
NAME ...............................................................................


Level A1

Certificate Recognised by ICC

INSTRUCTIONS • Be sure you have written your name at the top of this


• Do not open this booklet until the exam starts.

• The order of the exam papers is: PART A Listening, PART B Reading & Usage, PART C Writing.

• Time allowed for all three parts: 90 minutes







Α LISTENING (25 points) Time: approximately 20 minutes • As you listen to the recording, mark your answers in this booklet.

• Answer all the questions. Give only one answer for each question.

• After the end of the recording, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers onto Answer Sheet A. Mark them in 2H or HB pencil.






Write the letter of a picture, A to F, in each of the spaces, 1 to 10. You will use some letters more than once.

1. ____ 2. ____ 3. ____ 4. ____ 5. ____

6. ____ 7. ____ 8. ____ 9. ____ 10. ____



STRANGERS IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each statement. Circle its letter, A, B or C. 11. Bob is asking Julie and Theo about ____ people in their area. A. new B. bad C. young 12. Julie lives ____ in Greece. A. on a farm B. in a city C. in a village 13. Julie’s area ____ . A. is very friendly B. is different now C. has only Greek people 14. The main problem in Julie’s area is ____ . A. people don’t understand the strangers B. the new people get in fights with old ones C. the old people take things from the strangers

Stavropoulos Market

Food-for-All -Asia -Africa -Arabia -Greece

15. Theo’s part of town ____ . A. has no strangers in it B. has only Greek people C. was like Julie’s area at first 16. First, ____ tried to do a good thing in Theo’s area. A. the shopkeepers B. Theo’s parents C. the new people 17. Theo’s ____ helped young people learn about other countries. A. students B. teachers C. family 18. Theo’s area had a big party ____ . A. in the street B. in a shop C. at the school 19. The party had food, music and dancing ____ . A. only from Greece B. only from Africa C. from many countries 20. Julie thinks Theo’s neighbourhood ____ . A. did nothing B. had a good idea C. made things worse


B READING & USAGE (50 points) • You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this part of the test.

• You may mark your answers on this booklet while you are working on them.

• Answer all the questions. Give only one answer for each question.

• When you have finished, mark your answers on Answer Sheet B using a 2H or HB pencil.

READING & USAGE EXERCISE 1: Numbers 1 to 10 Read the text. Then do the exercises on page 4.

What is a rainbow? Well, it’s that beautiful half-circle of coloured lines in the sky after a rain storm. Rainbows can happen anywhere if there is rain. But, the rain must go away fast and the sky must clear quickly after the storm. If the sun comes out again and shines on the last of the rain, we may see a rainbow. Of course, we don’t see one if the storm lasts all day and the sky is cloudy and grey. To see a rainbow, we have to have both rain and sun at the same time. How do rainbows happen? Well, first of all, there are lots of colours in the sun’s light. On a sunny day, we see them all together and they seem like white light. But, after a storm, if the sun shines on the last of the rain, each rain drop is like a little mirror. The drop of rain slows the sun’s light, bends it, and breaks the coloursapart. The main colours are red, blue and yellow. If two of them mix together, they make all the other colours. For example, red and blue, together, make purple. Red and yellow together make orange. And yellow and blue make green. You can try this with your crayons or paints in your art lesson. People love rainbows because they’re so beautiful. And they don’t happen after every storm, so they seem very special. That’s why we have stories about rainbows. Some people believe there’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If you run fast enough, you can get the gold and become rich. Of course, no one has ever got the gold. Why? Because it’s not really there. But it’s a nice story, isn’t it?


LAAS DECEMBER 2008 A1 READING & USAGE PAGE Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each statement. Mark its letter, A, B or C, on Answer Sheet B. 1. ‘Rainbow’ is the word for ____ of colour we sometimes see in the sky. A. clouds B. lines C. spots 2. Rainbows usually happen ____ a storm. A. before B. during C. after 3. The sun’s light usually looks ____ because all the colours mix together. A. white B. yellow C. grey 4. The sun’s light must hit a ____ to break the colours apart. A. mirror on a wall B. broken mirror C. drop of water 5. When you mix ____ together, you get this colour. A. red and yellow B. red and blue C. yellow and blue 6. Rainbows are special because ____ . A. they are very beautiful B. they don’t happen very often C. people tell stories about them 7. The story about gold at the end of the rainbow ____ . A. is true B. is not true C. only happened once Match a picture with each statement. Mark its letter, A to D, on Answer Sheet B. You will use only three of the pictures.

A B 8. You may see a rainbow later.

9. You see this if the sun shines on rain.

10. We want to find this, but we never will.





GIVE JASPER A HOME! Choose the correct word to fill each gap. Mark its letter, A to F, on Answer Sheet B. You will use only five of the letters.

For Sale - Jasper the Parrot Beautiful blue and yellow _(11)_

Jasper’s _(12)_ is 40 cm long!

Jasper is twenty years _(13)_ .

He can say, “Jasper wants a biscuit.”

His owner is ill and can’t _(14)_ Jasper.

Good value! Jasper _(15)_ only €200.

A. costs

B. old

C. colour

D. fly

E. keep

F. tail

READING & USAGE EXERCISE 3: Numbers 16 to 20

Choose the correct word or phrase to fill each gap in the story. Mark its letter, A, B, C or D, on Answer Sheet B. A DIFFICULT HOUSE MOVE 16. It was Saturday. The Smiths ____ into a new house.

A. moving B. moves C. move D. were moving 17. Mr. Smith dropped a heavy box ____ his foot.

A. from B. on C. in D. to 18. He ____ down and started shouting in pain.

A. feel B. felt C. fell D. falls 19. Mrs. Smith called a taxi to ____ him to hospital.

A. drove B. fly C. took D. take 20. “Now,” thought Mrs. Smith, “____ will carry the rest of the boxes?”

A. Who B. What C. How D. Which



READING & USAGE EXERCISE 4: Numbers 21 to 25

FAVOURITE GAMES Here are some pictures of games. Choose a picture to answer each question. Mark its letter, A to D, on Answer Sheet B. You will use one letter more than once.





21. In which game do you move your piece down a snake and up a ladder?

22. Which game has squares of two different colours?

23. Which game is in the shape of a cross?

24. When you finish it, which one will give you a beautiful picture?

25. You must play Game B with another person. Which other game must have two players?

READING & USAGE EXERCISE 5: Numbers 26 to 30

Match one of Bob’s replies with each thing Kay says. Mark its letter, A to G, on your Answer Sheet. You will use only five of the letters.

Example: Kay: Have you seen the film ‘Jim’s Island’ yet? Bob: ___EX___

The answer is A. Yes, but I didn’t like it very much.

Kay: Have you seen the film ‘Jim’s Island’ yet? Bob: __(EX)__ Kay: You didn’t? I thought it was great! Bob: __(26)__ Kay: Oh, no, I don’t agree! It was very serious. Bob: __(27)__ Kay: Not at all! I talk to my pet rabbit. Bob: __(28)__ Kay: Well, no. Of course, animals can’t really talk. Bob: __(29)__ Kay: I agree. The woman was brave, but stupid. Bob: __(30)__ Kay: Maybe you are. But I still liked it a lot!

A. Yes, but I didn’t like it very much. B. Serious? Jim talked to animals.

Don’t you think that’s a bit silly? C. And what about that writer? She

sailed across the ocean alone to help Jim. That wasn’t very clever!

D. So, you do agree! It was a silly film. I’m right.

E. Well, I didn’t. I thought it was silly. F. And, where was Jim’s father? G. But your rabbit doesn’t reply,

does it?


C WRITING (25 points) • You are advised to spend about 30 minutes on this part of the test.

• You may use a blank sheet of paper as a draft.

• Write your task in the space provided on Answer Sheet C in blue or black pen.

You have ONE writing task to do. Choose either Topic A or Topic B. Write your task in about 70 words on Answer Sheet C.


TOPIC A: Look at this picture of Sue and the people in the pet shop. In about 70 words, describe the picture and say what is happening in it.

Use the words under the picture. Add any other words you wish.

Begin like this: ‘Sue is visiting the pet shop. ...’

woman/look/fish many size/colour child/play/dog dog/jump/catch/ball

Sue/play/cat/window cat/white buy/little cat get/food/cat

Sue/visit/pet shop shop/busy today assistant/clean/bird area bird/come/jungle/beautiful



OR THIS TOPIC TOPIC B: Look at the pictures of Tim. In about 70 words, write what happened.

Use the words below each picture. Add any other words you wish.

Begin like this: ‘All of Tim’s friends had new ePac games. ...’

all/friend/have/ePac want/one/too

ask/dad/but/say/no ePac/cost/much

decide/save/money need/find/job

first/go/greengrocer help/shop/every day/school

also/ask/mother pay/clean/cupboard

save/half/money dad/give/rest/get/ePac






ANNC LAAS Listening Test, December 2008. Copyright, Panhellenic Federation of Foreign Language Centre Owners, Athens, Greece.

[intro music]

ANNC Hello, students. This is your Al Listening test. Before we start, please make sure that your name and code number are on the front of your Test Booklet.

[5 sec]


[AI - I ­


[15 sec]


[3 sec]

[3 sec]

[3 sec]


Now, open your Test Booklet. As you listen, write your answers in this Test Booklet. At the end of the test, you will have time to mark your answers on the computerised Answer Sheet, A.

Now, let's go on. Look at Listening Exercise ONE. You can see six pictures of shoes. Each picture has a letter. You will hear ten questions about the pictures and you will use the letters to match each picture to a question. You will use some letters more than once.

Now, take a short time to look at Listening Exercise ONE in your Test Booklet.

Good. Now, when you hear each question, write the letter of the correct picture in the spaces, 1 to 10, at the bottom of the page. You will hear this exercise just once, but you will hear each question twice. Are you ready?

Number 1. We wear these shoes to run fast and jump high, but a lot of young people wear them every day for school. Which picture shows these shoes?

We wear these shoes to run fast and jump high, but a lot of young people wear them every day tor school. Which picture shows these shoes?

Just write the letter of the picture in space Number 1.

Number 2. Men and women wear these shoes for difficult, dirty jobs. You'll see them in factories and on farms. Which picture shows them?

Men and women wear these shoes for difficult, dirty jobs. You' 11 see them in factories and on farms. Which picture shows them?

Number 3. We only wear shoes like these in the house. They're warm and soft and they feel good on our feet. Where can you see them?

We only wear shoes like these in the house. They're warm and soft and they feel good on our feet. Where can you see them?

Number 4. Boots are good in winter snow, but these shoes are best in the summer. Which picture shows summer shoes?

Boots are good in winter snow, but these shoes are best in the summer. Which picture shows summer shoes?


[3 sec]

Number 5. These shoes are best for sports such as basketball. They're usually red or blue or other colours with white. Where can you see them?

These shoes are best for sports such as basketball. They're usually red or blue or other colours with white. Where can you see them?

[3 sec]

Number 6. People wear these to keep their feet dry. They're great for rainy days or for going fishing. Where can you see them?

People wear these to keep their feet dry. They're great for rainy days or for going fishing. Where can you see them?

[3 sec]

Number 7. When we get up in the morning or when we want to sit and watch TV, we sometimes put these shoes on. Which picture shows them?

When we get up in the morning or when we want to sit and watch TV, we sometimes put these shoes on. Which picture shows them?

[3 sec]

Number 8. If you want to climb a mountain or walk a very long way, you may wear shoes like these. Where can you see them?

If you want to climb a mountain or walk a very long way, you may wear shoes like these. Where can you see them?

[3 sec]

Number 9. If you go to the beach, you'll see lots of these shoes. They keep your feet cool and they let the sun shine on your toes. Which picture shows them?

If you go to the beach, you'll see lots of these shoes. They keep your feet cool and they let the sun shine on your toes. Which picture shows them?

[3 sec]

Number Women usually wear these shoes to go out in the evening to clubs or 10. parties. They're not very comfortable and sometimes they're difficult to

walk in. Which picture shows these shoes?

Women usually wear these shoes to go out in the evening to clubs or parties. They're not very comfortable and sometimes they're difficult to walk in. Which picture shows these shoes?


[3 sec)

That's the end of the first exercise. Take a short time to finish your answers.

[10 sec]

[no repeat) ~



Bob = older male, interviewer

Julie teen/emale

Theo = teen male

ANNe In this exercise you will hear a radio programme about two young people, the places they live and new people there. Before you listen, take a short time to look at the questions for Listening Exercise TWO in your Test Booklet.

lIS sec]

ANNe Good. You will hear Bob Harris, the host. He's talking to Julie and Theo, who live in Greece, about their towns and new people there from other countries. As you listen to the programme, choose the correct word or phrase to complete each statement, 11 to 20. Circle its letter, A, B or C, in your Test Booklet.

Now, here is the radio programme. Are you ready?

BOB Are there new people in your area? Do any people from other countries live near you? Are you friends with them?

Today, Julie and Theo are here to tell us about their towns. Julie, first, are there people in your area who aren't Greek?

JULIE Yes. I live in the centre of the city, and there are quite a lot.

BOB Are you and your neighbours friends with them?

JULIE At first we were. There were only one or two families from other countries. Now, there are a lot and we're just not as friendly.

BOB Why is that?

JULIE Language is a problem. If you can't talk to someone very well, you can't learn about them. Are they good people? You don't know. Will they come into your house and take things? You don't know that either. So, you worry. Maybe they're bad people.

BOB Do you have tights or other problems?

JULIE No, we're nice to them, in the shops and on the street. But people talk about the strangers. It just doesn't friendly now.

BOB Theo, how about your part of town? Is it like Julie's?

THEO Mm, it started to be. The first strangers were interesting and everyone liked them. But then more new people came, and some of the old people started to talk about them.


BOB Like the people in Julie's area.

THEO Yes, but we decided to make it better.

BOB Really? What did you do?

THEO First of all, shopkeepers see the new people every day. So, they talked to them, got to know them. And they saw, you know, well, most ofthe strangers were really nice people.

BOB And the shopkeepers told the other people?

THEO Right. And then, at school, we studied their countries and their history. Our teachers gave us things to read and then the children showed pictures of their homes. We told them about Greece and they told us about their life in Africa or China or America or Bulgaria.

BOB So, you learned about each other. That was good.

THEO Very good. And, finally, we had a festival, you know, a big party. We closed the street and put up tables. We had food from everyone's countries and from Greece, and music and dancing, too.

BOB Good idea! Did everyone come?

THEO Oh, yes, everyone loves a party! And we all had a chance to talk and eat together. It really made things better.

BOB So, what do you think of that, Julie?

JULIE I think it's a good way to be friends again. I'm going to go home and suggest it to my parents. Maybe we can do it in my area, too.

BOB Great! It's always better to get along. [fade> Well, thank you, Julie and Theo, for telling us about your neighbours ...

[15 sec]

ANNC Now, here is the programme again. Are you ready?

[repeat Are there any people ... to ... about your neighbours... ']

ANNC That's the end of the second exercise. Take a short time to finish your answers.

[15 sec]

ANNe That's the end of the listening test. You now have a short time to mark your answers on the computerized Answer Sheet, A. Mark them in pencil. Thank you.

[exit music]

1 A 1 B2 D 2 C3 B 3 A4 F 4 C5 A 5 A6 C 6 B7 B 7 B8 D 8 B9 F 9 A

10 E 10 D11 A 11 C12 B 12 F13 B 13 B14 A 14 E15 C 15 A16 A 16 D17 B 17 B18 A 18 C19 C 19 D20 B 20 A

21 D22 B23 A24 C25 D26 E27 B28 G29 C30 D



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