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Excellence, Beauty & Style

Hi Reader,

re you enjoying this issue of EFP (Elegance Flawless


Let me introduce myself, my name is Rita and I am proud to say, I am a Ghanaian born with a British influence. I grew up in the UK and although I was born and raised in Ghana, I have adapted to the life in the UK. I am blessed with a medium family and they are my best and worse critics. My husband John is a loving, kind and above all understanding man. I really appreciate his support and specific encour-agement. To my parents and my siblings, I say keep push-ing and inspiring me. To my lovely daughter Adrianna, you are the reason, I am having sleepless nights. To all my mentors (Mrs Irene Clarke & Uncle Maxwell, Mama Grace & Mr & Mrs. Vondee) keep challenging me to reach for higher heights. To you my readers—thank you for mak-ing my lifelong dream come true. For without you I will

not have acquired my goal and purpose.

We decided to add “Flawless

Personalities” to the name as it is best suited for you our readers because we cater for a flawless personality which is you. I used to struggle with myself and appreciating my-self then my mentor said Rita, you are a flawless personality and since then, I have always learnt to appreciate my hard efforts. Say to yourself from today “I am a flawless per-sonality”.

This issue is all about Spring-ing into the mood of summer (the sun will come) so get those summer slippers out of the closet and get your color-ful wardrobe ready for the sun.

In this issue, we show you how to get the catwalk looks without breaking your bank account. We get you to em-brace your culture and influ-ence it with your own style.

Getting a tailed made to fit your size dresses. Elegance Flawless Personalities has now signed a permanent contract with house of Aranu designer and CEO Eli Buady.

We have signed a contract with an Adver-tising, Sales and Marketing Consultant (Kwadoi). I personally believe these two ladies will be a strong foundational assert to us.

There is a lot for everyone in this issue.

We are also open to comments and complaints.

Email: [email protected] or Face book us on Ele-gance Personified.

Enjoy the issue!

(Rita Antwi-Frempong)



Contents June 2013

12 Introducing


56 Health & Fitness

57 Homex-


keeping Fit

& Sexy

58 “Rhythm on the

Run way 2013”

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2nd Editor Kwadoi

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2 Editor’s Page

36 Do’s & Don’ts in a Rela-


30 Embrace your Culture

[email protected]

18 Flawless Professional Personalities


6 Sisterhood Mother & Daughter Event 38 Shimmery Summer Nails Summer Scarves

67 Single & Selfish

How to enjoy being single


Flawless Events

The first Sisterhood mother and daughter branch was

held at Trinity Baptist Church and hosted by the

CEO and founder of Sisterhood Evelyn Asante. The

event began with an inspirational introduction of the

team and how the mentoring program began. The

team spoke honestly about their personal reasons for

joining such an intimate program. We watched the

video that lunched this mentoring program to the

wider borough of Croydon. Speaker for the day were

Pastor Cynthia Appiagyei, Mrs Beatrice Achampong

and radio host Blessing Mandy (Evelyn Addo).

These three spoke intensively about Communication,

Listening and Trust the most powerful ingredients to

ever relationship. The branch was a success and it has

certainly paved a way for events like these as moth-

ers are truly one of a kind and daughters will always

be a blessing to the family if time is invested into

them accordingly and lovingly.

The organisation and appearance of the team was in-

credible, the day was well organised and presentable.


Excellence, Beauty & Style


Excellence, Beauty & Style



Introducing Elegance

Elegance magazine forms

part of a large corporation

of business within Elegance

Personalities Limited (EPL).

As a company and a brand

we are devoted to our

readers and our consumers.

We cater to young ladies

between the ages of 14-28,

because we believe it is

during these years that

young ladies become com-

mitted to their personalities,

their beliefs and to them-

selves. We desire to be the

first magazine to bridge the

age gap and cultural

boundary. As a brand we

aim to supply you our read-

ers with the relevant infor-

mation and life training skills

require to become the ex-

cellent woman.

Elegance began in 2009

with a small group of young

ladies in Leyton Newham.

Every week it became par-

amount that these young

ladies were extremely curi-

ous and wanted more infor-

mation about life, love, sex

and the future. Unfortunate-

ly, the current media only

imprints the unrealistic as-

pects of these. Elegance

gives a fair somehow realist

truth without tarnishing or

damaging your view. We

stand apart from our com-

petitors; we do not wish to

blend in with the various

magazines on sales at the


Elegance believes every la-

dy who has a flawless, dy-

namic, excellent and a

unique personality. The Afri-

can symbols of excellence

embody the characteristics

of an Elegant Woman.

Elegance Personalities Per-

sonified is a dynamic tool

we aim to use to bridge the

gap. We interview young

ladies who are succeeding

or trying hard to achieve

their goals. We also use this

as a platform to encourage

other young ladies to feel

more confident about

themselves and their


Who are Elegance Flawless


We have categorized

these age groups and each

has a specific character

trait that society has identi-

fied with them. Elegance re-

alizes the needs of all these

ladies and as a brand we

aim to give them the sup-

port and answers they re-

quire to become better

women for their families,

their society and the world.

We will be the mothering

voice to those who have

lost their mothers and the

friend to those who are

seeking for love.


Curiously Coarse 14-17 years

them to a rough diamond, they are deli-

cate and need answers and will go the

extreme to find it – a very tender stage

Fiercely vile Age 18-21years

Seeking independence, freedom be-

cause they are full of life and energy

Adventurous Age 22-24years

these ladies want to take the world, they want

to settle down and they are constantly making

very difficult choices. The fear of not achieving

Sophisticatedly Simple Age 25-28years

ready for a family, ready for love, they

search for the partners or for love



The best DJ in the UK


he is fine” whispered Ike to himself as Chantelle’s cab disappears from his sight.

“Forget it Ike, this girl if off limit” his friend Eric said confidently, “a girl that only meets footballers and mature men. She will not give you the time or day”.

Ike was determined to win Chantel-le’s heart regardless of the challeng-es. That same evening, he drove to-wards the campus where Chantelle lived. He did this consistently for two weeks hoping to meet Chantel-le and investigate her lifestyle and movements.

Two weeks of failed attempts he finally confronts Chantelle face-to-face after her lectures.

“Hello!” Ike said smiling

“Hi!” Chantelle responded pretend-ing to not know who he was

“Chantelle, I have been calling you? I want to speak with you? Can we go for coffee or drinks?” He insisted

“I don’t think I can do that?” she regretted and walked away to-wards her friends

“Chantelle!” he called for her “You have my number should you

change your mind”. He signed and walked away disappointedly.

Chantelle had secretly had a few of her friends investigate Ike’s lifestyle at the campus and she de-termined not to be as-sociated with him or

his lifestyle. Her friends insisted that she joined Ike for coffee and a chat but Chantelle declined and re-turned to her room.

Back at the apartment, Chantelle informs her friends about the re-sults of her search.

“Grace, do you know this boy has been stocking my every move since the party.” She said disgustedly

“Chan, it seems he won’t stop until you agree to go for coffee”

“I know, all I want to know is why he is desperately stocking me and what he wants from me because I am not looking of a part time love affair. I want love the real kind. I want a man who is prepared to be with me for love not sex”.

“If you meet this dream man, please let me know for now just go for coffee”. Fortunately for Ike, Chantelle’s friends wanted to get Chantelle away from her books so they convinced her to agree to a date.

One the phone, Ike and Chantelle agree to a coffee at Starbucks on Fri-day afternoon. Ike agreed to meet her at 2.30pm as he had to go home

and help his mother.

At 2:00pm Chantelle was already in Starbucks with her friends and they waited for Ike to show up. He ar-rived 10minutes late and looked very handsome with his hair cut shorter. Chantelle gazed at him in-tensively. His dark brown skin and thick black eye browns were very inviting. It seems he had somehow changed from and the environment had improved his appurtenance.

“Hi everyone” he smiled at Chan-telle’s friends and invited Chantelle into his arms with an embrace. She hesitantly returned the gesture.

“Should we get a table?” he asked

“No need, we are leaving?” Grace said as she took her bag and asked the others to leave with her “see you later Chan and call me when you get home”.

“See you later”, she watched them depart from the shop and returned to Ike’s gaze.“Take a seat Chantelle, I don’t bit!” he joked.

“I know you don’t” she responded rudely

“Do you hate me?” he asked “I en-joyed dancing with you all night at the part and I thought we had a connection”. “ I disagree, you danced with me out of pity and how can I be sure you are not play-ing a game and saying this to get into my life just to hurt me”



Excellence, Beauty & Style

Elegance is looking for the next FPP (Flawless Profession-

al Personalities)

If you believe you have a story to tell and will be an inspiration to others please contact

Elegance Personalities Limited via email at:

[email protected]

Suit 16, Peel House

32-44 London Road

Morden - Surrey, UK


At the other side of the table they both got each oth-er’s glance and for a second it seemed there was a con-nection between them.

They spent an hour talking and getting to know each other and unfortunately, Chantelle had to leave so Ike insisted on driving her home.

On the way, Chantelle asked Ike, “What do you want from me”

“I want to love you” confidently smiled at her as he kept driving. “Chantelle, I want to be with you be-cause I see my future in you and I want to let that

come true”.

“Yeah right!” reluctantly stated “your future is in you not me so that will not work with me. Thank you Ike for bringing me home but I am a very busy woman and I don’t need you

chasing after me”

“No! I will not stop until you give me a chance” he holds her hands tight and asks for another chance.

What will Chantelle do? Will she give in to Ike’s proposal or will she stand on her strong view and refuse it. Find out in the next edition of Elegance Flawless Personalities.


Excellence, Beauty & Style

Eli began her aspiring career during her early years at

“Babysat”. She learnt how to design, make and alter

her creations from her inspirational

designer, aunty and mentor. Eli picked

up designing skills from the tender age

of five,

she has natured her interest in

sowing and developed it into a

lasting passion and now a lifestyle

and a career.

Eli is surrounded by a family of dress

makers and this has certainly inspired

her to create her own brand, designing

tailed to fit outfits with a quality fin-

ish. Eli owns her own studio where she

designs and creates magic with materi-

als she finds inspiring. Apart from her

aunty, her mum is also her inspiration

as she used to design and sow most of her clothes in

her younger days. Eli comes from a family of well-

established fashion designers and dress makers.

She has explored all the other fashionable avenues

and she has proven to have a full package. As a de-

signer, she takes pride in the arts, hair and creative

aspects of her models. She works with a large group of

models and Eli is able to ensure each outfit suited on

her models embodies the character and personalities

of that individual. After successfully finishing a Busi-

ness Studies course at college, she enrolled on a fash-

ion course and went on to study Human Resource

Management at university.

Equipped with all the business skills and knowledge,

she went back to her first love of designing and sew-

ing. At the age of 24, Eli has successful launched and

established her own fashion empire called "House of

Aranu" (The House of Great Ideas) in the summer of

2011. The "House" representing her home and family

and "Aranu" meaning Ideas in her native language


She has built a portfolio of designs suitable for the

modern women and her fashion house “HOUSE OF

ARANU” (HOA) has featured in various events includ-

ing the Ghana UK Fashion Show 2012, Miss Edo State

UK 2012, supplied designs for fashion models and styl-

ists, which has been featured in Pride Magazine (May

2013 edition), featured in an interview with the Swa-

team Select Show on Klear TV (Sky channel 232) and

“At Home with Joselyn Dumas” on DS TV, soon to take

part in upcoming events such

as Fashion Mist 2013 Exhibi-

tion, Ghana UK Fashion Show

2013, and many more.

Eli's ideas, styles and de-

signs are ever improving

and moves with the trend

and looks forward to mov-

ing to other business ven-

tures in the very near fu-

ture. If you want a twist in

the modern African de-

signs or looking for a com-

plementary dress for any

occasion or event.

Eli Benedicta Buady 26years


Hi Lorencia, can you tell us all

about yourself

I’m 25yrs old, a British born Gha-

naian –although I am western-

ized, I am still very much in touch

with my roots. I was born and

raised in S/W London and I am

currently working as a recruit-

ment consultant

Did you know exactly what

you wanted to do when you

left school?

When I first left school I really

wanted to get into acting but hav-

ing African parents, that wasn’t

the most ideal option so I went to-

wards the safer option of working

9-5. Acting is still one of my pas-

sions in life.

Would you say your parents

have been a great influence on

you and they way you have

turned out?

To a certain extent, my parents

have always taught me to be re-

spectful to adults and people

around me in general, also they

brought me up in a Christian

home so I would say that they

have been a great influence on the

woman I am today.

What keeps you focused?

Being a Christian and the journey

towards becoming a stronger

Christian and a better person is

what keeps me focused. My Par-

ents and also discovering who I


How would you say you are

discovering who you are?

This seems to be an issue that a

lot of girls are struggling with

I pray to god to give me a better

insight, for guidance. It’s a jour-

ney but I hope that by the time

I’m 30 I would have fully discov-

ered who I really am and be the

women I truly aspire to be.

As a young lady born in June,

do you think you have any

specific qualities based on

your month of birth?

Gemini’s can be quite complex at

times, we have been known to

have double personalities! Some

times I can be very happy and all

of a sudden I can be very quite. I

would say that at times I can be a

very typical Gemini

Excellence, Beauty & Style

Lawrencia Amfo-Asiedu


Describe yourself in 5 ways

I’m very kind and loving

I like to give

I can be quite reserved (if you don’t know me I may

come across as a bit stand-offish

I love my own company

How are you coping with the challenges of being a black woman?

There can be many challenges, as you know there is a negative stereotype of black women. As work I have been told that for a black lady I’m very reserved and well spoken. This negative stereotype has developed from the media, music videos, TV programs which can portray black women as being quite vicious and domi-neering and this gets to me at times.

How do you overcome that?

I tend to let it go and not get offended as I know that I don’t live up that stereotype. Everyone has different traits no matter what race they are. I don’t think its fair to pin point a certain type of behavior or personality type on a specific race.

What advice would you give to young ladies?

Always try to be yourself – everyone is different so don’t try and mirror yourself on anyone else. Love yourself, and remember that confidence is true beauty.

Lorrencia, your words will go a long way, it’s been a pleasure interviewing you today thanks you.





My name is Masue, I’m 25yrs old

and currently in the final year of my

PhD studying Neurology and neuro-


How did you get accepted to do

the PhD without masters!

I did a work placement during the

3rd year of my degree and was lucky

enough to work with some top re-

searches so that meant that I didn't

have to do masters and could go

straight on to a PhD

what interested you about Neu-


The brain is an amazing organ i find

it fascinating so i really wanted to

study it

were you a child who was always

forced to study as a child or is it

something you have chosen to do


My mum always took an interest in

teaching me from home event before

I started school and always had a

way of making studying seem fun. I

guess studying has always been

something I take too easily.

who or what influenced you to

do what you are doing now

My mum has always been a great

influence on me in general but i

think it was the influence of my dad

which led me to the particular choice

of career as he was also a medical

researcher based on Malaria and

Tropical diseases

there aren't many women who

are interested in Science! You

are a beautiful woman, how do

you balance the beauty and

brains, what’s your secret?

Well the beauty side had nothing to

do with me at all! God made me who

I am but as for the

brains, I can say I

probably got the in-

terest in learning

from my parents.

When you reach a certain age, you

have to make a choice if education is

what you want to. Many people

think education stops at 16 or 18 but

for many career paths, you have to

invest allot more time in education

than that- it’s all about dedication

and determination.

How would you describe your-


I am confident, laid back and driven

to achieve at the same time. I love to

socialise and laugh a lot and I love to


Give the girls out their some ad-


Everyone is beautiful in their own

way. it takes some people a while to

discover how they look best in terms

of hair style, finding clothes that suit

them and make up etc. Even if you

are at an awkward stage where you

don't feel you look stunning, don’t

worry, it’s always good to experiment

with different looks to see what suits

you the best. Don't feel like you have

to follow every trend.


has to have

a focus and

be disci-

plined in

life. Dedi-

cate yourself

to an end

goal and do


you can to

achieve it.

Think of

your goals

as 100%


and don't let

anyone tell

you that you

will fail.

Excellence, Beauty & Style Masue Marbiah




Excellence, Beauty & Style

Chyvonne Bright-Brown 27yrs

As you know elegance is celebrating profession-

al women

Currently working in an achievement research cen-

tre for English whiles developing the curriculum in

English Language plus completing a second degree

in English Language. I am also organizing a fund

raising event for Cancer Research

Where did your passion for English and Can-

cer stem from?

I have always being passionate about English from

when I left secondary school, I wasn’t happen with

the level of 16yrs olds who were leaving secondary

school with English as a pass , c grade or above so I

decided to retrain from a Primary School Teacher to

Secondary English teacher and support these girls.

The fund raising event came to me because I have

lost quiet a lot of people to cancer so I wanted to

raise awareness and celebrate the lives that have

been lost over the last ten years and bring to-

gether a Diaspora to creative artists to raise


Is there a show or event being hosted?

I have always seen cancer research adverts and

people do race for life so I wanted to do my own

event to bring creative people around. I wanted

to bring my events coordinating skills together.

Date set for the event is 27th July in Elephant

and Castle, Ticket is £20 and the event is for

young people from 20 upwards as the topic is

very serious.

Challenges faced at work and home?

In my personal life being a black woman isn’t a

problem, but juggling time and trying to maintain a

personal life is proving to be very difficult. I know if

I put the hard work in now I will gain later on and

they would all benefit from it.

What advice will you give to young girls who have

given up on life in general?

I think for a young people the key is;

1. find something you enjoy doing then you find a

sense of purpose and you can turn that into a career

2. Something you will need to reach beyond what is

normal in order to achieve the best so dare to be dif-

ferent. I will say push the bar and go for jobs that

you think may not suit you.

This is why I have been somehow success because I

have gone beyond the odds and the norm and it will

get you further and be willing to volunteer.




Yvonne Adu-Darko How will you describe yourself?

I am pleased to say my name is Yvonne Adu-Darko and I am 26years

and working as a Coordinator. I am an easy going, God loving, funny,

humble, respectful, shy, mindful, caring and kind. I enjoy life and

building life long memories with loved ones and families.

What are your greatest challenges as a young woman?

Although I struggle daily with challenges I can honestly say, is being

more committed to God’s work and staying in line with my personal

goals are my strongest challenges. , how I do my best to daily overcome

these challenges by praying every day before I leave the house, I spend

time doing my quiet time and seek God’s guidance for my life. I practi-

cally make the effort to make more time for church activities. I try to

keep the relationships with friends going as they impact somehow in

my life and with the pressures of work and home; sometime I try to

spend time with friends so I can stay connected to everything happen-

ing around me.

What keeps you focus?

Hand on my heart my God will never fail me; he is

my focus and my passion. I stay connected to him

and I know I can be the best He wants me to be.

My mother is my strength and I appreciate every

word she says to me.

What inspires you?

I am extremely focused on my culture. I am happy

to be a Ghanaian born. My mother has thought me

to love my culture because it is who I am. I can

honestly say I know who I am and where I came

from and where I am today is a result of that. I al-

ways keep a reminder of my past at my bedside so

each morning it acts as a reminder to stray me in

the path that I need to be in. I don’t want to get

myself entangled in anything that would harm or

destroy my family name because “a good name is

better than riches”.

What advice would you give to young girls?

My advice to every person reading this magazine is

life is full of ups and downs, you may be happy one

moment but the next be extremely sad. So don’t

expect everything to be rosy and easy. You need to

work hard to achieve that dream. Another this is

its not how you start this life but how you end it, so

now you may be young, full of life and yet not do-

ing the will of God over your life. Get yourself

straight, build the relationships around you and

make all the memories you leave behind be a lega-

cy for you.




I am Liberian born but consider myself to be British/

Liberian. I’m 26 and live in S/W London and currently

work in Marketing and business development for a Law

firm in London

Wow your job sounds impressive; tell us how you got to

where you are

well I studied Marketing Management at DeMontfort

University in Leicester, I graduated at the start of the

recession because of this I struggled to find marketing

jobs so went on to work at the home office as a case work-

er. From there I worked my way into marketing through

perseverance and that’s how I got to where I am today. I

think the main thing that helped me was my work expe-

rience gap year at university - I would really recommend


Do you think the working gap year made a difference to

your prospects?

I didn't do that then I would have come out of university

with no experience like so many others and that is never

a good thing.

How would you describe yourself?

I am a motivated and confident individual. I think if you

are confident then you radiate positivity and that to me

is the best way to live.

What are your biggest challenges as a strong woman?

There are so many challenges for most young women

these days- especially in 2013

the western world these days.

Generally, pressure coming

from people expecting you to

look and act in a certain way.

How do you overcome the chal-


Coming from a family like mine,

my mum has always been a

good support. Being a Christian

also helps because i know there

is a greater power that you can

rely on everyday

So you mentioned your mum

but didn't say anything about

your father?

My dad passed away sadly

People say that without a dads influence, children tend to

stray away, how did you managed to stay so focused and

get to where you are today?

Only through the grace of God! because my dad actually

passed away when I was in my 3rd year of University

which of course you know is a very important time but i

still made it through - by the grace if God and the

strength of my Mother

Can you tell us a bit more about your mother?

Well she's a wonderful woman, always there for my sister

and I through thick and thin, she has worked hard and

provided for us and done so many amazing things, I am

forever grateful for her.

What advice would you give to other girls out there who

tend not to take advice from others such s their parents?

I would say respect your parents and listen to their ad-

vice because they always know best. it took me a long

time to realize that and it’s a hard thing to admit but its

so true and as they say, you will probably only really re-

alise how much your parents mean to you after you have

your own kids.

That was very inspiring! Please give us 3 things that you

think will help young ladies out there

Self belief, confidence and most of all being a God fearing


KWADOI Marbiah



itting in the tram on

my way to work, I

see a young girl of

about 5 years speaking

French with her mother in

the tram. This child seemed

pleased to be communicating

her with her mother and she

sounded confident and I could

see the pride in her mother’s


Then I saw another woman

who spoke her native tongue

on the phone but when her

daughter was chatting with

her, she spoke English. I then

concluded that this woman

has short changed her child

because she has failed to pass

her heritage to her child. Her

child could one day ask her

why she failed to teach her

the native language.

Are you a British African,

British Caribbean, British

Indian or British born Mixed?

If you come from another

country but are a British, I

will advice that you feel

proud of your culture and let

that be seen. We live in a

multi-cultural society. Until

you become proud of your

history and culture, you will

never appreciate your present

so begin to embrace your cul-


Your culture is who you

are and it doesn't change you

as a person it only helps you

understand where you came

from and it will certainly help

you measure where you want

to go.

Life is not a race so don't feel

shy of asking the questions,

for if you don't ask you will

never get the answers. Who

are you? Where are you from?

What is your history and

what part does it play in your


Infuse your culture with your

personal style. Let your cul-

ture speak for you in what

you wear. A traditional wear

speaks volume of a confident

and self knowing person. Add

a modern twist to your tradi-

tional style and show off your

personality and your culture.

You are a flawless personality

so don't lose your culture .

Embrace your culture and

love it for it is who you are.



If you lose your culture,

you lose yourself and it

takes years and time to

find it. Ask the right ques-

tions today and get the

answers .



Daniella Osei Nana Akua

Looks flawless with this maxi summer dress. The flower detailed on the side draws attention to the small waist.

Combine the traditional accessories and mod-ern styles to complete Daniella’s simple and chic look.


Anita Osei Obaa Yaa Kunadu

Take the elegant traditional style of a decorated top and skirt and add your personal style of a gold bow and one sleeve.

To accessories the look, just add some sil-ver or gold bracelets.


Get tailed designer clothes made to fit just you and your personality

For a consultation please contact House of Aranu

Email: [email protected]

Face book:

Telephone: +44 (0) 79 8400 4748

+ 44 (0) 79 4683 8057

“Whatever your shape or size, a woman should always seek to wear clothes that flatter her curves”


Relationships are guarded with rhe-

torical non stated rules. These rules

define or defile the existence of the

relationship. The beauty about

building a common mutual, lasting

friendship and partnership lies in

this. You can’t build a relation with

anyone if you don’t go into the ship

of life. The ship signifies the strug-

gles, challenges and the ‘getting to

know each other period’. In the

ship, you discover yourself, your

personalities and also your partner

and friend. The destination of this

ship is marriage.

What are the untold roles in a rela-


Be Supportive

A secret attitude I took from my

mother, give people the benefit of a

doubt. Take

time to under-

stand the pas-

sions and de-

sires of your

partner and if

possible try and

see things from

their point of

view. Before you conclude or make

an assumption please give him a

chance and if you are insecure de-

liberately take part so you can give

your option in love.

Be Confident

Being confident doesn’t mean being

loud or aggressive. If your partner

knows how confident you are it

somehow relaxes him. A confident

lady knows who she is inwardly and

she exudes charm, charisma and

clarity. Trust me it is a rare quality

to have and your partner know this.

I have always being confident and I

never hid it in fact it was my

strongest weapon.

Be Open Minded

Going into a relation with a close

mindset is stupid. You need to un-

derstand that the person you aim to

build the relationship with is com-

pletely different to you. They be-

long to a different family, they may

have some things in common with

you abut they are not you. Being

open allows you to see his weak-

ness, strengths, vulnerable sides. It

allows you to speak to each other in

love. I must say it took me a while

to understand this.

Be a Goddess

A goddess is beautiful, flawless,

caring, loving, understanding, pow-

erful, determined and above all they

controlled their lovers. You have

the power of influence; you can get

whatever you want from a man just

by being a goddess. If you treat him

like a king, a new born baby and a

man you will never feel insecure

because he will do whatever it

takes just to please you. The secret

here is to determine to love him –

the best way to do this is to daily

renew your love for him even when

he does you wrong.

DO’s & Don’ts


Here are things to avoid :

Don’t give up your past

I used to make that silly mistake of

telling prospective partners about

my past. Usually it begins with them

asking me a simple question like

“so tell me about yourself?”

Of course he/she knows you have a

past and that is part of your identity

and definitely will be part of you so

don’t rush into tell him all about

your failed relationships. Don’t seek

for sympathy; just leave the past in

the past. I am not saying that you

should lie or not tell them. All I am

saying is that you give the relation-

ship the chance to develop without

any preconceived image of you.

Don’t get too comfortable

When I was single, I was extremely

flamboyant. I spend time and hours

getting myself beautified for a night

out. The fact that he is in a rela-

tionship with you doesn’t mean you

should get comfortable and forget

how to look good and impress him.

At home look your best, dress up to

make him proud to be yours. Give

him the opportunity to always

remember you. Don’t get too

comfortable and forget what he

likes and doesn’t like.

Don’t be insecure

Get rid of insecurity, self doubt,

lack of confidence and low self es-

teem. A woman with these negative

attitudes logged in her will never

feel safe with a man. I will suggest

that you get professional counseling

or speak with a trusted mentor and

let them help you get over these. If

you enter a relationship with these

qualities, I promise you, there will

always be issues and you will not

experience real love.

Don’t let your heart rule

your head

To be in love doesn’t mean you lose

your sense of reason. You got to

use common sense to overcome

some silly issues which arises in a

relationship. Don’t through away

years of memories with friends and

family because you are in love. Be-

cause you don’t know the future, I

will say be careful and guard your

heart as once it’s broken it may or

may not heal.

Don’t rush it – love comes

when you’re not expecting it

Anything began in a hurry without

preparation and planning won’t last.

Take your time to get to know him

and understand his background,

family and friends. These will play a

significant part in the relationship

so take your time to learn.

Don’t pretend or fake it

Be yourself! Smile don’t smile, it’s

all you so be you every time you

are together. Don’t hind behind

masks, made up foundations and

others because it won’t work.

Don’t be too generous

Money is a sensitive issue, so don’t

ever build your relationship with it.

You are allowed to be generous and

be willing to help your partner if

you can but do not break you bank

just to make him love or appreciate

you. If you are constantly giving

then there is an issue and you

should learn to say “No”. You can

test the heart of your partner by

using money as the bait. If he loves

you, he won’t expect you to always

get him out of his financial mess but

rather seek for your approval be-

fore he makes financial commit-

ments. Don’t give up your credit

DO’s & Don’ts



Spring clean your style and your makeup bag with

flawless colours that draws attention. Try peach &

Love for a romantic effect. Adding a touch of col-

our to your personality brings healing and it’s ther-

apeutic to the mind and the heart. A single touch of

colour makes you sexy inside and outside.

Let us introduce you to three elegant pieces that

should be added to your personal style. Draw atten-

tion to yourself this summer with and get noticed

with a feminine scarf, a shimmery shine lip gloss

and soft colourful nails.

A Feminine Scarf

Scarves have always being an elegant accessory. It

adds a flawless touch to every simple look. A scarf

elongates your neck and gives a sensual appeal to

your neck. It makes you feel confident, bold, pow-

erful and in control. The flowery soft material

around your neck certainly makes you standout in a

large crowd.

The best thing is, a scarf is a timeless, limitless and

space less accessory. It can be worn as an addition-

al accessory over a boring plain office style or a

glamorous evening wear.


Feminine Touch of Lip Gloss

A shimmery smile with a touch of gloss gives off

sex and love. Choosing and knowing the best colours

to wear is as important as it pops your lips for the

right occasion. Your lips are your first key impres-

sion - it is visible for all to see during you communi-


If you leave your lips blunt, dull and boring, they

make you uncomfortable and you lose your respect,

reputation and creditability.

Before words are spoken why not decorate your lips

with a touch of gloss. Choose fierce colours like

peach, pink, plain and clear gloss.

A Feminine Touch of Nail Vanish

Your nails need to be sparkled up. Bring some col-

ours to your nails this summer and get them look-

ing beautiful and pleasant. Getting your nails paint-

ed or using already created nails to add colour

makes you happy inside and out. You don’t need to

let your toes or your finger nails suffer the burns

of the autumn weather but bring them some seri-

ous attention by adding a slash of colour.




Tel: 0756030099




Summer’s is here put your favor-

ite music on and dance your

flawless body into shape.

How do you get toned and in

shape for the summer holidays?

Simple Homexercise routines

will get you sorted and on your


The best thing about the Homex-

ercise program is that you cre-

ate your own routine base on

your personality and your style.

Simple routines from the mo-

ment you wake up to the last

moment you lay down to sleep,

we can teach you simple tech-

niques that will help you get into


Morning: In your bed

Spread your legs wide and lift

your top

body up –

repeat this

8 times to


your heart


Sitting up with legs wide apart,

touch both legs from side to side

– repeat 8 times

until you heart

starts to beat fast-


Bath Time – Inside

the bath/shower

Bend your knees

and move your

waist down in a squat position.

Lift yourself up and down with

the water running until you feel

yourself out of breath. Complete

up to 30squates before coming

out of the bath.

In bedroom – applying cream to

your body

Put your legs

up and stretch

your arms to

your toes – re-

peat 10 for

both legs

Lift your right arm and stretch

over your shoulder and stretch it

over your shoulder

In the Kitchen – Cooking, Chop-

ping & Washing the dishes

Put music on and swing your

hips to the music. Swing, squat

and shake your body to the mu-

sic as you cook the family din-


Add 20 star jumps

Lift and touch your knees

Shake your hips and stretch


Feel free to add your own style

to these routines they are easy

Homexercise for you to enjoy

and love



Brain Develop-ment:

If I told you mushrooms are good for

your brain and physical development.

Will you believe me? No! But it’s the

truth, they are full of natural goodness

which is good for the development of

your immune system. It can be eaten

cooked or raw.

Mushroom are a great source of protein

so try this in a nice dish and see the


The dietary fibre in mushrooms also

helps promote good bowel function and

Weight Loss Would you believe me if I say that a

totally lean protein diet is ideal for los-

ing fat and building muscle mass? Per-

haps no! But it is true. A lot of fats are

burnt to digest (break-down) proteins

in the food, more so when the protein

is accompanied by a very low carbohy-

drate, zero fats and cholesterol and a

good amount of fibre. This is exactly

what mushrooms offer.

No Calories They’re naturally low in kilojoules and

fat, with only about 80 to 120 kilojoules

per 80 gram serving, depending on the


Mushrooms themselves provide you

with lean proteins as they have zero

cholesterol, fats and very low carbohy-


The fibre and certain enzymes in them

also help lower cholesterol level. More-

over, the high lean protein content in

mushrooms helps burn cholesterol

when they are digested.

Natural source of Protein & Minerals Many varieties of contain

proteins, carbohydrates, vita-

mins, trace elements, beta-

glucans (sugar molecules)

and naturally-occurring plant

compounds like sterols, phe-

nols, and terponoids, which

are all known to have health


Mushrooms may also be a good source of Vitamin

D, which is not found in many food sources. They

contain a compound called ergosterol that con-

verts to Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. A

very popular mushroom variety, white or button

mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) has been found to

contain an abundance of ergosterol.


As part of the experience we ask you take 5 days a

week routine.


Mushroom on Toast with a lovely cup of tea

Fresh tomatoes, mushroom & Scrambled eggs sea-

soned with basil


Sandwich filled with chopped mushroom, sweet corn

and tuna

Roasted bread topped with chicken, mushroom &


Roasted tomato, cheese and mushroom served with

French bread


Jolloff / Rice or pasta served with stir fried sweet pep-

pers and mushroom

Roast potatoes, seasoned roast chicken filled with

mushrooms and red chilly peppers.

Mushroom Bagel

Mushrooms on Toast


4 WEEKS Challenge—Add a portion to

your meal


At this years “Rhythm on the Runway 2013” in Ghana West Africa at the Golden Tulip, Ophelia’s designs brought colour and life to the

show. Her choice of design stem from her designer husband Kofi Okyere Darko and daughter.

Her passion for arts comes from her grandmother who was a fashion designer and schooled at Vogue Style School of Fashion and De-

sign. As a wife and mother she always devotes her creations to them. She began her designing career in 2004 after graduating from


Ophelia began her collections with her kids clothing which she dedicated to her loving daughter. The child line is called “Ohemaa Kids


To locate Ophelia in Ghana you must locate her at:

Sarahs fabrics in Osu Accra, Ghana. Behind the Penta Hotel

Telephone +0050 0758 5856

Email her at: [email protected]

Face book: Ophelia Crossland


Get the latest hairstyles at af-fordable prices.

We only give the best customer service to all our clients.

HENRY’S BARBERS Hairdresser—Diana

079846 75857

075333 76079

Located at:

1336a London Road


SW16 4DG

Meet Eunice Elegance Fitness and

Heath Editor and creator of the

Homexercise routines.

She a qualified Fitness trainer and

offers consultations and diet advice.

Do you want to lose weight and stay

fit for the summer? Are you too busy

for the gym? Do you want help with

your body weight

If you want support and advice on

the best weight loss and fat burning

techniques contact Eunice at:

[email protected]


Excellence, Beauty & Style

It feels like just yesterday when I was single, free and inde-

pendent without a care in the world. Now I am married to a hand-

some man and a mother to a beautiful outgoing girl. It’s strange

how time can change a person. I am certainly a witness to this

because I was not one who was desperately looking for love or a

relationship. As a matter of fact when I was single, I was busy

looking for opportunities to enjoy myself, expand my career and

build my future. I never thought I would be at the point where I

had to stop and see things from the perspective of another per-


It saddens my heart and when I read books and hear stories

about people who are desperately searching for love and hating

being single. My deal reader, please see read this and have a

change of mind. To those who are searching for love, I will say,

let love go and live your life because love comes when you are

not expecting it. Being single is a blessing cos you are supposed

to create memories and collect these life stories to tell your part-

ner and your children. Enjoy your days as a single woman and

feel confident that you will not be single forever.

Single people are not all selfish but being single makes you self-

ish. When I was single I could do no wrong because I answered

to myself. My choices and decisions were for my benefits. My

time was my precious jewel so I daily built on it. I was constantly

breaking set rules and making new ones. I built my character, my

personality and my career when I was single and now I am enjoy-

ing the benefits. I understood who I was and what my purpose

was when I was a single lady. I never let any bad relationship

break me or change my personality. When I was dating my hus-

band, he was made aware of this, not in words but my actions. I

never lost my identity to him during courtship because he was not

mine. Being single maybe daunting and sometime quite boring

but you must try and get out there. I learnt the hard way by appre-

ciating my own company and taking myself out on regular dates

after all I was single and supposed to be selfish. I find myself in

now although married enjoying my own company and this has

certainly made me a better mother to my child.

I used to pamper myself every month on payday by going shop-

ping for expensive latest perfumes and shoes. I was able to save

and go on crazy wild adventures each time I needed a break

away from my boring life. Funny thing, I stayed focused with God

and I felt my relationship with God grew a lot more when I was


I dare and challenge you to get excited about being single.

Send me your crazy single stories and share your adventures

with me at [email protected]



Exams are now and officially over! Yah!

Bring on summer break. I can’t wait!

I put all my life on hold so I could complete the GCSE’s, A-Levels and University Exams. Exams are extremely stressful and definitely self motivating. Now they are over there are 5 main things I will like to do over the summer period.

Here are my 5 Spring into summer memories for my 2013 dairy.

Spring into summer

Prepare for Prom & Graduation The fun begins with plan-ning for the prom or the graduation. The excite-ment and release of these events begins with looking for the best colour to wear.

It’s all about the dress. Finding the best dress and the best style to fit your personality is essential.

The next thing is getting your make up and accessories on point.

Graduation Prom night will certainly be a night to remem-ber.……

Plan a getaway trip The best way to release stress after an exam is to plan a getaway trip.

A lovely retreat away from your usual lifestyle is the best solution to distress and calm your nerves.

A 3 days or 5days vacation will help you get ex-cited about the next phase of your life.


Have a girls outing and Sleepover One thing to know is you and your girls may potentially sepa-rate after the summer break so plan a very girly night out and a sleepover.

Create a full day of pampering with cupcakes and chocolates. Add some romantic movies and ice creams and that will be the perfect event.

Get an Apprenticeship / Vocational Work experience

To boost your confidence and your self esteem, an apprentice or summer voca-tional work experience will help get you ready. Due to the large volume of stu-dents graduating and starting University and College, I will advice that you set a target to complete and gain at least a six months to one year apprenticeship or voluntary service skills.

You set yourself apart as an employable candidate and by volunteering and getting the experience you develop yourself and your CV will certainly standout.

Enjoy the Summer You cannot let the summer go without enjoying the very best of it.

Take to the beach, go out with family, have a barbeque, plan a summer fair party.

Whatever crazy ideas you get, do them and create lasting memories for the rest of the year and for 2014.

Summer goes and goes quickly so make the most of it!!


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