Page 1: Elijah smith the digestive. The mouth The mouth helps the digestive system by chew the food if the mouth did not chew the food you will die

Elijah smith

the digestive

Page 2: Elijah smith the digestive. The mouth The mouth helps the digestive system by chew the food if the mouth did not chew the food you will die

The mouth

• The mouth helps the digestive system by chew the food if the mouth did not chew the food you will die

Page 3: Elijah smith the digestive. The mouth The mouth helps the digestive system by chew the food if the mouth did not chew the food you will die


Page 4: Elijah smith the digestive. The mouth The mouth helps the digestive system by chew the food if the mouth did not chew the food you will die

The esophagus

• The esophagus is a musculor connecting the throat [pharynx] with the stomach .the esopsohag is about 8 inches long, and is lined by moist pink tissue called macsa . The esophagus runs behind the wirdpipe [trachea] and heart, and in front of the spine . Just beror entering the stomach, the esophgus passes through the diaphhrgvm

Page 5: Elijah smith the digestive. The mouth The mouth helps the digestive system by chew the food if the mouth did not chew the food you will die


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