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  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final






  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    ISP Musical the Finale

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    Nguyet Minh_08E1

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    n this Thursday, March 22nd,

    a very special event will be

    held by the Student

    Association together with the Youth

    Power club, named Recycle Day.All ULISers can join in this

    meaningful and joyous event to

    learn how to make bags, candles

    and other lovely decorations from

    recyclable materials such as paper,

    nylon bags, used oil, empty bottles,

    and so on. Even stuffs which seem

    to be totally useless such as ice-

    cream sticks, corncobs, toilet papercores can be made into

    surprisingly useful objects. So

    plunder you wastebasket and bring

    everything you can find to Recycle

    day. That is the best way to say: I

    love you, Mother Earth!

    Hoang Giang_08E1


  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    Why students sleep in class?Sleeping in class is one of

    the most popular phenomena of

    students nowadays. According to

    my latest survey, almost every

    student admitted to sleeping in

    class at least once. So what are

    the main reasons for this? Can we

    blame it on students only?

    (This picture is just used for illustrating)

    The survey has shown that there are two kinds of sleeping in class: sleeping from the beginning

    of the lessons and sleeping while listening to the lecturers.

    Many of the students who were interviewed agreed that the most common reason for this is

    they do not sleep enough at home. Some always have too many things to do like homework, part-time

    jobs, and even playing video games, watching TV, and going out for entertaining; others have a habit

    of going to bed late in the evening. As a result, they only sleep for about 5 hours per day. Thats why

    they start to sleep shortly after coming to class in the morning.

    Besides, some students say that they only sleep when the lectures are not

    interesting or they do not like studying the subjects. Therefore, they fall asleep just

    after listening to the lecturers for a few minutes.

    In addition, cool weather, especially in the afternoon, also causes sleepiness

    for students. Sometimes, they even want to sleep when seeing many of their

    classmates sleeping.

    Overall, sleeping in class cannot be blamed on students only. However, you

    should fix them yourself in order not to sleep in class anymore because our main

    goal is studying, right? To do so, you should make a timetable and start with it so as

    to not only keep healthy but also study well. Good luck!

    Anh Phuong_08E1

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    Teacher or Sister???Teacher, sis, student- teacher or teachersto-be were allthe kinds of names that students used to call me during

    the six weeks of the Teaching Practicum 2012. In

    parallel, happy, nervous, scared, excited and surprising were all the

    adjectives that best described my feeling in the very first official times

    teaching the freshmen of FELTE. After a month and a half working with

    those students, things left in my mind now are the love to the them and the

    passion of becoming a good teacher of English. Looking at them, I found

    myself of more than 3 years ago who was a small girl being far away from

    her parents for the first time to immerse herself in a very different

    learning environment that she had never experienced before. I saw the

    young eager faces starving for new knowledge and skills from the lecturers

    and experience in the students life. I wished to tell them everything so that

    they would know in advance to minimize the weaknesses and get the best

    results later on. I wished to share about my first things in university: first

    feeling, first lesson, first love, and first exams, as a sister but not a teacher.

    However, I acknowledged that each person has their own way of living and

    thinking, and the totally strange things are worth trying and exploring.

    Then, the last message I conveyed to them was that slowly step on your

    way, slowly get what you really want, and slowly enjoy the life around you.

    One day, you would realize that you are grown-up and 4 years in ULIS isthe most treasuring period of time in your life. As for me, I am satisfied

    with my choice and feeling happy on my way of becoming an English

    teacher in the next few months. Also, I am really thankful to them, my little

    sisters and brothers, who gave me chance to look back my student life and

    hope that they would be satisfied with their choices and ready to make their

    dreams come true.

    Xuan Lieu: 08.E1

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    What is happy?Tran Thi Tuyet Trinh - 11E3

    ...From the diary of a freshman...


    I was born in a small village which isnt rich but everybody here is always happy. We all

    know each other and live together as intimately as a family. Here, I am just a little girl enjoying

    the happiness as every day is a present for me. Sounds I hear each morning are birdsongs in

    the beautiful garden; and the whisper of the leaves in the afternoon could make me relaxed.

    When the sunshine appears as a symbol of a new day, I get up with a happy smile. When the

    sun sets, I gaze at the western firmament, see the large green rice field and listen to the sound

    of sweet wind. In summer evenings, looking at thousands of stars in the sky could help me free

    from sadness and troubles. At the end of a workday, I often enjoy doing my homework, and

    then listen to my favorite songs before going to bed.

    There are five people in my family. My father has worked far from home for 12 years and

    only goes home once a month. Sometimes, we miss him very much, so we are all happy

    whenever he is at home. My mother is a farmer with a wonderful soul who loves us more than

    herself. What makes her bother about most is that I often quarrel with my brother, Phuc.

    However, he is always the winner although he is younger than me. Being different from Phuc,

    my youngest brother, Phu, usually obeys me. People say that we are a close family and its


    Besides, I also have many best friends who make me laugh all the time and share with me

    everything. Im always eager to go to school every day and I have had some successes in my

    study. In addition, I have even gained more achievements since I found a person I thought I fell

    in love with...

    Life is so beautiful as Im like a princess in a wonderland.

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    Everything has changed since I left my hometown to continue my study in Hanoi, a very

    beautiful city. Im very excited about visiting some famous places I have seen only on TV

    before such as Hoan Kiem Lake, Thu Le Park, etc. One more interesting thing is that I live

    with my best friend on the second floor of a rented apartment. Thats so great because I used to

    like living in the second floor a lot. Living here, we often go to the market, do the housework,

    study, and even keep writing diary everyday together.

    Im so happy that Im now a student at college and I always have my best friend side by side,

    and its just the beginning...


    Problems have come gradually. The series of the last four months was like a long night of my

    life. I couldnt enjoy the feeling of independence any longer because of my home sickness. I

    often cried when thinking of my family and my hometown. I thought of meals my mom cooked,

    thought of my brothers voices. I thought of days living at home when I saw twilight. I missed

    thousands of stars in the sky. I missed the wind blowing from the fields...

    Those days are gone now. In Hanoi, I couldnt see stars because of electric lights. The wind is

    full of dust. I go to school on strange streets and no one smile warmly at me like what people do

    in my hometown. I could only see stressful faces on which I just feel the pressure of life...

    The worst thing was that my roommate began to take a part-time job, so she went home very

    late at night. I was tired not only because of her tiredness but also because of too much

    housework I had to do alone. (To tell the truth, there was not much housework. It was that

    because I had been acquainted with living like a princess at home.) And about my study,

    pressure grew up as the methods of learning and teaching in university were too different from

    those in high school, and the exercises were also difficult. I envied students who were richer

    and better than me (it was really fool). I couldnt find any friends. I didnt have any motivation

    to go to school. Therefore, I had to change to be more confident, more active, which I had

    never thought about before.

    Everything seemed to be better when I became accustomed to my roommates job. I found

    out that she had to do hard, really hard. I regretted that I had done nothing to help her before.

    However, a new problem came up as she brought a strange girl with her when she went home

    one day. The problem was more complicated than I thought since it was related to our family

    and our friendship. Consequently, there were two options: I left or she left. Honestly, it was

    more difficult to be solved when we were both very sensitive. Moreover, at that time, I was

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    despaired because of my study result and my broken love. Luckily, the problem has been

    solved today after I decided to let that girl live with us.

    Recently, Im still a little girl but Im now far from happiness as life is more complicated

    than I thought.


    After a month, recently, I have found everything very simple. My homesickness has faded

    away as I have been familiar with living far from my family. My roommate no longer does her

    part-time job; therefore, we can go to the market, do the housework and study together again.

    The girl we are living with is closer to us now. My neighbors are closer, too.

    I dont envy my friends anymore because I know that they have to study very hard like me

    now. Their successes are the result of their efforts. I also have many friends in my class now.

    All of them are friendly and I think they understand me. I still like going to school on footpath

    every morning and smiling warmly at others as before. What a beautiful life!

    For me, all things I have passed in my love are just sad memories. Someone has said that:

    although you thought it is deep, really deep, it simply is very light, like a thin petal.

    Everything will be good, quicker than you think because what is waiting for you in the future

    is... the entire world. When love is lost, do not bow your head in sadness; instead keep your

    head up high and gaze into heaven for that is where your broken heart has been sent to heal.

    At the moment, I have a dream and I will try to make it come true even though I know that it

    is very difficult. Perhaps in the way I do it, I can find how happiness is...

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    Mom! The woman who I want to mention is

    Mom A mother of only mine!!! You are my entire


    Perhaps, to everyone, you are not a special

    person. However, you are the greatness in my heart

    because of only one simple reason - you are my mother,

    you are my life and you are my entire world.

    I silently understand all the hardships and

    difficulties that you have experienced. Moreover, I also

    understand all the works and responsibilities that you have shouldered. Time has gone by, and you always

    work hard like that. Your life attaches to the field.

    You work in the field all day. Besides, you have to do

    housework in the evening (including raising pigs and

    chickens). You even dont have time to take care of

    yourself not even some restful sleep. Mommy! You

    are so miserable, arent you? Whenever I ask that

    question, you always tell me that: I want to see your

    success so all the hardships are not significant. Mom,

    why do you make that enormous sacrifice for me? What

    can I do for you? Nevertheless, nothing is comparable

    with your love for me. I only bring you more sorrows.

    From the bottom of my heart, I just want to say I

    love you so much and I am profoundly grateful to you.

    I cant remember how many times I say I

    love you during the last 19 years but I believe that

    you always know how much I love you, Mommy. My

    love for you is as big as yours for me. 19 years old, I

    am old enough to understand every thing. I wont be

    stubborn any more. I wont say Im not interested or

    I dont want any more. I will take everything into

    careful consideration. I will be happier, stronger and

    more sociable than I used to. I will fully open my

    heart. Maybe you will be happier and no longer have to

    worry about me.I study far from home so I only can send my

    love since I am not brave enough to tell you. When

    writing these lines, I miss you so much. I badly need

    youat this moment. I try not to cry but I cant. Why

    do I let myself be feeble and not like your daughter?

    Whenever I feel sad, the first person I think of and

    miss a lot is you. Perhaps, only you can give me the

    feeling of safety. And only thinking of you can help me

    give up the feelings of sadness, thanks to maternal

    warmth that I can feel.

    Last time when I came back home, I saw on

    your head a lot of white hair. Dads health is getting

    worse, too. I cant suppress my heart. I really love you

    - my parents. I am sorry for all the mistakes I have

    made. Dad and Mom, you always stand by me, bring

    me pleasure, warmth and happiness that I cant find

    anywhere else. I once thought that I couldnt continue

    to live when I lost you. I think losing you meant I

    lost everything faith, hope and happiness. There was

    nothing for me to continue this life anymore. I waswrong. I was wrong to think so. Then I realize that I

    am your child, your hope and your dream, and my life is

    yours. At this moment, I am seeing pictures of you and

    I can see the silent sacrifice of you. Thank you very

    much, thank you for helping me to stand up whenever I

    give up hope. I really owe you a lot so I will have to

    repay by living better. And I live to repay the care of

    you, my parents, to share the burden, but ....Now I dont think about anything else, I will forget all the

    tenuous happiness because I have Mom and Dad

    you are my warmest happiness?

    I want to say much more but I know that it is tooeasy to say but difficult to do, so I only want you toknow that "I love you so much"!

    Your daughter,

    Hong Th Minh Hi_11E3

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    Ty Ta???

    It is said that Vietnamese people like sharing

    their emotion so much, especially when they see

    a strange person on the street, even foreigners

    with blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin and a

    straight nose. In this situation, many

    Vietnamese people will say this loudly without

    any careful thoughts: Ty while they are

    staring at their guests. Hence, many Ty find

    it annoying. In fact, to Western people, it is

    actually impolite if you let others listen to what

    you are talking about them. Is this behavior a

    bad habit? And whether or not it is a part of

    the culture of Vietnam?

    I know a girl named Katya from Belarus,

    who has been in Vietnam for 5 months. She

    said that she was seen as an odd one when she

    went out because of her platinum hair color,

    blue eyes and very fair skin. I am afraid of

    going out when it is day light. It is reallyuncomfortable because people look at me as if

    I am not a human. Some of them dragged me

    for taking pictures, but not all are in a polite

    way. said Katya.

    Joe Ruelle, a man from Canada, wrote in his

    book in Vietnamese language named Ngc

    chiu vun vt: when I go somewhere,

    (especially rural areas), people usually call me

    Ty. Call just to call. This makes me think

    that I am a dog tramping the street Joe

    Shared. But now it is no problem. When they

    called Ty, Ty, Ty! I replied humorously

    u, u, u?

    In my opinion, Vietnamese people openly

    express their emotion because of their owncharacteristics: being sincere and frank. They

    are hospitable in their own way. Foreigners

    will think Vietnamese people are not very

    polite if they do not deeply understand our

    peoples. As a matter of fact, it is important

    for people to understand and distinguish

    between habit and culture. If they mix them

    together, they can make a serious mistake.

    There is a common sentence: When in Rome

    do as the Romans do, therefore; when

    foreigners are dear to Vietnamese peoples

    heart, they will recognize how friendly people of

    the S-shaped country. It is said that western

    people need to come to Vietnam more often if

    they do not want to be called loudly by the term

    Ty, Ty, Ty.

    Lng ThYn_11E3

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    Q&A1. Where can students register courses?

    Online via website:

    2. What courses have to be registered?




    Political Theories: Marxism, Economic Politics,

    Scientific Socialism.

    Vietnamese Linguistics

    3. What are the conditions for the

    registration to be officially accepted?

    - There is a seat left in the registered course.

    - The number of credits a student covers in a

    certain year does not exceed the maximum

    number of credits for that year.

    - The student has to pay enough fees.

    4. The number of credits students has to

    register each term


    number of



    number of


    First year 14 34

    Second year 35 70

    Third year 71 105

    Fourth year 106 140

    5. In which cases is it compulsory to

    retake a course? In which cases it is


    - Compulsory: The final score of the course is


    - Optional: The final score of the course is D or

    above, and a student wants to improve

    his/her score.

    6. Why do students need to keep their

    regular course attendance?

    - It determines whether a student can take

    the final exam or not
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    - It accounts for 5-10% of the final score.

    7. What are the maximum times can

    students be absent from class?

    3 times for a 15-week course.

    8. What are the possible components of

    the overall assessment?

    - Score of regular assessment (>=40%):

    attendance, assignments, and mid-term tests.

    - Score of final exam.

    9. What are the conditions to take the

    official final exam?

    - Have enough scores of regular assessment.

    - Pay enough fees.

    10. What are the conditions for the

    permission to take the extra final exam?

    Students who do not take the official final

    exam with reasonable explanation and who

    are approved by relevant authorities and the

    Dean of Faculty.

    11. What are the conditions to enroll for

    another degree within ULIS?

    - The student must be in second year and


    - Average accumulated grade is 3.0 or above.

    12. What are the conditions to enroll for

    another degree from another university in


    - The student must be in second year and


    - Average accumulated grade is 2.0 or above.

    Phan Bi Thin Phc _11E13

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    How can I learn new words?

    a. Expanding your vocabulary throughreading and listening

    Be on the outlook for newwords; hear and read new

    words everywhere.

    Read different kinds ofmaterials each day:

    Newspapers, magazines,

    science fiction, poetry, novel

    After watching a movie thatyou like ,find the book on

    which the movie is based

    b. Context clues are important guides tothe meaning of the new words

    When you come across a word that is

    unfamiliar to you, do not stop

    immediately to look up in the

    dictionary. Instead, continue reading,

    make a guess to the possible meaning

    of words. Look for the context clues

    that help you decide

    c. A dictionary is a good tool forvocabulary building

    d. A key to unlock the meaning of anunfamiliar word is to identify the part

    that make up the word : Prefix, root

    and suffix

    Trn ThDung _11E13

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    Nowadays, Englishis considered a key

    to openknowledges door

    and jobsopportunity. There

    are many peoplewho realize thisimportance; so

    many people arestudying English indifferent ways.However, learning

    English is not easy. Ihave studied English

    for 13 years andhave much

    experience in theseareas. I take out 14

    tips for learningEnglish efficiently.

    1. Positively watching TV, listening to the radio, readingEnglish newspapers or magazines or talking to thenative speakers whenever you have opportunities.

    2. Using English in many areas3. Singing English songs

    4. When talking in English, try to express in many ways.You can include gestures

    5. Asking again or suggesting talkers to repeat if youdont understand

    6. Dont worry about the mistakes in talking or writingEnglish

    7. Practicing words and phrases in many situations.8. Practicing to speak and write in different topics

    9. Trying to guess meaning based on communicatingsituation, lesson content.

    10.Making comparison between English and Vietnamese.11. Correcting the mistake before your teacher correct.

    12.Studying withpairs or group13.Learning by heart grammar rules

    14.Listening to cassettes and practice to writing regularly.

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final


    Notice You


    stage.You have all

    skills bypracticingregularly.

    however, in fact,many peoplestudy English fora long time,from highschool to

    university andeven languagecentre at night,they dont have

    enoughconfidence to

    communicate with native speaker. Therefore, youshould learn new words as many as possible to

    practice them. Lets say English with many peoplewho understanding English, watching TV and

    listening English songs. Dont worry about thingswhich you dont understand. You must be patientand studious. If you skip your learning, you will

    create the knowledge gap and take a lot of time toreconsolidate or even begin again. This is a reasonto make people study for a long time inefficiently.

    FearlessnessYou should make many opportunities to

    discover English culture and meet the nativespeakers to talk with/to. Process naturally

    Listening- speaking-reading-writing.

    u ThLan_11E13

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final



    18:00, saying goodbye to my beloved

    students, I came back home with a hungry

    stomach and thinking of my dinner. On

    passing Ho Tung Mau Street, as usual, my eyes

    cant help looking at various fresh fruits such

    as jackfruits, oranges, tomatoes, mangoes

    shown by vendors, I was attracted by the

    smell of grilled corn and grilled yam.

    Suddenly, I heard some people shouting

    police, saw all the street vendors moving

    their goods as quick as possible to avoid the

    police. Most of them sold fruits with bicycles

    as a means of transports, some have

    motorbikes, and some have mini-vans. It

    looked like they were participating in a

    competition of escaping the police. Their faces

    looked frightened and pale. Some fruits or

    corns felt on the road without being picked up

    by their hurry owners. In spite of the fact that

    street vendor was banned in 62 streets in

    Hanoi; street vendors were a culprit of traffic

    jam and the quality of food provided by street

    vendors may not be safe, this picture was

    touching so much. If these small businessmen

    are arrested, all their goods must be

    confiscated, which means that their capital

    disappears. The street vendors comprise a

    huge number in Hanoi; every day they face up

    with various risks. However, like many other

    fathers and mothers, they need money for

    their childrens food, fee and clothes.

    Additionally, it is not easy to change a deep-

    seated job considered a typical feature of

    Hanoi. Therefore, they accept and never give

    up! They are courageous small businessmen,


    Duong Thi Diu_08E13

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final



    It was a sunny morning, so I decided to go

    sightseeing around the city by bus.

    Unfortunately, the bus was so crowded that I

    could not find any seat left.

    After looking around for a while, I was

    completely appealed by a young man sitting in

    the front row. He was really handsome and

    attractive with a long nose and bright smiling


    He is exactly my ideal boyfriend I


    While I was dreaming, there was a woman

    embracing her baby got on the bus, and then

    stood next to the mans seat. At that time, I

    supposed that he would give up his seat to the

    woman but he did not.

    Maybe he is thinking and does not know

    about the attendance of the woman and her

    baby I talked to myself.

    However, it was not true. After a second,

    the woman asked him:

    Would you mind giving up your seat to

    my daughter, please?

    Then what he said was that:

    Im sorry. Ive just sat here after standingfor half an hour.

    I couldnt believe what I had heard. He

    was extremely impolite! To tell the truth,

    everyone knew that he was lying but no one

    could force him to stand up. Therefore, the girl

    sitting behind him said to the woman:

    You can take my seat as Ive sat here for

    so long.

    I thought he would behave differently

    after hearing her saying but he did not. He had

    no expression at all!

    Such a bad guy! Luckily, he is not my

    boyfriend. I whispered.

    Clearly, as an old proverb goes: You cannot

    judge a tree by its bark.

    Anh Phuong_08E1

  • 8/2/2019 EMAG 3 2012 - Final



    Army camps always have to be guarded,

    of course to make sure that nobody goes in or

    without permission otherwise soldiers could go

    out when they were not supposed to, and

    anybody could come in at any time and time

    and cause all sorts of trouble.

    There is usually a guard composed of

    several soldiers at each gate, and the men in

    the guard take turns to stand at the gate with a

    gun and stop everyone who wants to go in or

    out to see their passes. The man on guard is

    told to say: Halt! Who goes there? If anyonecomes towards the gate.

    A soldier was guarding the gate of a campat night when he heard a sound in the dark.

    Halt! Who goes there? He shoutednervously.

    Nobody a voice answered.

    The soldier thought for a few seconds and

    then said: Well is there anyone with you?

    Nguyn ThBch Phng_11E13

    Carrot or cabbage?

    In a lesson, teacher gave pupils a question:

    If you go to the market to buy vegetables,she said, and a carrot and a half cost twelvepence, how much will you have to pay for a

    dozen carrots?

    The pupils began to write in their exercise

    book, and for a long time nobody spoke. Then

    one boy put up his hand and said: Could yourepeat the question, please?

    The teacher began: Ifa carrot and a half,but the boy interrupted her.

    Oh, a carrot and a half? he said, All the

    time Ive been trying to work it out incabbages

    A loyal audience

    A lot of people go to the seaside for their

    holidays and various towns try to organize

    entertainment for them.

    In one seaside holiday town, arrangements

    were made for a band to play outdoors in a

    public park every evening for a week.

    Unfortunately the first evening it rained, and

    although the band performed well, there was

    only one person in the audience because the

    band was under cover, and the audience was


    The man was sitting in a chair, wearing a

    waterproof hat and coat. After an hour, the

    conductor of the band went to this man

    inquired whether he had a special request.

    Yes, I have, said the man, Please finishas soon as you can. Im a keeper of this park,and I want to lock the gates and go home.

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