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Email Marketing Best Practices for Not-For-Profit Organisations

Simon Byrne

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Today’s Webinar

• Know your Audience: Collect, Segment,


• Making it into the inbox (not as easy as you think)

• How to improve your email open rate

• Generating click-throughs

• Thinking outside the box: RSPCA case study

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Collecting data

• Make sign-up quick and easy - ask for more details later

• Capture points- think beyond the homepage(secondary pages, social, SMS, in person)

• Make use of your email stats

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Audience segmentation

• Forget the term “e-blast”

• Create relevant segments of subscribers and send short, tailored messages to each one

• Segments can be created in your email marketing platform using lists, folders, or in some cases dynamic segmentation tools

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• Keep your emails short and relevant to the target group

• Address people by their name

• Use other data fields to personalise even further

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Making it into the inbox(Not always as easy as you think)

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What affects your

deliverability• Data quality

• Sender reputation (not always in your hands)

• Subject line

• Content- keywords- use of images- plain text version- quality of HTML code

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You’re in! Now how to get people opening your email.

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Improving your open rate

• Average open rate for NFPs is 25%

• What can you do to improve yours:- Subject line- ‘From’ name- Pre-header text

• Split testing!

And most importantly…

• Send the right content to the right people

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Getting clicksThe core objective of every email campaign.

But how?

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Key click-through tactics• Design for MOBILE

• Images, images, images(people love to click them)

• Every article or section should have a call to action! (Preferably a button)

• No long-winded text. Invite people to click through for more info.

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Thinking outside the box:

RSPCA Case Study

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Thank you.

Simon [email protected]

Twitter: @theEDMguy

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