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Elite Club Epicentrum

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To be an exclusive premier sports club in the country and its surrounding neighborhood.Mission

To be the preferred sports club and make it as a second home by providing excellent sports and wellness services to its members and their families.Objectives

To provide its members with a comprehensive, relevant and sustainable sports and wellness facility. We pride ourselves with the quality of service that we provide. Among our top priorities is to promote and give our members the means for a healthy lifestyle and indulge in wellness and relaxation.

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What is Customer Experience?

“The cognitive and affective outcome of the customer’s exposure to, or interaction with, a company’s people, processes, technologies,

products, services, and other products.”

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Characteristics of Service

• Intangible – dominant services cannot be seen, tasted or sensed in other ways before consumption.

• Inseparable services are produced at the same time and place that they are consumed.

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Characteristics of Service (cont’)

• Heterogeneous unlike goods that can be mechanically reproduced to exact specifications and tolerances, services cannot.

• Perishable services cannot be held in inventory for sale at a later time.

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Customer Experience Concepts

• Touchpoints These are found wherever your customer comes into virtual or actual contact with your company’s products, services, communications, places, people, processes or technologies.

An important challenge for managers is to ensure the customer’s experience is consistent across all touchpoints.

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Customer Experience Concepts (cont’)

• Moment of Truth Any occasion the customer interacts with, or is exposed to, any organizational output which leads to the formation of an impression of the organization.

These are the moments when customers form evaluative judgements, positive or negative, about their experience.

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Customer Experience Concepts (cont’)

• Engagement The customer’s emotional and rational response to a customer experience.

Companies that consciously design customer experience want to evoke strong, positive engagement. Such engagement might be expressed in a sense of confidence, integrity, pride, delight or passion.

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How to Understand Customer Experience

• Mystery Shopping Involves the recruitment of paid shoppers to report on their customer experience with the company sponsoring the research.

• Experience Mapping A process that strives to understand, chart and improve what happens at customer touchpoints.

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How to Understand Customer Experience (cont’)

• Process Mapping Process mapping is a form of blueprinting. Blueprints are graphical representations of business processes.

• The customer activity cycle (CAC) Aims to depict the processes that customers go through in making and reviewing buying decisions.

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How to Understand Customer Experience (cont’)

• Participant Observation Companies can develop a better understanding of customer experience by participating in the customer experience at various touchpoints.

• Non-participant Observation In preference to participant observation, other companies require their senior managers to observe customer interactions at customer touchpoints.

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Experiential Marketing Strategies and Tactics

Managers wanting to improve customer experience will need answers to a number of questions, such as:1. What sort of outcomes do our customers want to experience?2. What is the current customer experience?3. What tools and strategies are available to close any gap between current and desired experience?4. How can we measure whether we have succeeded?

Will be answered in the next section, study case.

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Bernd Schmitt identifies a number of experience clues that can be

composed by customer management :


Visual identity

Product Presence


Spatial environments

Websites & Electronic Media


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Features of CRM software applications that influence customer experience

• Usability Refers to the ease with which a CRM application can be navigated or used.

• Flexibility An application’s flexibility determines how many alternatives are available to the user at any given time

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• High Performance The performance of a CRM system is often determined by its weakest link. All technologies must be aligned in order to create a high performance system.

• Scalability CRM applications should be evaluated based on proven numbers and types of users (concurrent on the web, synchronization, full load call centre, etc.) in order to assess their ability to scale.

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Sudah berapa lama menjadi member elite club?

Mengapa memilih elite club?

Bagaimana experience Bapak selama menjadi anggota elite club?

Dengan jumlah uang yang Bapak keluarkan, apakah sesuai dengan apa yang Bapak dapatkan selama menjadi member elite club?

Pernahkah mengikuti event yang diadakan elite club?

Apakah pernah mendapatkan e-mail pemberitahuan dari elite club?

Apakah Bapak merasakan adanya prestise tersendiri menjadi bagian dari elite club?

Apakah Bapak berkeinginan untuk terus melanjutkan keanggotaan di Elite club?

Pernahkah mengalami servis yang kurang memuaskan atau mengecewakan dari karyawan?

Bagaimana dengan alat-alat yang disediakan elite club, apakah ada yang tidak memuaskan?

Dari semua fasilitas yang ada, mana yang paling sering Bapak pakai atau merupakan favorit Bapak?

Apakah Bapak pernah datang ke Elite club untuk melakukan hal lain selain olahraga?

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“saya sudah sering jadi member Gym lain, menurut saya, pelayanannya memenuhi standar Gym sekelas Celebrity Fitness”

“Elite Club menang dari kompetitor lain seperti Gold’s Gym dan Celebrity Fitness karena memiliki kolam renang dan lebih tenang. Selain itu, saya juga diberikan diskon khusus karena berasal dari Universitas Bakrie.Saya merasa semua ini worth it & tidak pernah merasa kecewa dengan pelayanan karyawan Elite Club. Disini juga ada program member get member. Jadi jika kita bisa membawa satu orang member baru, kita akan dapat satu bulan gratis. Selain itu , disini nyaman untuk melakukan hal-hal lain selain olahraga”

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Pelayanannya bagus, Responsive! ada fasilitas parkir gratis, bisa ajak teman untuk meeting, dan banyak CEO & bule yang jadi member sehingga bisa menambah Networking

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