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OCR Media Studies – AS Level

Unit G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media

Planning & Research

Name: Emma WalkerCandidate Number: 1252Center Name: St. Andrew’s Catholic SchoolCenter Number: 64135

Set Brief - Print

Music Magazine – Production

Preliminary Task Progression and Planning & Research

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Section 1) – Preliminary Task

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Preliminary Task Progression– EvidenceFront CoverStep-by-step

First of all I started by choosing the font style I wanted for my masthead, making my masthead and then adding it to the front cover. I then chose my background and used the gradient tool to create a nice effect on the background. I then added some blue and yellow stripes along the top of the front cover in order to create brand identity. Also, for the same factor I added the St Andrews logo to the top right hand corner and added an email address just above the masthead. Then using the text tool I created my main headline and placed it into the middle of the page.

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Next I added a barcode to the front cover. I chose the barcode I wanted and placed it from my folder where it was saved into Photoshop. I placed it in the bottom right hand corner of my page.

To make my front cover look professional I added a copy of my masthead to the barcode area for brand identity. I also then added social media logo’s and a St Andrew’s logo to make it clear that we have our own website and are linked up to social media. Finally, I added the issue number, date and price. These are important factors to have on the front cover as people need to know the issue number, date and price before they buy it. To finish off the barcode area and leave it looking professional I used the rectangle tool to create a white rectangle around all of them elements and used the stroke effect to create a dark blue effect around the rectangle.

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Next I added in my main image which I had edited to erase the background. I placed this in the middle of my front cover as it is the main attraction. I put the image behind the main headline so you could still see the main headline. I also added a slogan just underneath the masthead, this links into brand identity.

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I then made a promotional offer for my front cover, this is to catch the readers eye. I made a bright yellow callout and placed the writing over the top of it, using a dark blue stroke for brand identity. I also included an apple logo as this links to my promotional offer.

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Finally, I added the last few elements to bring my whole front cover together. These elements included eye caching ‘NEW MAGAZINE’ and ‘EXCLUSIVE’ banners. I added these so that they would catch the readers eye.

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Final Page

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Preliminary Task Progression– EvidenceContents PageStep-by-step

Firstly, I applied the same background as on my front page for brand identity and to keep it looking professional. I kept the same blue and yellow stripes across the top of the page and added the St. Andrews logo. I inserted the title ‘Contents’ and ensured I placed the magazine name and strapline on the contents page for brand identity.

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Next I added the shapes of the boxes where I wanted the subheadings to go, the cover lines and the descriptions. I put blue boxes around the cover line titles to separate them from the descriptions so the layout was clear. I also added the page number that each story is on next to them. Finally, I inserted a web address for the magazine at the bottom of the page and added the page number next to the web address. I used dark blue, yellow and white colours only as these colours represent St. Andrews so this connotes brand identity.

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To finish my contents page I added the main image from my front cover and a short descriptions of the story it was linked to underneath. I then added my editorial in and inserted a drop capital so I had all of my elements included. I inserted an editor image and made the text go around it by using the pen tool to create the text box. To ensure I had all the requirements for a contents page I placed my signature underneath my editorial and added necessary elements which consisted of an email address, name, phone number and twitter address.

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Final Page

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Section 2) – Log Book

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Music Magazine – Genre research• The American Music Industry made 15 billion dollars in 2012 and the

Global Music Industry made 50 billion dollars in the same year. • Pop music has been determined as the most popular music brand in the

UK and the US.• Most pop artists have come to fame through either social media or

popular T.V. talent shows such as X Factor and The Voice.

• This genre of music originated from Rock n Roll.

• The term pop music comes from the term ‘popular’.

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Established Magazine for my Research

MastheadBig, bold and bright, this means that it is eye catching and stands out for the readers and target audience.

BarcodeThis means that the magazine can be purchased, it also has the price and date of the issue in this section, therefore the reader knows the price of the product.

Cover linesThese entice the reader into purchasing the magazine as they can see eye catching stories that are revealed inside.

Main HeadlineIn a bold font, this makes it stand out more and is more eye-catching.

Strap lineItalicised so it makes it stand out and appear different

Main ImageStar appeal (Richard Dyer) appeals to the target audience as they want to read about their idols.

PromotionAppeals to readers and stands out

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Target Audience – The target audience for Q magazine is varied as it supplies information from many different music genre’s so it appeals to a wide variety of readers. It is mainly targeted at the older generation who want a more sophisticated approach, by using information that revolves around the actual music rather than the current fashion trends. According to the magazine’s reader profile (source: 71% of Q’s readers are in the A,B,C1 categories, their reader’s median age is 34 years old and 70% of their readers are in employment. In accordance with Katz’ Uses & Gratifications theory, the audience are ‘informed’ of the main storyline about Cheryl Cole, also that there are stories on other artists such as Snow Patrol and 50 Cent. On this front cover. They are also informed of the chance to win a prize. Hartley’s 7 subjectivities would determine the audience of this magazine to be young adults/teens of both female and male and of a variety of ethnicities. This is because the colour scheme is unisex which means it will attract both genders, also it has stories on popular artists that the younger generation are interested in. Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the readership can be denoted as ‘social climbers’ because the magazine have used ‘star appeal’ (Richard Dyer) of Cheryl Cole on the front cover which will attract the target audience and suggest that they aspire to be like the star.

What is the USP of this magazine? From my research into this magazine, I think the USP is that Q magazine presents information from varied genres of music. For example, the magazine has stories on the latest pop artists such as Adele, but also has stories on the genre’s of Rock and Punk music.

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Conventions of a Music MagazineThe Masthead is very clear and big but also simple which makes it stick in your memory, also it reminds you of what you are reading. The colour theme

is consistent throughout the cover, which makes for a more professional look.

The cover image is large and fills up the entire page, it is of a popular music artist so will draw attraction.

The front cover image is striking and therefore catches your eye, the striking appearance makes you want to read it.

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Target Audience – Katz, Maslow, Hartley and/or socio-economic needs

The target audience for Billboard magazine are mostly aged between 16-30, this target audience would be classified as B, C1, and D on the standard occupational classification as statistics show many who read this magazine are in high end jobs but also the teens reading it are likely to be either in education or starting a low paid job. The target audience can be shown by the content in Billboard magazine as the content focuses on new music and new artists. Also, Billboard has a wide target audience and readership as it focuses occasionally on different genres other than pop music. In accordance with Katz’ Uses & Gratifications theory, the audience are ‘informed’ of the main headline and who the story is about (Katy Perry), also about other stories which are inside the magazine which include other pop artists such as Taylor Swift and Mike Posner. On this front cover, Hartley’s 7 subjectivities would determine the audience of this magazine to to be teenage females of a variety of ethnicities due to the colour scheme being bubblegum pink. Finally, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the readership can be denoted as ‘social climbers’ because the colour scheme and ‘star appeal’ (Richard Dyer) of Katy Perry used on the front cover suggest that the audience are teens who aspire to be like the star. This means that they do not have full time jobs due to their age and therefore fall under the category of ‘social climbers’.

What is the USP of this magazine? From my research I think the USP of this magazine is the wide variety of artists and genres that it mentions in each edition. Over the years many famous musicians have stared on the front cover of Billboard magazine, such as Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift and Eminem, who are all from slightly different music genres. Billboard magazine appeals to a range of readers because of its USP.

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Publisher research• Billboard magazine is published by Lynne Segall, by Billboard Media Group. It’s

editor is Tony Gervino. • Billboard magazine is popular all over the world as many artists from different

countries have appeared on the front cover. • You can buy Billboard in any newsagent in the UK.• Also, you can apply for a subscription to Billboard magazine which means you will

have the new edition of the magazine delivered to you each time it is released. This is helpful for anyone who wants regular access to the magazine.

• Some of the former editors include: Bill Werde and Ken Schlager.

Key areas to focus on:

• Billboard does not have a specific slogan.• Readership Profile: 1. 71% are between the ages of 25 -542. 82% are college graduates3. 27.5% post degree graduates4. 65% director level or above5. 37% keep the annual double year end issue for over a year

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Publisher Research• Q magazine is published by Bauer Media. Their slogan is ‘we think popular’ which connotes the idea that the

magazines they publish are popular.• It’s editor is Paul Rees.• The magazine is published every month.• Q magazine was first published on October 1986, it was different from other magazines due to its high

quality photography and printing.• The founders are Mark Ellen and David Hepworth, who founded Q because they felt it was a niche market as

there wasn’t a magazine for the older generation.• The Q music brand has extended to Radio and Television with Q radio and Q TV.• Q holds annual music awards in the UK.• These music awards are known as Q Awards.• Q music magazine is an alternative music magazine.Key areas to focus on:

• Q magazine’s slogan is ‘discover great music’.• Readership Profile: 1. 66.2% of readers are male2. 83.8% of readers are between 15 and 44 years of age

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