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ELMCIP is a 3-year collaborative research project running from June 2010-2013 and a part of the HERA Joint Research Project framework: 'Humanities as a Source of Creativity and Innovation'

ELMCIP involves seven European research partners and one non-academic partner investigating:

How creative communities of practitioners form within a transnational and transcultural context in a globalized and distributed communication environment

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In the USA, the ELO (Electronic Literature Organization) functions as a hub for practictioners and theoreticians of electronic literature.

While Europe had hosted key creative, theoretical and scholarly practitioners, events and communities of electronic literature – it lacked a shared research infrastructure.

ELMCIP sought to gather the multitude of practices and theories in electronic literature, existing in a multi-linguistic and multicultural Europe, in order to create a shared archive and research network.


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Series of case studies and research papers(for publications and conference presentations)

Series of public seminars and workshops International conference Public exhibition of electronic literature artworks and

performances Open access publications

(conference proceedings, exhibition catalog, report, and special

issues of journals) Electronic Literature Knowledge Base

(materials from seminars, project information, and an extensive

cross-referenced bibliographic research platform)

Anthology of European Electronic Literature (Published on USB and an accessible website, including

pedagogical materials)


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Significant Events to Develop a Network

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Electronic Literature in Europe, University of BergenNovember 2008

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Electronic Literature Communities SeminarUniversity of Bergen, September 2010

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Electronic Literature Publishing Seminar,University of Jyväskylä, March 2011

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Workshop on Electronic Literature Pedagogy, Blekinge Institute of Technology, June 2011

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International Workshop on Databases and Bibliographic Standards for Electronic LiteratureUniversity of Bergen, June 2011

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E-Literature and New Media Art SeminarLjubljana, Slovenia, September 2011

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Digital Poetics and the PresentAmsterdam, December 2011

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Digital Textuality with/in PerformanceBristol, May 2012

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Remediating the Social book including full papers and artist

pages from the exhibition

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ELMCIP Anthology of European Electronic Literature

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Including 18 works from artists from 10 different countries, in

10 languages

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Also including video lectures and pedagogical materials

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The ELMCIP Electronic Literature Knowledge Base

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1729 Creative Works documented

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1992 articles of Critical Writing documented

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1730 authors referenced

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Publishers, journals, and organizations mapped

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Key conferences, exhibitions, seminars archived

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…even as they unfold

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Teaching resources made available on an open access


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Video and multimedia documentation of works and

events made accessible

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Extensive cross-referencing to show works in their critical


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Archival attachments such as full text pdfs and source code

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The CELL Consortium, Interoperability, and Sharing

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DIVERSE Nodes, Actors, and Activities that Define a Field

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• Established a network before applying• Team with diverse skill sets, disciplinary backgrounds, methodologies• Established branding / logotype etc. for consistent approach• Shared leadership approach and collaborative project planning• IPs that cohered but modular with few dependencies

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• Initial staffing takes time• Different challenges with PhDs, post-docs• Need to negotiate different academic cultures and university bureaucracies• English(es)• Different budget and reporting structures for different countries• Currency exchange rate issue during time of crisis

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DURING: Opportunities and surprises

• Involve more researchers than PIs, funded postdocs etc.• Events / conferences and publications to amplify and extend• Think seriously of knowledge transfer and public(s)• Follow your research – minor parts of your project might become more central, new avenues of research will open up• Think beyond your core disciplines to extend your work• Think local, national, European, and globally

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AFTER: Sustainability Concerns and Future Plans

• All good projects research projects have a long tail• Digital humanities projects have particular sustainability concerns – databases are not fixed artifacts but knowledge life forms• Work with your department, university, and national funding agencies to assure that the resources you develop can continue

their trajectory, that research can continue• Empower the network and use the momentum• Celebrate the acheivements• Project leaders: afterwards, take a break

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Distant Reading and Visualization

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Tag cloud from ELO conference papers

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Other tags appearing on works tagged hypertext

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Other tags appearing on works tagged Flash

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Other tags on critical writing tagged embodiment

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Authorship of creative works documented in the KB

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Authorship of works documented in the KB

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Critical Writing references to Creative Works in the KB

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All creative works in the KB, with authors and tags

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All works in KB with tags (sized by degree) and year of publication

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All creative and critical works presented at events in the KB

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2002 ELO State of the Arts Exhibition

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2008 ELO Media Arts show

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ELO 2010 Critical Writing

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ELO 2010 Creative Works

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ELO Facebook Group Activity

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