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Family Memories

Erin Melching

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• One of the most important aspects of my life is family. We have been through our highs and lows together, but no matter what, we have stuck it out! I have specific memories with each of you, and whenever I go back and look through photos, these memories run through my head. I comprised this book in hopes that my family will be able to relive these memories over and over again!

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Every member of my family recognizes the importance of spending time together! We each have our own crazy lives to keep up with, but some how we manage to make time every summer for a vacation. A lot of times it is hard for 17 family members to agree on just about anything, but amazingly we all love to travel south. Sometimes we go to the beach, but our favorite place to go is to my Uncle’s lake house in South Carolina. The house is huge! Which is good because there are 17 of us! My uncle also owns a boat and 2 jet skis. We spend all day, every day of vacation on the lake. It really is one of the best ways to bond as a family, and to relax!


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I’ll be the first to admit that I am often the last person to show any form of positive emotion towards my sister, but the truth is, I could not be any more proud of my sister, Leah. Leah’s eight grade year, she decided to follow in her big sisters footsteps and get involved with her school drama program. She developed a great passion for the theater, and took that passion with her to high school. Theater was by far the greatest experience of my 4 years in high school, so seeing how much Leah loves it makes me the happiest big sister in the world. I have loved watching her perform a wide variety of roles over the years, from Molly the Orphan from Annie to Alice in Alice in Wonderland. I don’t think Leah has fully realized how much of a talented actor she is, and I can’t wait to watch her continue to grow in her talent and see where it takes her!

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BROTHEREvery time my brother and I are together, we have such a fun time! My brother may only be twelve years old, but he is one of the funniest people I know! He can change any situation entertaining. Whether he is wearing a “That’s What She Said” hat not even knowing what that phrase means, or rolling around on a giant hamster ball, he always knows how to have a fun time! That’s why I love Andrew!

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I don’t even know how to express how much I love my Grandparents, Carole and Jim! They have been a nonstop support system to me every since the day I was born! They show me unconditional love no matter what I do, and support me in all my endeavors! They always give the best advice and know just the right thing to say. There are way to many memories I have to list, but every memory is just as important as the next. I love my Grandma and Grandpa more than I can ever put into words!

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I love my cousins Sydney and Ava so much. Sydney is only thirteen, but she is already one of the most mature young women I know. She is so intelligent and is so much fun to be around. Its so crazy how easily I can relate to her, but I can honestly say she is one of my best friends! Recently, Sydney has made me feel so honored recently because she asked me to be her Confirmation sponsor. This role is very important to me and will only make our relationship closer.

Ava is the most divalicious little girls I know. She is only four years old but is already absolutely crazy. I love being home for the summer because I get the honor and privilege of spending a few days a week with her and her brother. I love this time we have together because during the school year I miss her and her brother like crazy!

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My little cousin, Will, is another major part of my life. Unlike all my other cousins, Will and I share a very special bond. I’ll never forget, on the day of my 8th grade graduation, my Aunt Kelly and Uncle Steve asked if I would want to be Will’s Godson. Of course I answered with a giant YES! Just like his sister, Sydney, Will is also very mature for his age. I love every minute we get to spend together!

My other little cousin is, Jack. Jack is the older brother to Ava. He is one of the most imaginative children I know. He is always building with legos, drawing, or doing some other creative project! I will never forget, and look forward to the summers I will get to spend with Jack and Ava.

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My parents, Shannon and Mark mean more to me than I will ever be able to express on my own! We definitely have had our rough patches, but we always are able to reconcile our differences. I love how open of a relationship I have with my parents! I know no matter what happens we will always have a super close relationship. I know they will always support me and I will support them in wherever life takes us! Just like with my grandparents, I have twenty years worth of memories with my parents, and there is not nearly enough time or space to write them all down. But they are all so very important to me!

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In a book dedicated to the important people in my life, of course I have to include my puppy! Lucy has been a part of our family for five years now, and has had such a positive impact on all our lives! I never knew how much I would love having a dog until Lucy came into my life! She is the one person in my life who never gets upset with me, well expect for when I leave her for the school year, but she quickly gets over that grudge the first weekend I come home to visit! I talk to Lucy about everything going on in my life, and she is the best snuggle buddy I have ever had!

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