Page 1: Ensemble Audition Music (Clarinet) Fall 2018Likewise, not playing the excerpts does not mean that you won’t play bass clarinet. Bass clarinet “majors” should prepare all ten

Ensemble Audition Music (Clarinet)

Fall 2018

Selections from:

Weber – Concerto in f, op. 73 (Mvt. III – Rondo: Allegretto)

Rimsky-Korsakov – Scheherazade (Mvt. IV – The Festival at Baghdad) Grainger – Lincolnshire Posy (Mvt. III – Rufford Park Poachers) Rossini – Introduction, Theme and Variations (Var. V – Finale)

Ravel – Bolero Rachmaninov – Symphonic Dances, op. 45 (Mvt. I – Non Allegro)

Bernstein – Symphonic Dances from “West Side Story” (“Cool” Fugue) Bass Clarinet Excerpts (optional)

Ravel – La Valse Zemlinsky – Die Seejungfrau (Mvt. I – Sehr mäßig bewegt) Dukas – The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Suggestions: Target tempi are provided for each excerpt, but they are only targets. Do not attempt to play these excerpts at a speed that your fingers/tongue/brain are not prepared to play at!

Some of these excerpts are not explicit about phrasing and dynamics. The lack of expression markings does not mean that you should play without expression.

Remember the three most important things about ensemble auditions:

1) Rhythm 2) Rhythm 3) Rhythm

But don’t forget to consider additional aspects of your playing: things like tone, technique, articulation, phrasing, etc.

The bass clarinet excerpts are provided only for those who are interested in demonstrating their abilities on bass clarinet for consideration in ensemble placement. Playing the excerpts does not guarantee a bass clarinet placement. Likewise, not playing the excerpts does not mean that you won’t play bass clarinet.

Bass clarinet “majors” should prepare all ten excerpts on bass clarinet.

Page 2: Ensemble Audition Music (Clarinet) Fall 2018Likewise, not playing the excerpts does not mean that you won’t play bass clarinet. Bass clarinet “majors” should prepare all ten

Weber – Concerto in f, op. 73 (Mvt. III – Rondo: Allegretto)

Target tempo is somewhere between quarter = 108-120 You may have learned this from a different edition, or with different articulations. If that’s the case – play what you

know, or what you like. We’re looking for general style and execution, not specific details. These excerpts come towards the end of the concerto – it’s the last statement of the rondo theme and the small

coda. Recordings via Naxos, search: 0724356798953 (S. Meyer) & BIS-SACD-1523 (M. Fröst). There are many others…

Page 3: Ensemble Audition Music (Clarinet) Fall 2018Likewise, not playing the excerpts does not mean that you won’t play bass clarinet. Bass clarinet “majors” should prepare all ten

Rimsky-Korsakov – Scheherazade, op. 43 (Mvt. IV – The Festival at Baghdad) The tempo indication might(?) be a little hard to parse. This is performed in 1 beat to the bar. I suggest that you

think of it in a fast 2 (8th note = 176) with 3 16th notes in a beat. Prepare the excerpt on Bb clarinet. Note that the original is for clarinet in A – beware if practicing alongside a

recording. Recordings via Naxos, search: DIAP033 (Track 4, 2:49) or 8.572693 (Track 4, 3:12). There are many others.

Grainger – Lincolnshire Posy (Mvt. III – Rufford Park Poachers) Target tempo is in the vicinity of quarter = 72-80. I like it on the faster side, but modern (recorded) practice is a bit

on the slower side. The 8th note pulse stays constant through the shifting time signatures. Recordings via Naxos, search: 5888-MCD (track 4), but there are others (that are slower…)

Page 4: Ensemble Audition Music (Clarinet) Fall 2018Likewise, not playing the excerpts does not mean that you won’t play bass clarinet. Bass clarinet “majors” should prepare all ten

Rossini: Introduction, Theme and Variations (Var. V – Finale)

Target tempo is as marked, quarter = 120, but it’s more important to take this at a tempo that allows you to perform as well as you are able.

Be aware that I’ve taken the repeats out of this for the purposes of our auditions – if you reference a recording, you’ll hear both halves repeated.

This presentation is a little stingy with expressive marks. Don’t take that as permission to play without much expression. Also, resist whatever urge you might feel to overplay the staccato dots. Just don’t do it.

Recordings via Naxos, search: BIS-CD-1053 (Martin Fröst, Track 2, 6:14) or 5099909480254 (Sabine Meyer, Disk 2, Track 17, 9:31).

Page 5: Ensemble Audition Music (Clarinet) Fall 2018Likewise, not playing the excerpts does not mean that you won’t play bass clarinet. Bass clarinet “majors” should prepare all ten

Ravel – Bolero

Target tempo is in the neighborhood of quarter note = 66 Like other excerpts, there is a shortage of dynamic and expressive markings. Be smart about how you interpret

what’s there and what’s not. There are plenty of articulation markings – pay attention, and be consistent in how you execute them.

Tonal homogeneity and intonation are key for this excerpt. Recording via Naxos, search: 5099706056522 (Track 1, about 1:01)

Rachmaninov – Symphonic Dances, op. 45 (Mvt. I – Non Allegro)

The movement tempo marking is “Non allegro.” I suggest something in the vicinity of quarter note = 120. (We’ll ignore that that’s pretty “allegro” sounding)

Be smart (musical, beautiful) in how you present/define the accents and staccato markings. Fortissimo is “very strong,” so don’t over-do the dynamics, and keep in mind that, like the Ravel, tonal homogeneity

and intonation are key for this excerpt. Recording via Naxos, search: 8.573051 (Track 4, about :37)

Page 6: Ensemble Audition Music (Clarinet) Fall 2018Likewise, not playing the excerpts does not mean that you won’t play bass clarinet. Bass clarinet “majors” should prepare all ten

Bernstein – Symphonic Dances from West Side Story (“Cool” Fugue)

The performance tempo is typically around quarter-note = 160, or in two with the half-note at 80. I’ve heard it plenty slower (think quarter = 144) or even faster (quarter = 168). Bottom line: pick a tempo at which you (personally) can sound COOL!

Please do note the “with a jazz feel” indication. The dotted-eighth / sixteenth combination should definitely be “swung” in a triplet-ish feel. This applies to the eighth / quarter syncopations, too. Don’t play them straight.

Some of the terminal notes of phrases are tied over rests. That’s a suggestion to sustain the last note longer than necessarily indicated, into the rest, but do allow for a lift/break.

The flutter-tonguing is called for in the part. If you can do it, great. If you can’t do it, play the note regularly, and don’t let it be the thing that keeps you from doing everything else fabulously.

Reference recordings for style, note-length, etc. via YouTube: (excerpt starts at 1:34) or (excerpt starts at 1:54)

Page 7: Ensemble Audition Music (Clarinet) Fall 2018Likewise, not playing the excerpts does not mean that you won’t play bass clarinet. Bass clarinet “majors” should prepare all ten

Bass Clarinet Excerpts

Ravel – La Valse Target tempo is dotted half note = 72-80 The excerpt starts at rehearsal 36. You needn’t “worry” about anything before that. Use the dynamic contrasts to your advantage

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Page 8: Ensemble Audition Music (Clarinet) Fall 2018Likewise, not playing the excerpts does not mean that you won’t play bass clarinet. Bass clarinet “majors” should prepare all ten

Zemlinsky – Die Seejungfrau (Mvt. I – Sehr mäßig bewegt) Target tempo for this selection is in the neighborhood of dotted half = 32 (or quarter = 96). This is really about tone, phrasing and beauty. Recording via Naxos, search: 8.570240 (Track 4, :55)

Dukas – The Sorcerer’s Apprentice The missing time signature is 3/8. Target tempo for these two selections is in the neighborhood of dotted quarter = 108-112

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19jœ. ‰ ‰ ∑cresc.

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Poco animando

Sjœn . ‰ ‰

& bb229 ∑ fœn . œ. œ.

SJœ. ‰ ‰ ∑ œn . œ. œ.

SJœ. ‰ ‰ SJ

œ# . ‰ ‰ œn . œ. œ. SJœ. ‰ ‰ SJ

œ# . ‰ ‰

& bb239 œn . œ. œ. 21

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SJœ. ‰ ‰ œb . œ. œ. œ. œ. œ.

Zrœb . œ. œ.

Zrœb . œ. œ.

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Sjœ. ‰ ‰

& bb248 ∑ 22Au mouvt.

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2 Clarinette Basse

& bb585

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œ. ‰ ‰ 2

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œ# . ‰ ‰ 5

& bb41


ƒ.œ# .œ .œ .œ .œ Jœ# . ‰ ‰

Très vif

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& bb613 Jœ̈ ‰ ‰ ƒœ>>>>( )œn>>>> œ>>>> .œb>>>> Jœ ‰ ‰ ∑



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œ œ œnjœ‰ ‰ ∑

œ œ œnjœ‰ ‰ jœœ ‰ ‰ F

Cl. B. Soloœb œ œ

& bbRevenez au 1er mouvt.


pJœ. ‰ ‰ ∑

Fœb œ œ

pJœ. ‰ ‰ ∑

Fœb œ œ

pJœ. ‰ ‰ ∑

Fœb œ œ


A tempo

pJœ. ‰ ‰

& bb652 18 Bons.

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44Cl. B.

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jœ. ‰ Jœ#>>>>. jœn>>>> ‰ Jœb. œ. œ. œn .


œ. œ. œ. œ. œ. œ.

& bb696 œb . œ. œ. œ. œ. œ# . œ. œ. œn . 45

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Jœn>>>> ‰ ‰ 2

5Clarinette Basse

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