirect tax incentives.

The country's courts are rendering valuable help to environmentalists by pronouncing far-reaching

decisions in public-interest litigation. To boost the existing environment-protection movement,

greater emphasis is urgently needed for environmental education, peoples' participation, population

control, and cost-effective pollution control measures.

Present euphoria for rapid economic development has created enormous pressure on India's natural

resources. Forests are subjected to rapid degradation due to growing demand for forest-based inputs

for industrial use. Rivers are becoming dumping grounds for industrial wastes, often with toxic

materials. Construction of large dams is displacing millions of people from their age-old roots. The

development projects are caried out for the prosperity of the poor and the marginalised; but the latter

never get benefited by this. Their notion of development is different. They share a unique harmonious

relationship with nature.

The absence of environmental education in many state standards of achievement and teacher

certification requirements could mistakenly be construed as evidence of its irrelevancy and

illegitimacy in the modern educational curriculum. In order for environmental education to be

recognized as a critical component in the formation of informed, responsible citizens with the ability

to analyze and solve the daunting problems of the world in the 21st Century, environmental literacy

must become a paramount goal. Outreach environmental education can play a vital role in achieving

this objective.


Page 25: Environment Protection


Books and Journals

Disinger, J. F. and Roth, C. E. (1992). Environmental Literacy. Columbus, OH: Education


Information Center/Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education.

Fingeret, A. and Jurmo, P. (1989). Participatory Literacy Education. San Frac ncisco: Jossey-

Bass, Inc.

Iozzi, L. A. (1989) What Research says to the Educator: Environmental education and the

affective domain.

Journal of Environmental Education. 20(3), pp 3-9. Roth, C. E. (1992). Environmental Literacy:

Its roots, evolution, and directions in the 1990s. Columbus, OH: Education Resources Information

Center/Center for Science, Mathematics and Environmental Education.

State of the World 1997: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Towards a Sustainable

Society (1997) New York: W.W. Norton Company.

Taylor, M.C. (1992) Understanding Principles Guiding Our Practice In Voices from the Literacy

Field. J.A. Drapers& M.C. Taylor (eds.) Toronto: Culture Concepy ts, Inc.

Wadsworth, B. J. (1989) Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive and Affective Development 4/e. New

York: Longman Publishing Group.

Heimlich Ph. D. of EETAP Resource Library at Ohio State University Extension.

Environmental literacy: its roots, evaluation & directions in the 1990s by Charles R

Annual Repot 2009-10 by Ministry of Environment & Forest

Internet Resources


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