Page 1: English Tonue Twisters



Tongue Twisters

Page 2: English Tonue Twisters
Page 3: English Tonue Twisters

TH Sound

Tip of the tongue touches top and bottom teeth

Focus on the difference between “thing” and “sing”

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T and TH

Those toes aren't these toes

These teas aren’t those teas

This tike ties threads together twice

That tike ties together three threads

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T and TH

Those threads the two tikes tied are tight

Twist twice to tie tightly

Thirty tee-shirts are tan, and thirteen tee-shirts are tie-dyed teal green

The teal tee-shirts total thirteen, and tan tee-shirts total thirty

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Letter V

Vincent vowed vengeance very vehemently. 

Seventy-seven benevolent elephants. 

Vic visited very vicious vultures 

The van ventured through the vacated valley

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Letter V

The velvet vole vanished

Very well, very well, very well ... 

Vincent the very vivacious vacuuming vampire visited Victor von Viking the vegetarian veterinarian vacationing in Valentine Valley. 

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R and I

The rickety ladder rattled right and left before it crashed through the glass.

Rotten lettuce really reeks.

Loose, leafy lettuce reminds me of really pretty, green trees.

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R and I

Real lemon, real lime, which would you pick every time?

Ribbons rolled, ribbons loose, hair untied, what's your excuse?

Tip and tap, rip and rap, lip and lap. Tip, rip, lip, tap, rap, lap.

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S and SH

She's so sick, and she's so sore, I wish her well forevermore.

A shout from the south woke the sleeping sherriff.

Something sure is fishy in this city.

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S and SH

Silver slivers shimmer softly in the sunlight.

Shut up the shudders and sit in the shop

She was so sure she saw Sheriff’s shoes on the sofa

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I and EE

Bumblebees briefly buzzed beneath the bins of beans.

Feeling ill or feeling well, Phil will hardly ever tell.

Feeling full, Phyllis didn't eat a bit of the beets.

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Twister with I and EE

Treena tripped on the tree root, and really ripped her raincoat.

Tins of tiny sardines filled the field.

She sells slippers, sleepers, and tiny little creepers.

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Most commonly known

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Sally sells sea shells on the sea shore, so how many sea shells can silly sally sell?

Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair, therefore Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t really fuzzy was he?

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