  • 7/30/2019 Enfermedades y Utensilios de Aluminio



    The Dangers Inherent In the Widespread Use of the Metal

    by H. Tomlinson, M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.

    1958 COPYRIGHT


    1. The proposition

    2. Homoeopathy

    3. The varieties of aluminium contaminated food

    4. Evidence by other authors

    5. Diseases associated with aluminium intoxication

    (1)Ulcers in the mouth (2)Spasms of the oesophagus (3)The Stomach (4)The duodenum (5)The small

    bowel (6)The appendix

    (7)The large bowel and kidneys (8)The rectum (9)The skin, the ductless glands and

    cancer (10)Thrombosis (11)The eyes

    (12)The mind (13)Migraine and rheumatism (14)Colds and hay fever

    6. Radiesthesia7. Additional details regarding food contamination

    8. Illustrative cases

    9. Conclusion

    Appendix: the symptoms of aluminium intoxication


    PrefaceIt has long been in my mind that I should write a little book about a subject close to

    my heart, that is, about the dangers incurred in using aluminium ware in food factories

    and kitchens. There has been so little public notice of the matter, which I consider is

    of very great importance, that I feel it incumbent upon me to do what I can topublicize the evils inherent in this metal, and the dangers of its use in the preparation

    of food.

    I can still remember, as a young man who had just started his university training,

    seeing my father on his deathbed suffering from gall-bladder and pancreatic disease. I

    wondered then what he had done to end up in such a state. Now I know.

    My best thanks are due to my secretary, Mr. Peter A. Langham, for typing the

    manuscript, correcting the proofs, and for again relieving me of my part of the task of

    guiding a book through the various stages prior to publication.

    I am also indebted to Mr. Emmanuel Kaye, who has kindly written in the Introduction

    a short account of his experiences as a sufferer from disease caused by aluminium.

    H. T.

    14. Wimpole Street, London, W.1. May 1958,_the_ductless_glands_and_cancer_,_the_ductless_glands_and_cancer_,_the_ductless_glands_and_cancer_,_the_ductless_glands_and_cancer_,_the_ductless_glands_and_cancer_
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    IntroductionI am very pleased to write an introduction to this book because I know, to my cost,

    what evil aluminium can do, and because this book takes the subject much further

    than it has been taken before.

    When I was twenty-four I began to have abdominal pains which I fund wereaggravated by drinking beer or wine, and I therefore gave up all alcohol. A year later

    the pain recurred and I consulted a doctor who put me on a light diet and prescribed

    bismuth. Six months later I had to have further treatment and was then given a

    different diet and belladonna was substituted, which again only gave me temporary


    However, as the pain recurred it was agreed to send me to a specialist who decided to

    examine my saliva and stomach secretions and diagnosed that the pains were due to

    lack of hydrochloric acid. He therefore prescribed this acid with certain changes of

    diet. When the symptoms recurred I was sent to a further specialist and underwentfurther tests and X rays. The conclusion then reached was that my stomach evacuated

    too rapidly. Once again changes were made in my diet and bismuth and similar drugs

    prescribed. Not only did my pain continue, but I suffered great inconvenience

    especially when travelling.

    I married at thirty-two. It was difficult and disheartening for my wife, as not only

    were my special diets constantly changing, but none gave permanent relief. In the end

    we lost confidence and I went to stay at a nature cure resort. While there the course of

    fasting, fruit diets, etc., much improved my general health but failed to eliminate the

    pain after I returned home.

    A characteristic of these attacks was that while temporary relief was afforded by

    treatment, each subsequent attack became progressively more severe, until when I was

    thirty-nine, I had an attack which completely prostrated me and nothing this lime

    would move the pain. I was distressed not only with the physical pain, which could be

    excruciating, but by the exhaustion and mental depression which accompanied it. For

    a long time I had been consulting leading physicians recommended to me as the

    foremost specialists in digestive disorders, and I now felt that if they could not get to

    the bottom of my trouble life was just not worth living. After much anxious thought, I

    decided to try some entirely different approach. I had heard and read of Radiesthetic

    analysis and I approached the President of The Medical Society for the Study of


    Radiesthetic analysis disclosed that I was suffering from aluminium poisoning. I was

    given an homoeopathic antidote together with a list of foods which tests had shown to

    be aluminium-free and within a few weeks I found my pain had completely vanished.

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    I still found, however, that when I dined at a restaurant or with certain of my friends a

    reduced pain was liable to recur, and subsequent tests would show that aluminium was

    again present. Various homoeopathic antidotes were tried until a constant remedy was

    found. I have benefited greatly, and therefore can wholeheartedly commend a close

    study of this book to any fellow sufferer, or to anyone interested in investigating this

    important subject.

    I have recommended 85 people for radiesthetic examination. Of these, 42 were found

    to be allergic to aluminium. These 42 were complaining of no less than 25 different

    troubles. Every one has been either completely cured, or much benefited.

    Emmanuel Kaye.

    Hartley Whitney, Hants.

    May 1958

    1. The Proposition

    This little book sets out to try and show how very harmful to health is the use of

    aluminium cooking utensils to a very large number of people. As one does not, in

    medical practice, see and test many folks who are quite healthy, it is impossible to

    give an accurate figure of the number of people who are adversely affected by

    aluminium. But one thing is certainof those patients who have come to me because

    their health is imperfect, about one in every two is what I call an aluminium sensitive.

    It seems likely that about one in every three of the population is aluminium sensitive.To these people the use of aluminium utensils in the kitchen is dangerous to a minor

    or major degree. In every such case aluminium acts as a slow insidious poison,

    leading on to greater and greater degrees of disease as time passes. The human body

    shows an extraordinary power to remain healthy. All the wonderful and mysterious

    processes which go on in the human body seem able to maintain their efficiency as if

    directed by some all-knowing poweras indeed and in truth, they are.

    The body processes only go wrong because and when harmful forces act on the body.

    Such forces include external agencies such as injury, exposure to infection, evil

    influences of other minds, chemical and cosmic poisons, and harmful elements in foodand drink. The latter is what we are concerned with at the moment. If food and drink

    be contaminated by a poison, this can be a very potent factor in causing disease,

    because food and drink are constantly entering the system, four times daily at least. If

    therefore the use of aluminium is harmful, the gateway for attack is wide open. This

    then is the proposition that this book sets out to provethat the use of aluminium in

    connection with food is harmful to a very large number of people. It must be admitted

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    that the medical profession as a whole does not subscribe to the idea, and for this

    reason: the subject is a very difficult one, unless one has the key to it in one's hands.

    Nothing about the subject is taught to medical students and the average medical man

    is apt to ridicule the idea. But if he does do this, surely that would only be a case of

    "ignorance is bliss".

    How can anyone, medical practitioner or not, express an opinion about a matter unless

    the subject in question has been studied in great detail? Common sense will not do.

    The simplest truths are easy to miss. I have been a medical man for forty years and

    because of the work I have done in relation to the aluminium question I can state,

    without a shadow of doubt, and with all the urgency at my command, that the use of

    aluminium in the preparation of food and food products is one of the most harmful

    factors in modern civilization.

    Quite a number of medical men and others have written papers showing and stressing

    the harmful effect of aluminium. One of the earliest of these was Dr. Le Hunte-Cooper, who wrote about the subject in 1932 and 1942.* This author, and others

    beside him, had not the knowledge of modern Radiesthetic procedures and techniques

    to help them in their work; they arrived at their conclusions by trial and error, and by

    their mental acutenessthe more credit to them. But because of the difficulty they

    experienced in proving their proposition, their papers received no general recognition.

    * The Danger of Food Contamination by Aluminium (1932), John Bale Sons and Danielson Ltd., London.

    There is also intense and understandable opposition to the theory of the harmfulness

    of aluminium, for there is a vast amount of money in the aluminium industry. AnAmerican firm selling stainless steel kitchen equipment advertised through their

    travellers that aluminium was harmful and advised clients to buy only stainless steel

    equipment. The aluminium manufacturers proceeded to get an injunction in the courts

    restraining the firm in question from making further such statements, and also

    published papers condemning as unknown cranks one or two people who had

    published articles showing how lethal aluminium could be. The arguments used in

    these publications were quite childish to anyone who has a true and full understanding

    of the subject, but to one who has not such knowledge, they could seem very

    reasonable. Understanding, and a true understanding, is the crux of the matter. Surely

    if it can be shown that the use of aluminium is harmful to health, then rationallyminded people will cease to use it in the kitchen, and also in factories where food is


    There are, of course, plenty of substitutes for aluminium ware. No one need use it.

    Probably the best substitute is stainless steel. It is easy to keep clean, lasts a lifetime,

    and in the form in which it is now sold, with bonded copper exterior base, it is an

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    extremely efficient cooking utensil. The drawback is the higher initial cost, but this is

    really compensated for by the much longer working life of the stainless steel

    saucepan, for instance, as compared with its aluminium counterpart.

    Other substitutes are the enamelled saucepans and kettles. These are easy to keep

    clean, can be purchased in attractive colours, and give remarkable service. Peoplecomplain that the enamel chips offwhich sometimes occursbut very often this is

    due to careless use. Thick-based enamel ware can be obtained for use on electric

    cookers. Pyrex ware is also excellent in every way. Copper and iron utensils are also

    of use in certain cooking operations, as is earthenware.

    I think it was the First World War which was responsible for the introduction of

    aluminium utensils into the kitchen in a widespread way. The factories which had

    been producing aluminium components for the aircraft industry were able, at the end

    of the war, to turn their energies to the making of cheap aluminium saucepans, kettles

    and other kitchen equipment. People hailed these cheap saucepans because they weretired of the weight and of the difficulty of cleaning iron pans. It was impossible then

    to foresee the damage which would accrue. And so for forty years or thereabouts the

    use of aluminium in the kitchen has become commonplace, and now probably 90 per

    cent of all households cook their food and boil their liquids in aluminium ware. The

    use of aluminium continues to spread, because the majority of people are blind to, and

    oblivious of, the harm which it can cause. It is cheap, conducts heat well, and

    nowadays is used for a great number of purposes including the manufacture of

    saucepans, frying pans, poachers, toasters, kettles, porridge cookers, colanders, sieves,

    egg slicers and whisks, teapots, spoons and forks, fruit squashers, coffee pots,

    pressure cookers, vats used in jam making and beer and stout manufacture, ice-cream

    freezers, milk storage tanks, buckets used on farms, and milking equipment. In fact

    the use of the metal is so widespread that 70 per cent, of all processed foods may be

    aluminium contaminated. It is used in the manufacture of grease-proof paper, and as

    the reflecting material in some electric fires, and artificial sunlight lamps. There is

    also aluminium contamination in many gas and water heaters.

    The reader is asked therefore to read the rest of this book carefully, and to consider

    the evidence produced. It is only by spreading knowledge of the harm that aluminium

    usage can cause that the public will cease to buy articles made of this dangerous metal

    and will demand cooking utensils made of other material. What the public demand

    that they will get, in the long run. Knowledge of the matter is more widespread than it

    used to be. Quite a number of shops selling kitchen equipment know of it. This is all

    to the good. But no one must have a blind belief, they must understand, and know,

    why aluminium can be harmful. The evidence is plain for all to see. Everyone values

    the maintenance of their good health, and should therefore consider the matter. All

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    who have abdominal symptoms of any sort should realize that the cause may very

    well be aluminium poisoning.

    HomoeopathyTo understand the aluminium question it is necessary to learn something about

    homoeopathy, because this science is concerned in the production and cure of thesymptoms that the use of aluminium can produce. Homoeopathy exists in England

    almost as a backwater, aside and apart from the great bulk of the medical profession.

    Yet it has its own Faculty, and hospital, and teaching school, and is recognized by the

    State, and its remedies can be prescribed on National Insurance prescriptions. Our late

    King had his own homoeopathic doctor, as has our present Queen. So homoeopathy is

    orthodox and of high standing in its own sphere. Yet the average medical man knows

    nothing of it and has no interest at all in the subject. Here again one comes across the

    picture of people denying a subject of which they have no knowledge. I was speaking

    on the telephone to a medical colleague and mentioned that a patient of his ought to be

    treated with homoeopathic remedies. It was like waving a red flag in front of a bull.

    He said, "I certainly couldn't agree to that". Ignorance is blissonce again.

    It is of interest to recall that the practice of homoeopathy was founded by a German

    doctor, Hahnemann, about 150 years ago. Not content with the medical work of his

    day, he resolved to try the effects of various substances on healthy subjects. He found

    that each substance produced a number of effects, but all these effects did not appear

    in each subject. If a substance caused one subject to notice twelve symptoms in

    various parts of the body, another subject might only experience three symptoms

    which might or might not be included in the twelve experienced by the first. But by

    using a sufficiently large number of subjects he obtained a picture of all the symptoms

    which that substance could produce. He realized that in a given subject, only a certain

    number of those symptoms might be present, and one or other of the symptoms might

    be outstanding, though not necessarily the same symptom in each case. He then found

    that disease produced similar lists of symptoms, and that if he gave to a patient who

    was not in health that remedy which from his experience had caused these identical

    symptoms in a healthy subject, the disease symptoms vanished and a cure resulted.

    He found also that the remedy given had to be very minute in amount, and was led

    thus to the principle of potentization. Potentized remedies are made in the following

    way: One part of the remedy is diluted with either 9 or 99 parts of an inert substance

    which is either sugar of milk, or spirit. The remedy is triturated or rubbed down by a

    machine, with the inert substance, till the two are finely mixed together. This makes

    what is called the first decimal or first centesimal dilution, according to whether the

    dilution is 1 in 10, or 1 in 100. One part of this dilution is next taken and again

    triturated by machine with a further 9 or 99 parts of the inert substance, thus making

    the second decimal or centesimal dilution. In the same way, the third decimal and

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    centesimal dilutions are made. After this, further dilutions are obtained by using

    rectified spirit or distilled water, or a mixture of the two. Dilution can thus be carried

    on to any desired degree. When the process has been carried on for, say, a thousand

    times, there will be little left of the original remedy in terms of weight and ordinary

    meaning. But though matter is more space than solid, nevertheless there is always an

    entity carried on with each dilution.

    Hahnemann found, and all other doctors using homoeopathic treatment since his day

    have also found, that potencies affect the body more powerfully than the crude

    substance from which they are derivedin other words, they are potent. A pinch of

    common salt given to a patient will have little effect, but a high potency made from it

    may have outstanding effects if it is given to a patient who has the symptoms which

    the common salt can cause in a group of subjects.

    The reader must therefore realize the existence of homoeopathy, its fineness of detail,

    the excessive work incurred by its practice, its care, and its outstanding thoroughnessin treating the patient as a whole. It is present as a living force, recognized by the

    State, and the reason why it is not more generally taught and available is that it is not

    taught at the ordinary university schools, and that is why it lies in a backwater. It is

    practised all over the world, and no one can with impunity deny its results, and its

    honesty. Its results are plain to see, but in an imperfect world it is easier to use the

    ordinary commonplace medical approach of specialism and the instrumental diagnosis

    of changes in local parts of the body, and the use of drugs.

    Where does homoeopathy enter into the aluminium question? The answer is, that it

    does so in two different ways. First of all, when a food is made in a factory or cooked

    or heated at home, and if aluminium ware or machinery is used, then the agitation

    caused by the heating process causes a potency of aluminium to be formed which is

    distributed through the food.

    I have conducted some experiments on the nature of the potency of aluminium formed

    in food when manufactured or cooked in aluminium vessels. If tap water is boiled in

    an aluminium saucepan for two minutes the water becomes charged with aluminium

    in 500c* potency which is a high and potent force. If the pan is then emptied and

    washed out once and refilled from the tap it will still be charged with the same

    potency of aluminium, and indeed, to really get rid of it, it is necessary to wash the

    pan out four or five times with fresh water. Water boiled for five minutes increases the

    potency to 700c, and after ten minutes it reaches 1m*. The boiling of liquids of any

    sort in an aluminium vessel liberates in the fluid a potency of aluminium which

    increases in its potency value according to the length of time during which the boiling

    takes place.

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    Processed foods, such as, for instance, a shop-made custard pie, may show other

    effects. A particular one tested was sold in an aluminium shape. The pastry touching

    this shape gave a reaction for aluminium 6x*a low potency. This was due to the

    contact of the pastry with the aluminium, and the reason why only a low potency of

    aluminium developed was that there was no liquid boiling inside the aluminium

    shape. According to the actual process concerned

    the amount of heating, or theamount of boilingso the potency will vary. A breakfast cereal gave an aluminium

    potency of 8x, whereas the waxed paper in which it was packed gave a potency of

    30c. An Advocaat drink gave a potency of 500c, a dog biscuit of 100c, another biscuit

    in the same packet but of a different composition gave a potency of 6*.

    The other way in which homoeopathy enters into the aluminium question is that the

    cure of the symptoms is only possible by and through the use of homoeopathic

    remedies in potency, plus of course the cessation of the intake of aluminized food.

    * note: x after a potency number indicates a decimal potency, whereas the letter cindicates a centesimal potency. 1m is a centesimal dilution repeated one thousand


    3. Varieties of Aluminium Contaminated FoodsIt is necessary now to indicate the sorts of foods which in general are often found to

    be aluminium contaminated. Such a list would comprise many breads (mostly from

    the use of aluminium contaminated salt), many cakes, pastries, biscuits, especially

    non-plain biscuits, and chocolate biscuits. Many processed breakfast foods, some

    jams, marmalades and honeys, the latter from the use of aluminium extractors. Many

    self-raising flours, chemicals, baking powders, flavouring and colouring agents, dried

    and processed potato chips, certain salts and condiments, and sauces and pickles.

    Much bacon is aluminium contaminated, also sausages, meat and pork pies and the

    like. Some milk is also contaminated, and many beverages, including some stouts,

    many aerated drinks and some soda waters, much ice-cream and frozen food. Some

    cold tap water is contaminated by the use of softening agents, or fluoridation or

    chlorination processes, and many hot-water supplies in the kitchen give an aluminium

    reaction. Many prepared soups, some coffee extracts, many chocolates and sweets,

    custard powders, and jellies are also at fault. As mentioned before, grease-proof paper

    is very often contaminated by aluminium. An example of this was a make of jam

    which I tested. I knew this was made in stainless steel vats, but the jam at the top of

    the jar gave an aluminium reaction, because the surface was sealed with a piece of

    grease-proof paper which gave an aluminium reaction and contaminated the top layer

    of the jam. It may be asked: If, then, aluminium is so prevalent in processed foods

    sold over the counter, how can its effect be avoided? The answer is that only such

    makes of foods as do not give an aluminium reaction should be consumed by an

    aluminium sensitive.

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    It is my habit to give each patient of mine a list of foods which have been tested and

    found to be aluminium free, and these foods are to be consumed instead of other

    makes. This is not to say that only these particular foods are aluminium free, and all

    others contaminated. Owing to the large number of food preparations, I have only

    been able to test that number of foods sufficient for a balanced diet. Certain foods

    which are unprocessed by man are always aluminium free. These include fresh meatand fish (not salted fish), eggs, most cheese (but not cheese spreads), most raw fruits

    and vegetables (but not necessarily tinned fruits and vegetables); most natural foods

    are aluminium free, and the only way they can become contaminated is by their being

    kitchen cooked in aluminium. In the absence of aluminium utensils, there need be no

    aluminium contamination on a desert isle!

    I give now a list of processed foods which have been tested and found to be

    aluminium free. This is in addition to the unprocessed foods mentioned earlier as

    being aluminium free.


    Fresh foods

    Fresh Fruit

    Fresh Vegetables

    Fresh Fish

    Fresh Meat


    Assorted foods, etc.

    (See also Tinned Foods)

    Arrowroot, Boot's

    Chivers's ProductsCrumbs, Pingars'


    Frozen Foods, Bird's

    Fru-Grains, Mapleton's


    Hani, David Greig's

    Instant-Mix, Bird's

    Langdale Evans' Products

    Macaroni, Circo Vera


    Macaroni, Quick Quaker

    Milk, Most

    NutrexOlive Oil, Boot's

    Pork, David Greig's

    Rice, Creamola

    Rissole Mixture, Hatfield

    Sausages, Harris's

    Porkalso Palethorpe's

    Semolina, Colman's Suet,



    Romany's Honey Bake


    Scott's Radiant Health

    Scott's Scottish


    Sunny Bisks

    Bread, rolls, etc.

    Farley's Rusks

    Granose RollsPrimula Crispbread


    Vita Wheat


    Breakfast foods


    Oats, Quick Quaker

    Porage Oats, Scott's

    Rice Crispies,

    Kellog's Shredded Wheat,


    Sugar Puffs, Quaker

    Butter, margarine, fats

    Golden Block Kosher


    Sainsbury's Danish

    Unsalted Butter

    Sainsbury's Dutch

    Unsalted Butter

    Oval tine


    Stout, Whitbread's


    Yoghourt, Express Dairy


    Curry Powder, Madras

    Curry Powder, Sherwood

    Mayonnaise, BurgessPeel, Haven Mixed

    Pepper, Scout Ground

    Salt, Cerebos

    Spice, C.W.S.

    Spice, Lion

    Spice, Saxa Mixed

    Vinegar, Sarson's

    Flours, corn flours


    Flour, Broomfield's Plain

    Flour, Feathery Flake Self-

    RaisingFlour, Frenlite

    Flour, Goodwin's

    Flour, Health and Fitness

    Flour, H. Gray Jones' Plain


    Flour, McDougall's Plain


    Flour, Reliance Plain~

    Syrup, Lyle's Golden

    Treacle, Fowler's Black

    Laxatives and herbs

    Eno's Fruit Salt


    Finnons Salt




    Cloister Cleansing HerbsHeatherclean Herbs


    Arrowroot, Boot's

    Fish Paste, Esito

    Frozen Foods, Birdseye

    Olive Oil, Boot's

    Soup powders, etc.

    Batchelor's Chicken


    E.M. Soups

    King's SoupsKiora Tomato Soup


    Butterscotch, Callard and


    Caramels, Bluebird

    Chocolate, Fry's Sandwich

    Chocolate, Pascall's

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    Tapioca, White's

    Tongue, Harris's

    Wheat Embryo,


    Baking powders

    Bird's Golden RaisingPowder

    Boot's Baking Powder

    Berwick's Baking Powder



    Crawford's Cream


    Dad's Cookies

    Frear's Rosalind

    Huntley & Palmer's

    Cheese Square

    Huntley & Palmer'sGinger Nut

    Huntley & Palmer's Marie

    Huntley & Palmer's Milk

    and Honey

    Huntley & Palmer's Olive

    Kemp's Rich Tea

    Lincoln's Cream

    McVitie & Price


    McVitie & Price Digestive

    McVitie & Price Ginger


    McVitie & Price Rich Tea

    Peek Frean's Digestive

    Peek Frean's Oblong

    Peek Frean's Osborne

    Peek Frean's Princess

    Peek Frean's Shortbread

    "Nutta" Nut Butters

    Tomor Margarine

    Trex Cooking Fat

    U.D. English Butter

    Stork Margarine

    Summer County


    Cake mixes




    English Cheddar

    St. Ivel Lactic

    Swedish Chantilly

    Tiger Gruyere

    Custards, blancmange

    Brown and Poison'sFoster Clarke's Custard



    Blackcurrant Syrup,



    Chocolate, Cadbury's Red


    Cocoa, Bourneville

    Cocoa, Cadbury's

    Coffee, Ground

    Fruit Juices, KiaoraGlucose, G.R.L.


    Lime Juice, Rose's

    Milk, Most

    Orange Juice, Solo

    Flour, Scofa

    Corn Flour, Brown and


    Corn Flour, Goodwin's

    Corn Flour, Mixa

    Corn Flour, Reliance

    Fruits, dried

    Dates, Perfecto

    Prunes, Bendley's

    Prunes, U.S.A.

    Raisins, Sunmaid

    Sultanas, Haven

    Sultanas, Victor Value


    Gravy Powder, E.M.

    Gravyet, Foster Clarke's

    Jams, etc.Honey, Gale's

    Honey, Shaw's New


    Jam, Hartley's Strawberry

    Jams, Chivers

    Jams, Wilkins "Tiptree"

    Marmalade, Cooper's


    Marmalade, Robertson's


    Marmalade, Russell

    and Harborough's

    Marmalade, Wilkins'"Tiptree"

    Mincemeat, Keiller's

    Mincemeat, Robertson's

    Syrup, Ayles

    Syrup, Fowler's


    Chocolate, Rowntree's

    Chocolate, Suchard's

    Chocolate, Tobler's

    Fruit Drops, Parkinson's

    Old Mixed

    Fruits, Selesta OrchardGums, Rowntree's Clear

    Mintoes, Nuttall's

    Mints, Pascall's

    Mints, Polo

    Pontefract Cakes,


    Poppets, Payne's

    Toffee, Hussick's Devonia

    Toffee, Sharp's Plain

    Toffee, Sharp's Super-


    Tinned foods

    Baked Beans, Golden


    Condensed Milk, Frisean


    Cream, Nestle's

    Gooseberries, Epicure

    Loganberries, Wye Valley

    Luncheon Meat, Unox


    Mapleton's Luncheon Roll

    Mapleton's Maplemeat

    Peas, Epicure

    Rice Pudding, Ambrosia



    Calvert's Gibb's Solid


    Barclay Perkin's

    Fresh Yeast

    4. Evidence by Other AuthorsThough aluminium came into use mainly after the First World War, aluminium

    cooking utensils were first made about 1892 on a small scale, but in later yearssometimes a 1m. worth of aluminium metal was used per year in the manufacture of

    kitchen warea fantastically large sum.

    In 1913 an orthodox medical paper, The Lancet,1 caused an investigation to be made

    into the question. They reported that if the aluminium is acted on by the food it could

    be injurious to health. But they had not the knowledge to pursue the matter further,

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    and hence their investigation was of no great value. In 1931 S. Judd Lewis made a

    special investigation of the subject.2 He found that most normal human blood

    contained no aluminium unless the blood sample was taken after an aluminium-

    cooked meal, when it was then found to be present.

    1. January 4, 1913 pp. 54-55.2. "The Assimilation of Aluminium by the Human System", Biochemical Journal, Vol. XXV, 1931.

    There is, in many natural foods, such as vegetables and fruits, a tiny amount of

    aluminium which can be detected by chemical tests. This however is not found in the

    plant in metallic form, but as a protein complexi.e. it is taken up into the make-up

    of the plant, and as such would not appear to have the same effect as pure aluminium

    in the metal form. Further, no one has excluded the fact that such aluminium

    complexes are not natural to the plant, and may be due to contamination by man-made

    agencies such as chemical manures. It must also be remarked that aluminium is easily

    attacked and dissolved by acids and alkalies

    and there are many such in foods.Caustic soda used for cleaning aluminium saucepans, for instance, will also dissolve a

    certain amount of aluminium each time it is used. Hard water acts also on aluminium,

    and in a certain new housing estate there were many complaints by occupiers of the

    new houses that holes had appeared in aluminium saucepans and kettles. About ten

    years ago, in a jam factory, I saw a number of aluminium vats which had been used

    for jam manufacture. In each of these vats were hundreds of depressions where the

    aluminium had been eaten away by the acids of the fruits used in the jam manufacture.

    This one factory alone had therefore sold for years aluminized jam to its unsuspecting


    In Dr. Le Hunte-Cooper's book previously mentioned he described certain tests he had

    carried out. If London tap water was simply stood in an aluminium vessel for twenty-

    four hours it dissolved 2.45 grains of solid per gallon of water, of which aluminium

    formed the major part. If milk was boiled in an aluminium saucepan about 1.4 grains

    of aluminium were taken up by 1 gallon of milk, but if certain fruits were stewed in an

    aluminium vessel as much as 85 grains per gallon were at times taken up by the fluid.

    Such results were not obtained if an enamelled saucepan was used.

    Another important examination of the subject has been made by a Russian scientist in

    Moscow. The work took over two years, and in his published conclusions he statedthat many foods were altered in colour if cooked in aluminium ware, and some of

    these foods were also altered in taste. He established the presence of an increased

    percentage of albumen in the faeces of men and animals fed on an aluminized diet,

    and this is the same as proving a mild inflammation. He further states that he clearly

    appreciated that a person may feed on aluminized food for years without symptoms of

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    any kind, but that, unseen and unheard, there are progressive body changes going on,

    which may suddenly manifest themselves in a form of serious disease.

    In 1932-4, in the United States, the coffee manufacturers organized an investigation

    into the best method of making coffee. There had been some outcry against the use of

    coffee because it was thought to produce abdominal troubles. The manufacturerstherefore arranged this investigation. The conclusions were that coffee made in glass

    vessels was not injurious to health. They also found that it was impossible to make

    good coffee in an aluminium vessel, as the taste and colour were altered and

    abdominal symptoms frequently followed. Other American investigations into the

    question have been done by Dr. C. T. Betts of Ohio,* who concluded that he himself

    was suffering from aluminium poisoning. He maintained that many people in the

    U.S.A. consumed 11-15 grains of aluminium daily. Dr. H. G. Wells, of the University

    of Chicago, concluded from research work that the blood, kidneys, and alimentary

    tract were affected by aluminium absorption. He also stated that the ovaries and testes

    are particularly affected. This again I can support wholeheartedly, because I often find

    a glandular imbalance in aluminium poisoning. A glandular imbalance is an extremely

    potent cause of disease, and this has some bearing on cancer because cancer is

    associated with hormone disharmonyhere the connection between aluminium and

    cancer is manifest.

    * Aluminium Poisoning, The Anti-Cancer Club of America, Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.

    Another American investigator is Dr. G. W. M. Williams,1 who suggested that metals

    such as aluminium may affect the blood constituents, and alter their functions, thus

    leading to disease. Further, Dr. W. E. Holderf2 has published some books onaluminium. He gives no less than 100 references indicting aluminium as a cause of

    disease, and inter alia, states aluminium compounds arc classified as protoplasmic


    J. T. Kent, a famous American homoeopathic doctor, wrote a number of text-books on

    homoeopathy, and in these books gave a large number of symptoms which could be

    caused by the intake of aluminium in potency form. These text-books, of course, are,

    although written fifty years ago or more, still standard text-books in homoeopathic


    Dealing with the mental symptoms of aluminium,3 this author states"It especially

    takes hold of the intellect, and so confuses the intelligence that the patient is unable to

    effect a decision; the judgment is disturbed. He is unable to realize; the things that he

    knows, or has known, to be real seem to him to be unreal, and he is in doubt as to

    whether they are so or not." The patient affected by aluminium "is very sad,

    constantly sad. Incessantly moaning, groaning, worrying, fretting and in a hurry.

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    Wants to get away; wants to get away from this place, hoping that things will be

    better, full of fears. All sorts of imaginations. A sort of general apprehensiveness.

    When he meditates upon this state of mind he thinks he is going to lose his reason. He

    thinks about this frenzy and hurry and confusion of mind, how he hardly knows his

    own name, and how fretful he is, and he wonders if he is not going crazy, and finally

    he thinks he really is going crazy."

    1.Aluminium in Food, Ministry of Health Report, 1935.

    2. Why Humanity Suffers, Redcloth Publishing Company, Toronto.

    3.Materia Medica, Boericke and Tafel, Philadelphia.

    Such is a little extract from Kent's article on aluminium, but he deals in an equally

    graphic manner with many other symptoms that aluminium can cause.

    All investigators have observed that the effect of aluminium compounds on living

    cells was deleterious, even when these compounds were present in remarkably small

    amounts. A small quantity of aluminium acting for a long time may produce results

    quite as marked as a larger quantity acting for a shorter space of time.

    To come nearer home, we have the opinion of Dr. J. E. R. McDonagh,1 who is one of

    the foremost original thinkers in medicine today. He has written during his lifetime

    numerous books showing evidence of intense work and original thinking. Dr.

    McDonagh states he is firmly of the belief that aluminium is an extremely important

    agent in increasing intestinal intoxication. He refutes the argument that the defenders

    of aluminium postulate, that the amount of aluminium ingested is so small as to be

    harmless, in that the fact is not realized that a chemical substance may do more harm

    in the body by the dissemination of its activity (i.e. potency), which cannot be

    detected by ordinary means. Dr. McDonagh who again I stress, is an original

    thinker of brilliant attainmentsis firmly of the opinion that aluminium cooking is a

    factor capable of causing extreme harm to the body. I have known Dr. McDonagh for

    very many years, and I am a deep admirer of his work. The predecessor in my own

    work, Dr. Guyon Richards, records in his book The Chain of Life2 meeting many

    cases of aluminium poisoning during about two and a half years practice. In particular

    he points out the liability of aluminium to cause what we call chills and colds by its

    causing the growth of bowel germsagain a factor I constantly come across myself.

    Dr. Richards stated that, "I have no doubt at all that aluminium is doing a graveamount of harm amongst the population at large, and it is probably causing a serious

    loss of work energy."

    1. The Universe Through Medicine, Heinemarm (Medical Books) Ltd.

    2. Health Science Press.

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    Another British medical man, Dr. E. Pritchard, wrote an article in theBritish Medical

    Journalin October 1932 in which he stated that he had plenty of evidence of chronic

    aluminium poisoning amongst his own family, and his friends, and his dog. Dogs are

    in fact very prone indeed to the aluminium effect, much more so than cats. Dr.

    Pritchard further states that infants appeared to be very susceptible to the acute effects

    of aluminium poisoning, and that symptoms in adults do not as a rule arise until theyhave been exposed to the harmful influence for some time. He gave an example of a

    convalescent home in which were twenty-two babies. It was the custom to feed the

    infants on soup made in an aluminium pan. This resulted in widespread diarrhoea in

    the infants, which entirely stopped when the use of aluminium was discontinued.

    Some of this soup was given to a dog daily for two years and the dog also developed

    diarrhoea, and finally died, and the cause of death was not clear to the veterinary


    Dr. E. H. Rink, in an article in theBritish Medical Journalof August 1932, also

    reported two cases of aluminium poisoning. The first patient had abdominal pain for

    eight years and was thought at first to have chronic appendicitis. The other patient had

    severe dyspepsia for ten years and was diagnosed as a colitis. Both patients recovered

    completely on the cessation of the use of aluminium in cooking.

    Dr. A. France, in an article in the British Medical Journal in 1932, also recorded his

    own case. He had been suffering from abdominal pain which at times was severe, and

    no satisfactory diagnosis was made. After ceasing the use of aluminium the pain

    disappeared. Naturally enough, his attention having been aroused by his own case, it

    was not long before Dr. France recognized the same condition in many of his patients.

    Finally, some American physiologists, led by a Mr. Underbill,* worked on the

    aluminium question. They proved that the aluminium content of the blood increased

    after the ingestion of an aluminized meal. They found that the metal was deposited in

    various organs, especially the liver, kidneys, spleen, brain, and muscles. They proved

    that there is a relation between the age of a dog and the quantity of aluminium stored

    in its body and also that the same relation held good in man.

    In all, during the last forty years or so, there have been about fifty papers written by

    medical men and others all stressing the dangers incurred in the use of aluminium.

    Taken as a whole, dare one neglect the evidence?

    * "American Journal of Physiology", 1929, Vol. 90, 40.

    5. Diseases Associated with Aluminium IntoxicationA list of the more common symptoms associated with aluminium will be found in the

    Appendix. I shall explain later on how I do the work of detecting aluminium and other

    disease agents, but it should be realized that if a practitioner tests each patient he sees,

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    for aluminium, over many years, he will learn for himself what sort of symptoms he

    most commonly meets, and which accompany an aluminium reaction. Certain of the

    symptoms described are met with frequently, and the practitioner sees a clear picture

    of the more common effects.

    The system most often affected by aluminium is the abdominal organs from mouth toanus, and so I will discuss this part of the anatomy first.

    (1) Ulcers in the mouth

    These are a pretty frequent symptom. The patient complains of recurring ulcers on the

    mucous membrane of the cheeks and lips, and unless the cause is rectified orthodox

    treatment rarely cures them.

    (2) Spasms of the oesophagus

    The oesophagus is the tube connecting throat and stomach properi.e. the tube down

    which passes all food and drink. This is a rare aluminium symptom. The patient

    complains of inability to swallowliquids passing no more easily than solids. It is

    due to an uneven action of the muscles making up the tube. Orthodox treatment is the

    use of sedatives, and the passage down the oesophagus of instruments to dilate the

    oesophagus. Again, if the cause is not realized and remedied, the condition will

    become chronic, and not yield to treatment.

    (3) The Stomach

    This can be the seat of gastric ulcers. Again this is not a common symptom, but it

    does occur. These ulcers heal with the application of aluminium-free dieting and

    suitable homoeopathic remedies.

    (4) The duodenum

    Herein lies one of the most important and prevalent results of the use of aluminium

    duodenal ulcers. How very common they are, with all their attendant misery, pain, and


    When I qualified in 1918 I had not been taught anything about them, and only heard

    of them soon after qualification. Since then they have steadily increased, and now cost

    the country millions of pounds in X-ray investigations alone. The costs of the Health

    Service are rocketing up, and money is spent in dealing with end results of disease

    which could and ought to be prevented by the dissemination of knowledge regarding

    aluminium. The rise in the incidence of duodenal ulcers runs pari passu with the rise

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    in the use of aluminium utensils. Duodenal ulcers will heal with the adoption of anti-

    aluminium treatment, though the scarring and deformity of the duodenum produced

    by the healing of such ulcers will remain and cause symptoms necessitating operation

    in some cases. I am well aware that aluminium hydroxide in its ordinary chemical

    state is used in the orthodox treatment of such ulcers. Such use is due to its ability to

    combine with the acid of the stomach. But these salts of aluminium are not potencies,and in most cases they do not harm the body, and may in fact help the healing of an

    ulcer. It must be clearly recognized that, because they are not potencies of aluminium,

    they do not act like potencies and are not harmful. The same argument applies to

    many assertions made by aluminium defenders, that aluminium is present in some

    natural foods. Aluminium in such is not in potency form, but as an aluminium protein

    combination which is harmless. It is the energy potency of aluminium which harms

    the body, not its salts or protein complexes. I have yet to find a duodenal ulcer case

    which does not give an aluminium reaction on test. Let everyone beware, who uses

    aluminium, that they may be heading for this complaint and its sequel of operation.

    The common idea that nervous strain is the cause of duodenal ulcers will not bear

    investigation. On examination, all such cases prove to be aluminium sensitive.

    (5) The small bowel

    This is not often affected by local change, but it is affected by an alteration in the

    germs which normally grow in the bowel contents. For the sake of clarity, I will deal

    with this in relation to the large bowel.

    (6) The appendix

    I regard aluminium as a potent cause of appendicitis. It is extremely common for

    aluminium sensitives to get acute appendicitis, whereupon the appendix is removed

    and those patients cannot get appendicitis again. No one worries as to why those

    people got the appendicitis in the first place.

    (7) The large bowel and kidneys

    This is the organ commonly affected in all aluminium sensitives. It is generally the

    very first organ to suffer damage.

    The changes due to aluminium poisoning are of two sorts. There is first of all an

    alteration in the function of the large bowel, which, if the poisoning goes on, may

    advance into changes in the bowel itself, shown on an X-ray examination. The

    functional changes are in three directions. There may be diarrhoea or looseness of the

    bowelsthe motions are light coloured, not formed, but passed in little pieces. The

    patient may go to the lavatory three or four times daily, especially on rising and after

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    meals. This diarrhoea is habitual, and goes on month after month, with remissions for

    a time, now and again. If there be not diarrhoea, the opposite may occur. The patient

    is constipated. There is inability to expel the motion even with hard straining.

    Some of these patients actually pass one motion daily, but on examination, their rectal

    passages, which are the end of the bowel, are still filled out with motion. This meansthat food takes an inordinate length of time to be expelled from the body, leading to

    some putrefaction and poisoning of the system. This condition is called intestinal

    toxaemia, and it is a very potent cause of disease. Intestinal toxaemia is the cause of

    many forms of rheumatism, and muscular fibrositis, and gouty changes. It can also

    cause blood changes such as certain forms of anaemia, and even pernicious anaemia.

    The toxaemia usually causes a general feeling of lassitude and tiredness.

    Other effects produced are an alteration in the normal species of germs present in the

    bowel. Very often other races of germs can get a footing, and grow, and these germ

    growths are the hallmark of the poisoning. Such germs can get into the bloodstreamand be excreted by the kidneysand here you get a group of diseases in kidneys and

    bladder: kidney inflammations, stones in the kidney, inflammation of the bladder are

    all pretty common sequels.

    The most advanced change in the large bowel is ulcerative colitis, in which ulcers

    develop in the bowel. The patient has chronic diarrhoea, and anaemia, and passes

    blood and mucus in the motions. Years ago, as a young man recently qualified, I

    experienced great difficulty in treating or even helping these patients in any way. I

    then did not know what caused their condition. I do now. There is nothing more

    gratifying than the healing of an ulcerative colitis case with anti-aluminium measures.

    Such cases are extremely sensitive to the use of aluminium and will soon break down

    if they get the wrong food. The large bowel or colon, then, is by far and away the

    most important organ to be affected, because it is always the organ to bear the brunt of

    the poisoning, and it is one of the most important organs in the body. Surgeons used in

    the old days to remove the whole or part of the colon. A very brutal procedure!

    (8) The rectum

    The lower end of the bowel, the rectum and anus, is also often affected by aluminium.

    The rectum often shows a muscular weakness whereby large faecal masses areretained inside the organ unknown to the patient. The constipation and the consequent

    straining at stool can cause piles, so piles are often present in aluminium cases, and in

    particular external piles around the anal opening. Itching in the anal region is a

    particularly prevalent symptom in aluminium poisoning, and is a special pointer

    indicating aluminium trouble.

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    It will be seen therefore how potent aluminium is for causing damage to the

    abdominal organs. It must be stressed that if the abdominal organs, or some of them,

    are so affected, generally other systems escape. The poisoning generally fixes on one

    system to wreak its worst effect.

    (9) The skin, the ductless glands and cancer

    The skin is often affected by aluminium in that rashes and itching are present. These

    are really due to the intestinal intoxication produced by aluminium, and are not a

    primary effect of aluminium on the skin.

    The same remark applies to glandular dysfunction. The so-called ductless glands, the

    pituitary, thyroid, suprarenal glands, and the sex glands, may get into a disturbed state,

    and then many and diverse symptoms can appear. The intestinal intoxication produced

    by aluminium is a potent factor in upsetting the gland balance, and it is the ability to

    produce this effect which gives aluminium its part in being one of the causes ofcancer. Cancer is certainly more prevalent in aluminium sensitives than others, and

    cancer in the alimentary tract is the most frequently occurring cancer. Cancer has also

    been more prevalent during the aluminium era than before it.

    Dr. Tchizevsky1 showed by experiments on mice that those animals fed on aluminized

    food are forty times more likely to develop cancer than mice fed on non-aluminized


    Dr. Betts of Ohio published a book, under the auspices of the Anti-Cancer Club of

    America,2 condemning the use of aluminium.

    Dr. Olds of Philadelphia stated in a publication written by him that all foods cooked in

    aluminium caused increased cancer reactions, and even water boiled in an aluminium

    vessel had the same effect.

    H. W. Keens, a biochemical research worker, has written two books published in 1934

    and 1937.3 He concludes that excess of free aluminium in the soil, resulting from the

    use of artificial fertilizers is a primary cause of cancer. In other words, the soil is

    unbalanced in its chemical constituents, and foods, which derive from the soil, then

    become similarly unbalanced. This leads in turn to an imbalance of chemical elementsin the human body, and this causes disharmony, disease, and cancer, the latter by

    chemical imbalance in the ductless glands-which control the ability of tissues to

    grow. Mr. Keens states that aluminium is not a natural constituent of animal tissue,

    and that it is only in recent times that increasing amounts of aluminium have been

    found in human tissues. I am quite certain that Mr. Keens is right in all his assertions,

    except that I am sure that it is aluminium in potentized form which is the evil factor in

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    soil, and food, and finally in the human body. Many, if not all, chemical fertilizers

    contain aluminium energy, and so react on test. Aluminium in potency definitely

    upsets the biochemic elements in the body. I find, from repeated tests, that sulphur is

    first of all affected and apparently driven out of the body. In association and close

    linkage with the sulphur is copperwhich is its partner in nature. The next element to

    be driven out is magnesium, and then silica, and then calcium and potassium. Copperand magnesium are very important elements in hormone and ferment reactions in the

    human body, and so small changes in their energy value can cause great effects, and

    one of these effects can result in cancer. Let everyone beware, then, that if they persist

    in using aluminium utensils they can be cooking for themselves a dish of death. The

    next part of the body to be discussed in relation to aluminium is the vascular system

    in particular the heart, veins and arteries.

    1.Aluminium as a Factor Contributing to the Rise and Progress of Different Pathologic Processes in the

    Organism, "Acta Medica Scandinavica", Vol. 83, 1934.

    2.Aluminium Poisoning, The Anti-Cancer Club of America, Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A.3. Cancer, Its Prevention and Death in the Pot, The C. W. Daniel Co. Ltd.

    (10) Thrombosis

    A most important effect of aluminium poisoning is thrombosisthat cause of sudden

    death which has so greatly increased during the aluminium era. The thrombosis

    generally occurs in a vein, and it is peculiar that its first effect is often an attack of

    clotting in a leg vein. But whether or not this does occur, clotting may occur in vessels

    in the legs, or lungs, or heart, and if in the heart, sudden and dramatic death may

    follow. Does anyone think that God meant that man in his prime should suddenly be

    transported from this life without warning? Surely such catastrophes are due to man'sown errors, and not to God's lack of care in the construction and functioning of the

    human being. I have repeatedly, by anti-aluminium measures, in patients who have

    already had heart thrombosis, prevented any subsequent attacks. Further, each and

    every case of cardiac or lung thrombosis I have seen and tested gave an aluminium

    reaction, and I rate thrombosis as being high up in the list of damage that aluminium

    can do.

    (11) The eyes

    Another organ which is sometimes affected is the eye. Aluminium causes a slowlyprogressive impairment of vision, partly due to changes in the muscles of the eyeball,

    and partly to changes in other eye tissues. Many of such cases drift to eye hospitals

    where various treatments are given, generally with no effect. The dramatic

    improvement in such a case on the institution of anti-aluminium measures is

    gratifying and noteworthy. Such cases are extremely sensitive to aluminium, so that

    small slip-ups in food will bring on a prompt deterioration in the sight.

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    I well remember seeing a poor lady of between sixty and seventy, who was living by

    herself in one of London's smaller hotels which cater especially for retired people, and

    which are almost 100 per cent aluminium users. This lady was slowly losing her sight,

    but could not afford to go elsewhere. It was impossible to treat her as her food was so

    hopeless, and I had to leave her to her approaching blindness. Such cases are tragic,

    and so unnecessary.

    (12) The mind

    In the part of this book dealing with the symptoms that aluminium can produce,

    mental symptoms are described. These are fairly frequently met withthe commonest

    one in my experience is an inability to make up one's mind, but many other mental

    symptoms can appear.

    (13) Migraine and rheumatism

    Another group of diseases which aluminium causes are certain rheumatic conditions,

    and also migraine attacks. Migraine attacks are invariably, in my experience, due to

    aluminium poisoning, and are generally a sequel to the intestinal intoxication.

    Aluminium causes many forms of fibrositis, arthritis, gout and other varieties of so

    called rheumatism. Rheumatism is the cause of immense sickness and loss of work,

    and disability. The intestinal intoxication caused by aluminium can be a very potent

    cause of rheumatism, either directly, or by its effect on the hormone producers, the

    ductless glands. If the framework of the skeletal and supporting structures of the body

    becomes diseased, it is extremely common to find intestinal intoxication as the prime

    cause, and such an effect of aluminium can be a very important matter.

    (14) Colds and hay fever

    Another important sequel of aluminium poisoning is "colds". The common cold is

    always with us, and the multiplicity of cures is also with us as well. My work teaches

    me that the majority of chills and colds are due to the growth inside the bowel of

    streptococci and allied germs. The effect of this germ growth is a watery catarrh of the

    nose. The nose and adjacent parts can then in turn become secondarily infected. The

    link between aluminium poisoning and the incidence of colds is that aluminium upsets

    the bowel and therefore leads to abnormal germ growth therein. Hence colds are moreprevalent in aluminium sensitives than in aluminium non-sensitives.

    Hay fever is caused by intestinal intoxication, and aluminium being the commonest

    cause of such, it will be evident that the use of aluminium ware is concerned in the

    causation of hay fever.

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    There is no doubt in my mind that the liability to be easily affected by aluminium is

    an inherited factor which follows the ordinary laws of inherited traits. What I think is

    inherited is a particular form of biochemic alteration from the usual normal, and that

    such biochemic alteration results in the biochemic balance being more easily

    disturbed by aluminium. In every aluminized person with symptoms, one can always

    get a history of similar troubles in one or both parents. A sensitiveness to aluminiumcan develop in a person who has never met with the metal beforeas in the case of a

    savage on a desert island who, on contact with civilization, can develop aluminium

    symptoms. What is inherited is a certain biochemic background which makes the

    attack of aluminium possible. And, remember, we are all omnibuses in which our

    tainted ancestors ride.

    6. RadiesthesiaRadiesthesia is the science dealing with the detection of radiations by the human body

    unhelped by scientific instruments of orthodox type. It is the practice of this science

    which has elucidated the whole aluminium problem. Without the use of radiesthesia

    one would just have to rely on the ordinary clinical observation used by the majority

    of the medical profession, and this fails to show the dangers of aluminium.

    Radiesthesia includes divining or dowsing for water, oil, and minerals in the earth's

    crust. Dowsing for water has received publicity for many years, and has been

    practised since the dawn of history. Stonehenge is sited where it is because sensitive

    dowsers fixed the sun stone at a point where a great number of lines of influence in

    the ground intersect. The circle was not put where it is blindly and without reason.

    In dowsing for water a divining rod, which is often a forked twig, is mostly used. The

    operator holds a fork of the twig in each hand, with the stem pointing away from him.

    If the dowser gets over underground water the point of the twig will dip or rise, and an

    experienced dowser can be relied on to indicate where underground water is to be

    found, and at what depth, and what sort of water it is.

    The other type of radiesthesia relates to dowsing and divining for disease states in

    man and animals, and in relation to crops, agriculture and the soil. In this department

    of radiesthesia a pendulum is used. This is simply a small ball of wood or other

    material suspended by a thread which the operator holds between finger and thumb. If

    such a pendulum is held over a sample from a patientby sample I mean a blood spot

    on absorbent paper, or a piece of cotton wool soaked in the patient's urine

    it will

    move in certain directions, either in a circular direction, or will swing from side to

    side. If a mental question is asked, the pendulum will respond and give the answer.

    Samples of various diseases and of metals such as aluminium, can be held in the same

    hand as the pendulum and act as witnesses of what is to be detected. What in effect is

    done is to find out what organs in the patient's body are functioning in an abnormal

    way, whether there is any deficiency in food, or in vitamins, or in chemical elements,

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    whether there is an aluminium reaction or not, whether there is infection, and if so

    with what germ or virus. The age of the patient, the sex, whether pregnant, and if so,

    the sex of the unborn baby, are all matters commonplace to the work. Also the

    detection of a so-called cancer reaction is an easy matter, and a very important one.

    Other points to be found out are what I call the vitality rates of the patientan index

    of his vibratory rate which can be normal or below normal. Further than that, it canshow whether his etheric or non-physical body is normal or otherwise. Lastly,

    radiesthesia can select the appropriate homoeopathic remedy purely by the

    movements of the pendulum. It can also indicate the potency of the remedy, and the

    frequency and duration of the doses of homoeopathic medicine needed. The pendulum

    will clearly indicate how the patient is getting along, and also what is really going on

    in obscure disease.

    There has been some correspondence in a daily paper recently about patients and

    doctors. The doctors say that a large proportion of patients come to them with what

    they call neuroses, and ask for their bottle of medicine or what not, and that these

    patients just waste time and money. The patients say they do not feel well, and come

    for help, which very often they do not receive in full. Only radiesthesia will explain

    these obscure cases.

    This then is the science of radiesthesia which gives the key to the matter of aluminium


    I will now describe briefly just how an aluminium reaction is to be detected by the

    average person with reasonable intelligence, using apparatus available in any

    household.* Take an ordinary wooden reel of black cotton, make a nick with a knife

    on the outside rim, unwind about twelve inches of the thread and pass the thread from

    the reel where it has been wound, through the nick and then through the centre hole to

    the other side of the reel. Now cut off the free thread so that its length is about six

    inches. The thread can now be held between thumb and ringer of the right hand,

    assuming the operator is right handed, and this constitutes a pendulum.

    * For full details, see my book The Divination of Disease, Health Science Press.

    The operator should now sit on a wooden chair which has armrests. This should be

    pulled up to a table. The operator should sit at the table facing magnetic east orwestthe position being found by a compass. On the edge of the table in front of the

    operator is placed a piece of plate glass.

    To test a food for aluminium three more articles are necessary. Firstly, a sample of

    aluminium, which can either be a small piece of aluminium, or a little bottle

    containing aluminium in a 3x potency. The latter is the more active, and it can be

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    obtained from a homoeopathic chemist. Secondly, a bar magnet, and thirdly, a rule

    marked in inches and tenths of inches.

    This is the procedure. A sample of the food to be tested is placed in the centre of the

    glass sheet in front of the operator, after the bar magnet has been passed three or four

    times across the glass from side to side. The pendulum is held by the thread by theright thumb and forefinger at a distance (measured by the rule) of three inches from

    the bobbin top to the place where it is held between thumb and forefinger. The

    pendulum is thereby tuned to aluminium, and to increase this tuning the bottle of

    aluminium in 3x potency is held in the palm of the hand holding the pendulum.

    Having got as far as this, the pendulum is rotated in a circular motion clockwise over

    the food, i.e. the operator starts this motion by a gentle movement. As soon as the

    pendulum is gyrating clockwise the operator tries to hold the thread steady. He must

    not think of anythingi.e. his mind must be a blank.

    If the food being tested contains an aluminium potency the pendulum will continue togyrate. If, however, the food does not contain aluminium in potency the pendulum

    will not go on gyrating, and the circular movement will be replaced very soon by a to-

    and-fro movement called an oscillation. Naturally it takes some practice for a novice

    to get reliable results, but sooner or later the art will be learnt, and then the operator

    will distinguish between water boiled in an aluminium pan and water boiled in an

    enamelled one. As soon as one food has been tested and removed, the surface of the

    glass must be sterilized by the passage of the bar magnet across the glass three or four


    Such, then, is the procedure for the radiesthetic detection of aluminium energy. Its

    truth is vouched for by its ability to distinguish between water boiled in aluminium

    ware and water boiled in non-aluminium ware. If it can do this, it must be reliable.

    Similar procedures are used in medical radiesthesia, but it is not necessary to describe

    these procedures here. They are naturally more complex. If, however, an aluminium

    reaction is given by a sample from a patient, always that patient's physical vitality rate

    is lower than the normal, and one or more organs will also react abnormally. It is

    almost universally true that in aluminium poisoning the colon or large bowel will

    always react abnormally, whether or no additional organs from the abdominal group

    or other systems react abnormally as well.

    The detection of aluminium poisoning and its resulting damage is, then, done by these

    radiesthetic procedures. The finding of the remedy, which will be in potency, is also

    done by the same procedure. The remedy in potency, if correct, will restore the

    physical vitality rate to normaland will also correct the abnormal readings for those

    organs which reacted in an abnormal wayand destroy the aluminium reaction.

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    This remedy, in potency form, is generally indicated for up to fourteen days. If the

    patient's sample is then retested there will be either a partial or a complete

    improvement in the readings. The patient will also generally notice a marked

    improvement in how he feels. What has been achieved up to this point is a correction

    towards normality of the patient's whole body, whereby the changes caused by the

    aluminium intoxication have been overcome. The test and the treatment assumes thatthe patient's diet during this fourteen-day period has been aluminium free. This is very

    often not the case, for the following reasons. Most patients take a little time to

    reorientate their kitchenware and food purchasing, and many have to eat out for

    business reasons. Hence, in practice, the remedy in potency designed to deal with the

    patient's state at a particular time has to cope with a varying state after that time,

    because there may still be some varying input of aluminized food. Considerations of

    this sort lead me to conclude that a constant antidote to neutralize the incoming

    aluminium energy would have to be found.

    If a radiesthetic examination is made of the percentage prevalence of the chemical

    elements making up the human body, it will be found that in aluminium intoxication

    copper and sulphur are present in a lower percentage than normal. This discovery led

    me to try by radiesthetic work to see if those two elements did counteract a dose of

    aluminium in potency form. This proved to be the case, and in general if one or two

    aluminized meals out are eaten on one day, one dose of copper and sulphur in 10x

    potency taken on the same day will neutralize the incoming aluminium dose. In actual

    practice, therefore, besides giving a patient the homoeopathic remedy worked out by

    radiesthesia, he is also given some copper and sulphur in 10x potency, one dose

    weekly to neutralize odd food leaks, and an extra dose to offset the effects of meals

    out, if and when he has to have meals out.

    After the first two weeks' treatment is over, the patient's sample has to be retested. If

    the dieting and the remedy action have been correct, his vitality or vibration rates will

    be higher or nearer to normality, and his sample will give no aluminium reaction.

    Generally a further remedy in potency will be indicated, very often magnesium, or

    silica, or calcium, or phosphorus. This further remedy is given to the patient with

    additional copper and sulphur lox, and tests are repeated at monthly intervals for a

    period. The whole procedure is very delicate, as one is trying to convert the biochemic

    make-up of the body to normality whilst there may be some varying amount ofaluminium in potency form entering that body during the period of treatment. With

    co-operation from the patient, it is usually possible to keep him aluminium-free, and

    as the period during which the patient is under treatment lengthens, he assumes a

    more constant tendency to remain normal both in the readings and in how he feels, so

    much so that he may himself finally become able naturally to overcome the effects of

    occasional doses of aluminized food. In a few cases he may even reach the point

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    where he becomes immune to aluminium for a timewhich means that the process

    whereby aluminium acts has passed to the non-detectable stage preceding


    With the continuance of the anti-aluminium regime, the patient's symptoms will


    often very quickly. Duodenal ulcers will heal, and eye troubles improve.No symptoms caused, however, by a definite structural change in an organ will

    wholly disappear necessarily. Damage done by past disease may need other measures,

    such as surgery, to cope with it.

    Lay readers and medical men who do not practise homoeopathy may think that

    radiesthesia is not exact enough or scientific enough to be relied on in relation to

    diagnosis and to selection of a remedy. They may think it is an obscure way of finding

    out what is wrong, that a Radiesthetic operator may simply be deluding himself in

    thinking certain things and making the pendulum act according to his preconceived

    ideas. Again the answer is, that a person who has not studied radiesthesia cannotunderstand it, and those who have studied it will be enthusiastic in its praises.

    I have shown how potencies are the crux of aluminium poisoning. Potencies are

    simply forms of energy not to be detected by ordinary scientific instruments. The most

    sensitive detector known is the human mind itself, which is more sensitive and

    wonderful than any man-made instrument. In radiesthesia it is the human mind which

    reacts to the unseen forces in potency. No other mechanism could be involved to

    prove these forces. No instrument can prove the effect of prayer, but radiesthesia can

    and does.

    A doctor has a patient before him. The patient tells the doctor about the symptoms of

    disease that he has noticed. The doctor listens and records them. Then he looks at the

    patient, feels the patient's body, listens to certain parts of the patient's body. He can do

    special examinations, such as chemical analysis of certain secretions and excretions,

    he can use instruments for finding the blood pressure, or those used in special physical

    examinations of certain organs. Having done all this he may find no indication of

    disease, and may just try and reassure the patient, telling him there is "nothing

    wrong". No patient goes to a doctor if there is really nothing wrong. On the other

    hand, the doctor may conclude that the patient's symptoms add up to a particular

    physical complaint which he will name. In very many such cases he has no idea at all

    by what process the disease has come about or progressed from the normal, and still

    less how to correct it by natural means. Those doctors who use radiesthesia do all

    these examinations and arrive at the same diagnosisbut they are not content to leave

    the matter there. They use the pendulum over the patient's sample, and the underlying

    cause of the disease is made apparent. Radiesthesia makes clear the actual disease

    process going on, and that is the important thing.

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    The common cold is common but few medical men have a true knowledge of its

    cause. Those who use radiesthesia know that the first step in the production of a cold

    is by the growth of bacteria of an abnormal kind, in the bowel. Radiesthesia gives

    knowledge that cannot be obtained otherwise. It throws a flood of light on any

    obscure case, and without it I should be blind, deaf and dumb. It is to be hoped, then,

    that the reader will understand the reason why only radiesthesia gives the key toaluminium poisoning. Only it is able to unlock the doorand there is no other key

    which could possibly fit the lock.

    7. Additional Details Regarding Food ContaminationThis chapter is designed to give the reader some additional information on aluminium

    contamination of food.

    Once again it is to be stressed that one is dealing with aluminium in potency form, and

    not with the actual chemical salts of aluminium, or with such in actual weight, though

    the ingestion of aluminium in potency form may be accompanied by the simultaneousingestion of aluminium salts which can be detected in the body by ordinary chemical

    tests. Such would occur when, for instance, an acid fruit is boiled in water in an

    aluminium saucepan. The acids of the fruit react on and dissolve the aluminium metal,

    forming salts of aluminium which will be ingested when the cooked food is

    consumed. At the same time the agitation of the heating process will also produce an

    aluminium potency, and this is the lethal weapon. Hence, in the kitchen, no

    aluminium cooking utensil must be used. Only the cold-water tap should be used in

    filling kettles and saucepans, never the hot-water tap.

    Many gas and electric water heaters give an aluminium reaction to the water. Softened

    water also should not be used for food but reserved for washing. The refrigerator is, or

    can be, a potent cause of aluminium contamination. The agitation produced by the

    freezing element acts in much the same way as boiling, and a potency of aluminium is

    formed thereon. This is dissipated over food kept in the refrigerator. The remedy is to

    see that all food kept in the refrigerator is covered up in dishes or kept in polythene


    Many makes of frozen food are also aluminium contaminated, but not all frozen food

    is so affected. It is, however, more likely that frozen food will give an aluminium

    reaction than that the fresh article will, and so, when possible, fresh food should

    always be purchased in preference to frozen food. Grease-proof paper should always

    be removed from foods when they arrive in the kitchen.

    To find an aluminium-free bread, samples of locally obtainable bread must be tested

    for aluminium, which mostly gets into the bread from the salt used by the baker. One

    or two correct breads can easily be found, and the purchase of these breads must be

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    adhered to, and from the same shop. It is generally necessary to retest the bread at

    intervals, as at any time the baker may change the source of his salt supply. Butter is

    also another problem. Dutch unsalted, and most Danish butters are all right, and only

    these should be used.

    This is also the time to mention those people who live in aluminium caravans. Suchpersons live surrounded by aluminium, and a potency of this can be given off by the

    walls if heat is applied to them. Infra-red and ultra-violet radiation have the same

    effect on aluminium walls. Sunlight, therefore, striking the inside wall of such a

    caravan can dissipate aluminium in potency form to considerable distances. If,

    however, the aluminium is coated by a non-aluminized paint, it will cease to radiate.

    Many artificial sunlight lamps made of aluminium are very strong emitters of

    aluminium in potency form. Such radiated aluminium potency may not necessarily do

    much harm, but in some cases it is an important factor. The exposed face or upper

    extremities cannot absorb anything like the same amount of aluminium as that whichcan enter the body via the mouth in food.

    I mentioned earlier on in this book that most vegetables and fruits, being natural

    foods, are aluminium-free, and I want now to elaborate this matter. The truth is, that

    all that grows in the soil ought not to give an aluminium potency reaction, and this is

    generally the case. It is, however, the practice these days to grow certain vegetables

    and fruits, in an unnatural way. There are many more people to be fed than used to be

    the case, and the standard of living is higher. Hence some fruits and vegetables are

    grown under glass, and certain chemicals are used on the soil, and sprayed on to the

    plants with the double idea of chemically replacing deficient elements in the soil, and

    of directly preventing plant diseases. There is no doubt whatever that the correct way

    of keeping the soil in health is by the addition to it of humus and manure, and not by

    doping it with chemicals. Results can be obtained by the use of chemicals, but it can

    be proved that such chemicals harm the soil and render the plants grown therein

    harmful from the food point of view. Many substances used for feeding both plants

    and the soil in which they grow, give an aluminium reaction, most often in the

    decimal range. A plant growing in such treated soil will then often give a reaction for

    a potency of aluminium in either the decimal or centesimal range. The plant then

    becomes a poison to an aluminium-sensitive person.

    Tomatoes are most often affected. Many tomatoes sold in shops give an aluminium

    reaction on test. A plant giving such a potency reaction will gradually get rid of it if it

    is no longer fed on chemicals which themselves give an aluminium reaction. The

    more a plant, or its soil, is treated by chemical means, the more likely it is to be

    harmful. The remedy is to try and obtain compost-grown fruits and vegetables, which

    are sold here and there. If the demand for these increases, so will the supplies

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    increase. It is also important that fruits and vegetables grown in one's garden are also

    only compost treated. The fruits of the earth are not poisonous except when man

    makes them so.

    To illustrate this: a patient of mine recently bought another house which has a seven-

    acre garden, in which his gardener proceeded to grow all the usual vegetables andfruits. The gardener started his work by applying lime and sulphate of ammonia to the

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