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Energy Management

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Learning Bites

• Understand What is ISO 50001:2011 – Energy Management System (EnMS)

• Recognize the need EnMS for an organization.

• Identify EnMS Framework

• Understand the EnMS – Plan, Do, Check, Act Cycle

• Comprehend how is EnMS aligned to other ISO standard

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Global Energy Trends

• Global demand for all energy sources is foreseen to grow by 57% over the next 25 years.

• By year 2030, 56% of the world’s energy use will be from Asia.

• Electricity demand will grow by at least 40% by 2032.

• New power generation equals to nearly 300 power plants (1,000 MW) will be needed to

meet electricity demand by 2030.

• Currently, 50% of electrical generation relies on coal and fossil fuel; while 85% of

greenhouse gas emissions result from energy-consuming activities supported by fossil


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Why Manage Energy?

Even with good returns, energy waste is still prevalent in all organizations.

• 400% variation in energy use intensity of buildings is not clearly explained.

• Little improvement in overall energy consumption.

• Capturing energy waste has been hampered by a lack of focus on energy management.

• Too often energy management is characterized as decentralized, poorly-coordinated and


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Saved over $75 million through effective energy management.

What Energy Management can do?

Realized a 5% annual energy savings and increased the asset value of a

California building by $1.5 million due to energy efficiency upgrades.

Saved more than $8.6 million in operating costs in 2002 from its energy

management efforts.

Estimated the difference in operational costs between its energy efficient

buildings and inefficient buildings more than $13 million.

Estimated an annual energy savings of $4.5 million from energy efficiency


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Energy Management – Some Global Frameworks

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Energy Star on Energy Management

Step 8: Recognize Achievements

Step 7: Evaluate Progress

Step 6: Implement Action Plan

Step 5: Create Action Plan

Step 4: Set Goals

Step 3: Assess Performance

Step 2: Form a Dedicated Team

Step 1: Commit to continuousimprovement

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The Energy MAP (Management Action Plan)

• Developed by SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland)

• Helps in identifying potential areas of maximum wastage of energy therefore minimizing

energy usage

• Works on 5 pillars of energy management:

• Commit

• Identify

• Plan

• Take Action

• Review

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ISO 50001:2011

ISO 50001

• Establish

• Implement

• Maintain

• Improve





Following a systematicapproach in achievingcontinual improvementin Energy Performance



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Typical Steps for Energy Management

Metering your energy consumption and collecting the data1

Finding opportunities to save energy, and estimating how much energy eachopportunity could save.


Taking action to target the opportunities to save energy3

Tracking progress by analyzing metered data (how well the energy-savingefforts have worked)

Tracking progress by analyzing metered data (how well the energy-savingefforts have worked)


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ISO 50001:2011 – Energy Management System

International Standard on Energy Management includes requirements for

establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving the organization’s energy

management system to achieve steady improvement in energy performance.

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EnMS Framework

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P-D-C-A for EnMS

• Conduct an energy review & establish the objectives,baseline, energy performance indicators (EnPI), targetsand action plans necessary to deliver improved energyperformance.


• Implement the energy management action plansDO

• Monitor and measure processes and the keycharacteristics of operations that determine energyperformance against the energy policy and objectives,and report the results


• Take actions to continually improve energy performanceand the EnMSACT

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Planning Process

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How to DO?

1. Competence, Training andAwareness

2. Requirements Documentation

3. Operational Control

4. Communication

5. Design

6. Purchasing Energy Services,Goods and Energy

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What to CHECK?

1. Measurement & Analysis

2. Legal Compliances

3. Internal Audit of EnergyManagement System

4. Nonconformity, correctiveaction and preventive action

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How to ACT

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How does EnMS align?

EnMS integration with other Management Systems

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Benefits of implementing ISO 50001 - EnMS

• Assist organizations in making better use of their existing energy-consuming assets.

• Offer guidance in benchmarking, measuring, documenting, and reporting energy intensityimprovements and their projected reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

• Create transparency and facilitate communication in the management.

• Promote energy management best practices and reinforce good energy managementbehaviors.

• Assist facilities in evaluating and prioritizing the implementation of new energy-efficienttechnologies.

• Provide a framework for promoting energy efficiency throughout the supply chain.

• Facilitate energy management improvements for greenhouse gas emission reductionprojects.

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• Implementing Energy Efficient Measures does not result in a major cash out but incontinuous cost reductions for organizations.

• ISO 50001 is a certification standard by ISO on implementing best practices forEnergy Management.

• ISO 50001 is aligned with the other managements systems like QMS, EMS, SMS etcand therefore could be managed in a similar way.

• ISO 50001 will increase energy efficiency, reduce costs, and improve environmentalperformance.

• The standard is intended to provide organizations and companies with a recognizedframework for integrating energy efficiency into their management practices.

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