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Elect Lenny Orth as your next TreasurerDo NOT reelect McComas, he is unfit and unworthy to serve you

Sure, no money, sort of (overpayments and retro dues), has walked away, but other thanthat, Mr. McComas has done a horrible job as Treasurer.

After repeatedly insinuating that former Treasurer Kirk was dirty for not using QuickBooks, it then took Mr.McComas a year and a half of being constantly badgered at meetings before he found time to finally get it done. Itshouldn't have been that hard as he kept insisting that former Treasurer Kirk should have had no problem with itas it was so "easy" that not using it was surely proof of naughtiness.

It also took Mr. McComas over a year and a half to submit a basic budget and again, only after being badgered theentire time. In the end, Mr. McComas had to be hand walked through the process of what should go into making abasic budget. Even now, Mr. McComas still hasn't managed to present his proposed budget to the membership viathe Guild's website. As I'm writing this, I'd bet money that Mr. McComas has not completed a budget proposal for2020 yet. If I'm elected as your Treasurer. I will have a budoet proposal made to the Executive Board within 30davs of havino access to our financial records.

After nearly two years, Mr. McComas has still not completed the needed audit to determine exactly how much themembership has overpaid in short term disability (STD) payments over, at least, the last few years. However,during Mr. McComas' preliminary information gathering for this unfinished investigation, he determined that threeof our members, all military Veterans, had problems with their STD deductions. The county (surprise) screwedthem up and didn't start and stop them in a timely manner when these Veterans were deployed in the service ofour nation and returned to our wondefful, award winning organization. Mr. McComas dramatically announced,clutch your pearls, that one of these Veterans was current President Folk and then attempted to have himimmediately found "not in good standing". Whereupon former President Richardson promptly demanded thatPresident Folk immediately step down as he, David Junior Richardson esquire, was the legitimate President. Sure, itmight sound funny. But Mr. Richardson and Mr. Mccomas were dead serious.At our last meeting, the Executive Board decided that enough time, seven or so months, had elapsed for Mr.McComas to determine exactly how much President Folk owed in missed STD payments due to the county screwingup. Even after sitting on this issue for so long, Mr. McComas appeared to have no clue how much President Folkowed but after some rough, pointed comments from members in the audience, threw out, roughly $7K. Where Mr.McComas found this figure is unclear as President Folk would have had to have never paid into Hartford to havereached this unrealistic figure. Getting back to the issue of the entire membership having overpaid into Hartford foran extended period, Mr. McComas has still failed to complete this task. Several months ago, Secretary Harveyworked out a rough estimate, based on number of members, which worked out to about $70K and emailed it to Mr.Mccomas. No response, when it was brought up at a subsequent Guild meeting, Mr. Mccomas acted like he hadnever seen it before and decided that this information was not good enough for him. He would need to continueworking on it. Apparently, Mr. Harvey is not on the same team as Mr. McComas. If elected and I discoversomethino not in order. I will report it immediately to the Executive Board and membershio and then work on iteverv day until it is understood, and a remedv is aoreed to.

Two months ago, the Executive Board passed a Motion, unanimously, to bill former President Richardson forseveral hours, at about $400.00 per hour, of unauthorized work by an outside attorney because he didn't agreewith the Guild's legal advisors regarding his repeated, bogus election protests. Mr. McComas has still not billedformer President Richardson for this unauthorized, personal, expenditure. If elected I will absolutely carry out theorders of the Executive Board and not anv one individual.

Mr. McComas has still not figured out how to provide the required retro payments to the Guild's Officers. How longago did you get your retro check? And while we're talking about retro checks, he was directed to communicate withthe county, months before the county printed our retro checks to ensure that the Guild received the retro dues. Mr.McComas did not take care of this, so the Guild coffers are as much as $33K short. Why did he not follow throughwith this and make himself a nuisance to the county?

As you probably know, the state has implemented their own STD program. This makes ours, redundant. Severalmonths ago, the Executive Board met with Hartford, who supplies our STD and they provided us with all kinds ofoptions including an almost certain reduction in cost with additional benefits. Mr. Mccomas was tasked withpresenting this change in added coverage. So far as I know, he has done nothing regarding communicating this.Aoain. if elected, I will carry out the orders of the Executive Board in a timelv manner.

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Apparently, this last Spring, Mr. McComas determined that the VP, Secretary and Treasurer had been overpaidabout $58.00 per month and only informed the other Guild Officers ("top four"), one of whom suggested hedetermine how much was owed so they would know how much to pay back. He failed to notify the entire ExecutiveBoard or the membership of this issue which was only, finally, reported to the Executive Board at our last Guildmeeting, by Secretary Harvey after having given him most of the year to determine how far back theseoverpayments went/how much was owed. Evidently, they go back to February of 2016. If I were vour Treasurer. Iwould have immediatelv informed the entire Executive Board, not iust the Officers. And I would have reoorted thisissue at the very next Guild meetino to oet it out to the membership. The Guild Officers considering themselves aninner Executive Board and keeping their own counsel is a problem that has plagued our Guild for as long as it hasexisted. If I am yourTreasurer. the "Too Four" will no lonoer keeo their own counsel. Our oroanization was notoroanized to ooerate with an inner and outer Executive Board. and I will work to ensure it stops,

And while we're talking about Officer pay. Earlier this year the Executive Board in an effort to save money,discussed hiring a bookkeeper to write the checks and make the payments. This arrangement is discussed in ourBy Laws, which allows for it and states that the Treasurer would be paid less to account for the reduced workload.This proposal was bitterly opposed by Mr. McComas and his two fellow team mates on the Board. As one of theprimary writers of our Constitution and By Laws, I can tell you that the salary specified for the Officers was basedon them all, doing everything listed in their duties, mostly not on county time. Based on everything that Mr.Mccomas has failed to do or taken forever to do and based on personal observations. It appears that Mr. McComasis only doing the duties of the Treasurer while at actual Guild meetings. After doing some, fairly generous, to Mr.McComas, math, it appears that Mr, McComas is being paid roughly $200.00 an hour to attend our Guild meetingsand write checks. I can understand why he would be so bitterly opposed to anything changing such a generousarrangement. If I'm your Treasurer. I will work to oet a bookkeeper. that is licensed. bonded and insured. hired totake over all duties involvino handlino your Guild dues, to minimize our contact with those funds. save us somemoney and reduce the opportunity for others to rob us blind aoain. And I will work on an hourlv basis. like the ShiftRepresentatives. Implementing this arrangement should net us a savings of about $600.00 per month. And I wouldsuggest this hourly arrangement for work completed by the other Guild Officers be extended to them as well.Making gobs of money for doing little actual work is not a good reason for anyone to be working for you.

If elected. I will visit both facilities for several hours, with cooies of all our financial documents. includino ALL thedocuments we oossess. documentino the thefts. twice a vear. durino all shifts so thatvou. members in ooodstanding. have the chance to examine and look at them. I would probably schedule these visits to coincide with thetwice a year audits conducted by your Executive Board.

At one point about two years ago, before we found out about the state's new STD program, Mr. McComas put someserious effort into getting rid of our STD insurance, Having worked off site for a good chunk of the last two decadesand not working with inmates at all, has afforded Mr. McComas the ability to apparently never get sick or injured.What do you think about people being able to work in Maintenance and Supply for decades? Not working withinmates but getting Corrections Officer pay and benefits? Should these ultra-plush jobs be special assignments sothat other Officers can share in some of that wealth? Should department teacher's pets be able to hog these gravypositions until they die? Let your Guild representatives know what you think. Help me get these positions changedto special assignments with specific lengths.

Under no circumstances should you vote for Mr. McComas, he is not worthy of serving you.Yotr should vote for ME, Leonard B. Orth.

But I understand if you just can't do it. I'm mean, rude, occasionally foul mouthed and say things that need to besaid, sometimes too loudly. I refuse to look the other way and keep my mouth shut when others do dirty, crooked,illegal things. From a labor/management standpoint, I have no respect or use for the county or management inour department. Especially now, it is too apparent that they are more interested in fighting and undermining theGuild than they are in takino care of the oeople who work for them. They know we need to hire more people, butthey are working as hard as they can to degrade our benefits and make our working lives hellish. I fully expect thatI will get yet another "letter" for engaging in protected, union communications for this campaign statement.Whatever...I'm just very prickly, I can be a jerk, I get that. But you have another option, Mr. McCraw is also running forTreasurer and would probably do a good job. If you get a chance, try to dig up the email he sent out to themembership back in February of 2016. Fiery, passionate stuff.

Just don't vote for McComas. And while you're not voting for Guild members not worthy of serving you, don'tvote for Berg either. Mr. Demoss is an excellent candidate for VP. He is honest, trustworthy and hasn'tattempted to physically assault anyone in a



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An Open Letter

February, 20, 2016

To: King County Corrections Guild Board and Members

Fm: Officer Zane McCraw Re: Response to “Why Did the Board Agree to Withdraw The Complaint With Tukwila Police” from Jerry Karstetter.

“We hope that while you may not agree with this decision, you now, in the quiet solitude of your own personal space, you now have the facts, the why and the wherefore without the emotionality,

grandstanding and rhetoric.” - Karstetter

Whew, I am glad that I am now informed and everything makes perfect sense. And I apologize for contributing to the “grandstanding and rhetoric” when I should have gone “to the source . . . your Board”. Wait… Are you talking about the same Board that has lost the trust of nearly every member of this proud and strong organization? Are you saying I should go to the ones who are accused of misappropriating funds and hiding behind veiled executive session deals?

In case you haven’t figured it out, I am not apologizing but using the same contempt and misdirection Karstetter used in his letter to the membership. He is downplaying the severity of what has happened over the past few weeks. Why is the story changing?

I would like to take the opportunity to dispel, cast light on, and even cast doubt on the one-sided, half-truth stories from the Karstetter letter and from the rumor mill. Do I have all the answers? No. Do I have confirmed information? Yes and no. Do I have it from the source? Yes and no. For what I don’t have confirmed, I have enough information to be extremely concerned. I write this from my own frustrations. In no way am I speaking for anyone but myself. I refuse to allow this to be swept under the rug. Now is a time for change.

First let’s address the letter as a whole, setting aside the content and confusion of recent events. I am baffled why we received a letter from Karstetter without the Board’s seal of approval. Last I checked Karstetter is an advisor, not an Officer of this membership. I quote from a Karstetter email to me, “Randy didn't want to send it so I did under my name.” Why didn’t Randy want to send it? Was the information not factual? Doesn’t this suggest Karstetter didn’t have the Board’s permission to send out this letter? Any action outside of the Board’s wishes, goes beyond his contractual duties. If Karstetter did have the Board’s permission, this letter should have the seal of approval from the Board. This illustrates one of my largest frustrations with the Board and Karstetter – he has way too much involvement and has too much power within our Board.

Now let’s address much of the content. I think the best way to approach is to go line-by-line (almost every line) as Karstetter’s letter says a whole lot more than the superficial meaning of the words he used.

“One of the concerns related to an Account that was opened at Harborstone Credit Union for $50K over a year ago but was not reflected in any Treasurer’s Report.”

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Why was it not reported? Did the accountant know about the account? Did the money show up on the 2014 tax forms? According to Karstetter later in the letter, the accountant has verified that all monies in 2014 were accounted for. How can that be if no one but Music knew about it? My point here is that it is unlikely that all members of the Board were unaware of this account. If the Board, in whole or part, knew about this account, why is this now being address rather than when it was discovered? And if they in fact did not know about this account, I am scared just as much. What else do they not know?

“In addition to the Harborstone Account, there were some concerns relative to account statements that showed credit card transactions from areas that gave the indication that they were not associated with Guild business.”

This is one of the first efforts in the letter to minimize the seriousness of what has happened. Thus far, the focus has been on the Harborstone Account – in part, rightfully so. But reports have neglected the other checking and savings accounts we have. According to the spreadsheets M. Owens provided several guild members, the Arbitration fund is one account whose statements showed many questionable charges. Here is an excerpt from the Arbitration Fund spreadsheet:

Date Name Memo Amount store name/location

6/1/2015 itunes 2467 ($109.49) 866-712-7753 CA

7/29/2015 online photo order 2467 ($26.00) 888-609-4432 CA

8/24/2015 the present place 2467 ($17.24)

1/15/2015 wall-mart 2475 ($50.46) spanaway

1/16/2015 wall-mart 2475 ($254.94) spanaway

1/20/2015 Costco 2475 ($318.85) Puyallup

1/20/2015 western digital 2475 ($119.67) MN

1/30/2015 western digital 2475 ($119.67) MN

2/2/2015 Elk Plain storage 2475 ($11.56) spanaway

2/6/2015 wall-mart 2475 ($304.94) spanaway

6/29/2015 wall-mart 9767 ($53.94) Puyallup

6/29/2015 wall-mart 9767 ($105.44) Puyallup

8/11/2015 greenside grill 9767 ($18.00) snohomish

8/11/2015 wall-mart 9767 ($75.11) spanaway

8/17/2015 wall-mart 9767 ($135.68) spanaway

8/17/2015 wall-mart 9767 ($293.15) Puyallup

8/17/2015 Costco 9767 ($340.47) Puyallup

8/19/2015 home depot 147301 9767 ($227.07) Puyallup

8/24/2015 sportsman guide 9767 ($320.95) 800-888-5522MN

8/24/2015 NRA 9767 ($100.00) 703-267-3700 VA

8/24/2015 Costco 9767 ($115.47) Puyallup

8/24/2015 Costco 9767 ($204.30) Puyallup

8/28/2015 sportsman war 9767 ($140.54) Puyallup

8/28/2015 Bass Pro Shops 9767 ($148.00) tacoma

9/1/2015 Costco 9767 ($218.60) Puyallup

9/8/2015 Lowe's 9767 ($135.85) Puyallup

9/10/2015 starbucks 00312 9767 ($75.00) tacoma

9/14/2015 Pierce County Recycle

9767 ($27.60) Puyallup

9/14/2015 Lowe's 9767 ($261.17) Puyallup

10/15/2015 Costco 9767 ($344.17) Puyallup

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10/19/2015 Lowe's 9767 ($80.74) Puyallup

11/2/2015 amazon 9767 ($367.96) WA

11/19/2015 starbucks 00312 9767 ($50.00) tacoma

11/23/2015 office depot 000411878

9767 ($418.61) Puyallup

11/25/2015 winco foods 9767 ($146.05) Puyallup

11/25/2015 winco foods 9767 ($146.61) Puyallup

11/30/2015 home depot 000900815

9767 ($118.99) tacoma

12/3/2015 starbucks 00312 9767 ($125.00) tacoma

12/4/2015 office depot 9767 ($466.67) Puyallup

12/10/2015 starbucks 00312 9767 ($50.00) tacoma

12/14/2015 home depot 000595788

9767 ($166.78) tacoma

12/17/2015 1217 Amazon 9767 ($18.18) WA

12/17/2015 1216 Amazon 9767 ($31.48) WA

12/28/2015 Office De 000856347

9767 ($312.90) Puyallup

Whether or not these YEAR 2015 charges are valid and legitimate charges ($7,173.30) is still to be determined, but is it not unfair to assume that most, if not all of these charges, are in the INCORRECT account. ONLY Arbitration charges should be credited to this account – NO EXCEPTIONS! The irresponsibility displayed in this account alone demands an outside and complete review of all financials for ten years.

“At some point, our Contract Attorney was consulted, the President determining that he was not going to us[e] in-house counsel.”

Why did Randy choose this route? Is it because he doesn’t trust Karstetter’s counsel? Why not bring in the high-paid (approx. $120,000/year) attorney to advise you on such a delicate matter? Does this say something about Karstetter’s integrity or Randy’s? Either direction doesn’t sit well with me.

“It is an understatement to say that the Board was stunned!”


“It was only when it was discovered that the Guild DID NOT have liability insurance (which may have been the case for approximately 15 years) as required under the Bylaws, that the Board made the decision to enter into a legal agreement with the Treasurer to pull the investigation back from the Police only upon specific terms.”

Fifteen years!!! Really? Another ball dropped. If it has been fifteen years, you can hardly blame the current Treasurer. What other balls have been dropped?

“He would likely lose his job and any ability to make restitution payments to the Guild”

I understand Karstetter’s explanation for pulling it back for Tukwila PD because of their mistakes – to a point. However, why does Music losing his job have anything to do with restitution payments? Does losing his job somehow negate his responsibility to pay? What’s even more concerning is the idea that after someone who has stolen funds from his own peers – admittedly (as reported) – expects to retain his law enforcement job? Correct me if I’m wrong, but stealing is a criminal act that diminishes court credibility and therefore,

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prevents the Department from being able to continue his employment. I know others have had DUIs and committed other misdemeanors and still have their jobs, but…

Whether or not Music was guilty of stealing guild money, you cannot have an agreement for restitution of wrong-doing without firm proof and or a confession (the confession would still need to be verified). So, where is the proof that the Board used to move forward to prematurely convict one of our peers of intentional wrong-doing? If there was a confession, why haven’t more efforts been made to verify, without doubt, how much was taken? And what were the specific terms and why are they protected by a supposed $25,000 gag order?

“The only viable alternative would be to force the Treasure to agree to a civil settlement for restitution payments.”

If this is indeed the only viable alternative, it’s because the actions of the Board backed themselves into a corner by continually dropping the ball. But was it really the only alternative, or was it the only one that Karstetter presented?

“After careful consideration, the Board unanimously (Linda Holloway was consulted via text) decided to go to the Treasurer with a tightly worded Agreement that if he signed, it would result in the Guild going to the Tukwila Police and asking for the complaint to be pulled.”

Linda H. was able to cast a vote via text? That must have been a lot of texting to fully convey the gravity of what they were doing. And is “tightly worded” supposed to make me feel better about the agreement?

“The terms of that Agreement, though confidential, were solely and exclusively the Guild’s.”

Why in the world are the terms of the Agreement confidential? I understand the need for discretion and confidentiality when it comes to individual cases like IIU investigations, but when the Guild enters into an agreement with someone whose violation was against the Guild and therefore each of its members, it should not be confidential.

“At this point in time, the Board had NO information as to whether money had been stolen and if so, to what degree.”

What the ?!?! The Board had no information? Then how in the world did we get to this point? Why are even talking about this now? How did we enter into an agreement without proof or confession?

“Based upon the hard work that Vice President Matt Owens put in to go through the statements and paperwork involving our Accounts, coupled with the hard work of David Brown assisting Matt in gathering statements and going over details, it appears that little cash was taken.”

The key word here is “cash” which in this sentence refers to money directly taken out without a recognizable payee – like an ATM withdrawal. While there may be little cash taken, this does not in any way provide answers for all the questionable charges and irresponsible bookkeeping. Karstetter is playing with words and it is exactly the sort of “rhetoric” the membership is tired of.

M. Owens and D. Brown may have worked hard. And we all know they are intelligent. Therefore, the membership can only conclude, they are not telling us everything. If they had poured over the documents, they would have revealed the gross mismanagement of funds and would be scrambling to find receipts to justify the dozens of questionable charges in each account. If they had done this already, wouldn’t they make this known to the membership?

“There are a couple of ATM withdrawals from Harborstone that might total around $400 and we have not talked with the Treasurer to find out what that was about, but the remainder of the money is accounted for.”

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This is again a half-truth and play on words. “The remainder of the money is accounted for”??? I think Karstetter needs to define what “accounted for” means. Yes, the money spent at Walmart is accounted for, but was that for Guild business? We don’t know yet.

And what about the $400? Now, I didn’t go to the last meeting so I don’t know exactly what was said; however, several different attendees claimed to hear that the number admitted to by Music was between $1000 and $5000. How did we go from crisis mode to, “around $400”?

“However, the books are mess for 2015. We have met with our CPA/Accountant, Jeffery Wilson three times now. He assures us that the 2014 records indicate that all monies are accounted for.”

The books have been a mess for quite some time. I had a chance to review the books when I was a trustee several years ago with M. Owens and V. Bautista. We sat down and reviewed the books. Not only were the books a mess, but there was a veil of secrecy that kept us from reviewing all the accounts and receipts. I was handed a shoe box of receipts and told to “go for it.” I asked to compare the Quickbooks numbers to the actual bank account numbers by having the Treasurer log into the bank websites. I was flat out denied. I was told that the arbitration fund and other accounts were to be kept secret so the County wouldn’t know how much money we had in our “war chest”. That’s bogus since the County writes the checks, but I was promised by the Board and Music that the records would be cleaned up and that he would find the receipts I needed. We met once after that with no progress from the Treasurer. After that, the meetings were scheduled on days I explicitly told him I could not attend. From what I understand, however, that was the last time the books were reviewed by a group of Trustees.

“By that he means that no money was removed from accounts without an indication of how (check written or credit card use). “

Finally, he admits that he was playing with the word “cash” earlier and how only $400 is missing.

“It is clear though that credit cards were used in a manner that lacks accountability to the Guild and the membership.”

There should never have been any credit\debit cards save maybe one to pay bills online with from the checking account. This is bad practice and allows for sloppy mismanagement of funds. Who wants to bet that the receipt box does not have these receipts?

“Policies have now been enacted to insure total accountability and transparency. The fix is in place so now the focus is on reconciliation and recovery of funds.”

What policies have been enacted? Are they new? I’m sure if you follow the already existing policies and standard practices, you wouldn’t need to enact anything new.

Are we supposed to take your word for it that the fix is in place? No, I want to see the steps taken to ensure this does not happen again.

“What’s left is finding out from the Treasurer what the irregular credit card charges are about”

Yay! He again clarifies his earlier misleading statements, however, he does so in manner which seems to downplay the importance of “irregular credit card charges”.

“This is a horrible situation that has occurred. The Board has put into place a system that will guarantee that irregular credit card charges will never occur again.”

Again, what system? Cancelling the cards? That is a given, but that is not a system and is not near enough to rectify the situation.

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“As unpopular as the decision to pull the charges back were/are, regardless of the anger anyone feels toward the acts, making the primary focus on punishing the individual would violate the Board’s fiduciary responsibility to the membership.”

Punishing the individual who caused the membership to question every single transaction, monetary and beyond, for taking money is not acceptable? I don’t want any of our members to have a criminal record, Music included. But to say we are acting irrationally is ludicrous and places little faith in this membership. We want our money to be protected. So, when the money situation is resolved, punishment is out of our hands. We can present the facts to PD or the courts and let them decide how to proceed.

“Each and every member of this Guild can take resolve that their money is now safe, secure and accounted for and a restitution program will be negotiated as soon as the degree of culpability is ascertained.”

Again, I am not going to take your word for it.

“We have Insurance in place and the proper safe guards of accountability and transparency.”

Again, what safeguards? Repeating the same lack of information does not add information.

“We hope that while you may not agree with this decision, you now, in the quiet solitude of your own personal space, you now have the facts, the why and the wherefore without the emotionality, grandstanding and rhetoric.”

This is my favorite sentence of the letter. This sums up Karstetter’s true feelings about the membership into one sentence with a bunch of fancy words. Essentially, Karstetter is saying, “everything I say is gold and you need to shut up. And if you buy that, than I have some oceanfront property in Arizona I’d like to sell you.” Grandstanding and rhetoric? Please, it is well deserved.

“Your Representatives have been the perimeters by which they can answer questions.”

I think there is a typo here, but if you add the word “give” after “been” you’ll see that our representatives have been given a script to follow. Does this script provide factual information? The whole truth? Or is it just more half-truths? Who is it protecting?

“Don’t listen to rumors, go to the source and that source is your Board. If anyone wishes to contact either Wes or I, please feel free to do that. “

Yep, I’m going to go to the Board for answers. Wait, we tried that already and we are still not sure what happened. Why would I trust a Board who can’t get their stories straight?

In summary, we still don’t have a clear picture what has happened. The membership has been told so many

different versions of the story. Why can’t we figure this out? Who do we trust? I am not asking you to believe

me, to agree with my logic, or to incite a riot. But, I am calling for us all to keep asking questions and refuse to

give up until you have the answers and we fix what’s wrong. I didn’t push hard enough when I was a Trustee.

I don’t want to make the same mistake again. Let’s make a change.

Officer Zane McCraw

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